792 research outputs found

    Mineralogieal evolution in soils affeeted by acid contamination

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    [Resumen] Las aguas superficiales procedentes de las escombreras de las minas de cobre son fuertemente ácidas, ricas en sulfatos y con elevadas concentraciones de elementos como Fe, Al, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Cu y Zn. La aplicación de los datos de actividad a diagramas de equilibrio ponen de manifiesto, en las aguas más ácidas con una actividad de sulfatos próxima a 10-2 M, la existencia de una inestabilidad de los hidróxidos de Al y aluminosilicatos en comparación con minerale~Al-sulfato del tipo de la alunita o jurbanita. La solución extraída de los suelos del entorno a las minas refleja una fuerte influencia de las aguas más fuertemente contaminadas. Tanto en suelos como en los cauces de los arroyos contaminados se reconoce la presencia de minerales Al-sulfato (y Fe-sulfato), sobre todo en los puntü6 de confluencia entre aguas limpias y fuertemente contaminadas[Abstract] Contaminated soils and surface waters, from copper mining in Galicia, are acidic, high in sulphate and increase appreciably in the concentration of elements such as Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Cu and Zn. Application of activity data to mineral equilibrium diagrams iHustrates the instability of Al-hydroxides and aluminosilicates compared to Al-sulphates of the alunite and jurbanite type, in the waters which are most acid and display sulphate activities close to 10-2 M. The solution extracted from soils around the spoil heaps reflects the strong "influence of the most heavily contaminated run-off waters, with little or no buffering by the solid phase. Neoformation of Al-sulphate (and Fe-sulphate) is observed both in soils and in the channels of the contaminated streams, above aH the points of contact with non-acid or slightly acid waters

    Evaluating the potential use of a dairy industry residue to induce denitrification in polluted water bodies: a flow-through experiment

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    Improving the effectiveness and economics of strategies to remediate groundwater nitrate pollution is a matter of concern. In this context, the addition of whey into aquifers could provide a feasible solution to attenuate nitrate contamination by inducing heterotrophic denitrification, while recycling an industry residue. Before its application, the efficacy of the treatment must be studied at laboratory-scale to optimize the application strategy in order to avoid the generation of harmful intermediate compounds. To do this, a flow-through denitrification experiment using whey as organic C source was performed, and different C/N ratios and injection periodicities were tested. The collected samples were analyzed to determine the chemical and isotopic composition of N and C compounds. The results proved that whey could promote denitrification. Nitrate was completely removed when using either a 3.0 or 2.0 C/N ratio. However, daily injection with C/N ratios from 1.25 to 1.5 seemed advantageous, since this strategy decreased nitrate concentration to values below the threshold for water consumption while avoiding nitrite accumulation and whey release with the outflow. The isotopic results confirmed that nitrate attenuation was due to denitrification and that the production of DIC was related to bacterial whey oxidation. Furthermore, the isotopic data suggested that when denitrification was not complete, the outflow could present a mix of denitrified and nondenitrified water. The calculated isotopic fractionation values (ε15NNO3/N2 and ε18ONO3/N2) might be applied in the future to quantify the efficiency of the bioremediation treatments by whey application at field-scale

    Numerical modeling of enhanced biodenitrification in a laboratory flow-through experiment

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    High concentration of nitrate (NO3) in water resources has become a widespread and important environmental contaminant, being anthropogenic nitrogen input the principal source of NO3− pollution (Arauzo, 2017). Underanaerobic conditions, microbial reduction of NO3 to N2(g) to oxidize dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the principal NO3 attenuation process in groundwater aquifers (Matchett et al., 2019)

    Simulación de aplicaciones paralelas y mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos

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    Durante los últimos años, los sistemas de cómputo de altas prestaciones hicieron posible el tratamiento de grandes volúmenes de datos a altísimas velocidades de procesamiento para aplicaciones comerciales y científicas. La evolución de las arquitecturas paralelas y el desarrollo de los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos permiten que la ejecución de las aplicaciones se realice de manera confiable. Teniendo en cuenta que la configuración de recursos, el tipo de aplicación y los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos influye en el comportamiento de un sistema paralelo, su estudio se lleva a cabo a través de herramientas de simulación que permiten representar el sistema. En virtud de esto, el Grupo de Ingeniería de Software desarrolló un simulador de clusters que permite parametrizar la configuración física de un cluster, y las características de cómputo y comunicación de aplicaciones M/W y SPMD. En este trabajo se presentan la línea de investigación abordada.Eje: Procesamiento Distribuido y ParaleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Nitrate and Nitrite Attenuation by Fe(II) Minerals: Biotic and Abiotic Reactions

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    Nitrate (NO3-) pollution of groundwaterhas become a relevant issue and anenvironmental priority as it is related toecological and human health problems(Rivett et al. 2008) and its concentration is still above the threshold limit of 50mg/L in many areas (Nitrate Directive, 91/676/EEC). Contamination sources of NO3 - are linked to extensive use of fertilizers, inappropriate placement of animal waste and spills from septic system effluents

    Characterisation of the natural attenuation of chromium contamination in the presence of nitrate using isotopic methods. A case study from the Matanza-Riachuelo river basin, Argentina

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    The groundwater contamination by hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in a site of the Matanza-Riachuelo River basin (MRB), Argentina, has been evaluated by determining the processes that control the natural mobility and attenuation of Cr(VI) in the presence of high nitrate (NO3−) contents. The groundwater Cr(VI) concentrations ranged between 1.9E-5 mM and 0.04 mM, while the NO3− concentrations ranged between 0.5 mM and 3.9 mM

    Feasibility of using rural waste products to increase the denitrification efficiency in a surface flow constructed wetland

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    A surface flow constructed wetland (CW) was set in the Lerma gully to decrease nitrate (NO3−) pollution from agricultural runoff water. The water flow rate and NO3− concentration were monitored at the inlet and the outlet, and sampling campaigns were performed which consisted of collecting six water samples along the CW flow line. After two years of operation, the NO3− attenuation was limited at a flow rate of ~2.5 L/s and became negligible at ~5.5 L/s. The present work aimed to assess the feasibility of using rural waste products (wheat hay, corn stubble, and animal compost) to induce denitrification in the CW, to assess the effect of temperature on this process, and to trace the efficiency of the treatment by using isotopic tools. In the first stage, microcosm experiments were performed. Afterwards, the selected waste material was applied in the CW, and the treatment efficiency was evaluated by means of a chemical and isotopic characterization and using the isotopic fractionation (ε) values calculated from laboratory experiments to avoid field-scale interference. The microcosms results showed that the stubble was the most appropriate material for application in the CW, but the denitrification rate was found to decrease with temperature. In the CW, biostimulation in autumn-winter promoted NO3− attenuation between two weeks and one month (a reduction in NO3− between 1.2 and 1.5 mM was achieved). After the biostimulation in spring-summer, the attenuation was maintained for approximately three months (NO3− reduction between 0.1 and 1.5 mM). The ε15NNO3/N2 and ε18ONO3/N2 values obtained from the laboratory experiments allowed to estimate the induced denitrification percentage. At an approximate average flow rate of 16 L/s, at least 60% of NO3− attenuation was achieved in the CW. The field samples exhibited a slope of 1.0 for δ18O-NO3− versus δ15N-NO3−, similar to those of the laboratory experiments (0.9-1.2). Plant uptake seemed to play a minor role in NO3− attenuation in the CW. Hence, the application of stubble in the CW allowed the removal of large amounts of NO3− from the Lerma gully, especially when applied during the warm months, but its efficacy was limited to a short time period (up to three months)

    The role of siderite on abiotic nitrite reduction by dissolved Fe(II)

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    Iron redox reactions affect the fate and transformation of groundwater NO3-. Fe(II) present in groundwater as dissolved Fe(II) or Fe(II) sorbed onto mineral surfaces is oxidised into Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides using NO3- as an electron acceptor in anoxic conditions by biotic or abiotic means (Bryce et al., 2018). N2O is produced as an end product during abiotic nitrate-reducing Fe(II) oxidation (NRFO) (Wang et al., 2019). NO2-, an intermediate product during NO3- reduction by biotic or abiotic means, is chemically very reactive and readily reduced to N2O by abiotic means (Wankel et al., 2017). Studies have shown that Fe(II) minerals such as iron-rich smectites, green rust and siderite are reactive and can enhance abiotic NO2- reduction (Grabb et al., 2017). The occurrence of abiotic NO2- reduction leads to the relative segregation of the lighter and heavy isotopes of N and O (kinetic isotope fractionation, ε) (Chen & MacQuarrie, 2005) providing an effective tool to quantify abiotic NO2- reduction processes. In the light of this, batch experiments were performed to assess the potential of micro-sized siderite to enhance abiotic NO2- reduction in laboratory batch experiments

    Phase stability of stress-sensitive Ag2CO3 silver carbonate at high pressures and temperature

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    Silver carbonate (Ag2CO3) is a material currently used for artificial carbon storage. In this work, we report synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) experiments under high pressure and high temperature in combination with density-functional theory (DFT) calculations on silver carbonate up to 13.3 GPa. Two pressure-induced phase transitions were observed at room temperature: at 2.9 GPa to a high-pressure (HP1) phase and at 10.5 GPa to a second high-pressure phase (HP2). The facts that a) the HP2 phase can be indexed with the initial P21/m structure, b) our DFT calculations predict the initial structure is stable in the entire pressure range, and c) the HP2 phase is stable under decompression suggest that the intermediate HP1 phase is a product of the appearance of non-hydrostatic stresses in the sample. The observed structural transformations are associated to a high sensitivity of this compound to non-hydrostatic conditions. The compressibility of Ag2CO3 has also been determined, showing the c axis is the most compressible and that the bulk modulus increases quickly with applied pressure. We attribute both observations to the weak nature of the closed-shell Ag–Ag interactions in this material. The behavior of Ag2CO3 under heating at approximately 3 GPa was also studied. No temperature-induced phase transitions were found at this pressure, and the thermal expansion was determined to be relatively high for a carbonate.Authors thank the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación under projects MALTA Consolider Ingenio 2010 network (RED2018-102612-T) and PGC2021-125518NB-I00 (cofinanced by EU FEDER funds), and from the Generalitat Valenciana under projects CIAICO/2021/241 and MFA/2022/007. A.O.R. acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish MINECO RyC-2016-20301 Ramón y Cajal Grant and the project AYUD/2021/51036 of the Principality of Asturias (cofinanced by EU FEDER funds). Authors also thank the MALTA Consolider supercomputing centre and Compute Canada for computational resources and ALBA-CELLS synchrotron for providing beamtime under experiments 2020084419 and 2021024988. These experiments were performed at the MSPD beamline with the collaboration of ALBA staff

    Verificación artroscópica del diagnóstico por resonancia magnética de las lesiones meniscales

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    La utilización de la Imagen por Resonancia Magnética (IRM) como prueba diagnóstica en la patología de la rodilla, se presenta como alternativa no invasiva fundamental. Se ha diseñado un protocolo a doble ciego junto al servicio de radiodiagnóstico de nuestro hospital a través del cual se han evaluado un total de 31 pacientes donde los hallazgos de la IRM son contrastados con la exploración artroscópica posterior. Para el menisco interno, la precisión diagnóstica de la IRM es del 93 % y del 87% para el externo. Como conclusiones de mayor relieve, la sensibilidad de la exploración fue del 90% para el interno y del 75% para el externo y respecto a la especificidad, en el interno resultó ser del 100% y del 91% en el externo. Los valores predictivo negativo y positivo fueron respectivamente del 85 y 100% en el menisco interno y del 84 y 75% en el externo. Se encontró mayor dificultad diagnóstica en la porción anterior del menisco externo y falta de precisión ocasional en definir el tipo y extensión de la lesión.The use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MIR) as a diagnostic trial in the pathology of the knee, has become an important non invasive alternative. We have designed a double blind protocol with the Department of Radiology through we have evaluated 31 patients analyzing the MRI results in relation with the arthroscopic findings. For the medial meniscus, the accuracy of the MRI was 93 % and 87% for the lateral. As main conclusions, the sensibility was 90% for the medial meniscus and 75% for the lateral one and about specificity, we found a result of 100% for the medial meniscus and 91% for the lateral. The negative and positive predictive values were respectively 85% and 100% for the medial and 84% and 75% for the lateral. We noted more diagnostic difficulties in the anterior portion of lateral meniscus and lack of precission in the determination of the type and extension of the meniscal injury