83 research outputs found

    Dynamic energy-aware scheduling for parallel task-based application in cloud computing

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    Green Computing is a recent trend in computer science, which tries to reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint produced by computers on distributed platforms such as clusters, grids, and clouds. Traditional scheduling solutions attempt to minimize processing times without taking into account the energetic cost. One of the methods for reducing energy consumption is providing scheduling policies in order to allocate tasks on specific resources that impact over the processing times and energy consumption. In this paper, we propose a real-time dynamic scheduling system to execute efficiently task-based applications on distributed computing platforms in order to minimize the energy consumption. Scheduling tasks on multiprocessors is a well known NP-hard problem and optimal solution of these problems is not feasible, we present a polynomial-time algorithm that combines a set of heuristic rules and a resource allocation technique in order to get good solutions on an affordable time scale. The proposed algorithm minimizes a multi-objective function which combines the energy-consumption and execution time according to the energy-performance importance factor provided by the resource provider or user, also taking into account sequence-dependent setup times between tasks, setup times and down times for virtual machines (VM) and energy profiles for different architectures. A prototype implementation of the scheduler has been tested with different kinds of DAG generated at random as well as on real task-based COMPSs applications. We have tested the system with different size instances and importance factors, and we have evaluated which combination provides a better solution and energy savings. Moreover, we have also evaluated the introduced overhead by measuring the time for getting the scheduling solutions for a different number of tasks, kinds of DAG, and resources, concluding that our method is suitable for run-time scheduling.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (contracts TIN2015-65316-P, TIN2012-34557, CSD2007-00050, CAC2007-00052 and SEV-2011-00067), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contract 2014-SGR-1051), by the European Commission (Euroserver project, contract 610456) and by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología of Mexico (special program for postdoctoral position BSC-CNS-CONACYT contract 290790, grant number 265937).Peer ReviewedAward-winningPostprint (published version

    Eleocharis bonariensis Nees en el suroccidente europeo : distribución y diferencias frente a Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roemer & Schultes

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    Se hace un estudio comparativo entre los caracteres morfológicos de Eleocharis bonariensis Nees y Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roemer & Schultes. Así mismo, se indica el área de distribución en Europa del primero, aportando nuevas citas en la vertiente mediterránea.A comparison between the morphological characters of Eleocharis bonariensis Nees and Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roemer & Schultes is reported. The distribution of Eleocharis binariensis Nees in Southwestern Europe is comented, pointing out new records of this species for the Mediterranean [email protected]

    Aeropalinologia e polinoses

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    La revista Salud Ambiental dedicó su monográfico de junio de 2016 a la Aerobiología, desde entonces, en este periodo de tiempo la Sociedad Española de Aerobiología (AEA) y la Sociedad Española de Sanidad Ambiental (SESA) han firmado una convenio de colaboración mediante el cual la revista Salud Ambiental también es en el órgano de difusión de las investigaciones que se realizan desde AEA. La idea de promover este nuevo monográfico dedicado a la Aerobiología tiene como finalidad dar adecuada difusión a este acuerdo, estimular a los miembros de AEA a la utilización de la Revista, y favorecer la integración de los miembros de ambas sociedades, impulsando el desarrollo de los estudios aerobiológicos orientados a mejorar la calidad del aire ambiente en nuestro país

    Primeira abordagem para a caracterização do espectro polínico e da presença de Sal k 1 na atmosfera de Alcázar de San Juan (Cidade Real)

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    This work presents a first approximation to knowing the atmospheric pollen spectrum and the concentration of the Sal k 1 allergen in Alcazar de San Juan (Ciudad Real, Spain) based on the results obtained in the year 2016. The concentration of allergen, the main pollen types present in the air, their principal periods of pollination and the relationship between daily pollen concentrations and meteorological variables have been determined.The results highlight the presence of 19 pollen types, the predominant ones being Amaranthaceae, Cupressaceae, Pinus, Plantago, Platanus, Poaceae, Quercus y Olea, whose concentrations amount to 96.6 % of total pollen. Most of these pollen types have a pollination period from March to June except Amaranthaceae and Cupressaceae. Olea pollen has the highest Annual Pollen Integral (9,152 pollen/m3 and year), with a daily peak value of 902 pollen grain/m3 (reached in June). The study of the relationship between daily pollen concentrations and meteorological variables reveals a positive and significant correlation with temperature and a negative correlation with precipitation and humidity.The presence of the Sal k 1 allergen in the atmosphere has been detected from June to September, with a significant and positive correlation of the allergen with the Amaranthaceae pollen type.Three periods of allergy risk have been established: the first one, during autumn and winter, due to the Cupressaceae pollen type; the second one in spring, owing to the Platanus, Olea, and Poaceae pollen types; and the third one in late summer, as a result of the Amaranthaceae pollen type.Se presenta una primera aproximación al conocimiento del espectro polínico atmosférico y concentración de alérgeno Sal k 1 en Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real) basada en los resultados obtenidos en 2016. Se ha determinado la concentración de alérgeno, los principales tipos polínicos presentes en el aire, periodos de polinización y la relación entre las concentraciones diarias de polen y las variables meteorológicas. Los resultados muestran la presencia de 19 tipos polínicos, siendo predominantes Amaranthaceae, Cupressaceae, Pinus, Plantago, Platanus, Poaceae, Quercus y Olea, cuyas concentraciones representan el 96,6 % del polen total. La mayoría presenta un periodo de polinización que va de marzo a junio a excepción del polen de Amaranthaceae que tiene su óptimo a finales del verano y Cupressaceae en invierno. El polen de Olea es el más abundante (Integral Anual: 9152 polen/m3 y año) con un día pico de 902 granos de polen/m3 en junio. El estudio de la relación entre las concentraciones diarias de polen y las variables meteorológicas muestra una correlación positiva y significativa con la temperatura y las horas de sol y negativa con la precipitación y la humedad.La presencia del alérgeno Sal k 1 se detecta desde junio a septiembre, existiendo una correlación significativa y positiva entre concentraciones del alérgeno y polen de Amaranthaceae. Respecto al polen alergénico, se han establecido tres periodos de riesgo de alergia: el primero, durante el otoño e invierno por el polen de Cupressaceae, el segundo en primavera con los tipos polínicos Platanus, Olea y Poaceae y el tercero a finales de verano por Amaranthaceae.Este trabalho apresenta uma primeira abordagem para o conhecimento do espectro polínico atmosférico e da concentração do alergénio Sal k 1 em Alcázar de San Juan (Cidade Real), com base nos resultados obtidos em 2016. Determinou-se a concentração do alergénio, os principais tipos de pólen presentes no ar, os períodos de polinização e a relação entre as concentrações diárias de pólen e as variáveis meteorológicas.Os resultados mostram a presença de 19 tipos de pólen, com predominância de Amaranthaceae, Cupressaceae, Pinus, Plantago, Platanus, Poaceae, Quercus e Olea, cujas concentrações representam 96,6 % do pólen total. A maioria apresenta um período de polinização que vai de março a junho, exceto o pólen de Amaranthaceae (final do verão) e ode Cupressaceae (inverno). O pólen de Olea é o mais abundante (Integral Anual: 9.152 pólen /m3 e ano) com um dia pico de 902 grãos de pólen/m3 em junho. O estudo da relação entre as concentrações diárias de pólen e as variáveis meteorológicas mostra uma correlação significativa e positiva com a temperatura e as horas de sol e negativa com a precipitação e a humidade.A presença do alergénio Sal k 1 é detetada de junho a setembro, com uma correlação significativa e positiva entre as concentrações de alergénios e o pólen de Amaranthaceae. Relativamente ao pólen alergénico, estabeleceram-se três períodos de riscos de alergia: o primeiro durante o outono e inverno devido ao pólen de Cupressaceae, o segundo na primavera com os tipos polínicos Platanus, Olea e Poaceae e o terceiro no final do verão causado pelo pólen de Amaranthaceae

    Biological-based and remote sensing techniques to link vegetative and reproductive development and assess pollen emission in Mediterranean grasses

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    Connecting the signals of the vegetative and reproductive cycles of plants using large-scale phenological techniques is not always an easy task, and this complexity increases considerably when analysing the plant life cycle in grasses, due to the ubiquity and diversity of this taxonomic family. This work integrates remote sensing techniques (NDVI from satellite remote sensing data and greenness from near-surface imagery) and biologicalbased techniques (airborne pollen monitoring and field observations and sampling) to analyse phenological patterns and productivity in grass-dominated vegetation types. We aim to answer two main applied and unanswered questions; i) how are the specific phases of vegetative and reproductive cycles in grasses linked at the species and plant community level? and ii) which grass-dominant habitats are the major contributors of grass pollen emission to the atmosphere at the plant community level? The multi-scale integration and validation of large-scale methods such as satellite remote sensing data and aerobiological monitoring using high-resolution or field phenological techniques is recommended. The results clearly support the hypothesis that the highest rates of grass pollen emission are successively produced when the major grass-dominated vegetation types go through the final phases of vegetative development during their biological senescence or equivalent phases. At the plant community level, natural and semi-natural grass-dominated vegetation types, rather than grass cropland habitats, constitute the major sources of pollen emission. The major contributors to the grass pollen emission at the species level are also identified. Finally, a positive relationship between year-to-year primary productivity (measured as annual sum or maximum NDVI) and pollen production (measured as airborne pollen intensity) was observed at the community level. This is a very timely study, as the availability of remote sensing data is increasing interest in generating enhanced forecasting model of allergenic airborne pollen

    Flora ornamental e potencial alergénico dos espaços verdes urbanos. Comparação entre parques da cidade de Toledo

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    Urban green spaces are important elements providing environmental, social and economic benefits to the population. Nevertheless, allergenicity is not taken into account in selecting species for urban green spaces. In this paper, the Urban Green Zone Allergenicity Index (IUGZA) has been calculated for the main parks in the town of Toledo . The ultimate purpose of this paper is to assess these spaces’ potential allergenicity and to identify the most important contributors (species) to the index. The results show that elms (family Ulmaceae) are the most abundant trees, whereas plane trees (Platanus orientalis var. acerifolia) and cypresses (family Cupressaceae) are the most relevant contributors to the IUGZA because of their potential allergenicity. A moderate IUGZA value (0.3-0.5) was obtained in the three parks with the highest tree density. On the other hand, a low index value (< 0.3) was obtained in the other two parks under consideration, in correspondence with their low tree density and the combination of exotic and native ornamental species. It would advisable when designing new green spaces to combine different species, avoiding large monospecifc surface areas, and to use entomophilous species with low allergenic potential in order to reduce the allergenic risk.Los espacios verdes urbanos aportan numerosos beneficios ambientales, sociales y económicos para la población. Sin embargo, en la elección de las especies que se emplean en parques y jardines no se suele considerar su alergenicidad, lo que supone un riesgo para la población alérgica. En este trabajo se ha calculado, teniendo en cuenta la composición florística y otros parámetros, el índice de alergenicidad potencial (IUGZA) en los principales parques de la ciudad de Toledo, con el fin de valorar su potencial alergénico e identificar las especies que más contribuyen a incrementar el valor de este índice. Los resultados muestran que los olmos (familia Ulmaceae) son los árboles más abundantes en los parques de Toledo, y que la contribución más importante al índice de alergenicidad potencial, procede de los plátanos de sombra, y de los cipreses y arizónicas (familia Cupressaceae), debido a su elevado potencial alergénico. De los cinco parques estudiados, en los tres con mayor densidad arbórea, se ha obtenido un valor de IUGZA medio (0,3-0,5). Mientras que, en los dos restantes, los valores del índice obtenidos han sido bajos (< 0,3), en correspondencia con su baja densidad de árboles y con una combinación de especies ornamentales exóticas y autóctonas. En el diseño de nuevos espacios verdes es recomendable combinar el uso de diferentes especies, evitando grandes superficies de una única especie y utilizar especies entomófilas y de bajo potencial alergénico para disminuir el riesgo alergénico.Os espaços verdes urbanos representam numerosos benefícios ambientais, sociais e económicos para a população. No entanto, a projeção desses espaços geralmente não considera o potencial alergénico das espécies selecionadas, facto que significa um risco para a população alérgica. Neste trabalho calculou-se, tendo em conta a composição florística e outros parâmetros, o Índice de Alergenicidade Potencial (IUGZA) nos principais parques da cidade de Toledo, com o objetivo de avaliar o seu potencial alergénico e identificar as espécies que mais contribuem para aumentar o valor deste índice. Os resultados mostram que os olmos (família Ulmaceae) são as árvores mais abundantes nos parques de Toledo e que a contribuição mais importante para o índice de alergenicidade potencial tem origem nos plátanos de sombra e nos ciprestes e arizónicas (família Cupressaceae), devido ao seu elevado potencial alergénico. Nos três parques com maior densidade arbórea, obteve-se um valor IUGZA médio (0,3-0,5). Enquanto, nos restantes dois, os valores do índice obtidos foram baixos (< 0,3), em consequência da sua baixa densidade arbórea e da combinação de espécies ornamentais exóticas e autocnes. Na fase de projeção de novos espaços verdes, visando a diminuição do risco alergénico, é aconselhável o uso de diferentes espécies, evitar a existência de grandes áreas com uma única espécie, bem como, usar espécies com polinização entomófila e baixo potencial alergénico

    Ornamental Flora and Allergenic Potential in Urban Green Spaces. Comparison in Parks of the Town of Toledo

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    Urban green spaces are important elements providing environmental, social and economic benefits to the population. Nevertheless, allergenicity is not taken into account in selecting species for urban green spaces. In this paper, the Urban Green Zone Allergenicity Index (IUGZA) has been calculated for the main parks in the town of Toledo . The ultimate purpose of this paper is to assess these spaces’ potential allergenicity and to identify the most important contributors (species) to the index. The results show that elms (family Ulmaceae) are the most abundant trees, whereas plane trees (Platanus orientalis var. acerifolia) and cypresses (family Cupressaceae) are the most relevant contributors to the IUGZA because of their potential allergenicity. A moderate IUGZA value (0.3-0.5) was obtained in the three parks with the highest tree density. On the other hand, a low index value (< 0.3) was obtained in the other two parks under consideration, in correspondence with their low tree density and the combination of exotic and native ornamental species. It would advisable when designing new green spaces to combine different species, avoiding large monospecifc surface areas, and to use entomophilous species with low allergenic potential in order to reduce the allergenic risk