61 research outputs found

    Lähi- ja luomuruoan saavutettavuus Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla

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    Lähi- ja luomuruoan saavutettavuus Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla (RuokaGIS) -hankkeen tavoitteena oli selvittää lähi- ja luomuruokaan liittyviä sijainti- ja saavutettavuustekijöitä Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla lähi- ja luomuruoan saatavuuden kehittämiseksi. Hanke oli Euroopan maaseudun kehittämisen maatalousrahaston ja Pohjois-Pohjamaan ELY-keskuksen rahoittama ja kestoltaan kaksivuotinen (1.10.2012–30.9.2014). Hankkeen tavoitteena oli 1) selvittää lähi- ja luomuruoan saavutettavuuden alueellisia eroja 2) tarkastella mahdollista tarjontaylijäämää tai tyydyttymätöntä kysyntää lähi- ja luomuruoan suhteen ja tuottaa aiheesta helppolukuisia karttoja ja 3) tunnistaa aluetekijöitä lähi- ja luomuruoan tuotannon riittävyyden varmistamiseksi. Suomessa ei ole aikaisemmin toteutettu ruoan maantieteelliseen saavutettavuuteen liittyvää tarkastelua, vaikka korkeatasoiset ja kattavat paikkatietoaineistot alkutuotannosta, liikenneverkosta ja väestöstä mahdollistavat huomattavan tarkkojen saavutettavuusanalyysien tekemisen. Ruoan arvoketjusta paikkatietotarkasteluiden keskiöön valittiin kysely- ja haastatteluaineistojen pohjalta ruoan tuotannon ja kulutuksen alueellisten ulottuvuuksien esiin nostaminen tilastollisen kysynnän ja tarjonnan kannalta sekä saavutettavuustarkastelut pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten logistiikan edistämiseksi. Paikkatietoperusteista ja toimijalähtöistä tarkastelua tehtiin vuorovaikutuksessa ja hankkeen toteutuksessa yhdistettiin verkosto-, tuottaja- ja väestötietojen paikkatietotarkastelu kysely- ja haastattelututkimuksiin. Saavutettavuustarkastelut toteutettiin soveltamalla ja kehittämällä yleisesti käytettävissä olevia saavutettavuusmenetelmiä. Keskeisimmät aineistot olivat Maa- ja metsätalousministeriön Tietopalvelukeskuksen (Tike) toimittamista tiedoista koottu tuottajakohtainen paikkatietokanta, Tilastokeskuksen väestöruututietoaineistot ja Liikenneviraston tieverkon paikkatietomalli (digiroad) sekä tuottajille, ammattikeittiöille, yrityksille ja ruokapiireille tehdyt kyselyt sekä niitä täydentävät haastattelut. Hankkeen keskeisinä tuloksina olivat toimijoiden näkemykset lähi- ja luomuruoan määrittelyistä, kilpailukyvystä, markkinoista, logistiikasta ja näiden kehittämisen tarpeista. Paikkatieto- ja saavutettavuustarkastelut osoittivat Pohjois-Pohjanmaan eteläosien vahvuudet alueen kaupunkikeskuksien kysynnän tyydyttämisessä. Saavutettavuustarkasteluiden perusteella Pohjois-Pohjanmaan eteläosat ja Oulun ympäristö ovat sijanniltaan suotuisia alueellisen keräilyverkoston solmukohdille, joita voidaan hyödyntää pienten toimijoiden logistiikan tehostamiseen. Tulosten perusteella suositellaan, että lähiruoka-alan toimijoiden yhteistyötä ja verkostoitumista kehitetään etenkin logistiikan suhteen kilpailukyvyn lisäämiseksi ja markkinoille pääsyn helpottamiseksi.This study is based on the “Accessibility of local and organic food in Northern Ostrobothnia (RuokaGIS)” project, which aim was to analyse local and organic food in geographic context and to develop their availability and access to markets at Northern Ostrobothnia. The project was funded by European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Northern Ostrobothnia. The project covered the period from 1. Oct. 2012 to 30. Sept. 2014. The project combines quantitative and qualitative approaches by applying geographic information system (GIS) based accessibility analyses and structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The aim of the project was to 1) explore areal patterns of local on organic food accessibility, 2) visualise supply surplus and unsaturated demand and 3) recognise factors to develop local and organic food production in geographic context. Due to a long logistic chain of food markets, the emphasis of the project designed on the basis of survey results. Primary aspects were to analyse areal balance of statistical production and consumption at accurate scale and to develop logistics and networking of small and medium size companies in food sector by analysis of potential hub node locations. GIS based accessibility analyses and qualitative surveys were conducted interactively during the project with aim to generate novel approaches for analysing accessibility in the context of local and organic food markets and logistics. Key GIS data of the study covered farms with production attributes supplied by Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Statistics Finland’s grid cell data of population and Finnish Transport Agency’s digital model of road network. Questionnaires and supporting interviews covered agricultural producers, companies in processing and refining, institutional kitchens, public procurements and food circles. Main findings of the project consider local and organic food concept, competitiveness, markets, logistics and their development aspects. Accessibility analyses indicated that regions in the southern parts of Northern Ostrobothnia have a strong role in saturating areal demand, which emphasises to towns and city regions. Analysis of suitable hub locations for collecting local production refers that most suitable locations are in southern parts of Northern Ostrobothnia and also near Oulu. On the basis of results, cooperation and networking between actors, particularly in logistics, may benefit competitiveness of local food and increase its access to markets

    Preservation of biomaterials and cells by freeze-drying : Change of paradigm

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    Freeze-drying is the most widespread method to preserve protein drugs and vaccines in a dry form facilitating their storage and transportation without the laborious and expensive cold chain. Extending this method for the preservation of natural biomaterials and cells in a dry form would provide similar benefits, but most results in the domain are still below expectations. In this review, rather than consider freeze-drying as a traditional black box we "break it" through a detailed process thinking approach. We discuss freeze-drying from process thinking aspects, introduce the chemical, physical, and mechanical environments important in this process, and present advanced biophotonic process analytical technology. In the end, we review the state of the art in the freezedrying of the biomaterials, extracellular vesicles, and cells. We suggest that the rational design of the experiment and implementation of advanced biophotonic tools are required to successfully preserve the natural biomaterials and cells by freeze-drying. We discuss this change of paradigm with existing literature and elaborate on our perspective based on our new unpublished results.Peer reviewe

    Preparation and characterization of multi-component tablets containing co-amorphous salts : Combining multimodal non-linear optical imaging with established analytical methods

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    Co-amorphous mixtures have rarely been formulated as oral dosage forms, even though they have been shown to stabilize amorphous drugs in the solid state and enhance the dissolution properties of poorly soluble drugs. In the present study we formulated tablets consisting of either spray dried co-amorphous ibuprofen-arginine or indomethacin-arginine, mannitol or xylitol and polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVP). Experimental design was used for the selection of tablet compositions, and the effect of tablet composition on tablet characteristics was modelled. Multimodal non-linear imaging, including coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and sum frequency/second harmonic generation (SFG/SHG) microscopies, as well as scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy were utilized to characterize the tablets. The tablets possessed sufficient strength, but modelling produced no clear evidence about the compaction characteristics of co-amorphous salts. However, co-amorphous drug-arginine mixtures resulted in enhanced dissolution behaviour, and the PVP in the tableting mixture stabilized the supersaturation. The co-amorphous mixtures were physically stable during compaction, but the excipient selection affected the long term stability of the ibuprofen-arginine mixture. CARS and SFG/SHG proved feasible techniques in imaging the component distribution on the tablet surfaces, but possibly due to the limited imaging area, recrystallization detected with xray diffraction was not detected.Peer reviewe

    The effect of light sensitizer localization on the stability of indocyanine green liposomes

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    Light triggered drug delivery systems offer attractive possibilities for sophisticated therapy, providing both temporal and spatial control of drug release. We have developed light triggered liposomes with clinically approved indocyanine green (ICG) as the light sensitizing compound. Amphiphilic ICG can be localized in different compartments of the liposomes, but the effect of its presence, on both triggered release and long term stability, has not been studied. In this work, we report that ICG localization has a significant effect on the properties of the liposomes. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) coating of the liposomes leads to binding and stabilization of the ICG molecules on the surface of the lipid bilayer. This formulation showed both good storage stability in buffer solution (at +4-37 degrees C) and adequate stability in serum and vitreous (at +37 degrees C). The combination of ICG within the lipid bilayer and PEG coating lead to poor stability at elevated temperatures of +22 degrees C and +37 degrees C. The mechanisms of the increased instability due to ICG insertion in the lipid bilayer was elucidated with molecular dynamics simulations. Significant PEG insertion into the bilayer was induced in the presence of ICG in the lipid bilayer. Finally, feasibility of freeze-drying as a long term storage method for the ICG liposomes was demonstrated. Overall, this is the first detailed study on the interactions of lipid bilayer, light sensitizer (ICG) and PEG coating on the liposome stability. The localization of the light triggering agent significantly alters the structure of the liposomes and it is important to consider these aspects in triggered drug delivery system design.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of Traditional and Ultrasound-Enhanced Electrospinning in Fabricating Nanofibrous Drug Delivery Systems

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    We investigated nozzleless ultrasound-enhanced electrospinning (USES) as means to generate nanofibrous drug delivery systems (DDSs) for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. Traditional electrospinning (TES) equipped with a conventional spinneret was used as a reference method. High-molecular polyethylene oxide (PEO) and chitosan were used as carrier polymers and theophylline anhydrate as a water-soluble model drug. The nanofibers were electrospun with the diluted mixture (7:3) of aqueous acetic acid (90% v/v) and formic acid solution (90% v/v) (with a total solid content of 3% w/v). The fiber diameter and morphology of the nanofibrous DDSs were modulated by varying ultrasonic parameters in the USES process (i.e., frequency, pulse repetition frequency and cycles per pulse). We found that the USES technology produced nanofibers with higher fiber diameter (402 ± 127 nm) than TES (77 ± 21 nm). An increase of a burst count in USES increased the fiber diameter (555 ± 265 nm) and the variation in fiber size. The slight-to-moderate changes in a solid state (crystallinity) were detected when compared the nanofibers generated by TES and USES. In conclusion, USES provides a promising alternative for aqueous-based fabrication of nanofibrous DDSs for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications

    Comparison of Traditional and Ultrasound-Enhanced Electrospinning in Fabricating Nanofibrous Drug Delivery Systems

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    We investigated nozzleless ultrasound-enhanced electrospinning (USES) as means to generate nanofibrous drug delivery systems (DDSs) for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. Traditional electrospinning (TES) equipped with a conventional spinneret was used as a reference method. High-molecular polyethylene oxide (PEO) and chitosan were used as carrier polymers and theophylline anhydrate as a water-soluble model drug. The nanofibers were electrospun with the diluted mixture (7:3) of aqueous acetic acid (90% v/v) and formic acid solution (90% v/v) (with a total solid content of 3% w/v). The fiber diameter and morphology of the nanofibrous DDSs were modulated by varying ultrasonic parameters in the USES process (i.e., frequency, pulse repetition frequency and cycles per pulse). We found that the USES technology produced nanofibers with higher fiber diameter (402 ± 127 nm) than TES (77 ± 21 nm). An increase of a burst count in USES increased the fiber diameter (555 ± 265 nm) and the variation in fiber size. The slight-to-moderate changes in a solid state (crystallinity) were detected when compared the nanofibers generated by TES and USES. In conclusion, USES provides a promising alternative for aqueous-based fabrication of nanofibrous DDSs for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications

    Digimuutoksessa onnistumisen eväät

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    Tämä dokumentti esittää Digimuutos-hankkeen tulokset, painottuen suosituksiin ja kokeilun esittelyyn. Hankkeen tavoitteena oli selvittää digitalisaation vaikutuksia työllisyyteen ja tarvittaviin osaamisiin. Dokumentin alussa esitetään lyhyesti aiemmin julkaistun kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulokset. Dokumentissa esitellään suosituksia neljään aihealueeseen: 1) Suomen vahvuudet ja tavoitetila, 2) Yritysten toiminnan edistäminen, 3) Tasa-arvosta huolehtiminen ja 4) Teknologian ja ihmisen yhteistyö. Laajasti esillä olleiden digitalisaation tuomien uhkakuvien toteutuminen voidaan torjua tehokkaimmin pyrkimällä edelläkävijäksi digitalisaation tehokkaassa ja innovatiivisessa hyödyntämisessä sekä tekemällä tarvittavia uudistuksia yhteiskunnan kaikilla tasoilla huomioiden käynnissä oleva suuri muutos. Suuri osa dokumenttia keskittyy Digimuutos-hankkeessa tehdyn kokeilun toteutuksen ja tulosten esittelyyn. Tehdyllä kokeilulla oli kolmen tasoisia tavoitteita: Ensinnäkin haluttiin saada selville se, auttaako työnhakuun liittyvien tiedollisten valmiuksien parantaminen työllistymistä. Toiseksi haluttiin selvittää kevyesti, onko digitalisaatioon liittyvillä valmiuksilla jokin yhteys työllistymiseen. Kolmanneksi tutkittiin sitä, millaisia haasteita ja ongelmia kevyestä valtionhallinnon parissa tehtävästä kokeiluasetelmasta syntyy ja kuinka ongelmat saadaan ratkaistua. Hankkeen kokeilu osoitti, että työnhaun tiedollisten valmiuksien lisääminen ei lisännyt työllistymistä. Toinen keskeinen anti Digimuutos-kokeilussa oli oppia siitä, millä tavalla ylipäätään hallinnon kokeiluja kannattaa tehdä. Digimuutos-kokeilu osoitti, että kokeiluasetelmaa toistamalla on mahdollista tehdä varsin kustannustehokkaasti testejä muualla käyttöön otettujen toimintamallien tai kokeilujen hyödyist

    Near-infrared analysis of nanofibrillated cellulose aerogel manufacturing

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    Biomaterial aerogel fabrication by freeze-drying must be further improved to reduce the costs of lengthy freeze-drying cycles and to avoid the formation of spongy cryogels and collapse of the aerogel structures. Residual water content is a critical quality attribute of the freeze-dried product, which can be monitored in-line with near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Predictive models of NIR have not been previously applied for biomaterials and the models were mostly focused on the prediction of only one formulation at a time. We recorded NIR spectra of different nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) hydrogel formulations during the secondary drying and set up a partial least square regression model to predict their residual water contents. The model can be generalized to measure residual water of formulations with different NFC concentrations and the excipients, and the NFC fiber concentrations and excipients can be separated with the principal component analysis. Our results provide valuable information about the freeze-drying of biomaterials and aerogel fabrication, and how NIR spectroscopy can be utilized in the optimization of residual water content.Peer reviewe
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