228 research outputs found

    El paraboloide hiperbólico en la arquitectura religiosa de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    73 p.El paraboloide hiperbólico se puede generar en la arquitectura de diferentes maneras posibles. Esta superficie se caracteriza por estar generada por directrices y generatrices, y también se puede generar mediante la traslación de parábolas. En las matemáticas se rige por una fórmula que nos permite poder manejar el paraboloide hiperbólico según nos sea necesario y poder visualizar las diferentes opciones que se pueden conseguir variando las constantes. Su inicio en la arquitectura surge en Francia, pero en las matemáticas son vistas en tiempos de los griegos; el paraboloide hiperbólico ha sido estudiada y ha evolucionado mucho en el tiempo; cabe destacar los análisis realizados por Gaudí y Félix Candela, dos arquitectos pioneros que estudiaron y aplicaron el paraboloide hiperbólico en sus proyectos. Gaudí fue conocido por las diferentes geometrías que colocaba en sus obras, el paraboloide hiperbólico lo podemos ver en varios proyectos como en La Sagrada Familia, aunque no se puede confirmar que él utilizase esta geometría como un sistema de cáscara sino como un recurso formal combinado con otras superficies curvas. Félix Candela, es uno de los arquitectos más importantes del paraboloide hiperbólico ya que decidió estudiar a fondo esta superficie tanto en las matemáticas como en la arquitectura, la mayoría de sus obras como el Oceanografic, han sido estudiadas en detalle para lograr una buena aplicación en la construcción del paraboloide hiperbólico. En la comunidad de Madrid podemos encontrar diferentes proyectos de arquitectura religiosa que utilizas el paraboloide hiperbólico, como la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Valle, la Parroquia de Santa María del Pilar y la Iglesia de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe; las 3 son iglesias que aparentemente sus cubiertas contienen la superficie del paraboloide hiperbólico colocando los espacios sagrados en la zona de la superficie de mayor altura y dejándolos abiertos, aunque estéticamente las tres son bastante diferentes; se ha decidido estudiar estos tres proyectos para entender como fueron proyectadas y construidas.The hyperbolic paraboloid can be generated in architecture in different ways. This surface is characterized by being generated by directives and generatrices, and it can also be generated by the translation of parabolas. In mathematics, it is governed by a formula that allows us to be able to handle the hyperbolic paraboloid as necessary and to be able to visualize the different options that can be achieved by varying the constants. Its beginning in architecture arises in France, but in mathematics they are seen in the times of the Greeks; the hyperbolic paraboloid has been studied and has evolved a lot over time; It is worth noting the analyzes carried out by Gaudí and Félix Candela, two pioneering architects who studied and applied the hyperbolic paraboloid in their projects. Gaudí was known for the different geometries that he placed in his works. We can see the hyperbolic paraboloid in various projects such as La Sagrada Familia, although it cannot be confirmed that he used this geometry as a shell system but rather as a formal resource combined with other curved surfaces. Félix Candela is one of the most important architects of the hyperbolic paraboloid since he decided to study this surface in depth both in mathematics and in architecture. Most of his works, such as the Oceanografic, have been studied in detail to achieve a good application in the construction of the hyperbolic paraboloid. In the community of Madrid we can find different projects of religious architecture that use the hyperbolic paraboloid, such as the Church of Nuestra Señora del Valle, the Parish of Santa María del Pilar and the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe; all 3 are churches whose roofs apparently contain the surface of the hyperbolic paraboloid, placing the sacred spaces in the highest area of the surface and leaving them open, although aesthetically the three are quite different; It has been decided to study these three projects to understand how they were designed and built.Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Efectos del alcohol en el cerebro de los adolescentes

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    El abuso de alcohol ocurre cada vez más en edades más tempranas, provocando discapacidades y muertes prematuras. La forma de consumo de alcohol juvenil es de tipo episódico, ocurriendo las noches del fin de semana y con ingesta de grandes cantidades de alcohol. Este patrón de consumo se vincula con problemas asociados al desarrollo neuronal y cognitivo favoreciendo la posterior aparición en la edad adulta de diversas patologías ligadas al consumo abusivo del alcohol. El objetivo de esta revisión es evaluar los efectos de la exposición al alcohol en el desarrollo cerebral durante la adolescencia, haciendo hincapié en el sistema neuroinmune, con la finalidad de actuar desde la prevención, la detección precoz, y una vez que haya sido detectado el problema. Material y métodos: Se llevaron a cabo búsquedas en distintas bases de datos en internet de las que se obtuvieron, después de una selección, un total de 36 artículos. Resultados y discusión: Se resumen las principales alteraciones neurocognitivas (asociándolas con la respuesta neuroinmune) al igual que los efectos a corto y largo plazo en los adolescentes que ingieren alcohol. Además, se comenta del papel que tiene y que debería de tener el profesional sanitario en la prevención y detención del problema. Conclusiones: La prevención y detección temprana ligadas a una rápida acción resultan vitales para reducir la aparición de daños asociados al consumo de alcohol en adolescentes y evitar crear una dependencia.ABSTRACT: Alcohol abuse occurs at an earlier age, leading to premature death and mental disorders. The form of consumption of juvenile alcohol is episodic type, occurring on weekend nights and with intake of large amounts of alcohol intake. This pattern of consumption is associated with problems associated with neuronal and cognitive development favoring the subsequent appearance in adulthood of several pathologies related to abusive consumption. The objective of this review is to evaluate the effects of exposure to alcohol on brain development and the immune system during adolescence age in order to act from prevention, early detection and once the problem has been detected. Material and methods: Searches were carried out in different databases on the internet, which, after a selection, obtained a total of 36 articles. Results and discussion: To make a summary of the main neurocognitive alterations (associating them with the neuroimmune response), as well as, the short and long term effects in adolescents who drink alcohol. In addition to the role of the health professional in preventing and stopping the problem. Conclusions: Prevention and early detection linked to rapid action are vital to reduce the occurrence of damage associated with alcoholism and avoid creating a dependency.Grado en Enfermerí

    Educación para la salud en la mujer con diabetes gestacional

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Enfermería (Zamora). Curso académico 2016-2017[ES]Introducción: La diabetes gestacional se caracteriza por la presencia de una resistencia a la insulina durante el embarazo, y constituye la alteración metabólica que más frecuentemente se asocia a la gestación, pudiendo dar lugar a complicaciones que afectan tanto a la madre como al bebé. La educación terapéutica y el seguimiento por parte del profesional de Enfermería constituye un aspecto terapéutico fundamental para modificar su futura evolución clínica y lograr un embarazo exitoso. Objetivos: Conocer el efecto de la educación diabetológica en la mujer gestante desde una perspectiva enfermera. Material y método: Revisión bibliográfica de artículos publicados desde 2005 hasta 2017. Se realiza una búsqueda de artículos en distintas bases de datos, tales como PubMed, Cochrane, Scielo, Cuiden, Elsevier, Cinalh y Trip Database. Resultados: Los diferentes artículos encontrados demuestran que los programas de educación para la salud resultan útiles para las mujeres diabéticas embarazadas, ya que producen una mejoría en su aprendizaje y manejo de la enfermedad. Conclusión: El personal de enfermería desempeña un papel importante en la asistencia y asesoramiento de estas mujeres. Se ha demostrado un efecto positivo de los programas de educación para la salud, en los cuales, las intervenciones relacionadas con la dieta y el ejercicio físico, el autocontrol en los niveles de glucosa y las intervenciones en el comportamiento, parecen tener éxito en la reducción de los niveles de glucosa en sangre materna, evidenciándose así, una reducción de complicaciones en el feto

    La economía social en España: las empresas de inserción

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    El trabajo se compone en una primera referencia a la economía social, relacionando este concepto con las empresas de inserción, a continuación, la evolución histórica de las empresas de inserción, su regulación mediante la Ley 44/2007 y su funcionamiento basado en los itinerarios de inserción. Posteriormente hay un análisis sobre diferentes aspectos que componen las empresas de inserción a nivel nacional y a nivel de Castilla y León. Finalmente el trabajo concluye con un apartado dedicado a la Federación Castellano Leonesa de empresas de inserción, así como sus funciones, objetivos y proyectos más actuales.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    Hand posture prediction using neural networks within a biomechanical model

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    This paper proposes the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in the framework of a biomechanical hand model for grasping. ANNs enhance the model capabilities as they substitute estimated data for the experimental inputs required by the grasping algorithm used. These inputs are the tentative grasping posture and the most open posture during grasping. As a consequence, more realistic grasping postures are predicted by the grasping algorithm, along with the contact information required by the dynamic biomechanical model (contact points and normals). Several neural network architectures are tested and compared in terms of prediction errors, leading to encouraging results. The performance of the overall proposal is also shown through simulation, where a grasping experiment is replicated and compared to the real grasping data collected by a data glove device. 

    Robomaths: Robotics to Learn Matematics in a Architecture Degree

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    The abstract part of mathematics is a difficult matter included in many subjects in university degrees. Specifically, in architecture degrees students lack interest in this topic if they don’t experience its immediate application. In addition, technological skills are required at every educational level and the students of these degrees are usually more interested in art than in technology. With the aim of encouraging architecture students' interest in mathematics and technology, a methodology is presented here that includes the use of robotics in maths lectures. The key idea is to make the abstract part of mathematics understandable by means of robots

    A Novel Real-Time MATLAB/Simulink/LEGO EV3 Platform for Academic Use in Robotics and Computer Science

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    Over the last years, mobile robot platforms are having a key role in education worldwide. Among others, LEGO Robots and MATLAB/Simulink are being used mainly in universities to improve the teaching experience. Most LEGO systems used in the literature are based on NXT, as the EV3 version is relatively recent. In contrast to the previous versions, the EV3 allows the development of real-time applications for teaching a wide variety of subjects as well as conducting research experiments. The goal of the research presented in this paper was to develop and validate a novel real-time educational platform based on the MATLAB/Simulink package and the LEGO EV3 brick for academic use in the fields of robotics and computer science. The proposed framework is tested here in different university teaching situations and several case studies are presented in the form of interactive projects developed by students. Without loss of generality, the platform is used for testing different robot path planning algorithms. Classical algorithms like rapidly-exploring random trees or artificial potential fields, developed by robotics researchers, are tested by bachelor students, since the code is freely available on the Internet. Furthermore, recent path planning algorithms developed by the authors are also tested in the platform with the aim of detecting the limits of its applicability. The restrictions and advantages of the proposed platform are discussed in order to enlighten future educational applications

    A tensor optimization algorithm for Bézier Shape Deformation

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    In this paper we propose a tensor based description of the Bézier Shape Deformation (BSD) algorithm, denoted as T-BSD. The BSD algorithm is a well-known technique, based on the deformation of a Bézier curve through a field of vectors. A critical point in the use of real-time applications is the cost in computational time. Recently, the use of tensors in numerical methods has been increasing because they drastically reduce computational costs. Our formulation based in tensors T-BSD provides an efficient reformulation of the BSD algorithm. More precisely, the evolution of the execution time with respect to the number of curves of the BSD algorithm is an exponentially increasing curve. As the numerical experiments show, the T-BSD algorithm transforms this evolution into a linear one. This fact allows to compute the deformation of a Bézier with a much lower computational cost

    Large scale semi-automatic detection of forest roads from low density LiDAR data on steep terrain in Northern Spain

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    [EN] While forest roads are important to forest managers in terms of facilitating the exploitation of wood and timber, their role is far more multifunctional. They permit access to emergency services in the case of forest fires as well as acting as fire breaks, enhance biodiversity, and provide access to the public to enjoy recreational activities. Detailed maps of forest roads are an essential tool for better and more timely forest management and automatic/semi-auto-matic tools allow not only the creation of forest road databases, but also enable these to be updated. In Spain, LiDAR data for the entire national territory is freely available, and the capture of higher density data is planned in the next few years. As such, the development of a forest road detection methodology based on LiDAR data would allow maps of all forest roads to be developed and regularly updated. The general objective of this work was to establish a low density LiDAR data-based methodology for the semi-automatic detection of the centerline of forest roads on steep terrain with various types of canopy cover. Intensity and slope images were generated using the currently available LiDAR data of the study area (0.5 points m-2). Two image classification approaches were evaluated: pixel-based and object-oriented classification (OBIA). The LiDAR-derived centerlines obtained with the two approaches were compared with the real centerlines which had previously been digitized in the field. The road width, type of surface and type of vegetation cover were also recorded. The effectiveness of the two approaches was evaluated through three quality indicators: correctness, completeness and quality. In addition, the accuracy of the LiDAR-derived centerlines was also evaluated by combining GIS analysis and statistical methods. The pixel-based approach obtained higher values than OBIA for two of the three quality measures (correctness: 93% compared to 90%; and quality: 60% compared to 56%) as well as in terms of positional accuracy (± 5.5 m vs. ± 6.8 for OBIA). The results obtained in this study demonstrate that producing road maps is among the most valuable and easily attainable products of LiDAR data analysis.SIThis study was funded by the SCALyFOR project (R&D Projects “Research Challenges”, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivenes