16,561 research outputs found

    Do differences exist between how Engineering and non-Engineering lecturers perceive the importance of teaching competences?

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    A survey we conducted a few years ago concluded that higher education teachers should have the following competences: interpersonal, methodological, communicative, planning and management, teamwork and innovation. The authors of this work belong to the Institute in charge of the lecturer-training program at our university, which is basically a technical one. In order to improve our training program, we pose the following research questions: What are the competences that lecturers perceive as less important. Do our university teachers (engineering teachers) have a different perception of the importance of the different lecturer competences compared to that of other teachers? The results we present in this paper come from a survey that was sent to a total of 15,209 teachers belonging to public universities in our community, and we received a total of 2,347 valid answers. As a result of this study, we found which competences are those with a significantly bad rating by lecturers in general, and our lecturers in particular. We analyze what measures should be introduce into our teacher training program.Postprint (author's final draft

    The Stationary Phase Method for a Wave Packet in a Semiconductor Layered System. The applicability of the method

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    Using the formal analysis made by Bohm in his book, {\em "Quantum theory"}, Dover Publications Inc. New York (1979), to calculate approximately the phase time for a transmitted and the reflected wave packets through a potential barrier, we calculate the phase time for a semiconductor system formed by different mesoscopic layers. The transmitted and the reflected wave packets are analyzed and the applicability of this procedure, based on the stationary phase of a wave packet, is considered in different conditions. For the applicability of the stationary phase method an expression is obtained in the case of the transmitted wave depending only on the derivatives of the phase, up to third order. This condition indicates whether the parameters of the system allow to define the wave packet by its leading term. The case of a multiple barrier systems is shown as an illustration of the results. This formalism includes the use of the Transfer Matrix to describe the central stratum, whether it is formed by one layer (the single barrier case), or two barriers and an inner well (the DBRT system), but one can assume that this stratum can be comprise of any number or any kind of semiconductor layers.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures although figure 4 has 5 graph

    Polar optical phonons in core-shell semiconductor nanowires

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    We obtain the the long-wavelength polar optical vibrational modes of semiconductor core-shell nanowires by means of a phenomenological continuum model. A basis for the space of solutions is derived, and by applying the appropriate boundary conditions, the transcendental equations for the coupled and uncoupled modes are attained. Our results are applied to the study of the GaAs-GaP core-shell nanowire, for which we calculate numerically the polar optical modes, analyzing the role of strain in the vibrational properties of this nanosystem

    Microstructural optimization of unalloyed ductile cast irons with a ferritic matrix used in the manufacture of wind turbine rotors

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    The aim of this work was the microstructural optimization of cast irons with nodular graphite for the manufacture of wind turbine hubs, paying preferential attention to the geometry and distribution of graphite spheroids to ensure the required mechanical properties for this application. The target was pursued based upon microstructure-properties correlation, in an environment of great competitiveness and exigency marked by current international standards. The methodology followed consisted of the generation of knowledge from tailor-made industrial castings, followed by the analysis of their microstructures, in order to extract valuable conclusions for the production process through the use of statistical analysis. The approach method employed was a Fractional Design of Experiments (DOE) with 7 factors, 16 experiments and resolution IV. The samples from each experiment were cubes of identical geometry, and designed to match a surface-to-volume module equal to 4 cm (1.57 in) found as the highest values in real hubs of 3 MW power wind turbines. It is concluded that the use of nodulizers with traces of lanthanum favour the reduction of the volume fraction of pearlite, although La has proved not to promote the spherical shape of primary graphite. The negative effect of pre-inoculants containing SiC on the spheroidal morphology of graphite has also been verified, and also that low-Mn bearing scrap favours graphite formation and the reduction of the volume fraction of pearlite, in spite of being a carbide forming element. The whitening effect of Mn was minimized with low carbon equivalent melts

    Cryptanalyzing a discrete-time chaos synchronization secure communication system

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    This paper describes the security weakness of a recently proposed secure communication method based on discrete-time chaos synchronization. We show that the security is compromised even without precise knowledge of the chaotic system used. We also make many suggestions to improve its security in future versions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, latex forma

    An answer for caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaObjetivo: Cuidar a una persona con la enfermedad de Alzheimer supone un desafío para los cuidadores, muchos sufren depresión, ansiedad y sobrecarga, por lo que precisan una repuesta por parte de los profesionales de enfermería. Analizar la evidencia científica acerca de las demandas que plantean los familiares puede ser una primera aproximación para solventar este problema. Metodología: Revisión narrativa, llevada a cabo a través de una búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática en las bases de datos de ciencias de la salud: PubMed, Cuiden, CINAHL, Biblioteca Cochrane, Lilacs y el buscador Dialnet plus. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 21 artículos para su análisis que generó cuatro categorías: Información sobre la enfermedad, educación en las tareas de autocuidado, apoyo psicológico y emocional y recursos de apoyo y sociosanitarios. Conclusiones: Entre las expectativas que los cuidadores tienen de los profesionales de enfermería destacan la información, educación y el apoyo emocional para afrontar el cuidado diario y poder anticiparse a las necesidades futuras de su familiar.Objective: To take care of a person with Alzheimer disease could be challenging for their caregivers, lot of them suffer from depression, anxiety and burnout, because of that, they require an answer from nursing professionals. To analyze the analyze the scientific evidence about the demands expressed out by their relatives could be a first approach to solve this problem. Methodology: A narrative overview carried out through a bibliographic research in the Health Science Databases: PubMed, Cuiden, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Lilacs and the searcher Dialnet plus. Results: 21 articles were selected for their revision, what generates four categories: information about the disease, self-care education program, psychological and emotional support, help from others family relatives and socio-health resources. Conclusions: Among the expectations that caregivers have on nursing professionals, they highlight the information, the education and the emotional support to face daily care and being able to anticipate the future needs of their family member

    Exploración de las vivencias de estudiantes universitarios/as en relación a la salud mental

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    [Resumen] Introducción: El logro de una universidad inclusiva que proporcione los servicios y recursos necesarios para permitir la plena participación de las personas que accedan a este ámbito de estudio es una meta por alcanzar. Cada vez son más los/las estudiantes con diversidad funcional que acceden a los estudios superiores pero todavía existen diferencias significativas en cuanto a la participación de alumnado con problemas de salud mental en este ámbito educativo. Conocer las vivencias de los/las estudiantes resulta necesario para conocer sus necesidades y así poder ofrecer respuestas a las mismas contribuyendo a que su participación y desarrollo en los estudios universitarios sea plena y satisfactoria. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es explorar las vivencias de personas estudiantes de la UDC en relación a la salud mental para detectar necesidades ocupacionales en este ámbito de estudio. Material y métodos: La investigación será abordada desde una metodología cualitativa, desde un enfoque teórico basado en la fenomenología, lo que permite describir la realidad desde la perspectiva de los/las estudiantes universitarios/as. Los/las informantes serán estudiantes de la Universidade da Coruña que presenten alguna condición de salud relacionada con la salud mental. La técnica de recogida de información será la entrevista semiestructurada. Finalmente, se mantendrán los criterios de calidad propios de la investigación de metodología cualitativa de credibilidad, transferibilidad, consistencia y confirmabilidad.[Resumo] Introdución: O logro dunha universidade inclusiva que proporcione s servicios necesarios para permitir a plena participación das persoas que accedan a este ámbito de estudo é una meta por alcanzar. Cada vez son máis os/as estudantes con diversidade funcional que acceden aos estudos superiores pero todavía existen diferencias significativas en canto á participación de alumnado con problemas na saúde mental neste ámbito educativo. Coñecer as vivencias dos/das estudantes resulta necesario para coñecer as suas necesidades e así poder ofrecer respostas as mesmas contribuíndo a que a súa participación e desenvolvemento nos estudos universitarios sexa plena e satisfatoria. Obxetivo: O obxetivo deste estudo é explorar as vivencias de persoas estudantes da UDC en relación á saúde mental para detectar necesidades ocupacionais neste ámbito de estudo. Material e métodos: A investigación será abordada dende una metodoloxía cualitativa, dende un enfoque teórico basado na fenomenoloxía, o que permite describir a realidade dende a perspectiva dos/das estudantes universitarios/as. Os/as informantes serán estudantes da Universidade da Coruña que presenta alguna condición de saúde mental relacionada coa saúde mental. A técnica de recollida de información será a entrevista semiestruturada. Finalmente, manteranse os criterios de calidade propios da metodoloxía cualitativa de credibilidade, transferibilidade, consistencia e confirmabilidade.[Abstract] Introduction: Achieving an inclusive university that provides services and resources to allow the full participation of persons accessing this area of study is a goal to reach. More and more students with functional diversity that access to higher education but there are still significant differences in the participation of students with mental health problems in this education. Learn about the experiences of students necessary to meet their needs and to provide answers to them contributing to their participation and development in university education is full and satisfying. Objective: The aim of this study is to explore the experiences of UDC students in relation to mental health in order to identify occupational needs in this field of study. Methodology: The research will be approached from a qualitative methodology, from a theoretical approach based on phenomenology, which allows describing the reality from the perspective of university students. Informants will be students of the University of Coruña to present any health condition related to mental health. The technique of gathering information is the semi-structured interview. Finally, the proper criteria of quality of qualitative research methodology credibility, transferability, consistency and confirmability be maintained.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Terapia ocupacional. Curso 2015/2016

    Manuel Chaves Nogales y el nuevo periodismo

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    Esta investigación pretende mostrar las técnicas y los usos periodísticos que han llevado a diferentes periodistas y escritores españoles a considerar a Manuel Chaves Nogales (Sevilla, 1897 – Londres, 1944) un antecedente del Nuevo Periodismo estadounidense. Para ello, se planteará en primer lugar si es posible hablar de nuevo periodismo antes del Nuevo Periodismo norteamericano de los años 50 y 60. En segundo lugar, se acudirá a los textos del periodista andaluz y se observará en ellos el uso de los rasgos que definen los textos del Nuevo Periodismo según Tom Wolfe, uno de los padres de ese grupo.This research show the journalistic uses that have taken different journalists and Spanish writers to considering to be Manuel Chaves Nogales (Seville, 1897 – London, 1944) a precedent of the New Journalism. For it, it will appear first if it is possible to speak about new journalism before the New Journalism of the 50s and 60s in the United States. Secondly, one will come to the texts of the Andalusian journalist and will be observed in them the use of the features that define the texts of this group, according to Tom Wolfe

    Manuel Chaves Nogales, periodista

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    Este artículo muestra las ideas clave de Manuel Chaves Nogales (Sevilla, 1897– Londres, 1944) sobre el periodismo. Para ello, se han recogido los textos queescribió hablando de la profesión. Chaves Nogales fue uno de los periodistasmás destacados de la II República española. Subdirector del moderado diarioAhora, el de mayor éxito en aquella época, se tuvo que exiliar primero a París, acausa de la Guerra Civil, y después a Londres, tras la entrada de la Alemania nazien Francia. Su carácter mesurado, inequívocamente democrático y republicano,alejado de los extremos del fascismo y el comunismo, el propio de un “pequeñoburgués liberal”, como él mismo se definía, propiciaron su olvido duranteaños. Solo en los últimos tiempos su obra, ejemplo de periodismo moderno,se está empezando a reeditar en España, con gran éxito de crítica y lectore