19 research outputs found

    Early Late Pliocene Paleokarstic Fillings Predating the Major Plio-Pleistocene Erosion of the Quercy Table, SW-France

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    Early late Pliocene rodent tooth remains, have been found in situ within Quercy paleokarstic fillings. They provide evidence of a sedimentary episode related to a high Pliocene marine level ca 3.5 Ma ago, that illustrates the situation predating the regional erosion phase and setting up of the hydrographic system

    Rongeurs de la localitĂ© Ă©ocĂšne de Cos (Tarn-et-Garonne, Quercy, France). Comparaison avec les rongeurs de localitĂ©s de la transition ÉocĂšne infĂ©rieur/ÉocĂšne moyen

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    Cet article dĂ©crit les rongeurs de la nouvelle faune de Cos (Tarn-et-Garonne, Quercy, France) dont l’étude des primates vient d’ĂȘte achevĂ©e (Godinot et al. 2021). Parmi ces rongeurs, peu diversifiĂ©s, l’espĂšce la plus petite est attribuĂ©e Ă  Eogliravus wildi Hartenberger, 1971. Toutes les espĂšces d’Eogliravus Hartenberger, 1971 sont ici redĂ©crites et leurs diagnoses Ă©mendĂ©es. Deux spĂ©cimens sont rĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s Ă  un thĂ©ridomorphe indĂ©terminé de petite taille. Le rongeur le plus abondant et le plus grand reprĂ©sente une nouvelle espĂšce du thĂ©ridomorphe Masillamys. L’analyse de la variabilitĂ© morphologique et morphomĂ©trique de ce Masillamys cosensis n. sp. met en Ă©vidence une forte variabilitĂ© des prĂ©molaires tant infĂ©rieures que supĂ©rieures, alors que celle des molaires est moindre. Cette espĂšce est comparĂ©e avec les Masillamys de la fin de l’YprĂ©sien et du dĂ©but du LutĂ©tien. Elle reprĂ©sente un grade Ă©volutif plus dĂ©rivĂ© que Masillamys mattaueri Hartenberger, 1975, du Mas de Gimel (HĂ©rault ; MP10) par sa taille un peu plus grande notamment, et un grade moins dĂ©rivĂ© que celui des Masillamys beegeri et M. krugi Tobien, 1954, de Messel (Hesse ; MP11), notamment par l’hypocĂŽne toujours moins fort que le protocĂŽne aux molaires supĂ©rieures. Cette espĂšce est Ă©galement prĂ©sente dans le remplissage karstique de ViĂ©lase (Aveyron). Ces rongeurs s’intĂšgrent au sein d’un intervalle de temps compris entre les nuiveaux-repĂšres mammaliens MP10 et MP11, Ă  la transition YprĂ©sien- LutĂ©tien, et contribuent Ă  la discussion sur la biochronologie de cette pĂ©riode. Dataset GBIFThis article describes the rodents of the new fauna of Cos (Tarn-et-Garonne, Quercy) whose primates were first studied and published (Godinot et al. 2021) Among these poorly diversified rodent assemblage, the smallest species is assigned to Eogliravus wildi. All Eogliravus Hartenberger, 1971 species are redescribed here and their diagnoses are emended. Two specimens are designated as a small-sized indeterminate theridomorph. The largest and most abundant rodent represents a new species of the Theridomorph genus Masillamys namely M. cosensis n. sp. The analysis of its morphological and morphometric variability enables to highlight a high variability of the lower and upper premolars, whereas molars variability is lower. This species is compared with the late Ypresian and early Lutetian Masillamys. It represents a more derived evolutionary grade than Masillamys mattaueri Hartenberger, 1975, from Mas de Gimel (HĂ©rault; MP10) especially by its slightly larger size, and a less derived stage than that of the Masillamys from Messel (Hesse ; MP11), especially by its still weaker hypocone relative to the protocone on the upper molars. Masillamys cosensis n. sp. also occurs in ViĂ©lase (Aveyron). These rodents pointe toward a time interval comprised between the European reference levels MP10 and MP11, near the Ypresian-Lutetian transition, and contribute to the discussion about the biochronology of this time interval. GBIF dataset</p

    La nĂ©cropole protohistorique (VI<sup>e</sup>-V<sup>e</sup> a.C.) du Camp de l’Église nord (Flaujac-Poujols, Lot) : approche prĂ©liminaire et premiers rĂ©sultats

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    International audienceThe cemetery of Camp de l’Église in Flaujac-Poujols (Lot) was discovered during the construction of the motorway A20. Through its study, not yet achieved, we know a lot more about the funeral practices that occured between the second quarter of the 6th century and the late 5th century a.C. Composed of 40 to 50 cremation burials mounds, it is now a reference for further research on the late first Iron Age and the begining of the second Iron Age in the South West of France. These monuments have given wide information, especially about the early LTA. With its 500 potteries, this cimetery can be related to the Tarn group. The metallic artefacts show its close relations with cultural groups of the PyrĂ©nĂ©es, Aquitaine, Languedoc, Iberian peninsula, Centre and East Center of Gaul. The extraordinary architecture and the diversity of the funeral practices also show the exceptional interest of this cemetery. It is an excellent example of protoceltic syncretism, at the crossroads of Aquitan, Mediterranean and Continental worlds. The metallic artefacts of early LTA question about how the latenian culture appeared in SouthWest Gaul and how this protohistoric community evolved.La dĂ©couverte de la nĂ©cropole du Camp de l’Église nord Ă  Flaujac-Poujols (Lot), sur le tracĂ© de l’autoroute A20 fait progresser de maniĂšre spectaculaire nos connaissances sur le monde funĂ©raire entre le VIe et la fin du Ve a.C. Ce gisement, actuellement en cours de fouille, qui pourrait regrouper au total entre quarante et cinquante tertres de pierres Ă  incinĂ©ration, s’impose dĂ©jĂ  comme site de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour l’étude de la fin du premier Ăąge et du dĂ©but du second Ăąge du Fer dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. Vingt-huit Ă©difices, construits entre le second quart du VIe et la fin du Ve a.C. ont Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ©s Ă  ce jour. Plus de 500 vases et un abondant mobilier mĂ©tallique de qualitĂ© (Ă©pĂ©es, couteaux, fibules, bracelets, trousses de toilette, etc.) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couverts. Par sa cĂ©ramique, la nĂ©cropole est attribuable au groupe tarnais. Le caractĂšre spectaculaire de l’architecture et la diversitĂ© des pratiques funĂ©raires tĂ©moignent Ă©galement de la richesse exceptionnelle de ce cimetiĂšre. Cette nĂ©cropole est un bel exemple de syncrĂ©tisme proto-celte, au carrefour des mondes aquitains, mĂ©diterranĂ©ens et continentaux

    Valbro : un nouveau site Ă  vertĂ©brĂ©s de l’OligocĂšne infĂ©rieur (MP22) de France (Quercy). I – Contexte gĂ©ologique ; Mammalia : Rodentia, Hyaenodontida, Carnivora

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    International audienceThe locality Valbro (Quercy, France) has yielded a rich fossil vertebrate fauna. Here are presented the geological context, a preliminary faunal list and the systematics of the Rodentia and carnivores, the most abundant taxa of the fauna. The Rodentia are known from 11 taxa: the Theridomyidae Blainvillimys grega-rius Schlosser, 1884, Blainvillimys ?gemellus Vianey-Liaud, 1989, Issiodoromys medius (Vianey-Liaud, 1976)and S. cayluxi Schlosser, 1884, the Aplodontidae Plesispermophilus angustidens Filhol, 1882, the GliridaeButseloglis tenuis (Bahlo, 1975), Butseloglis micio (Misonne, 1957) and Bransatoglis planus (Bahlo, 1975), theSciuridae Palaeosciurus goti Vianey-Liaud, 1974 and cf. Oligopetes sp., and the Cricetidae Atavocricetodonsp. aff. A. nanus (Pelaez-Campomanes, 1995). Thirteen taxa of carnivores are present at Valbro; amongthe Hyaenodontida: Hyaenodon leptorhynchus Laizer et Parieu, 1838 and cf. Apterodon sp.; among the Car-nivora: a Feliformia gen. et sp. indet., the Nimravidae Nimravus intermedius (Filhol, 1872), Dinailurictisbonali Helbing, 1922 and Nimravidae gen. et sp. indet. (Certainly belonging to one the two already iden-tified species), the Ursida Pachycynodon crassirostris Schlosser, 1888, Pachycynodon sp., Amphicynodonsp. 1 cf. A. typicus (Schlosser, 1888), Amphicynodon ? sp. 2 and Ursida gen. et sp. indet. cf. Pachycynodonboriei (Filhol, 1876), the Mustelida M. olivieri Bonis, 1997, the Carnivora incertae sedis Palaeogale sectoria(Gervais, 1848–1852), the Arctoidea gen. et sp. indet. and Carnivora gen. et sp. indet. (probably represen-ting taxa already identified at lower taxonomic levels). The evolutionary grade of B. gregarius of Valbrocompares to that of the species from Mas de Got, La Plante 2 and CavalĂ©, which supports an MP22 agefor Valbro. This datation is further supported by the association of Theridomyinae yielded by the locality(B. gregarius, B. gemellus, I. medius and S. cayluxi), and by the presence of a N. intermedius that well comparesthe material of the species from Villebramar, La Plante et Mas de Got, of D. bonali, P. sectoria, M. olivieri(species known only from Mas de Got), and by additional evidence from the remaining vertebrates fromValbro, especially the squamates. Despite a limited amount of specimens (341 specimens have been stu-died), the faunas of rodents and carnivores from Valbro are the most speciose and diverse known for theMP22 level and, for the Carnivora fauna in particular, for the Oligocene of the Old World.Le gisement de Valbro (Quercy, France) a livrĂ© une riche faune de vertĂ©brĂ©s fossiles. Dans cette contribution sont prĂ©sentĂ©s le contexte gĂ©ologique, la liste faunique prĂ©liminaire et l’étude systĂ©matique des rongeurs et des carnassiers, les groupes dominants de cette faune. Les rongeurs sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s par 11 taxons : les Theridomyidae Blainvillimys gregarius Schlosser, 1884, Blainvillimys ?gemellus Vianey-Liaud, 1989, Issiodoromys medius (Vianey-Liaud, 1976) et Sciuromys cayluxi Schlosser, 1884,l’Aplodontidae Plesispermophilus angustidens Filhol, 1882, les Gliridae Butseloglis tenuis (Bahlo, 1975),Butseloglis micio (Misonne, 1957) et Bransatoglis planus (Bahlo, 1975), les Sciuridae Palaeosciurusgoti Vianey-Liaud, 1974 et cf. Oligopetes sp., et le Cricetidae Atavocricetodon sp. aff. A. nanus (Pelaez-Campomanes, 1995). Treize taxons de carnassiers sont prĂ©sents Ă  Valbro ; chez les Hyaenodontida :Hyaenodon leptorhynchus Laizer et Parieu, 1838 et cf. Apterodon sp. ; chez les Carnivora : le Feliformiagen. et sp. indet., les Nimravidae Nimravus intermedius (Filhol, 1872), Dinailurictis bonali Helbing, 1922 etNimravidae gen. et sp. indet. (reprĂ©sentant certainement l’une des deux espĂšces identifiĂ©es), les UrsidaPachycynodon crassirostris Schlosser, 1888, Pachycynodon sp., Amphicynodon sp. 1 cf. A. typicus (Schlosser,1888), Amphicynodon ? sp. 2 et Ursida gen. et sp. indet. cf. Pachycynodon boriei (Filhol, 1876), le Muste-lida Mustelictis olivieri Bonis, 1997, le Carnivora incertae sedis Palaeogale sectoria (Gervais, 1848–1852),l’Arctoidea gen. et sp. indet. et Carnivora gen. et sp. indet. (reprĂ©sentant vraisemblablement un taxon identifiĂ© Ă  un rang taxonomique infĂ©rieur). Le stade Ă©volutif du B. gregarius de Valbro, comparable Ă  celui de l’espĂšce provenant de Mas de Got, La Plante 2 et CavalĂ© rapproche Valbro du niveau MP22 (Oligo-cĂšne infĂ©rieur). Cette datation est renforcĂ©e par l’association des Theridomyinae rencontrĂ©s dans legisement (B. gregarius, B. gemellus, I. medius et S. cayluxi), par la prĂ©sence d’un N. intermedius au stade Ă©volutif comparable Ă  celui de l’espĂšce de Villebramar, La Plante et Mas de Got, de D. bonali, P. sectoria,M.olivieri (espĂšce connue uniquement de Mas de Got), ainsi que par les autres Ă©lĂ©ments de la faune,notamment les squamates. MalgrĂ© un matĂ©riel fossile restreint (341 spĂ©cimens Ă©tudiĂ©s), les faunes de rongeurs et de carnassiers de Valbro sont d’une diversitĂ© et d’une richesse sans Ă©quivalent pour le niveauMP22 et, pour la faune de Carnivora en particulier, sans Ă©quivalent pour l’OligocĂšne de l’Ancien Monde

    Beyond Eocene and Oligocene Epochs: The Causses du Quercy Geopark and the Grande Coupure

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    International audienceThe "phosphatiĂšres du Quercy" are karstic fillings exploited for phosphate at the end of the 19th century. They yield countless continental fossils through some 30 million years, ranging from late early Eocene to early Miocene. This exceptional paleontological series documents the 'Grande Coupure', a major biogeographical event involving a profound renewal of vertebrate faunas, recorded in Eurasia during the Eocene-Oligocene transition. This exceptional fossil record is key to understanding the impact of biotic and abiotic factors during this turbulent time of global change. The presence of natural mummies and the 3D preservation of numerous vertebrate skulls, as well as remains of arthropods and plants, are all attractive means to raise public awareness and promote an internationally unique geoheritage

    A new Cainotherioidea (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from Palembert (Quercy, SW France): Phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of the dental pattern of Cainotheriidae

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    International audienceCainotheriidae are small artiodactyls restricted to Western Europe deposits from the late Eocene to the middle Miocene. From their first occurrence in the fossil record, cainotheriids show a highly derived molar morphology compared to other endemic European artiodactyls, called the "Cainotherium plan", and the modalities of the emergence of this family are still poorly understood. Cainotherioid dental material from the Quercy area (Palembert, France; MP18-MP19) is described in this work and referred to Oxacron courtoisii and to a new "cainotherioid" species. The latter shows an intermediate morphology between the "robiacinid" and the "derived cainotheriid" types. This allows for a better understanding of the evolution of the dental pattern of cainotheriids, and identifies the enlargement and lingual migration of the paraconule of the upper molars as a key driver. A phylogenetic analysis, based on dental characters, retrieves the new taxon as the sister group to the clade including Cainotheriinae and Oxacroninae. The new taxon represents the earliest offshoot of Cainotheriidae

    Vers un modĂšle d’évolution architecturale des dolmens caussenards en Quercy : l’apport des fouilles du dolmen I du Pech Laglaire Ă  GrĂ©alou (Lot)

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    International audienceThe Causses of Quercy belong to one of the most important megalithic concentrations in Europe, where the “simple” or “caussenard” dolmens are dominant. The architectural variability, the diversity of territorial settlements and the chronology of the phenomenon remain surprisingly unknown in view of the density of listed monuments. The excavation and architectural study of dolmen I at Pech Laglaire in GrĂ©alou (Lot), in 2021 and 2022, revealed several successive phases of construction, partial destruction and then condemnation of this monument with two megalithic chambers. In the light of these latest discoveries, a re-examination of the available documentation reveals a pattern of architectural evolution, where the primary trapezoidal cairns are truncated and then encompassed in circular cairns, and allows some previous observations to be reinterpreted. The covering of the monuments in their final phase by a circular enclosing cairn seems to be almost systematic and questions the reasons for the condemnation of the sepulchral spaces.Les Causses du Quercy portent l’une des plus importantes concentrations mĂ©galithiques d’Europe oĂč dominent les dolmens « simples » ou « caussenards ». La variabilitĂ© architecturale, la diversitĂ© des implantations territoriales ou encore la chronologie du phĂ©nomĂšne restent Ă©tonnamment mĂ©connues au regard de la densitĂ© des monuments rĂ©pertoriĂ©s. La fouille et l’étude architecturale du dolmen I du Pech Laglaire Ă  GrĂ©alou (Lot), en 2021 et 2022, ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© plusieurs phases successives de construction, de destruction partielle puis de condamnation de ce monument prĂ©sentant deux chambres mĂ©galithiques. À la lumiĂšre de ces derniĂšres dĂ©couvertes, un rĂ©examen de la documentation disponible rĂ©vĂšle un modĂšle d’évolution architecturale, oĂč les cairns primaires de forme trapĂ©zoĂŻdale sont tronquĂ©s puis englobĂ©s dans des cairns circulaires, et permet de rĂ©interprĂ©ter certaines observations antĂ©rieures. Le recouvrement des monuments dans leur phase finale par un cairn englobant circulaire semble ĂȘtre quasi systĂ©matique et questionne sur les raisons de la condamnation des espaces sĂ©pulcraux

    Primates and Plesiadapiformes from Cos (Eocene; Quercy, France)

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    International audienceA new fauna has been collected from a fissure filling named Cos in the Quercy region, southwestern France. It includes four primate species and a plesiadapiform. The cercamoniine adapiform Protoadapis andrei Godinot and Vidalenc, nov. sp., is represented by material that adds to our knowledge of the genus Protoadapis for the upper canine, upper molars and other morphological details. It appears more primitive than P. brachyrhynchus from the Old Quercy Collections. The other cercamoniine Pronycticebus cosensis Godinot and Vidalenc, nov. sp., offers insight on intraspecific variations and other details of the genus. Both species suggest a bushy evolution within these genera. Two teeth document the presence of a third cercamoniine, Anchomomys sp. indet. The new microchoerid Quercyloris eloisae Godinot and Vidalenc, nov. gen., nov. sp., has very primitive characters and seems to document a primitive member of the Pseudoloris clade. A poorly documented paromomyid plesiadapiform is distinct enough to be named Arcius moniquae Godinot and Vidalenc, nov. sp. It represents the first discovery of a plesiadapiform in the Quercy fossil record and makes a link with paromomyids surviving until the late Lutetian European Mammal Paleogene MP 13 reference level. The primates indicate a broad age interval between MP 10 (late Ypresian) and MP 12 (mid-Lutetian). The identification of the same species of Pronycticebus and of the new genus in the Vielase fauna suggests more precisely the MP 10–MP 11 (late Ypresian–early Lutetian) time interval