39 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Pax6 Mutant Rat as a Model for Autism

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    Autism is a highly variable brain developmental disorder and has a strong genetic basis. Pax6 is a pivotal player in brain development and maintenance. It is expressed in embryonic and adult neural stem cells, in astrocytes in the entire central nervous system, and in neurons in the olfactory bulb, amygdala, thalamus, and cerebellum, functioning in highly context-dependent manners. We have recently reported that Pax6 heterozygous mutant (rSey2/+) rats with a spontaneous mutation in the Pax6 gene, show impaired prepulse inhibition (PPI). In the present study, we further examined behaviors of rSey2/+ rats and revealed that they exhibited abnormality in social interaction (more aggression and withdrawal) in addition to impairment in rearing activity and in fear-conditioned memory. Ultrasonic vocalization (USV) in rSey2+ rat pups was normal in male but abnormal in female. Moreover, treatment with clozapine successfully recovered the defects in sensorimotor gating function, but not in fear-conditioned memory. Taken together with our prior human genetic data and results in other literatures, rSey2/+ rats likely have some phenotypic components of autism

    Partner in fat metabolism: role of KLFs in fat burning and reproductive behavior

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    The abnormalities caused by excess fat accumulation can result in pathological conditions which are linked to several interrelated diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and obesity. This set of conditions, known as metabolic syndrome, is a global pandemic of enormous medical, economic, and social concern affecting a significant portion of the world’s population. Although genetics, physiology and environmental components play a major role in the onset of disease caused by excessive fat accumulation, little is known about how or to what extent each of these factors contributes to it. The worm, Caenorhabditis elegans offers an opportunity to study disease related to metabolic disorder in a developmental system that provides anatomical and genomic simplicity relative to the vertebrate animals and is an excellent eukaryotic genetic model which enable us to answer the questions concerning fat accumulation which remain unresolved. The stored triglycerides (TG) provide the primary source of energy during periods of food deficiency. In nature, lipid stored as TGs are hydrolyzed into fatty acids which are broken down through β-oxidation to yield acetyl-CoA. Our recent study suggests that a member of C. elegans Krüppel-like factor, klf-3 regulates lipid metabolism by promoting FA β-oxidation and in parallel may contribute in normal reproduction and fecundity. Genetic and epigenetic factors that influence this pathway may have considerable impact on fat related diseases in human. Increasing number of studies suggest the role of mammalian KLFs in adipogenesis. This functional conservation should guide our further effort to explore C. elegans as a legitimate model system for studying the role of KLFs in many pathway components of lipid metabolism