189 research outputs found

    But... What do we really mean by formative and shared assessment?: Usual confusions and practical reflections

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    Es fundamental reflexionar sobre los fines y posibilidades del uso de la evaluación formativa y compartida (EFyC) en los contextos educativos. Si bien la literatura acerca de sus efectos en diversidad de variables es abundante y prolija, no lo es tanto a la hora de aclarar determinadas confusiones pedagógicas en su puesta en práctica. Esto se hace necesario, más si cabe en la actualidad, donde su difusión ha sido muy elevada en los últimos años. Los objetivos del presente estudio son dos: a) presentar los errores más habituales a la hora de emplear la EFyC y b) establecer reflexiones y consideraciones prácticas para su buena utilización. Los ejes temáticos analizados son: 1) evaluación formativa/calificación continua; 2) el docente como único agente de feedback; 3) no delimitación de los criterios de antemano; 4) no permitir entregas previas; 5) no garantizar el salto a la calificación de manera pedagógica; 6) no asociar procedimientos de evaluación con sus respectivos instrumentos; 7) utilizar la evaluación con fines puramente académicos. Se pretende que este manuscrito sea de especial interés y utilidad para todos los docentes interesados en el ámbito de la evaluación, y como consecuencia en mejorar su práctica educativa. Es preciso recordar que la educación es mucho más que la evaluación, pero sin esta última, sus efectos son más limitantesIt is fundamental to reflect on the aims and possibilities of the use of formative and shared evaluation (FSA) in educational contexts. Although the literature about its effects on diversity of variables is abundant and tedious, it is not so much at the time of clarifying certain pedagogical errors in its implementation. This is necessary, even more so now, where its dissemination has been very high in recent years. The objectives of this study are two: a) to present the most common confusions when using FSA and b) to establish reflections and practical considerations for its proper use. The topics analyzed are: 1) formative assessment/continuous qualification; 2) the teacher as the only feedback agent; 3) no delimitation of the criteria in advance; 4) not allow previous deliveries; 5) not guarantee the jump to the qualification in a pedagogical way; 6) not to associate evaluation procedures with their respective instruments; 7) use the evaluation for purely academic purposes. It is intended that this manuscript may be of special interest and usefulness for all teachers interested in the field of evaluation, and as a consequence to improve their educational practice. It must be remembered that education is much more than assessment, but without it, its effects are more limitin

    Determinación del patrón esquelético vertical con los análisis cefalométricos de Tweed, Kim, Steiner y Bimler

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    Analiza una correlación entre diferentes mediciones para determinar el patrón esquelético vertical. El estudio fue descriptivo, se utilizaron 132 radiografías cefalométricas de individuos con edad base de 8 años; de los cuales 73 fueron de sexo masculino (55.3%) y 59 de sexo femenino (44.7%). El patrón facial fue dividido en hipodivergente, normodivergente e hiperdivergente; de acuerdo con estándares establecidos por diferentes autores. Se buscó una relación entre estas mediciones utilizando los análisis del Alpha de Krippendorff para una concordancia global y el método de Kappa con la interpretación sugerida por Fleiss (1981) para una concordancia en pares.Tesi

    Effects of a Cooperative Learning Intervention Program on Cyberbullying in Secondary Education: A Case Study

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    The goal was to assess the effects of an intervention program, based on cooperative learning and involving the whole school community, on the emotional and social evolution of a student who had suffered cyberbullying. The student, her parents, the school administration, a teacher and the student\u27s classmates agreed to participate in the study. A qualitative research design was used, which included interviews, discussion groups and diaries. The information obtained was structured in three categories: cyberbullying detection and response, psychoeducational intervention program, and emotional and social evolution. Results showed that the program produced significant improvements in the cyberbullied adolescent\u27s emotional and social state. The teacher, the school administrators and the parents observed these positive changes in the adolescent and her classmates, since the class\u27 social climate had improved too. It seems important to establish protocols to detect cyberbullying behaviours, as well as intervention programs to deal with this problem that involve the whole school community

    The Perverse Dynamics of University Career: A Narrative Analysis Based on the Personal and Professional Implications

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    We seek to describe some of the features and symptoms that define novice university teachers in their attempts to pursue a professional career at university. Presently, university culture revolves around the evaluation of professionals based on the quantity of work published in high-impact journals (“weight evaluations”).This situation not only has its effects at a personal level, but also on the quality of the education that teachers might wish to impart. Nine university teachers -five women and four men- with experience of between three and five years in different knowledge areas were interviewed to ascertain these symptoms. The results reflected the stress to which the new teachers are subjected, the implacable assessment programmes that are part and parcel of a professional university career, the distancing of good teaching in favour of demonstrable quality as an investigator and the possibility of suffering from teacher burnout syndrome no sooner than having commenced a professional career

    The Coexistence Plan at a Secondary School: Analysis Based on the Voices of Students and Teachers

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    The main objective of this research is to analyse the Plan for Coexistence at a Spanish Secondary School and its implementation from the perspective of an inclusive model of school management. Beginning with a theoretical review of different national and international contributions centred on inclusive education and the improvement of school coexistence, we have chosen a qualitative methodology that will enable us to listen and to give a voice to the main members of the school community: students and teachers. We show how the Citizenship Plan follows an inclusive focus, enhancing the participation of the whole community in the different activities that it proposes and how these activities influence student learning. We therefore follow international patterns for inclusive education: culture, politics, and educational practice. As a result, an improvement in the participation of the school community improves the school atmosphere. This participation should be brought about in an efficient and active way, not only by informing, but also by actually taking part in the educational project of the students and in its social setting

    Comparing effects of a TPSR training program on prospective physical education teachers’ social goals, discipline and autonomy strategies in Spain, Chile and Costa Rica

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    Background: Conflict prevention, respect, tolerance and acceptance of others should be basic outcomes in any educational context. Physical Education (PE) has the potential to be one of the curricular subjects that could help students meet these goals. However, teachers need to use appropriate instructional approaches like Teaching for Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR). Purpose: The objectives of this study were two: (1) to compare the impact of TPSR training on social goals, discipline strategies and autonomy support of future PE teachers from Spain, Chile and Costa Rica; and (2) to assess participants’ perceptions of their country's social, cultural and curricular aspects that may influence TPSR implementation. Participants and settings: 156 prospective PE teachers (48 from Spain, 54 from Chile and 54 from Costa Rica), with an average age of 21.41 ± 2.57 years, agreed to participate. 88 (54%) were males, while 75 (46%) were female. They were enrolled in teacher training programs in three different universities located in three different countries: (i) Faculty of Education of the University of Burgos (Spain); (ii) Nursery School of the University of Valparaiso (Chile) and (iii) School of Physical Education and Sports of San José (Costa Rica). All students experienced the same TPSR intervention program, conducted by the same university teacher. Research design: This study followed a quasi-experimental, pre-test/post-test non-equivalent research design with mixed methods. Data collection: Three validated questionnaires were used to obtain quantitative information from the participants before and after the training program. Qualitative information was obtained from three discussion groups conducted with the participating students (one from each country). Data analysis: Statistical analysis of quantitative data was conducted with the statistical package SPSS (version 22.0), while content analysis and constant comparison were used to assess qualitative data. Findings: The prospective PE teachers from the three countries held different views of the effects of the TPSR program on social goals, discipline strategies and autonomy support, and they were based on socio-cultural considerations of the subject (PE), the teachers’ academic training and their professional identity as teachers on each country. Spanish and Costa Rican PE teachers demonstrated a significant positive change in their perspectives on discipline strategies, and Chilean PE teachers demonstrated a significant positive change in their perception of social goals after experiencing a TPSR intervention. Conclusion: If cultural context is considered, TPSR can be an effective teacher training approach related to discipline strategies, social goals and autonomy support in PE

    The Coexistence Plan at a Secondary School: Analysis Based on the Voices of Students and Teachers

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    [EN] The main objective of this research is to analyse the Plan for Coexistence at a Spanish Secondary School and its implementation from the perspective of an inclusive model of school management. Beginning with a theoretical review of different national and international contributions centred on inclusive education and the improvement of school coexistence, we have chosen a qualitative methodology that will enable us to listen and to give a voice to the main members of the school community: students and teachers. We show how the Citizenship Plan follows an inclusive focus, enhancing the participation of the whole community in the different activities that it proposes and how these activities influence student learning. We therefore follow international patterns for inclusive education: culture, politics, and educational practice. As a result, an improvement in the participation of the school community improves the school atmosphere. This participation should be brought about in an efficient and active way, not only by informing, but also by actually taking part in the educational project of the students and in its social settingS

    Effects of a Cooperative Learning Intervention Program on Cyberbullying in Secondary Education: A Case Study

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    [EN] The goal was to assess the effects of an intervention program, based on cooperative learning and involving the whole school community, on the emotional and social evolution of a student who had suffered cyberbullying. The student, her parents, the school administration, a teacher and the student's classmates agreed to participate in the study. A qualitative research design was used, which included interviews, discussion groups and diaries. The information obtained was structured in three categories: cyberbullying detection and response, psychoeducational intervention program, and emotional and social evolution. Results showed that the program produced significant improvements in the cyberbullied adolescent's emotional and social state. The teacher, the school administrators and the parents observed these positive changes in the adolescent and her classmates, since the class' social climate had improved too. It seems important to establish protocols to detect cyberbullying behaviours, as well as intervention programs to deal with this problem that involve the whole school community.S

    Estimating the optimal sampling rate using wavelet transform: an application to optimal turbulence

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    Sampling rate and frequency content determination for optical quantities related to light propagation through turbulence are paramount experimental topics. Some papers about estimating properties of the optical turbulence seem to use ad hoc assumptions to set the sampling frequency used; this chosen sampling rate is assumed good enough to perform a proper measurement. On the other hand, other authors estimate the optimal sampling rate via fast Fourier transform of data series associated to the experiment. When possible, with the help of analytical models, cut-off frequencies, or frequency content, can be determined; yet, these approaches require prior knowledge of the optical turbulence. The aim of this paper is to propose an alternative, practical, experimental method to estimate a proper sampling rate. By means of the discrete wavelet transform, this approach can prevent any loss of information and, at the same time, avoid oversampling. Moreover, it is independent of the statistical model imposed on the turbulence.Centro de Investigaciones Óptica