65 research outputs found

    Ein Fabelzyklus in 1001 Nacht:Literatur- und textkritische Analyse

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    PrimĂ€rer Untersuchungsgegenstand ist ein Block von Tierfabeln, der in den Drucken der jĂŒngsten Rezension von 1001 Nacht die NĂ€chte 146 bis 152 einnimmt. Die ErzĂ€hlungen, die sich hinsichtlich ihrer Genrezugehörigkeit deutlich von anderen 1001 Nacht-Texten unterscheiden, lassen sich zum Teil als Adaptionen weit verbreiteter ErzĂ€hlÂŹtypen und Motive, vor allem aus der indischen und persischen Literatur, nachweisen. Im Zentrum stehen die Aufarbeitung der partiell stark korrumpierten handschriftlichen Tradition und ihre Beziehungen zu zwei orientalischen Drucken, die als Grundlage der meisten Übersetzungen die westliche Rezeption von 1001 Nacht geprĂ€gt haben. Nach einer textkritischen Analyse und stemmatischen Rekonstruktion der Filiationsgeschichte werden ausÂŹgewĂ€hlte Fabeln ediert und ĂŒbersetzt. Die Edition dokumentiert die inhaltliche Vielgestaltigkeit und die „mittelarabische“ Sprachform eines volksliterarischen Textkorpus

    LĂ€ndliche RĂ€ume im Fokus: der Landatlas als neue Informationsplattform

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    Seit Ende 2016 ermöglicht der digitale Landatlas des Johann Heinrich von ThĂŒnen-Instituts (www.landatlas.de) allen Interessierten, sich aktuell, kleinrĂ€umig und flĂ€chendeckend ĂŒber lĂ€ndliche RĂ€ume in Deutschland zu informieren. Mit seinen interaktiven Karten gibt der Landatlas einen breiten Überblick ĂŒber die soziale, demographische, ökonomische und Versorgungssituation in unterschiedlichen Gebietseinheiten und dies auch im Vergleich zu nicht-lĂ€ndlichen RĂ€umen. In neun Themenbereichen werden gegenwĂ€rtig 55 Indikatoren der LebensqualitĂ€t auf Kreis- und, wenn verfĂŒgbar, auf Gemeindeverbandsebene dargestellt. Dabei erfolgt zum einen eine SekundĂ€raufbereitung von Daten der amtlichen Statistik, zum anderen werden Ergebnisse des ThĂŒnen-Erreichbarkeitsmodells dargestellt. Dem Landatlas liegt eine Neuabgrenzung lĂ€ndlicher RĂ€ume zugrunde. Dabei wird von einem relationalen VerstĂ€ndnis von LĂ€ndlichkeit ausgegangen, wonach dĂŒnn besiedelte RĂ€ume und stĂ€dtische Ballungszentren die Pole der Siedlungsstruktur und Landnutzung darstellen. Dieser Abgrenzung zufolge leben ca. 57 Prozent der Bevölkerung auf 91 Prozent der FlĂ€che Deutschlands in lĂ€ndlichen RĂ€umen. Außerdem werden diese RĂ€ume nach ihrer sozioökonomischen Lage differenziert. Der Landatlas ist als Informationsinstrument fĂŒr die breite Öffentlichkeit konzipiert und soll kĂŒnftig als kontinuierliches Monitoring weiterentwickelt werden

    Comparative genomics and the nature of placozoan species.

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    Placozoans are a phylum of nonbilaterian marine animals currently represented by a single described species, Trichoplax adhaerens, Schulze 1883. Placozoans arguably show the simplest animal morphology, which is identical among isolates collected worldwide, despite an apparently sizeable genetic diversity within the phylum. Here, we use a comparative genomics approach for a deeper appreciation of the structure and causes of the deeply diverging lineages in the Placozoa. We generated a high-quality draft genome of the genetic lineage H13 isolated from Hong Kong and compared it to the distantly related T. adhaerens. We uncovered substantial structural differences between the two genomes that point to a deep genomic separation and provide support that adaptation by gene duplication is likely a crucial mechanism in placozoan speciation. We further provide genetic evidence for reproductively isolated species and suggest a genus-level difference of H13 to T. adhaerens, justifying the designation of H13 as a new species, Hoilungia hongkongensis nov. gen., nov. spec., now the second described placozoan species and the first in a new genus. Our multilevel comparative genomics approach is, therefore, likely to prove valuable for species distinctions in other cryptic microscopic animal groups that lack diagnostic morphological characters, such as some nematodes, copepods, rotifers, or mites

    The enigmatic Placozoa part 2: Exploring evolutionary controversies and promising questions on earth and in space

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    The placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens has been bridging gaps between research discilplines like no other animal. As outlined in part 1, placozoans have been subject of hot evolutionary debates and placozoans have challenged some fundamental evolutionary concepts. Here in part 2 we discuss the exceptional genetics of the phylum Placozoa and point out some challenging model system applications for the best known species, Trichoplax adhaerens

    Bodily Complexity:Integrated Multicellular Organizations for Contraction-Based Motility

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    Compared to other forms of multicellularity, the animal case is unique. Animals—barring some exceptions—consist of collections of cells that are connected and integrated to such an extent that these collectives act as unitary, large free-moving entities capable of sensing macroscopic properties and events. This animal configuration is so well known that it is often taken as a natural one that ‘must’ have evolved, given environmental conditions that make large free-moving units ‘obviously’ adaptive. Here we question the seemingly evolutionary inevitableness of animals and introduce a thesis of bodily complexity: The multicellular organization characteristic for typical animals requires the integration of a multitude of intrinsic bodily features between its sensorimotor, physiological, and developmental aspects, and the related contraction-based tissue- and cellular-level events and processes. The evolutionary road toward this bodily complexity involves, we argue, various intermediate organizational steps that accompany and support the wider transition from cilia-based to contraction/muscle-based motility, and which remain insufficiently acknowledged. Here, we stress the crucial and specific role played by muscle-based and myoepithelial tissue contraction—acting as a physical platform for organizing both the multicellular transmission of mechanical forces and multicellular signaling—as key foundation of animal motility, sensing and maintenance, and development. We illustrate and discuss these bodily features in the context of the four basal animal phyla—Porifera, Ctenophores, Placozoans, and Cnidarians—that split off before the bilaterians, a supergroup that incorporates all complex animals

    Acoelomorpha: earliest branching bilaterians or deuterostomes?

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    The Acoelomorpha is an animal group comprised by nearly 400 species of misleadingly inconspicuous flatworms. Despite this, acoelomorphs have been at the centre of a heated debate about the origin of bilaterian animals for 150 years. The animal tree of life has undergone major changes during the last decades, thanks largely to the advent of molecular data together with the development of more rigorous phylogenetic methods. There is now a relatively robust backbone of the animal tree of life. However, some crucial nodes remain contentious, especially the node defining the root of Bilateria. Some studies situate Acoelomorpha (and Xenoturbellida) as the sister group of all other bilaterians, while other analyses group them within the deuterostomes which instead suggests that the last common bilaterian ancestor directly gave rise to deuterostomes and protostomes. The resolution of this node will have a profound impact on our understanding of animal/bilaterian evolution. In particular, if acoelomorphs are the sister group to Bilateria, it will point to a simple nature for the first bilaterian. Alternatively, if acoelomorphs are deuterostomes, this will imply that they are the result of secondary simplification. Here, we review the state of this question and provide potential ways to solve this long-standing issue. Specifically, we argue for the benefits of (1) obtaining additional genomic data from acoelomorphs, in particular from taxa with slower evolutionary rates; (2) the development of new tools to analyse the data; and (3) the use of metagenomics or metatranscriptomics data. We believe the combination of these three approaches will provide a definitive answer as to the position of the acoelomorphs in the animal tree of life

    Agglomerationsvorteile und kommunales Steueraufkommen

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    Using the example of German districts and independent cities (kreisfreie StĂ€dte), we find that latter generate higher gross domestic product (GDP) per inhabitant as well as larger tax revenues per inhabitant. Accordingly, independent cities generate a GDP of €50,854 per inhabitant and record tax revenues of €1,739 per inhabitant, while in municipalities belonging to districts the GDP is €32,029 per inhabitant and tax revenues per inhabitant are €1,283. In order to analyze the positive correlation between GDP and tax revenues, we look in particular at the role of (net) agglomeration economies. Furthermore, we argue that agglomeration economies increase local governmentsÂŽ tax revenues per inhabitant through two distinct channels. First, agglomeration economies lead to rising local value added that again ends up in a greater local tax base and in greater local tax revenues (indirect channel). Second, local governments can directly tax local agglomeration economies by increasing their tax multipliers (direct channel). Looking at total tax revenues, our empirical results suggest that the indirect channel is quantitatively more important than the direct channel. However, the extent to which both channels come into play varies considerably across the examined types of tax revenues. While the direct channel is most important for non-agricultural/non-forestry land property tax, the indirect channel plays a more important role for the three business-related taxes. Property tax for agricultural and forestry land shows a high negative effect, especially in the case of the direct channel. The reason for this is that there are no agglomeration-related rents for agricultural and forestry land that can be taxed. Finally, we can show that the business-related tax revenues (business tax, income tax, value added tax) per inhabitant are systematically lower in Eastern Germany than in Western Germany, which is mainly due to the lower average GDP per inhabitant of Eastern German districts and independent cities

    Agglomerationsvorteile und kommunales Steueraufkommen. - 2., ĂŒberarbeitete Auflage

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    Using the example of German districts and independent cities (kreisfreie StĂ€dte), we find that latter generate higher gross domestic product (GDP) per inhabitant as well as larger tax revenues per inhabitant. Accordingly, independent cities generate a GDP of €50,854 per inhabitant and record tax revenues of €1,739 per inhabitant, while in municipalities belonging to districts the GDP is €32,029 per inhabitant and tax revenues per inhabitant are €1,283. In order to analyze the positive correlation between GDP and tax revenues, we look in particular at the role of (net) agglomeration economies. Furthermore, we argue that agglomeration economies increase local governmentsÂŽ tax revenues per inhabitant through two distinct channels. First, agglomeration economies lead to rising local value added that again ends up in a greater local tax base and in greater local tax revenues (indirect channel). Second, local governments can directly tax local agglomeration economies by increasing their tax multipliers (direct channel). Looking at total tax revenues, our empirical results suggest that the indirect channel is quantitatively more important than the direct channel. However, the extent to which both channels come into play varies considerably across the examined types of tax revenues. While the direct channel is most important for non-agricultural/non-forestry land property tax, the indirect channel plays a more important role for the three business-related taxes. Property tax for agricultural and forestry land shows a high negative effect, especially in the case of the direct channel. The reason for this is that there are no agglomeration-related rents for agricultural and forestry land that can be taxed. Finally, we can show that the business-related tax revenues (business tax, income tax, value added tax) per inhabitant are systematically lower in Eastern Germany than in Western Germany, which is mainly due to the lower average GDP per inhabitant of Eastern German districts and independent cities

    Zukunft fĂŒr GeflĂŒchtete in lĂ€ndlichen Regionen Deutschlands: Integrationsrelevante Rahmenbedingungen in den Untersuchungsregionen

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    The joint research project „A Future for Refugees in Rural Regions of Germany” takes various per-spectives to look at whether and how the integration of refugees can be tied to rural develop-ment. The research is organized into various interacting sub-projects that analyse the integration of refugees in a total of 35 case study communities within eight rural case study counties. Sub-project 1 uses indicators to compare the framework conditions relevant for integration and ana-lyse their influence on integration efforts and successes. In this working paper, 20 indicators, di-vided into eight dimensions of integration, are introduced and analysed. The selection of the di-mensions of integration bases on the categories identified in the integration model by Ager and Strang (2008). The basis for the analyses are mainly data of the national and state statistical of-fices, the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, and the Accessibility Model of the Thuenen Institute. For the comparative analysis mathematical averages, maximums, mini-mums and standard deviations of the single indicators are compared. In order to enable compre-hensive comparisons, a z-score is applied to the indicator values. A differentiated total picture results from the analysis, which makes especially clear the specific “strengths” and “weaknesses” of the communities and counties studied with regard to the integration relevant framework con-ditions. Interestingly, the analysis reveals that the indicator values are for the most part near the average. Overall the framework conditions relevant for integration are more homogeneous than was assumed due to the various social economic situations of the counties chosen for the case studies. In the next stage of the project, these results will be mirrored with the survey results from the other sub-projects in order to more precisely document and evaluate framework condi-tions and results relevant for the integration of refugees
