11 research outputs found

    Stretchable liquid-crystal blue-phase gels

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    Liquid crystalline polymers are materials of considerable scientific interest and technological value to society [1-3]. An important subset of such materials exhibit rubber-like elasticity; these can combine the remarkable optical properties of liquid crystals with the favourable mechanical properties of rubber and, further, exhibit behaviour not seen in either type of material independently [2]. Many of their properties depend crucially on the particular mesophase employed. Stretchable liquid crystalline polymers have previously been demonstrated in the nematic, chiral nematic, and smectic mesophases [2,4]. Here were report the fabrication of a stretchable gel of blue phase I, which forms a self-assembled, three-dimensional photonic crystal that may have its optical properties manipulated by an applied strain and, further, remains electro-optically switchable under a moderate applied voltage. We find that, unlike its undistorted counterpart, a mechanically deformed blue phase exhibits a Pockels electro-optic effect, which sets out new theoretical challenges and new possibilities for low-voltage electro-optic devices.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, additional data and discussion included. Supplementary videos available from F. Castles on reques

    Transverse and longitudinal correlation functions in the Intergalactic Medium from 32 close pairs of high-redshift quasars

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    We present the transverse flux correlation function of the Lyman-alpha forest in quasar absorption spectra at z~2.1 from VLT-FORS and VLT-UVES observations of a total of 32 pairs of quasars; 26 pairs with separations in the range 0.6<theta<4 arcmin and 6 pairs with 4<theta<10 arcmin. Correlation is detected at the 3sigma level up to separations of the order of ~4 arcmin (or ~4.4 h^{-1} Mpc comoving at z=2.1 for Omega_{m}=0.3 and Omega_{Lambda}=0.7). We have, furthermore, measured the longitudinal correlation function at a somewhat higher mean redshift (z=2.39) from 20 lines of sight observed with high spectral resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio with VLT-UVES. We compare the observed transverse and longitudinal correlation functions to that obtained from numerical simulations and illustrate the effect of spectral resolution, thermal broadening and peculiar motions. The shape and correlation length of the correlation functions are in good agreement with those expected from absorption by the filamentary and sheet-like structures in the photoionized warm intergalactic medium predicted in CDM-like models for structures formation. Using a sample of 139 C_{iv} systems detected along the lines of sight toward the pairs of quasars we also investigate the transverse correlation of metals on the same scales. The observed transverse correlation function of intervening C_{iv} absorption systems is consistent with that of a randomly distributed population of absorbers. This is likely due to the small number of pairs with separation less than 2 arcmin. We detect, however, a significant overdensity of systems in the sightlines towards the quartet Q0103-294A&B, Q0102-2931 and Q0102-293 which extends over the redshift range 1.5<z<2.2 and an angular scale larger than 10 arcmin.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, Appendix B and C will be published online onl

    Frequency-dependent dielectric contribution of flexoelectricity allowing control of state switching in helicoidal liquid crystals.

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    The contribution of flexoelectric polarization to the dielectric susceptibility in helicoidal liquid crystals is formulated for the static equilibrium case, and further in the case of a time-varying field. A dispersion of the dielectric permittivity due to the frequency response of flexoelectric switching is described. The special case of a negative dielectric-anisotropy nematic material is considered and experimentally shown to agree with the analytical theory. It is further demonstrated how relaxation of the flexoelectric contribution to the dielectric tensor in this special case can be exploited to switch between states in cholesteric liquid crystal structures by altering the applied time-dependent field amplitude, if Δε&lt;0 and (e(1)-e(3))(2)/(K(1)+K(3))&gt;-Δεε(0). Consequentially, a versatile mechanism for driving between states in liquid crystal systems has been demonstrated and its implications for technology are suggested, and include dual-mode, bistable, and transflective displays

    Flexoelectric and dielectric in-plane switching behaviour of Grandjean liquid-crystal structures

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    A key requirement for the exploitation of the chiral-flexoelectrooptic effect in technology is the development of materials with large flexoelectric response and small dielectric anisotropy. Consequently, techniques to understand details of the switching of chiral systems used in such technologies require development. Here, analytical and numerical models of dielectric and flexoelectric switching in cholesteric liquid-crystal structures with in-plane switching (IPS) electric fields are employed to analyse angle-of-incidence–dependent transmission of Grandjean structures. Adoption of a perturbative driving regime, and measurement of both 1st- and 2nd-harmonic transmission amplitudes, allow the detailed and simultaneous measurement of distortions arising from both flexoelectric and dielectric interactions, at electric fields as little as 0.01 Vμm−1. The method is applied to measure the flexoelectric parameter (e1 − e3)/(K1 + K3) and the dielectric distortion parameter Δε/K2 in E7 liquid crystal and a bimesogen mixture MDA-1245 optimised for the chiral-flexoelectrooptic effect