3,924 research outputs found

    Distinct patterns of neural activity during memory formation of nonwords versus words

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    Research into the neural underpinnings of memory formation has focused on the encoding of familiar verbal information. Here, we address how the brain supports the encoding of novel information that does not have meaning. Electrical brain activity was recorded from the scalps of healthy young adults while they performed an incidental encoding task (syllable judgments) on separate series of words and "nonwords" (nonsense letter strings that are orthographically legal and pronounceable). Memory for the items was then probed with a recognition memory test. For words as well as nonwords, event-related potentials differed depending on whether an item would subsequently be remembered or forgotten. However, the polarity and timing of the effect varied across item type. For words, subsequently remembered items showed the Usually observed positive-going, frontally distributed modulation from around 600 msec after word onset. For nonwords, by contrast, a negative-going, spatially widespread modulation predicted encoding success from 1000 rnsec onward. Nonwords also showed a modulation shortly after item onset. These findings imply that the brain supports the encoding of familiar and unfamiliar letter strings in qualitatively different ways, including the engagement of distinct neural activity at different points in time. The processing of semantic attributes plays an important role in the encoding of words and the associated positive frontal modulation

    Inviscid Flow Field Effects: Experimental results

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    The aero-optical distortions due to invisid flow effects over airborne laser turrets is investigated. Optical path differences across laser turret apertures are estimated from two data sources. The first is a theoretical study of main flow effects for a spherical turret assembly for a Mach number (M) of 0.6. The second source is an actual wind tunnel density field measurement on a 0.3 scale laser turret/fairing assembly, with M = 0.75. A range of azimuthal angles from 0 to 90 deg was considered, while the elevation angle was always 0 deg (i.e., in the plane of the flow). The calculated optical path differences for these two markedly different geometries are of the same order. Scaling of results to sea level conditions and an aperture diameter of 50 cm indicated up to 0.0007 cm of phase variation across the aperture for certain forward look angles and a focal length of F = -11.1 km. These values are second order for a 10.6 micron system

    Airborne measurement of atmospheric turbulence

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    A system capable of making measurements of fluctuating atmospheric density is described. Spatial scales required in assessing the quality of coherent radiation propagation are discussed. The special sensors, aircraft installation, data reduction procedures, and other special requirements necessary to obtain meaningful atmospheric turbulence data are also described. The spectral distribution of density fluctuation are presented

    Linear motor motion control using a learning feedforward controller

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    The design and realization of an online learning motion controller for a linear motor is presented, and its usefulness is evaluated. The controller consists of two components: (1) a model-based feedback component, and (2) a learning feedforward component. The feedback component is designed on the basis of a simple second-order linear model, which is known to have structural errors. In the design, an emphasis is placed on robustness. The learning feedforward component is a neural-network-based controller, comprised of a one-hidden-layer structure with second-order B-spline basis functions. Simulations and experimental evaluations show that, with little effort, a high-performance motion system can be obtained with this approach

    Applications of percolation theory to fungal spread with synergy

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    There is increasing interest in the use of the percolation paradigm to analyze and predict the progress of disease spreading in spatially-structured populations of animals and plants. The wider utility of the approach has been limited, however, by several restrictive assumptions, foremost of which is a strict requirement for simple nearest-neighbour transmission, in which the disease history of an individual is in uenced only by that of its neighbours. In a recent paper the percolation paradigm has been generalised to incorporate synergistic interactions in host infectivity and susceptibility and the impact of these interactions on the invasive dynamics of an epidemic has been demonstrated. In the current paper we elicit evidence that such synergistic interactions may underlie transmission dynamics in real-world systems by rst formulating a model for the spread of a ubiquitous parasitic and saprotrophic fungus through replicated populations of nutrient sites and subsequently tting and testing the model using data from experimental microcosms. Using Bayesian computational methods for model tting, we demonstrate that synergistic interactions are necessary to explain the dynamics observed in the replicate experiments. The broader implications of this work in identifying disease control strategies that de ect epidemics from invasive to non-invasive regimes are discussed

    Methods for Evaluating Educational Programs – Does Writing Center Participation Affect Student Achievement?

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    This paper evaluates the eff ectiveness of the introduction of a Writing Center at a university. The center has the purpose to provide subject-specifi c courses that aim to improve students‘ abilities of scientifi c writing. In order to deal with presumed selfperceptional biases of students in feedback surveys, we use diff erent quantitative evaluation methods and compare the results to corresponding qualitative student surveys. Based on this evaluation, we present and discuss the validity of the approaches to evaluate educational programs. Although almost all students reported the writing courses to be helpful, we fi nd no signifi cant eff ect of course participation on students‘ grades. We attribute the diff erence in the results between quantitative methods and qualitative surveys to the inappropriateness of student course evaluations for assessing the eff ectiveness of educational measures.Performance evaluation; educational programs; student evaluation; empirical methods

    Summary of all cycle II.5 shear and boundary layer measurements, aerodynamics

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    The two measurement systems were used to measure mean velocity and velocity, mass flux, and total temperature fluctuations in the turbulent boundary on the fuselage of a KC-135 aircraft. The boundary layer thickness ranged between about 20 and 30 cm for the range of flight Mach numbers from about 0.25 to 0.85 and Reynolds numbers between 3 and 6 x 10 to the 6th power/m. The adaptation of each system for use in airborne applications is discussed. The data obtained from each system are given and compared with each other and they indicate that the two systems represent viable ones for use in future airborne turbulence experiments

    Who is the Lord of the World to Come An Exegetical Study of Hebrews 2:5-9

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    In treating this problem I have decided to present the subject under two general heads. I shall first carry through an exegetical study of verses five to nine to determine the scope of the words and grammar. In the midst of this exegetical study I shall pause at intervals to discuss various sidelights of the problem at hand. In the second place, I shall try to crystallize the problem and arrive at a solution

    Superheat control for air conditioning and refrigeration systems: Simulation and experiments

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    Ever since the invention of air conditioning and refrigeration in the late nineteenth century, there has been tremendous interest in increasing system efficiency to reduce the impact these systems have on global energy consumption. Efficiency improvements have been accomplished through component design, refrigerant design, and most recently control system design. The emergence of the electronic expansion valve and variable speed drives has made immense impacts on the ability to regulate system parameters, resulting in important strides towards efficiency improvement. This research presents tools and methodologies for model development and controller design for air conditioning and refrigeration systems. In this thesis, control-oriented nonlinear dynamic models are developed and validated with test data collected from a fully instrumented experimental system. These models enable the design of advanced control configurations which supplement the performance of the commonly used proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. Evaporator superheat is a key parameter considered in this research since precise control optimizes evaporator efficiency while protecting the system from component damage. The controllers developed in this thesis ultimately provide better transient and steady state performance which increases system efficiency through low superheat set point design. The developed controllers also address the classical performance versus robustness tradeoff through design which preserves transients while prolonging the lifetime of the electronic expansion valve. Another notable contribution of this thesis is the development of hardware-in-the-loop load emulation which provides a method to test component and software control loop performance. This method alleviates the costs associated with the current method of testing using environmental test chambers
