8,172 research outputs found

    Forelimb muscle and joint actions in Archosauria: insights from Crocodylus johnstoni (Pseudosuchia) and Mussaurus patagonicus (Sauropodomorpha)

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    Many of the major locomotor transitions during the evolution of Archosauria, the lineage including crocodiles and birds as well as extinct Dinosauria, were shifts from quadrupedalism to bipedalism (and vice versa). Those occurred within a continuum between more sprawling and erect modes of locomotion and involved drastic changes of limb anatomy and function in several lineages, including sauropodomorph dinosaurs. We present biomechanical computer models of two locomotor extremes within Archosauria in an analysis of joint ranges of motion and the moment arms of the major forelimb muscles in order to quantify biomechanical differences between more sprawling, pseudosuchian (represented the crocodile Crocodylus johnstoni) and more erect, dinosaurian (represented by the sauropodomorph Mussaurus patagonicus) modes of forelimb function. We compare these two locomotor extremes in terms of the reconstructed musculoskeletal anatomy, ranges of motion of the forelimb joints and the moment arm patterns of muscles across those ranges of joint motion. We reconstructed the three-dimensional paths of 30 muscles acting around the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. We explicitly evaluate how forelimb joint mobility and muscle actions may have changed with postural and anatomical alterations from basal archosaurs to early sauropodomorphs. We thus evaluate in which ways forelimb posture was correlated with muscle leverage, and how such differences fit into a broader evolutionary context (i.e. transition from sprawling quadrupedalism to erect bipedalism and then shifting to graviportal quadrupedalism). Our analysis reveals major differences of muscle actions between the more sprawling and erect models at the shoulder joint. These differences are related not only to the articular surfaces but also to the orientation of the scapula, in which extension/flexion movements in Crocodylus (e.g. protraction of the humerus) correspond to elevation/depression in Mussaurus. Muscle action is highly influenced by limb posture, more so than morphology. Habitual quadrupedalism in Mussaurus is not supported by our analysis of joint range of motion, which indicates that glenohumeral protraction was severely restricted. Additionally, some active pronation of the manus may have been possible in Mussaurus, allowing semi-pronation by a rearranging of the whole antebrachium (not the radius against the ulna, as previously thought) via long-axis rotation at the elbow joint. However, the muscles acting around this joint to actively pronate it may have been too weak to drive or maintain such orientations as opposed to a neutral position in between pronation and supination. Regardless, the origin of quadrupedalism in Sauropoda is not only linked to manus pronation but also to multiple shifts of forelimb morphology, allowing greater flexion movements of the glenohumeral joint and a more columnar forelimb posture

    SACOC: A spectral-based ACO clustering algorithm

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    The application of ACO-based algorithms in data mining is growing over the last few years and several supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms have been developed using this bio-inspired approach. Most recent works concerning unsupervised learning have been focused on clustering, where ACO-based techniques have showed a great potential. At the same time, new clustering techniques that seek the continuity of data, specially focused on spectral-based approaches in opposition to classical centroid-based approaches, have attracted an increasing research interest–an area still under study by ACO clustering techniques. This work presents a hybrid spectral-based ACO clustering algorithm inspired by the ACO Clustering (ACOC) algorithm. The proposed approach combines ACOC with the spectral Laplacian to generate a new search space for the algorithm in order to obtain more promising solutions. The new algorithm, called SACOC, has been compared against well-known algorithms (K-means and Spectral Clustering) and with ACOC. The experiments measure the accuracy of the algorithm for both synthetic datasets and real-world datasets extracted from the UCI Machine Learning Repository

    Medoid-based clustering using ant colony optimization

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    The application of ACO-based algorithms in data mining has been growing over the last few years, and several supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms have been developed using this bio-inspired approach. Most recent works about unsupervised learning have focused on clustering, showing the potential of ACO-based techniques. However, there are still clustering areas that are almost unexplored using these techniques, such as medoid-based clustering. Medoid-based clustering methods are helpful—compared to classical centroid-based techniques—when centroids cannot be easily defined. This paper proposes two medoid-based ACO clustering algorithms, where the only information needed is the distance between data: one algorithm that uses an ACO procedure to determine an optimal medoid set (METACOC algorithm) and another algorithm that uses an automatic selection of the number of clusters (METACOC-K algorithm). The proposed algorithms are compared against classical clustering approaches using synthetic and real-world datasets

    Extending the SACOC algorithm through the Nystrom method for dense manifold data analysis

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    Data analysis has become an important field over the last decades. The growing amount of data demands new analytical methodologies in order to extract relevant knowledge. Clustering is one of the most competitive techniques in this context.Using a dataset as a starting point, these techniques aim to blindly group the data by similarity. Among the different areas, manifold identification is currently gaining importance. Spectral-based methods, which are the mostly used methodologies in this area, are however sensitive to metric parameters and noise. In order to solve these problems, new bio-inspired techniques have been combined with different heuristics to perform the clustering solutions and stability, specially for dense datasets. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is one of these new bio-inspired methodologies. This paper presents an extension of a previous algorithm named Spectral-based ACO Clustering (SACOC). SACOC is a spectral-based clustering methodology used for manifold identification. This work is focused on improving this algorithm through the Nystrom extension. The new algorithm, named SACON, is able to deal with Dense Data problems.We have evaluated the performance of this new approach comparing it with online clustering algorithms and the Nystrom extension of the Spectral Clustering algorithm using several datasets

    NASA technology utilization program: The small business market

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    Technology transfer programs were studied to determine how they might be more useful to the small business community. The status, needs, and technology use patterns of small firms are reported. Small business problems and failures are considered. Innovation, capitalization, R and D, and market share problems are discussed. Pocket, captive, and new markets are summarized. Small manufacturers and technology acquisition are discussed, covering external and internal sources, and NASA technology. Small business and the technology utilization program are discussed, covering publications and industrial applications centers. Observations and recommendations include small business market development and contracting, and NASA management technology
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