10,212 research outputs found

    Validity evidence of the organizational justice scale in Spain

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónEvidencias de validez de la Escala de Justicia Organizacional en España. Antecedentes: el interés por la medición de la percepción de justicia organizacional ha aumentado en los últimos años debido a su demostrada relación con resultados organizacionales significativos, como el bienestar y el agotamiento emocional. En España, se puede destacar la Escala de Justicia Organizacional (OJS) como un instrumento que ha mostrado buenas propiedades psicométricas en estudios previos en el sector hotelero. Este estudio complementa la evidencia de las características de la OJS utilizando una amplia muestra multisectorial. Método: los participantes fueron 849 empleados de diferentes sectores ocupacionales. La estructura de la OJS se estudió mediante análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio dividiendo la muestra en dos submuestras aleatorias. Además, se analizó la fiabilidad y validez de cada dimensión. Resultados: los resultados indicaron que la escala está constituida por tres factores (distributiva, procedimental y en la interacción), con una fiabilidad y validez adecuadas. Por otra parte, como era de esperar, se encontraron correlaciones positivas entre la percepción de justicia organizacional y el bienestar, y negativas con el agotamiento emocional. Conclusiones: la OJS es una herramienta adecuada para su uso por parte de académicos y profesionales en el estudio de la percepción de justicia organizacional en España, garantizando una validez y fiabilidad adecuadas.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]

    On the strategic choice of spatial price policy: the role of the pricing game rules

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    In this paper, whe show that the strategic choice of spatial price policy under duopoly crucially depends on the rules of price competition. Thisse and Vives (1988) show that spatial price discrimination is a dominant strategy when the mill pricing firm is the leader and the discriminatory firm is the follower. When the leader-follower roles are reversed we find that equilibrium pricing policies depend on the consumer's reservation value. The pricing policy game has two equilibria in pure strategies, either both firms price uniformly (f.o.b.) or both firms price discriminate, when the reservation value is low. For intermediate levels of the reservation value, price discrimination is a dominant strategy and the pricing policy game is similar to a Prisoner's Dilemma. When the consumer reservation value is large enough we obtain asymmetric equilibria in which one firm prices according to f.o.b. and the other price discriminates. We also analyze the case of simultaneous price competition and find a mixed strategies equilibrium for the price competition subgame such that the pricing policy game has two equilibria in pure strategies, either both firms price uniformly or both firms price discriminate.spatial price discrimination, price policy

    Modelo de regresión para razones y proporciones: variantes y aplicaciones socio-económicas y biosanitarias

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    Many researchers use regression models to analyse data and study the relationship between some variables. The linear regression model, in particular, is commonly used in applications. This paper proposes a model based on the assumption that the response is beta distributed, which is very flexible for modelling proportions. For this reason, this model is appropriate for situations where the response is restricted to the interval (0, 1). The goal is to collect the modelling and inferential procedures for beta regression, including a description of betareg package which provides the class of beta regressions in the R system for statistical computing. Furthermore, some practical applications that employ real data are mentioned and described at the end.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Matemática

    Measuring inequality and dependences between income sources with administrative data and survey data

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper aims at analyzing the effects of changing from survey to administrative data on inequality and its structure. Taking advantage of the Spanish Survey on Income and Living Conditions (ECV) that continued asking households for their income despite assigning them the income data provided by the Tax Agency and the Social Security administration, different analyses are carried out. By using copula functions we pay special attention to the effect on the dependences between income sources. We find a significant growth in the disposable income of households when using administrative data. The incomes of both tails of the distribution increase considerably more than middle incomes, and administrative data produce significantly lower levels of inequality. Using administrative instead of survey data also gives rise to changes in the structure of inequality by income sources, rising the contribution of capital income. Both methods of data collection also produce significant differences in the observed dependences between income sources.Economía Aplicad

    Ovid, on the Birth of Love (Met. I 452 ff.)

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    The charm of the Apollo and Daphne myth inspires admiration, particularly in its amatory facet, the aspect which has attracted most attention. But the myth also examines love and pain, alongside the elements of prophecy and virginity, as the true nature of poetry, symbolized by the laurel of Apollo. It also deals with love -and its opposite, the philosophical principles of separation and combination- as primum mobile in a civilizing rewriting of Hesiod and his primary, generative love. Here Ovid fuses the charm of elegy with the cosmogonic hymn, didactic wisdom and the epyllion.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia PS94- 009

    Los cuadernos de don Rigoberto : contemplación y erotismo

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    En la novela Los cuadernos de don Rigoberto, escrita por Mario Vargas Llosa, se aborda, desde distintas perspectivas, la relación entre la pintura y el erotismo. De este modo los personajes entran a vivificar, a través de la representación, las escenas plasmadas en diversas pinturas reales y célebres. Dicha representación implica por un lado una ekfrasis que le permite al lector hacerse una imagen mental de la pintura imitada por los personajes, a la vez que se convierte en un acto erótico por medio del cual estos fantasean y conciben su vida sexual. La relación entre la pintura y el erotismo también es abordada desde la construcción de una serie de fantasías sensuales basadas o surgidas a partir de diversas imágenes pictóricas, que dejan de ser un elemento netamente estético y se convierten de este modo en un aliciente de la sexualidad.In the novel Los cuadernos de don Rigoberto, wrote by Mario Vargas Llosa, is tackled, since differents perspectives, the connection between paint and eroticism. This way, the characters played the scenes expressed in differents paints trues and famous. This representation involve an ekphrasis and the reader can to make a mental picture of the paint imitated by the characters. This representation is too an erotic act, is an example of the character´s sexual life. The connection between pain and eroticism is tackled too until the construction of erotics fantasies based in differents pictures, for this reason the paints are in this novel an element esthetic and erotic