3,993 research outputs found

    Effect of elevated inorganic carbon on the cytosolic homeostasis of NO3- in the marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile

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    The marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica is a mediterranean endemism of great ecological significance. As other marine plants, P. oceanica has adapted secondarily to the marine environment and develop anew different mechanisms to colonize it. Among others, this plant has developed a plasma membrane system for the direct uptake of bicarbonate. In this work we have developed both NO3- and Cl- selective microelectrodes for the continuous monitoring of the intracellular (cytosolic) NO3- and Cl-. In the light, leaf mesophyll cells show a cytosolic NO3- concentration of 5.7±0.2 mM (n=10), while in the dark cytosolic NO3- raises up to 8.7±1.1 mM; these values are in the range of concentrations quoted for Arabidopsis thaliana (Cookson et al., 2005). The enrichment of natural seawater (NSW) with 3 mM NaHCO3 caused a decrease of the cytosolic NO3- concentration of 1 mM and a decrease of the cytosolic concentration of Cl- of 3.5 mM. The saturation of NSW with 1000 µL CO2 L-1 produced a lower diminution of the cytosolic NO3- (0.3 mM). In the presence of 0.1 mM of the plasma membrane permeable inhibitor of the carbonic anhydrase (EZ) the diminution of cytosolic NO3- caused by the same concentration of CO2 was much lower, 0.1 mM. The addition of inorganic carbon, either HCO3- or CO2, has an effect on the cytosolic mechanisms for anionic homeostasis, one of which is the opening of the slow anion channels. These channels are permeable to NO3- and Cl- and could elicit the efflux of these ions. In P. oceanica, the response in the presence of EZ points out that the inorganic carbon species that cause the NO3-/Cl- efflux is HCO3-. This effect could contribute to plant biomass N dilution observed in elevated CO2. References: Cookson et al. 2005. Plant Physiology 138, 1097–1105.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Modelo/s de coste para la preservación de los datos científicos en la e-ciencia

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    Within the framework of the e-science, preservation of scientific data is an essential task for achieving robust and sustainable information cyberinfraestructure. Cataloguing as an economic good (justified by the need to protect investment in research, institutional visibility, new opportunities for future research, raw material and support for public knowledge) claims models that balance the high cost resources digital preservation consume. Based on the different levels of collection established by the National Science Foundation (NSF 2005): collections of data in ongoing research, resource collections and reference data collections for the scientific community and based on the OAIS Reference Model, will be announced ongoing cost models (Keeping Research Data Safe (I), Keeping Research Data Safe (II), JISC Life3), establishing links to guides to use, recommendations and best practices (Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access) based in the international community

    Decolonialism, cultural policy and University of the Arts of Ecuador

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    En Ecuador las nociones de decolonialidad, interculturalidad y Sumak Kawsay se han incorporado a los planes de política cultural diseñados desde 2007 por el Ministerio de Cultura. Esas nociones forman parte del léxico de quienes desean decolonizar la universidad, construir conocimientos in-disciplinados y crear una estética decolonial, y también de un gobierno populista post-neoliberal que las utiliza como consignas políticas enmascarando gracias a ellas los procesos neoliberales en curso en el país. A partir de datos obtenidos en Quito, Guayaquil y Loja entre 2012 y 2014, en este artículo analizaremos la reflexividad institucional existente entre diversos agentes académicos y políticos prestando especial atención a la creación de la Universidad de las Artes.The notions of decolonialism, interculturalism and Sumak Kawsay have been integrated into the cultural policies designed by Ecuador’s Ministry of Culture since 2007. Those notions are part of the language of those who want to decolonialize the university, build un-disciplined knowledges and create a decolonial aesthetic, and are also utilised by a government populist post-neoliberal that uses them as political slogans that masks trough them the neoliberal processes that are taking place in the country. Based on data obtained in Quito, Guayaquil and Loja between 2012 and 2014 this article analizes the institutional reflexivity existing in diverse academic and political agents paying special attention to the creation of the University of the Arts

    Feminismos en movimiento en el estado español: ¿re–ampliando el espacio de lo político?

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    El artículo examina los feminismos en movimiento en el Estado español reteniendo que se inscriben en un contexto marcado por treinta años de Planes de Igualdad y por leyes recientemente promulgadas – de violencia de género, de matrimonio de personas del mismo sexo, de salud sexual y reproductiva, de identidad de género– , producto de las luchas feministas y las de los colectivos gays, lesbianos, transexuales y bisexuales. Esa aproximación permite bosquejar los desacuerdos entre feministas “institucionales”, “nacionalistas”, “otras”, “queer”, “postfeministas”, “transfeministas”, “FEMEN” (la lista no es exhaustiva); y sirve para pensar si es posible re– ampliar, desde posturas feministas a veces divergentes, el espacio de lo político.The paper analyses Feminisms on the move in the Spanish State keeping in mind that they take place in a context affected by 30 years of Equality plans and recently passed Acts such as the Anti– Gender– based Violence Act, Same– sex Marriage Act, the Sexual and Reproductive Health Act, the Gender Identity Act. All these laws are product of the struggle carried out by Feminist, Gay, Lesbian and Transsexual groups. This approach 12 lets us outline the disagreements among different types of feminists such as Institutional Feminists, Queer, Nationalists, Others, Postfeminists, Transfeminists, FEMEN (the list is not exhaustive) and it is also useful to ponder whether it is possible to re– widen the political space from sometimes divergent feminist stances

    Reimagining science communication in the age of AI

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    This review analyses the presentation of Campus Gutenberg Museo de la Ciencia CosmoCaixa 2023 held in September 2023 in Barcelona and reflects on the connection of the event with the necessary redefinition of the social communication of science in the face of the impact of artificial intelligence

    La dialéctica autor/lector en "La muerte y la brújula" de Borges: un análisis narratológico

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    Este ensayo sobre Borges estudia "La muerte y la brújula", desde una perspectiva narrativa. Este enfoque permite que el lector real para rastrear las lecturas de los diferentes personajes de la historia. La interpretación de los acontecimientos varía según el carácter, cada uno se centra en un aspecto diferente de la lectura, desde diferentes perspectivas religiosas o ideológicas. Por lo tanto, cometen errores, que resultan fatales para uno de ellos.This essay studies Borges's “La muerte y la brújula” from a narratological perspective. This approach allows the real reader to trace the readings of the various characters in the story. The interpretation of events varies according to the character; each focuses on a different aspect of the reading, from differing religious or ideological perspectives. Thus, they make mistakes, which proves fatal for one of them.notPeerReviewe

    Constitutionalism and democracy

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    La organización del poder político en una sociedad democrática no está exenta de dificultades. Así, el fenómeno conocido como constitucionalismo ha traído a primer plano la discusión a propósito de si este y democracia son principios opuestos sobre los que una teoría política sensata debe intentar alcanzar un compromiso, o son por el contrario principios complementarios que tienen un origen común. Ronald Dworkin, uno de los filósofos del derecho más importante de las últimas décadas, ofrece una reflexión sugerente en torno a esta cuestión. Esta indagación no sólo resulta de interés en sí misma considerada sino que el modo como la articula arroja luz a propósito de la comprensión del derecho como fenómeno institucionalThe organization of political power in a democratic society is not without its difficulties. Thus, the phenomenon known as constitutionalism has brought to the fore the discussion about whether this and democracy are opposite principles on which a sensible political theory should attempt to reach a compromise or are on the contrary complementary principles that have a common origin. Ronald Dworkin, one of the most important philosophers of law in recent decades, offers a suggestive reflection on this issue. This inquiry is not only of interest considered, but the way in which the article sheds light on the understanding of law as an institutional phenomenonEste artículo ha sido escrito dentro del Proyecto de Investigación “El desván de la razón: cultivo de las pasiones, identidades éticas y sociedades digitales” (Proyecto PAIDESOC. FFI2017-82535-P

    La palabra como fuerza generadora de la realidad en Borges

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar el interés de Jorge Luis Borges en la palabra como un instrumento capaz de crear realidad, un aspecto que, en su conjunto, está continuamente de presente en la obra del escritor argentino. A fin de centrarse en la grandeza de este potencial creativo, explora las doctrinas esotéricas de diferentes culturas y en diferentes momentos, especialmente dentro de la cultura judía. Examina el ritual cabalístico para descubrir, por un lado, el significado del nombre de Dios, y, por otro, la creación del Golem (simulacro de un hombre que los sabios judíos crean por medio de la palabra, aunque, paradójicamente, no está dotado de discurso). Pero esto no satisface al escritor y se vuelve a la palabra poética como el verdadero creador de la realidad misma.The aim of this paper is to show Jorge Luis Borges interest in the word as an instrument capable of creating reality, an aspect which is continually evident in the Argentine writer's work as a whole. In order to focus on the greatness of this creative potential, he explores esoteric doctrines in different cultures and at different times, dwelling particularly on Jewish culture. He examines cabalistic ritual to discover, on the one hand, the meaning of God's name, and, on the other, the creation of the Golem (the simulacrum of a man that the Jewish sages create by means of the word, although paradoxically he is not endowed with speech). But this does not satisfy the writer and he turns to the poetic word as the true creator of reality itself.notPeerReviewe