30 research outputs found

    Pentecostalismo e relações de gênero: uma discussão convencional acerca do ministério feminino nas Assembleias de Deus brasileiras

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    O tema Religião e Gênero tem crescentemente despertado o interesse de pesquisas acadêmicas. Isso pode ser explicado pela perda gradativa do poder regulador da religião à emancipação da mulher com ascensão a cargos e funções secularmente restritos aos homens. O marco histórico de tais mudanças credita-se ao impacto urbano-industrial e aos Movimentos Feministas. Essa nova realidade tem provocado novas configurações nas relações de poder no que diz respeito aos papeis dos gêneros. No intuito de escrever sobre as discussões oficiais acerca do ministério feminino na Assembleia de Deus brasileira, buscou-se fundamentação teórica nas contribuições de sociólogos e cientistas da religião que tem pesquisado sobre o tema, especialmente as revistas acadêmicas voltadas às relações de gênero

    mTOR inhibition increases cell viability via autophagy induction during endoplasmic reticulum stress - An experimental and modeling study

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    Unfolded or misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) trigger an adaptive ER stress response known as unfolded protein response (UPR). Depending on the severity of ER stress, either autophagy-controlled survival or apoptotic cell death can be induced. The molecular mechanisms by which UPR controls multiple fate decisions have started to emerge. One such molecular mechanism involves a master regulator of cell growth, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which paradoxically is shown to have pro-apoptotic role by mutually interacting with ER stress response. How the interconnections between UPR and mTOR influence the dynamics of autophagy and apoptosis activation is still unclear. Here we make an attempt to explore this problem by using experiments and mathematical modeling. The effect of perturbed mTOR activity in ER stressed cells was studied on autophagy and cell viability by using agents causing mTOR pathway inhibition (such as rapamycin or metyrapone). We observed that mTOR inhibition led to an increase in cell viability and was accompanied by an increase in autophagic activity. It was also shown that autophagy was activated under conditions of severe ER stress but that in the latter phase of stress it was inhibited at the time of apoptosis activation. Our mathematical model shows that both the activation threshold and temporal dynamics of autophagy and apoptosis inducers are sensitive to variation in mTOR activity. These results confirm that autophagy has cytoprotective role and is activated in mutually exclusive manner with respect to ER stress levels

    GADD34 keeps the mTOR pathway inactivated in endoplasmic reticulum stress related autophagy

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    The balance of protein synthesis and proteolysis (i.e. proteostasis) is maintained by a complex regulatory network in which mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin serine/threonine kinase) pathway and unfolded protein response are prominent positive and negative actors. The interplay between the two systems has been revealed; however the mechanistic details of this crosstalk are largely unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate the elements of crosstalk during endoplasmic reticulum stress and to verify the key role of GADD34 in the connection with the mTOR pathway. Here, we demonstrate that a transient activation of autophagy is present in endoplasmic reticulum stress provoked by thapsigargin or tunicamycin, which is turned into apoptotic cell death. The transient phase can be characterized by the elevation of the autophagic marker LC3II/I, by mTOR inactivation, AMP-activated protein kinase activation and increased GADD34 level. The switch from autophagy to apoptosis is accompanied with the appearance of apoptotic markers, mTOR reactivation, AMP-activated protein kinase inactivation and a decrease in GADD34. Inhibition of autophagy by 3-methyladenine shortens the transient phase, while inhibition of mTOR by rapamycin or resveratrol prolongs it. Inhibition of GADD34 by guanabenz or transfection of the cells with siGADD34 results in down-regulation of autophagy-dependent survival and a quick activation of mTOR, followed by apoptotic cell death. The negative effect of GADD34 inhibition is diminished when guanabenz or siGADD34 treatment is combined with rapamycin or resveratrol addition. These data confirm that GADD34 constitutes a mechanistic link between endoplasmic reticulum stress and mTOR inactivation, therefore promotes cell survival during endoplasmic reticulum stress. © 2016 Holczer et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Effect of magnetic declination on refractive index and wave polarization coefficients of electromagnetic waves in mid-latitude ionosphere

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    263-270General forms `of conductivity tensor, refractive index and wave polarization coefficients for ionospheric plasma are developed by including the magnetic declination is included, while they are pure imaginary in the absence of declination. The declination effect on the real parts of the polarization coefficients is more pronounced around plasma frequency than at other frequencies. However, the imaginary parts and refractive index are not affected at the plasma frequency

    Construction of new generation shuttle vectors harboring bacteriophage T4 lysozyme gene (gene e)

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    The aim of this study was to construct new generation shuttle vectors harboring bacteriophage T4 lysozyme gene (gene e). T4 lysozyme gene was inserted into pMK3 and pNW33N shuttle vectors of Escherichia coli-Bacillus sp. to construct pMK3L and pNW33NL, respectively. pMK3L and pNW33NL recombinant plasmids were then transferred into Bacillus subtilis by electrotansformation. Escherichia coliSaccharomyces cerevisiae shuttle vector bearing gene e, pRS416L, constructed in the previous study was also used for directly transformation into Saccharomyces cerevisiae in this study. Escherichia coli plasmid vectors bearing gene e could facilitate the isolation of plasmid DNA without using cell wall and cell membrane disruptive agents such as lysozyme and Etyhlene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA). Therefore, these lysates prepared by using Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer or distilled water of Escherichia coli including gene e could directly be used for transformation into target Bacillus subtilis or Saccharomyces cerevisiae without plasmid purification procedures. © 2008 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Gradual cyanide treatment using AVR and ozone/UV systems with various catalysts in silver mill effluents

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    Wastewater of a silver processing plant at the Eti Gumus plant located at Kutahya, Turkey was treated with an acidification, volatilisation and reneutralisation (AVR) process for cyanide recovery as a preliminary treatment, and with ozone and ozone/UV light plus catalysts as a secondary treatment. Average NaCN concentrations of slurry with AVR were reduced from 900 ± 50 ppm to 50 ± 10 ppm. Then, oxidation of cyanide in the presence of titanium dioxide, zinc sulphate and copper sulphate as catalysts was investigated and variations in CN- and CNO- ion concentrations were measured with a cyanide electrode and ion chromatography, respectively. The reaction time reduced to 12 min with the addition of catalysts when ozone consumption was 0100 g min-1 after 25 min with ozone alone and 0071 g min-1 after 20 min for the ozone/UV system. As a result, the most effective method to achieve appropriate discharge values for cyanide with respect to environmental protection laws was the ozone/UV/TiO2 system with AVR recovery for the effluents of silver ore leaching. © 2005 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

    Thermally poled germanosilicate films with high second-order nonlinearity

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    Accurate measurements of the second-order nonlinearity profile of thermally poled low-loss germanosilicate films grown on fused-silica substrates are reported, of interest as potential electro-optic devices. After optimization, we demonstrate a record high nonlinear coefficient d 33 ≈ 1.6 pm/V, a two-fold improvement over highest reported d 33 value in fused silica that we attribute to the presence of germanium. © 2005 Optical Society of America