17,277 research outputs found

    Force chain splitting in granular materials: a mechanism for large scale pseudo-elastic behaviour

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    We investigate both numerically and analytically the effect of strong disorder on the large scale properties of the hyperbolic equations for stresses proposed in \protect\cite{bcc,wcc}. The physical mechanism that we model is the local splitting of the force chains (the characteristics of the hyperbolic equation) by packing defects. In analogy with the theory of light diffusion in a turbid medium, we propose a Boltzmann-like equation to describe these processes. We show that, for isotropic packings, the resulting large scale effective equations for the stresses have exactly the same structure as those of an elastic body, despite the fact that no displacement field needs to be introduced at all. Correspondingly, the response function evolves from a two peak structure at short scales to a broad hump at large scales. We find, however, that the Poisson ratio is anomalously large and incompatible with classical elasticity theory that requires the reference state to be thermodynamically stable.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, An incorrect definition of the Poisson ratio in dimensions not equal to 3 was amended. The conclusions are unchange

    Analysis of phase transitions in the mean-field Blume-Emery-Griffiths model

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    In this paper we give a complete analysis of the phase transitions in the mean-field Blume-Emery-Griffiths lattice-spin model with respect to the canonical ensemble, showing both a second-order, continuous phase transition and a first-order, discontinuous phase transition for appropriate values of the thermodynamic parameters that define the model. These phase transitions are analyzed both in terms of the empirical measure and the spin per site by studying bifurcation phenomena of the corresponding sets of canonical equilibrium macrostates, which are defined via large deviation principles. Analogous phase transitions with respect to the microcanonical ensemble are also studied via a combination of rigorous analysis and numerical calculations. Finally, probabilistic limit theorems for appropriately scaled values of the total spin are proved with respect to the canonical ensemble. These limit theorems include both central-limit-type theorems when the thermodynamic parameters are not equal to critical values and non-central-limit-type theorems when these parameters equal critical values.Comment: 33 pages, revtex

    Fully nonlinear development of the most unstable goertler vortex in a three dimensional boundary layer

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    The nonlinear development is studied of the most unstable Gortler mode within a general 3-D boundary layer upon a suitably concave surface. The structure of this mode was first identified by Denier, Hall and Seddougui (1991) who demonstrated that the growth rate of this instability is O(G sup 3/5) where G is the Gortler number (taken to be large here), which is effectively a measure of the curvature of the surface. Previous researchers have described the fate of the most unstable mode within a 2-D boundary layer. Denier and Hall (1992) discussed the fully nonlinear development of the vortex in this case and showed that the nonlinearity causes a breakdown of the flow structure. The effect of crossflow and unsteadiness upon an infinitesimal unstable mode was elucidated by Bassom and Hall (1991). They demonstrated that crossflow tends to stabilize the most unstable Gortler mode, and for certain crossflow/frequency combinations the Gortler mode may be made neutrally stable. These vortex configurations naturally lend themselves to a weakly nonlinear stability analysis; work which is described in a previous article by the present author. Here we extend the ideas of Denier and Hall (1992) to the three-dimensional boundary layer problem. It is found that the numerical solution of the fully nonlinear equations is best conducted using a method which is essentially an adaption of that utilized by Denier and Hall (1992). The influence of crossflow and unsteadiness upon the breakdown of the flow is described

    Different perceptions of adaptation to climate change: a mental model approach applied to the evidence from expert interviews

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    We argue that differences in the perception and governance of adaptation to climate change and extreme weather events are related to sets of beliefs and concepts through which people understand the environment and which are used to solve the problems they face (mental models). Using data gathered in 31 in-depth interviews with adaptation experts in Europe, we identify five basic stakeholder groups whose divergent aims and logic can be related to different mental models they use: advocacy groups, administration, politicians, researchers, and media and the public. Each of these groups uses specific interpretations of climate change and specifies how to deal with climate change impacts. We suggest that a deeper understanding and follow-up of the identified mental models might be useful for the design of any stakeholder involvement in future climate impact research processes. It might also foster consensus building about adequate adaptation measures against climate threats in a society

    Present Status of Organic Fruit Growing in Europe

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    Organic fruit growing in Europe has experienced remarkable growth rates since the mid 1990's. Southern states, especially Italy, Spain and France have the largest land area with organic fruit, are also growing olives, citrus and chestnuts. Mainly increasing interest of supermarket chains is responsible for this buoyancy, but also the availability of better plant protection products e.g. granulosis virus and mating disruption against codling moth, and Neem oil against Rosy Apple Aphid. State subsidies varying from 600 to more than 1600 Euro /ha/y in the EU-countries (15) are less decisive for the conversion of top fruit production. Market share of organic table fruit is only 1 to 2 %, reaching 4 to 5 % in Switzerland. For Switzerland, we estimate a market potential of around 12 to 15 %, which is already achieved with organic vegetables. In order to reach that percentage, better solutions for several key problems have to be found, e.g. control of scab, fire blight, sooty blotch, brown rot, weed management, fertilisation and crop load regulation. Also the assortment of organically produced “modern-standard” varieties is not satisfactory, in particular with stone fruit. The economics of organic fruit growing is comparatively healthy, however, it depends on receiving a one third higher farm gate price for the product. In Switzerland the benefit of organic orchards is 16 % higher compared to integrated fruit production; but labour hours exceed those of IFP by 7%, due to blossom thinning by hand, manual weed control and mice control. Supermarkets have a tendency to just “substitute” conventional with organic fruit if requiring organic fruit from disease susceptible varieties with no cosmetic blemishes. This can/does feed back to the growers resulting in “substitutional” production with disease and pest sensitive orchards managed with intensive “organic” spray and fertilisation programs. This certainly does not correspond with either the original concept of organic farming or with expectations of organic consumers. Thus, still a lot of development - also on the marketing side - has to be undertaken

    The contact geometry of the restricted 3-body problem

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    We show that the planar circular restricted three body problem is of restricted contact type for all energies below the first critical value (action of the first Lagrange point) and for energies slightly above it. This opens up the possibility of using the technology of Contact Topology to understand this particular dynamical system.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    Finite-size effects in dynamics of zero-range processes

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    The finite-size effects prominent in zero-range processes exhibiting a condensation transition are studied by using continuous-time Monte Carlo simulations. We observe that, well above the thermodynamic critical point, both static and dynamic properties display fluid-like behavior up to a density {\rho}c (L), which is the finite-size counterpart of the critical density {\rho}c = {\rho}c (L \rightarrow \infty). We determine this density from the cross-over behavior of the average size of the largest cluster. We then show that several dynamical characteristics undergo a qualitative change at this density. In particular, the size distribution of the largest cluster at the moment of relocation, the persistence properties of the largest cluster and correlations in its motion are studied.Comment: http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v82/i3/e03111
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