2,605 research outputs found

    Aspectos culturales anglosajones en la enseñanza del inglés

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    Hace tan solo unas décadas ha comenzado a tener relevancia, dentro de la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras, el tratamiento de los aspectos culturales. En el presente trabajo se pretende analizar en primer lugar, la importancia de introducir dichos aspectos culturales en la enseñanza del inglés y cómo se han ido incorporando a lo largo de la historia en el proceso de E/A. En segundo lugar, se analizan también tanto las dificultades que ello conlleva, como los beneficios que aporta en la adquisición de una segunda lengua. Por último se trata de poner de relieve el papel fundamental que juega el profesorado a la hora de trabajar de forma integral tanto los aspectos lingüísticos como los culturales propios de la lengua inglesa. Una vez analizado todo ello, se pasa a realizar una revisión de los materiales didácticos propuestos para el segundo y tercer curso de educación primaria por cuatro editoriales diferentes al mismo tiempo que se ofrecen unas posibles pautas de análisis para guiar al profesorado en la selección de libros de texto teniendo en cuenta el tratamiento que se da al componente cultural en cada uno de ellosGrado en Educación Primari

    Design of a Multipurpose Photonic Chip Architecture for THz Dual-Comb Spectrometers

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Terahertz Sensing and Imaging Technologies.In this work, we present a multipurpose photonic integrated circuit capable of generating multiheterodyne complex Dual-Combs (DC) THz signals. Our work focuses on translating the functionality of an electro-optic tunable DC system into a photonic chip employing standard building blocks to ensure the scalability and cost efficiency of the integrated device. The architecture we analyze for integration is based on three stages: a seed comb, a mode selection stage and a DC stage. This final DC stage includes a frequency shifter, a key element to improve the final detection of the THz signals and obtain real-time operation. This investigation covers three key aspects: (1) a solution for comb line selection on GHz spaced combs using OIL or OPLL on photonic chips is studied and evaluated, (2) a simple and versatile scheme to produce a frequency shift using the double sideband suppressed carrier modulation technique and an asymmetric Mach Zehnder Interferometer to filter one of the sidebands is proposed, and (3) a multipurpose architecture that can offer a versatile effective device, moving from application-specific PICs to general-purpose PICs. Using the building blocks (BBs) available from an InP-based foundry, we obtained simulations that offer a high-quality Dual-Comb frequency shifted signal with a side mode suppression ratio around 21 dB, and 41 dB after photodetection with an intermediate frequency of 1 MHz. We tested our system to generate a Dual-Comb with 10 kHz of frequency spacing and an OOK modulation with 5 Gbps which can be down-converted to the THz range by a square law detector. It is also important to note that the presented architecture is multipurpose and can also be applied to THz communications. This design is a step to enable a commercial THz photonic chip for multiple applications such as THz spectroscopy, THz multispectral imaging and THz telecommunications and offers the possibility of being fabricated in a multi-project wafer.This research was supported by Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the EU H2020 Celta project under Grant Agreement 675683, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Project TEC2017-86271-R and by the ATTRACT project funded by the EC under Grant Agreement 777222

    The assurance of professional liability in practice of the podiatry

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    El seguro de responsabilidad civil profesional es un requisito obligatorio para la práctica de la podología en el sector privado, también es muy recomendable tenerlo aunque únicamente se trabaje en la asistencia sanitaria pública. Es un producto asegurador que cubre los daños producidos a pacientes debidos al ejercicio profesional, y también la defensa jurídica en esa circunstancia. No todos los seguros de responsabilidad civil profesional que hay en el mercado son similares, hay diferencias importantes que pueden condicionar su adecuación a nuestra actividad. Existen una serie de datos que necesariamente tenemos que conocer sobre nuestro seguro de responsabilidad si es colectivo o individual (el hecho de que se contrate a través de un Colegio Profesional no implica necesariamente que sea colectivo), si tenemos más de un seguro cubriendo la misma actividad, si nuestra sociedad en caso de tenerla está asegurada, si nuestro seguro cubre todas nuestras actividades profesionales, si la cobertura económica es suficiente y si existen franquicias, qué ocurrirá cuando dejemos de trabajar como podólogos, y, por último, asegurarnos de que no existan periodos sin cobertura. Debemos también conocer las exclusiones del seguro, esto es, aquellas circunstancias en las que determinadas actividades no son cubiertas. Por último, tenemos que saber qué hacer respecto al seguro en caso de reclamación legal o riesgo inminente de que ocurra.The assurance of civil professional responsibility is an obligatory requirement for the practice of the chiropody in the private sector, though it is very advisable to have it though only one is employed at the sanitary public assistance. It is an insurance product that covers the damages produced to patients due to the professional exercise, and also the juridical defense in this circumstance. Not all the assurances of civil professional responsibility that exists on the market are similar, there are important differences that can determine its adequacy to the activity. There exist a series of information that necessarily we have to know on our assurance of civil professional if it is collective or individual (the fact that it is contracted across a Professional College it does not imply necessarily that is collective), if we have more than one assurance covering the same activity, if our society in case of having it is assured, if our assurance covers all our professional activities, if the economic coverage is sufficient and if franchises exist, what will happen when we stop working as chiropodists, and, finally, making sure that should not exist periods without coverage. We have to know also the exclusions of the assurance, this is, those circumstances in which certain activities are not covered. Finally, we have to know what to do with regard to the assurance in case of legal claim or imminent risk that it happens

    Caracterización del rendimiento de un motor 4T de 125cc con mezclas de bioetanol y gasolina al E10%, E40% y 80% a nivel Bogotá

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    Para este trabajo de grado, se investigó acerca del uso del bioetanol como aditivo al combustible convencional, con el fin de mirar como es el comportamiento de esta mezcla de etanol combustible en diferentes porcentajes, como lo son E10%1, que es lo que actualmente está permitido en Colombia donde se desarrolló el trabajo de investigación y mezclas como E40%2 y E80%3, a su vez se observó cómo afecta este tipo de combustible en el rendimiento de un motor de motocicleta de 4T y 125 CC marca AKT, mirando que potencia y torque desarrollaría suministrándole las diferentes mezclas de combustible y bioetanol. Con este trabajo de grado, se quiere mostrar una posible solución a la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles no renovables, que son con los que hoy en día se mueven la mayor parte de los vehículos automotores. Agregando cada vez menos combustible fósil y trabajando más con aditivos como lo es el bioetanol, el cual muestra ser un buen sustituto para la gasolina que utilizamos hoy en día para nuestros vehículos. Acerca de la metodología, el proyecto comienza con la investigación acerca del etanol en países extranjeros, como sustituto o aditivo para la gasolina, cogiendo los resultados que dan estos países y tomándolos como un estándar para los edemas, sin tener en cuenta las condiciones propias de cada país, este trabajo de grado se basa en autores como GARZÓN GERRERO, Israel Sebastián, SERRANO JUAN,Antonio, et.al, CHALÁ PÉREZ, Franklin Santiago y ÑACATO SALAZAR, Jaime Andres. Entre otros, con el fin de ampliar esta investigación, a incluyendo las motocicletas.Universidad Libre – Facultad de Ingeniería -- Ingeniería MecánicaFor this degree work, the use of bioethanol as an additive to conventional fuel was investigated, in order to see how this mixture of fuel ethanol behaves in different percentages, such as E10%1, which is what is currently is allowed in Colombia where the research work and mixtures such as E40%2 and E80%3, in turn it was observed how this type of fuel affects the performance of a 4T and 125 CC AKT motorcycle engine, looking at the power and torque it would develop by supplying the different fuel blends and bioethanol. With this degree work, we want to show a possible solution to the dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels, which are the ones used by most motor vehicles today. Adding less and less fossil fuel and working more with additives such as bioethanol, which proves to be a good substitute for the gasoline we use today for our vehicles. Regarding the methodology, the project begins with research on ethanol in foreign countries, as a substitute or additive for gasoline, taking the results given by these countries and taking them as a standard for edema, without taking into account the conditions of the each country, this degree work is based on authors such as GARZÓN GERRERO, Israel Sebastián, SERRANO JUAN, antonio, et.al, CHALÁ PÉREZ, franklin santiago and ÑACATO SALAZAR, jaime andres. Among others, in order to expand this research, including motorcycles

    Effects of Maternal Fish Oil and/or 5-MethylTetrahydrofolate Supplementation during Pregnancy on Offspring Brain Resting-State at 10 Years Old: A Follow-Up Study from the NUHEAL Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Recent studies have shown that maternal supplementation with folate and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) during pregnancy may affect children’s brain development. We aimed at examining the potential long-term effect of maternal supplementation with fish oil (FO) and/or 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) on the brain functionality of offspring at the age of 9.5–10 years. The current study was conducted as a follow-up of the Spanish participants belonging to the Nutraceuticals for a Healthier Life (NUHEAL) project; 57 children were divided into groups according to mother’s supplementation and assessed through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning and neurodevelopment testing. Independent component analysis and double regression methods were implemented to investigate plausible associations. Children born to mothers supplemented with FO (FO and FO + 5-MTHF groups, n = 33) showed weaker functional connectivity in the default mode (DM) (angular gyrus), the sensorimotor (SM) (motor and somatosensory cortices) and the fronto-parietal (FP) (angular gyrus) networks compared to the No-FO group (placebo and 5-MTHF groups, n = 24) (PFWE < 0.05). Furthermore, no differences were found regarding the neuropsychological tests, except for a trend of better results in an object recall (memory) test. Considering the No-FO group, the aforementioned networks were associated negatively with attention and speed-processing functions. Mother’s FO supplementation during pregnancy seems to be able to shape resting-state network functioning in their children at school age and appears to produce long-term effects on children´s cognitive processing.European Union (EU) 212652 007036Commission of the European Community within the 5th Framework Program QLK1-CT-1999-00888European Research Council (ERC) 322605 META-GROWTHSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities FJCI-2017-3339

    Violencia de pareja en estudiantes de octavo ciclo de la Licenciatura en Psicología. Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Cuenca – Azuay, periodo académico 2022

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    La violencia en pareja es un fenómeno de salud pública que afecta en gran medida a las parejas de adultos jóvenes con o sin una relación formal, generando un daño físico, psicológico o sexual contra la persona con la que se mantiene un vínculo íntimo. La violencia de pareja es un tema poco estudiado en la población de adolescentes y jóvenes dentro del contexto ecuatoriano, es por ello que la presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la incidencia de violencia en la pareja y sus dominios de abuso constitutivos, en estudiantes de octavo ciclo de la Licenciatura en Psicología de la Universidad de Cuenca. El estudio tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental, de corte transversal y de alcance descriptivo; la población de estudio estuvo conformada por 79 estudiantes de octavo ciclo de la Licenciatura en Psicología. Se utilizó el cuestionario de violencia entre novios CUVINO, que evalúa la violencia sufrida dentro de las relaciones de pareja. Los resultados evidenciaron que el dominio que incidió con mayor frecuencia en la violencia de pareja, fue el desapego, en un nivel leve, presente en un 50.6% del grupo de estudio, seguido por el dominio de coerción en un nivel leve, con un 44.3%. El dominio que se presentó con menos incidencia fue el físico, con un nivel leve, en el 3.8 % del total de participantes. Se concluye que la violencia en la pareja estuvo presente en un nivel leve dentro de los dominios de abuso constitutivos en la población estudiada.Intimate partner violence is a public health phenomenon that largely affects young adult couples with or without a formal relationship, generating physical, psychological or sexual harm against the person with whom an intimate bond is maintained. Partner violence is a little studied topic in the population of adolescents and young adults in the Ecuadorian context, which is why this research aims to determine the incidence of partner violence and its constituent abuse domains, in eighth cycle students of psychology at the University of Cuenca. The study has a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive scope; the study population consisted of 79 eighth-cycle undergraduate psychology students. The CUVINO dating violence questionnaire was used, which evaluates the violence suffered within couple relationships. The results showed that the domain most frequently involved in partner violence was detachment, at a slight level, present in 50.6% of the study group, followed by the domain of coercion at a slight level, with 44.3%. The domain with the lowest incidence was physical violence, with a slight level, in 3.8% of the total number of participants. It is concluded that intimate partner violence was present at a mild level within the constituent abuse domains in the population studied.Psicólogo EducativoCuenc

    Unlinking summer new particle formation and high ozone episodes

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    New particle formation (NPF) and ozone (O3) episodes are products of photochemically-driven processes. However, O3 formation occurs under the presence of precursors (Monks et al., 2015), whereas NPF usually requires clean atmospheres (Boy and Kulmala, 2002). Clustering studies on particle number size distribution (PNSD) time series in high insolation urban areas revealed the frequent occurrence of photochemical NPF in spring and summer (Brines et al., 2015). Averaged O3 concentrations reached the highest concentrations for the NPF-cluster in most of the studied cities. We intend here to elucidate if this simultaneous peaking of NPF and O3 is due to the similar seasonal patterns of both pollutants or because NPF episodes coincide with high O3 episodes. To this end we analyzed 2014-2018 spring and summer time series of PNSD and O3 concentrations at Montseny, a regional background station 40 km NE of Barcelona (Spain) included in the ACTRIS and GAW networks.We categorized NPF events with the method proposed by (Dal Maso et al., 2005). K-means clustering was applied to the O3 daily series. The number of clusters was chosen so that only one clusters contained all the days registering an exceedance of the information value (180 μg m-3 h-1), using the minimum number of clusters. This was achieved by using 4 clusters. For each of them we studied the occurrence of NPF and the average daily cycles of other variables: PNSD, concentration of NO2, SO2, and PM1, and meteorological variables. The results suggest that, for spring and summer, the highest regional background UFPs concentrations coincide with the highest O3 episodes, but the probability of NPF during these days is the lowest, even though the nucleation-mode number concentration is the highest. These days also present the maximum temperature, solar radiation, and wind speed, and the lowest relative humidity. The condensation sink and concentration of other pollutants are also the highest and peak simultaneously with the wind speed. This suggests that during these days pollutants are transported from the Barcelona metropolitan area to the regional background station. Conversely, when the plume does not reach the station, UFPs and O3 concentrations are the lowest, and the probability of NPF is the highest

    Confinement orientation effects in S/D tunneling

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    The most extensive research of scaled electronic devices involves the inclusion of quantum effects in the transport direction as transistor dimensions approach nanometer scales. Moreover, it is necessary to study how these mechanisms affect different transistor architectures to determine which one can be the best candidate to implement future nodes. This work implements Source-to-Drain Tunneling mechanism (S/D tunneling) in a Multi-Subband Ensemble Monte Carlo (MS-EMC) simulator showing the modification in the distribution of the electrons in the subbands, and, consequently, in the potential profile due to different confinement direction between DGSOIs and FinFETs.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TEC2014-59730-R), H2020 - REMINDER (687931), and H2020 - WAYTOGO-FAST (662175

    Traceurs. Narrativas de una práctica corporal en adolescentes del programa adrenalina del INDER de la ciudad de Medellín

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar las transformaciones, a partir de las experiencias, de seis practicantes de parkour del grupo 194 de la estrategia Adrenalina del INDER de Medellín. La metodología tiene un enfoque cualitativo- narrativo donde se usan la entrevista narrativa y fotobiografia como dispositivos para la construcción de relatos. Como volando, un estilo para vivir, es un hallazgo que surge de la experiencia de los participantes quienes conciben el parkour como un estilo de vida propio que los hace diferentes socialmente. Una conclusión relevante radica en que las narrativas de estos practicantes permiten construir una identidad singular en cada uno, marcada por una institucionalización que poco a poco viene teniendo esta nueva tendencia deportiva, y por una experiencia que deja ver un practicante afectivo, corporal, ético, cognitivo y social que busca reconstruir eso que le pasa; eso que llama parkour.

    Evaluation of impact-shock on gait after the implementation of two different training programs in older adults

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    Gait is negatively affected with increasing age. It is widely accepted that training produces physical-functional improvements in older adults, which can be assessed with numerous physical-functional tests. However, very few studies have been carried out using accelerometry to analyse the training effect on kinetic and kinematic variables in older adults, and there is no one that investigate the effects of two different training programs. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse the effects of an interval-walking program and a multicomponent program on the acceleration impacts, shock attenuation, step-length, stride frequency, and gait speed in older adults. Methods: 23 participants were divided into multicomponent training group [n = 12, 7 female, 71.58 (4.56) years] and interval-walking group [n = 11, 6 female, 69.64 (3.56) years]. We evaluated the participants using three triaxial accelerometers, placing one on the distal end of each tibia and one on the forehead. Findings: After 14 weeks' of training, the maximum acceleration values both for the head accelerometer and for the non-dominant tibia, as well as the attenuation in the same leg, increased in the multicomponent training group. The maximum acceleration values for the head and the stride frequency also increased in the intervalwalking group. Lower limb strength improved in both groups. Interpretation: Given the benefits we found for each of these programs, we encourage their consideration when planning older adults training programs and suggest that multicomponent programs should be introduced prior to the start of walking-based programs