
The purpose of this research is to calculate the effect of the screw extruder angle on the results of 3-dimensional printer filaments that are printed using a single screw extrusion machine. The machine parameters used in this study were: pull speed 16 rpm, extrusion speed 28 rpm, extrusion mold diameter of 2 mm, and temperature of 180oC. The material used is recycled HDPE plastic. While the tilt angle of the screw in the research conducted by providing 5 variants of the angle of inclination (0o, 10o, 15o, 20o, 25o) where the diameter of the screw shaft used is the same. Data analysis was carried out using a simple linear regression method. Where the results obtained were: 1) the smallest filament diameter was 0.9 mm when using a screw with an angle of 0o, and 2) the highest diameter was 1.86 mm when using a screw with an angle of 25º. The conclusion obtained is that the tilt angle of the helical screw affects the results of recycled HDPE plastic extrusions, where the effect of the screw angle tilt is directly proportional to the filament diameter. In other words, with the addition of the tilt angle of the screw, the diameter of the resulting filament will also increase. In addition, based on the results of measuring the diameter of the filament, the conclusion that can be drawn is that with the increase in the diameter of the extrusion result, the outflow obtained will also be greater. ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemiringan sudut screw extruder pada hasil pembuatan filament 3d printer menggunakan mesin ekstrusi single screw. Kemiringan sudut screw pada penelitian ini dibuat dengan 5 variasi kemiringan (90º, 10º, 15º, 20º, 25º) dengan dimensi screw yang sama. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa parameter pada mesin ekstrusi dengan kecepatan ekstrusi 28 rpm, kecepatan penarik 16 rpm, diameter cetakan 2 mm dan temperature heater 180ºC dengan bahan plastic recycle HDPE. Data hasil pengujian dianalisis menggunakan metode regresi linear sederhana. Hasil pengujian mendapatkan nilai diameter filament paling kecil 0.9 mm pada sudut kemiringan screw 0º dan yang paling besar nilai diameter filament yaitu 1.86 mm pada kemiringan sudut screw 25º. Dari data hasil pengujian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh kemiringan sudut helix screw pada proses ekstrusi plastic recycle HDPE, semakin besar sudut kemiringan maka semakin besar diameter filament yang dihasilkan dan dari hasil peengukuran diameter filament dapat disimpulkan semakin besar diameter yang dihasilkan semakin besar nilai outflow yang dihasilkan.   Kata Kunci : Screw, Plastic Recycle HDPE, Sudut Helix, Diameter,    Rpm, Temperature, Regresi Linear Sederhana   &nbsp

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