75 research outputs found

    Modeling low-flow bedrock springs providing ecological habitats with climate change scenarios

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    Groundwater discharge areas, including low-flow bedrock aquifer springs, are ecologically important and can be impacted by climate change. The development of and results from a groundwater modeling study simulating fractured bedrock spring flow are presented. This was conducted to produce hydrological data for an ecohydrological study of an endangered species, Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamanders (Desmognathus ochrophaeus), in southern Quebec, Canada. The groundwater modeling approach in terms of scale and complexity was strongly driven by the need to produce hydrological data for the related ecohydrological modeling. Flows at four springs at different elevations were simulated for recent past conditions (2006–2010) and for reference (1971–2000) and future (2041–2070) periods using precipitation and temperature data from ten climate scenarios. Statistical analyses of spring flow parameters including activity periods and duration of flow were conducted. Flow rates for the four simulated springs, located at different elevations, are predicted to increase between 2% and 46% and will be active (flowing) 1–2% longer in the future. A significant change (predominantly an increase) looking at the seasonality of the number of active days occurs in the winter (2–4.9%) and spring seasons (−0.6–6.5%). Greatest flow rates were produced from springs at elevations where sub-horizontal fractures intersect the ground surface. These results suggest an intensification of the spring activity at the study site in context of climate change by 2050, which provides a positive habitat outlook for the endangered salamanders residing in the springs for the future

    2D characterization of near-surface V P/V S: surface-wave dispersion inversion versus refraction tomography

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    International audienceThe joint study of pressure (P-) and shear (S-) wave velocities (Vp and Vs ), as well as their ratio (Vp /Vs), has been used for many years at large scales but remains marginal in near-surface applications. For these applications, and are generally retrieved with seismic refraction tomography combining P and SH (shear-horizontal) waves, thus requiring two separate acquisitions. Surface-wave prospecting methods are proposed here as an alternative to SH-wave tomography in order to retrieve pseudo-2D Vs sections from typical P-wave shot gathers and assess the applicability of combined P-wave refraction tomography and surface-wave dispersion analysis to estimate Vp/Vs ratio. We carried out a simultaneous P- and surface-wave survey on a well-characterized granite-micaschists contact at Ploemeur hydrological observatory (France), supplemented with an SH-wave acquisition along the same line in order to compare Vs results obtained from SH-wave refraction tomography and surface-wave profiling. Travel-time tomography was performed with P- and SH- wave first arrivals observed along the line to retrieve Vtomo p and Vtomo s models. Windowing and stacking techniques were then used to extract evenly spaced dispersion data from P-wave shot gathers along the line. Successive 1D Monte Carlo inversions of these dispersion data were performed using fixed Vp values extracted from Vtomo p the model and no lateral constraints between two adjacent 1D inversions. The resulting 1D Vsw s models were then assembled to create a pseudo-2D Vsw s section, which appears to be correctly matching the general features observed on the section. If the pseudo-section is characterized by strong velocity incertainties in the deepest layers, it provides a more detailed description of the lateral variations in the shallow layers. Theoretical dispersion curves were also computed along the line with both and models. While the dispersion curves computed from models provide results consistent with the coherent maxima observed on dispersion images, dispersion curves computed from models are generally not fitting the observed propagation modes at low frequency. Surface-wave analysis could therefore improve models both in terms of reliability and ability to describe lateral variations. Finally, we were able to compute / sections from both and models. The two sections present similar features, but the section obtained from shows a higher lateral resolution and is consistent with the features observed on electrical resistivity tomography, thus validating our approach for retrieving Vp/Vs ratio from combined P-wave tomography and surface-wave profiling

    CUORE: The first bolometric experiment at the ton scale for the search for neutrino-less double beta decay

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    The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the most massive bolometric experiment searching for neutrino-less double beta (0ÎœÎČÎČ) decay. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO crystals (742 kg) arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. This paper will describe the CUORE experiment, including the cryostat, and present the detector performance during the first year of running. Additional detail will describe the effort made in improving the energy resolution in the Te 0ÎœÎČÎČ decay region of interest (ROI) and the suppression of backgrounds. A description of work to lower the energy threshold in order to give CUORE the sensitivity to search for other rare events, such as dark matter, will also be provided. 2 13

    Perspectives of lowering CUORE thresholds with Optimum Trigger

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    CUORE is a cryogenic experiment that focuses on the search of neutrinoless double beta decay in 130Te and it is located at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories. Its detector consists of 988 TeO2 crystals operating at a base temperature of ~10 mK. It is the first ton-scale bolometric experiment ever realized for this purpose. Thanks to its large target mass and ultra-low background, the CUORE detector is also suitable for the search of other rare phenomena. In particular the low energy part of the spectra is interesting for the detection of WIMP-nuclei scattering reactions. One of the most important requirements to perform these studies is represented by the achievement of a stable energy threshold lower than 10 keV. Here, the CUORE capability to accomplish this purpose using a low energy software trigger will be presented and described

    Search for 14.4 keV Solar Axions from M1 Transition of 57Fe with CUORE Crystals

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    We report the results of a search for axions from the 14.4 keV M1 transition from 57Fe in the core of the sun using the axio-electric effect in TeO2bolometers. The detectors are 5 × 5 × 5 cm3 crystals operated at about 10 mK in a facility used to test bolometers for the CUORE experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. An analysis of 43.65 kg⋅d of data was made using a newly developed low energy trigger which was optimized to reduce the energy threshold of the detector. An upper limit of 0.58 c⋅kg−1⋅d−1 is established at 95% C.L., which translates into lower bounds fA ≄ 3.12 × 105 GeV 95% C.L. (DFSZ model) and fA ≄ 2.41 × 104 GeV 95% C.L. (KSVZ model) on the Peccei-Quinn symmetry-breaking scale, for a value of S = 0.5 of the flavor-singlet axial vector matrix element. These bounds can be expressed in terms of axion masses as mA ≀ 19.2 eV and mA ≀ 250 eV at 95% C.L. in the DFSZ and KSVZ models respectively. Bounds are given also for the interval 0.35 ≀ S ≀ 0.55

    Search for 14.4 keV Solar Axions from M1 Transition of 57Fe with CUORE Crystals

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    We report the results of a search for axions from the 14.4 keV M1 transition from 57Fe in the core of the sun using the axio-electric effect in TeO2bolometers. The detectors are 5 × 5 × 5 cm3 crystals operated at about 10 mK in a facility used to test bolometers for the CUORE experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. An analysis of 43.65 kg⋅d of data was made using a newly developed low energy trigger which was optimized to reduce the energy threshold of the detector. An upper limit of 0.58 c⋅kg−1⋅d−1 is established at 95% C.L., which translates into lower bounds fA ≄ 3.12 × 105 GeV 95% C.L. (DFSZ model) and fA ≄ 2.41 × 104 GeV 95% C.L. (KSVZ model) on the Peccei-Quinn symmetry-breaking scale, for a value of S = 0.5 of the flavor-singlet axial vector matrix element. These bounds can be expressed in terms of axion masses as mA ≀ 19.2 eV and mA ≀ 250 eV at 95% C.L. in the DFSZ and KSVZ models respectively. Bounds are given also for the interval 0.35 ≀ S ≀ 0.55

    Low energy analysis techniques for CUORE

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    CUORE is a tonne-scale cryogenic detector operating at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) that uses tellurium dioxide bolometers to search for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 130Te. CUORE is also suitable to search for low energy rare events such as solar axions or WIMP scattering, thanks to its ultra-low background and large target mass. However, to conduct such sensitive searches requires improving the energy threshold to 10 keV. In this paper, we describe the analysis techniques developed for the low energy analysis of CUORE-like detectors, using the data acquired from November 2013 to March 2015 by CUORE-0, a single-tower prototype designed to validate the assembly procedure and new cleaning techniques of CUORE. We explain the energy threshold optimization, continuous monitoring of the trigger efficiency, data and event selection, and energy calibration at low energies in detail. We also present the low energy background spectrum of CUORE-0 below 60keV. Finally, we report the sensitivity of CUORE to WIMP annual modulation using the CUORE-0 energy threshold and background, as well as an estimate of the uncertainty on the nuclear quenching factor from nuclear recoils inCUORE-0

    CUORE and CUORE-0 experiments

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    Neutrino oscillation experiments proved that neutrinos have mass and this enhanced the interest in neutrinoless double-beta decay (0vßß). The observation of this very rare hypothetical decay would prove the leptonic number violation and would give us indications about neutrinos mass hierarchy and absolute mass scale. CUORE (Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events) is an array of 988 crystals of TeO2, for a total sensitive mass of 741 kg. Its goal is the observation of 0vßß of 130Te. The crystals, placed into the a dilution cryostat, are operated as bolometers at a temperature close to 10 mK. CUORE commissioning phase has been concluded recently in Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy, and data taking is expected to start in spring 2017. If target background rate is reached (0.01counts/day/keV/kg), the sensibility of CUORE will be, in five years of data taking, T1/21026years (1? CL). In order to test the quality of materials and optimize the construction procedures, the collaboration realized CUORE-0, that took data from spring of 2013 to summer 2015. Here, after a brief description of CUORE, I report its commissioning status and CUORE-0 results

    Dark Matter Search with CUORE-0 and CUORE

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    The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is a ton-scale experiment made of TeO2 bolometers that will probe the neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te. Excellent energy resolution, low threshold and low background make CUORE sensitive to nuclear recoils, allowing a search for dark matter interactions. With a total mass of 741 kg of TeO2, CUORE can search for an annual modulation of the counting rate at low energies. We present data obtained with CUORE-like detectors and the prospects for a dark matter search in CUORE-0, a 40-kg prototype, and CUORE

    Lowering the CUORE energy threshold

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    The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is a ton-scale double beta decay experiment based on TeO2 cryogenic bolometers and is currently in the last construction stage at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS). Its primary goal is to observe neutrino-less double beta decay of 130Te, however thanks to the ultra-low background and large projected exposure it could also be suitable for other rare event searches, as the detection of solar axions, neutrinos from type II supernovae or direct detection of dark matter. The sensitivity for these searches will depend on the performance achieved at the low energy threshold. For this reason a trigger algorithm based on continuous data filtering has been developed which will allow lowering the threshold down to the few keV region. The new trigger has been tested in CUORE-0, a single-tower CUORE prototype consisting of 52 TeO2 bolometers and recently concluded, and here we present the results in terms of trigger efficiency, data selection and low-energy calibration
