13 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research was to discover the various reasons of failures and appropriate repair options for the line ducting cleaning unit system at PT Pusri Palembang's NPK-1 production facility. The main cause of the failures was determined to be a deterioration of the ducting line material caused by corrosion on the inner side of the ducting pipe composed of SS400 carbon steel. We made investigation including an analysis of the thickness of the damaged ducting pipe, as well as a visual check. The investigation showed that the corrosion caused an average drop in pipe wall thickness of up to 70%. The fixed load superimposed on the ducting pipe and the carrying capacity of the piping affect ducting strength, but corrosion on the inner surface of the pipe, caused by direct contact with corrosive and hygroscopic process dust, reduces ducting wall strength against axial and lateral loads. A Failure pipe caused losses and unscheduled shutdowns of production process, will be increased the repair costs and increases the risk of human accidents. The suggestion of investigation results is to upgrade the ducting pipe materials to knowed corrosion-resistant materials, such as stainless-steel grade SS304. Also, should be taken is also regularly to inspect the ducting cleanness for the internal of ducting and control the dust flow rate through the scrubbing system. As conclusion, the suggestions given are to mitigate the risk of corrosion impact by maintaini­­­­­­ng ducting strength within the minimizing ducting system failures and ensuring the NPK plant's operation reliability.Penelitian ini menganalisis kerusakan pada line ducting scrubbing sistem unit di pabrik NPK-1 PT Pusri Palembang dan bertujuan untuk menentukan penyebab utama kegagalan dan mengidentifikasi solusi perbaikan yang tepat. Penyebab utama kegagalan ini disimpulkan sebagai penurunan kekuatan ducting line akibat korosi pada sisi dalam pipa ducting yang terbuat dari carbon steel SS400. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan kajian terhadap design awal material ducting, pemeriksaan ketebalan pipa ducting yang rusak, serta pemeriksaan visual. Hasilnya menunjukkan pengurangan ketebalan dinding pipa rata-rata hingga 70% akibat korosi. Kekuatan ducting dipengaruhi beban tetap yang ditumpangkan pada pipa ducting dan daya dukung oleh perpipaan, namun korosi pada permukaan sisi dalam pipa yang bersentuhan langsung dengan debu proses korosif dan higroskopis menyebabkan penurunan kekuatan dinding ducting terhadap beban aksial dan lateral. Kegagalan pada pipa ducting ini berdampak pada kerugian dan unschedule shutdown proses produksi, meningkatkan biaya perbaikan, dan meningkatkan risiko kecelakaan kerja. Tindakan perbaikan yang direkomendasikan adalah penggunaan bahan pipa ducting yang tahan terhadap korosi, seperti stainless steel grade SS304. Selain itu, disarankan juga melakukan pemantauan kondisi pipa secara berkala, pembersihan debu proses secara teratur pada sisi dalam pipa ducting, dan pengendalian laju aliran debu pada sistem scrubbing. Langkah-langkah ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi risiko korosi untuk menjaga kekuatan ducting, sehingga meminimalisir kegagalan sistem dan menjaga kehandalan operasional pabrik pupuk NPK


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    Abstrak                                                                                                                                Sebuah hasil rancang-bangun dirancang-bangun untuk mendinginkan lalu sekaligus mengeringkan udara atau disebut dehumidifikasi. Hasil rancang-bangun ini menggunakan termoelektrik sebagai komponen utama dalam dehumidifikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengkaji kinerja sebuah portable mini dehumidifier menggunakan teknologi termoelektrik dengan variasi  udara masukan terhadap nilai COP (coefficient of performance) atau unjuk kerja dari modul termoelektrik yaitu TEC1-12706. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk empat waktu variasi udara masukan yaitu pada pagi hari (pukul 07.00-10.00 wib); siang hari (pukul 12.00-15.00 wib); malam hari (21.00-24.00 wib); dan set-point (set-temperatur 24 oC) untuk rerata setiap 15 menit pengambilan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa heat-sink untuk sisi dingin dapat mendinginkan temperatur udara masuk sebesar 5.40 oC pada kondisi rerata set-point, serta pendinginan terkecil hanya 2.23 oC pada kondisi rerata siang hari. Dari hasil penelitian juga didapat koefisien kinerja atau COP terbaik dari sisi panas heat-sink termoelektrik pada kondisi set-point yaitu 1.64 dengan menurunkan (dehumidifier) kelembaban udara masuk dari 59% menjadi 27.08%, sedangkan pada kondisi malam hari kinerja sisi panas heat-sink mengalami penurunan menjadi 1.48 dikarenakan kelembaban udara produk dihasilkan mencapai 43.23% dari kelembaban udara masuk yaitu 95.77%.Abstract   A prototype is designed to cool and then dry air or dehumidification. The prototype uses thermoelectric as the main component in dehumidification. This research is conducted by studying the performance of a portable mini dehumidifier using thermoelectric technology with variation of input air to COP (coefficient of performance) of thermoelectric module that is TEC1-12706. This research was conducted for four times variation of input air that is in the morning (at 07.00-10.00 am); daytime (at 00:00 to 03:00 pm); Night (09.00-12.00 pm); and set-point (set-temperature 24 oC) for the average every 15 minutes of data retrieval. The results show that heat-sinks for cold side can cool air temperature of 5.40 oC in set-point mean conditions, and the smallest cooling is only 2.23 oC in average daytime conditions. The results of the research also obtained the best coefficient of performance or COP from the hot side of the heat-sink in the set-point condition that is 1.64 by reducing (dehumidifier) of air humidity from 59% to 27.08%, while at night time the hot side of the heat-sink performance small decrease to 1.48 due to air humidity of product resulted reach 43.23% from incoming air humidity that is 95.77%


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    Abstrak   Penelitian ini berupa rancang bangun sebuah prototipe mini pengkondisian udara tipe water cooled water serta melalukan pengujian prototipe dengan menggunakan variable berupa temperatur nyaman kabin yang dicapai 22,8oC~26,7oC. Dalam pengujian prototype bertujuan mengkaji kinerja hasil rancang bangun berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino Uno untuk pengontrolan temperatur kabin yaitu sensor temperatur DS18B20 dan tanpa menggunakan Arduino Uno. Penelitian ini dilakukan  selama satu jam dengan lima waktu pengujian yaitu pada menit 0 ke 10, menit 11 ke 20, menit 21 ke 30, menit 31 ke 40, menit 41 ke 50 dan menit 51 ke 60. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pengunaan mikrokontroler Arduino menghasilkan konsumsi rata-rata daya kompresor berkisar 247watt~264watt dan ketika temperatur minimum evaporator sebesar 8oC  tercapai, maka konsumsi daya kompresor mengalami penurunan antara 70,22%  sampai dengan 93,29%. Hal yang sama juga terjadi ketika temperatur maksimum evaporator tercapai (20oC), konsumsi daya kompresor juga mengalami penurunan diantara 59,77%  hingga 72,02%. Sedangkan hasil pengujian tanpa menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino konsumsi daya kompresor selalu cenderung konstan pada menit 10 hingga menit ke 60, dimana rata-rata konsumsi daya kompresor berurutan berkisar 267watt~ 275watt untuk tiap capaian temperatur evaporator. Dalam hasil pengujian berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino memberikan penghematan konsumsi energi listrik berupa daya kompresor sebesar 14,65 watt untuk tiap 10 menit pengujian. Hasil penelitian juga diketahui pengontrolan temperatur berbasis mikrokontroler perlu dilakukan agar koefisieb kinerja (coefficient of performance) mesin dapat dijaga konstan serta salah satu langkah agar kompresor tidak bekerja secara terus-menerus (continuously) pada saat temperatur kabin tercapai, dalam hal ini dapat menjaga umur pemakaian kompresor.Abstract   This study is a design of a mini air conditioning type water cooled water prototype and perform-test using a variable in the form of an indoor air comfort between 22.8oC to 26.7oC. These prototype testing aims to examine the performance of the design results based on two conditions test. Firstly using the Arduino Uno microcontroller for controlling indoor air temperature, namely the DS18B20 temperature sensor and secondly without microcontroller. This research was conducted for one hour with five testing times, namely at 0 to 10 minutes, 11 to 20 minutes, 21 to 30 minutes, 31 to 40 minutes, 41 to 50 minutes and 51 to 60 minutes. The results showed by using microcontroller was produced energy consumption as compressor power with energy ranges from 247 watts to 264watt and when the minimum evaporator temperature is reached (8oC), the compressor of energy consumption has decreased from 70.22% to 93.29%. The same thing happened when the maximum evaporator temperature was reached (20oC), the energy consumption by compressor also decreased from 59.77% to 72.02%. While the results of testing without using an Arduino microcontroller, the energy consumption always tends to be constant at 10 to 60 minutes, where the average consecutive energy consumption varies from 267watt to 275watt for each evaporator temperature performance. Meanwhile from test results used Arduino microcontroller it provides savings in electrical energy consumption in the form of compressor power is 14.65 watts for every 10 minutes of testing. Also the results of known that microcontroller-based temperature control needs to be done so that the coefficient of performance of the machine can be kept constant and the compressor does not work continuously when the indoor air temperature is reached, in this case could be maintain the long-life of compressor


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    Recently, liquid smoke is widely used for various needs, both for food purposes and for freezing rubber latex. Liquid smoke began to grow due to the large demand, also using biomass / waste as a base material. Immediate production results are needed by the condensation process. The application of the refrigeration system guides the temperature of the air which is used as a cooling medium in the condensation process during the process of making liquid smoke. This study uses coconut shell as raw material for pyrolysis, and there are 4 temperature variations that are applied in the liquid smoke production process. First without a refrigeration system, the application of a refrigeration system with temperature variations of 22 ° C, 18 ° C and the last one is 15 ° C. The data is taken every 30 minutes for 6 hours. Based on the research results, it was found that the maximum production results using the refrigeration system at an air temperature of 15 ° C, resulted in 375 ml of liquid smoke. Keywords: Liquid Smoke, Refrigeration, Pyrolysis, Coconut Shel

    Studi Perbandingan Energi Bahan Bakar Gasoline Dengan Bahan Bakar Gas Pada KendaraanBermotor

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    Populasi kendaraan di Indonesia yang berbahan bakar minyak (BBM) setiap tahunnya semakin meningkat sedangkan cadangan minyak sendiri semakin menipis. Kenaikan pemakaian BBM untuk kendaraan tersebut menyebabkan subsidi BBM dan polusi udara juga akan meningkat. Tingginya Harga minyak mentah, menyebabkan pemerintah harus memberikan subsidi BBM. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut di perlukan bahan bakar alternative  yang ramah lingkungan dan lebih efisien sebagai pengganti BBM untuk kendaraan. Salah satu bahan bakar alternatif adalah bahan bakar gas (BBG). Dari pemakaian BBG sudah banyak dilakukan kajian yang memberikan banyak keuntungan yaitu pengurangan pemakaian BBM dan secara langsung dapat mengurangi subsidi BBM serta mengurangi emisi fosil. Bagi pengguna kendaraan akan memberikan keuntungan karena harga BBG lebih murah di banding harga BBM. Dari hasil penelitian antara Gasoline dan Gas dengan menggunakan tipe kendaraan bermotor (mobil) diketahui  energi bahan bakar  yaitu daya indikator pada mesin berbahan bakar gas lebih kecil 2% sampai 5% di banding dengan mesin berbahan bakar gasoline akan tetapi pemakaian bahan bakar gas lebih efesien sampai dengan 10 % dibanding dengan bahan bakar gasoline.Kata kunci: Mobil, Alat Converter Kit, daya indicator, konsumsi bahan baka


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    Batok Kelapa merupakan salah satu bahan yang dapat diproses dalam pembuatan asap cair. Proses produksi arang dari batok kelapa secara tradisional yaitu dengan metode drum klin berpotensi menimbulkan polusi udara. Mesin penyulingan asap cair berbasis mikrokontroller bertujuan untuk membantu para pembuat arang dalam meminimalisisr dampak kesehatan akibat polusi udara dari asap serta menambah pendapatan berupa produk asap cair. Hasil pengujian prototipe diharapkan dapat meningkatan hasil produksi asap cair yaitu membandingkan menggunakan media air dengan temperatur ± 29°C dan menggunakan  refrigerasi yangmana temperatur air diturunkan sampai 15°C dengan pengontrolan mikrokontoller-Arduino UNO. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian di Desa Tanjung Lago Kabupaten Banyuasin diperoleh produk berupa asap cair tanpa sistem refrijerasi sebanyak 203 ml dan penyulingan dengan menggunakan sistem refrijerasi sebanyak 375 ml asap cair


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    The purpose of this research is to calculate the effect of the screw extruder angle on the results of 3-dimensional printer filaments that are printed using a single screw extrusion machine. The machine parameters used in this study were: pull speed 16 rpm, extrusion speed 28 rpm, extrusion mold diameter of 2 mm, and temperature of 180oC. The material used is recycled HDPE plastic. While the tilt angle of the screw in the research conducted by providing 5 variants of the angle of inclination (0o, 10o, 15o, 20o, 25o) where the diameter of the screw shaft used is the same. Data analysis was carried out using a simple linear regression method. Where the results obtained were: 1) the smallest filament diameter was 0.9 mm when using a screw with an angle of 0o, and 2) the highest diameter was 1.86 mm when using a screw with an angle of 25º. The conclusion obtained is that the tilt angle of the helical screw affects the results of recycled HDPE plastic extrusions, where the effect of the screw angle tilt is directly proportional to the filament diameter. In other words, with the addition of the tilt angle of the screw, the diameter of the resulting filament will also increase. In addition, based on the results of measuring the diameter of the filament, the conclusion that can be drawn is that with the increase in the diameter of the extrusion result, the outflow obtained will also be greater. ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemiringan sudut screw extruder pada hasil pembuatan filament 3d printer menggunakan mesin ekstrusi single screw. Kemiringan sudut screw pada penelitian ini dibuat dengan 5 variasi kemiringan (90º, 10º, 15º, 20º, 25º) dengan dimensi screw yang sama. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa parameter pada mesin ekstrusi dengan kecepatan ekstrusi 28 rpm, kecepatan penarik 16 rpm, diameter cetakan 2 mm dan temperature heater 180ºC dengan bahan plastic recycle HDPE. Data hasil pengujian dianalisis menggunakan metode regresi linear sederhana. Hasil pengujian mendapatkan nilai diameter filament paling kecil 0.9 mm pada sudut kemiringan screw 0º dan yang paling besar nilai diameter filament yaitu 1.86 mm pada kemiringan sudut screw 25º. Dari data hasil pengujian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh kemiringan sudut helix screw pada proses ekstrusi plastic recycle HDPE, semakin besar sudut kemiringan maka semakin besar diameter filament yang dihasilkan dan dari hasil peengukuran diameter filament dapat disimpulkan semakin besar diameter yang dihasilkan semakin besar nilai outflow yang dihasilkan.   Kata Kunci : Screw, Plastic Recycle HDPE, Sudut Helix, Diameter,    Rpm, Temperature, Regresi Linear Sederhana   &nbsp


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    Along with the increasing human population, the use of fossil energy such as oil also increases. While fossil energy is one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions that can cause climate change. One thing that can be done to control climate change is to switch to the use of renewable energy. In the research conducted, turbine blades with a vertical axis were made using carbon fiber composites with different number of blades, namely with 4, 6 and 8 blades. The testing process is carried out with the wind speed of 4; 4.5; and 5 m/s for each turbine with different number of blades. As a wind direction, the researchers used a wind tunnel made of acrylic and pipes as the leg frame. The results of this study are the highest output power achieved by the turbine blades with 4 blades at a wind speed of 5 meters per second with 5,216 watts. While the lowest output power is in the turbine blades with 8 blades at a wind speed of 4 meters per second with a power value of 0.288 W. The turbine with the number of blades 8 has a fairly low output energy than turbines with 4 and 6 blades. The highest efficiency of wind turbine use is achieved by a turbine with a number of 4 blades with a maximum efficiency value of 95,07% and the lowest efficiency is found in a wind turbine with a number of blades. 8 with a maximum percentage of 6,07%


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    Electrical energy is needed by the citizen of Indonesia including in Palembang City. Palembang is growth rapidly, in contrast there is still citizen who has not enjoyed  the electricity especially who is living in Sukamulya Village, Sematang Borang Sub-ditrict. Constructing a Micro Hydro Powerplant is an effort to facilitate an electircity to the area which has not been covered by PT. PLN. Howefer before constructing a hydro  power plant, a study should be conducted in order to estimate the potency of electrical power which could be generated. Therefore the authors have collected some primary datas such as dimension of river, velocity of water and geographical condition. These datas is used to calculate the potency of energy, either in form of potential or kinetic energy. Based on the on-site observation, all locations have no enough elevation difference. Nevertheles the onlyform of  energy which can be converted into electrical energy is kinetic energy, which determined by the river flow velocity. The fastest river flow is found  in Location of B amounting 0.35 m/s. By optimazing the dimension of turbine and considering the efficiency of transmision and generator, it predicts Turbine, located in Location B, can generate electrical energy with the maximum power of 66.26 Watt. Based on the results, the electrical power potency in all locations are low and did not fullfill the requirements. The power can be increased by levelling up the elevation of the upstream. It can be done by constructing a dam which  integrated with irrigation system. Nevertheles it need a future study in order to predict the impacts. Keywords: : Micro Hydro Powerplant, Energy Potency,  River Flow,  Palembang cit