282 research outputs found

    Organic chemistry insights for the exceptional soil carbon storage of the seagrass Posidonia australis

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    The high organic carbon (OC) stores in seagrass meadows have led to their recognition as significant Blue Carbon sinks, though the diagenetic conditions that enable OC retention in seagrass soils remain poorly understood. In this study, seagrass soils were sampled from a Posidonia australis meadow in Oyster Harbour (Albany; south-western Australia) to investigate the preservation of sedimentary OC. We analysed soil characteristics (colour, grain size and redox potential), radiocarbon age, and characterised the soil organic matter (OM) using solid state CP/MAS 13C NMR spectroscopy to examine the preservation of OM down the soil profile. There was minimal change in organic composition over 1,700 years of accumulation, indicating long-term OM preservation. Primarily, this preservation appears to be driven by the recalcitrance of seagrass detritus buried in anoxic soils. The majority (70–83%) of total sedimentary OM comprised components directly attributable to seagrass origins (lignin, carbohydrate and black carbon-like matter), while the remainder consisted mostly of protein, some of which may have been present in seagrass biomass, along with likely contributions from algae and microbes. Although black carbon originates from organic matter combustion, here we provide evidence that the 13C NMR signal identified as black carbon-like matter in our soils is possibly associated with seagrass-derived organic matter consisting of degraded lignin products or other non-pyrogenic aromatics. The increase in the relative abundance of this black carbon-like matter with aging suggests its selective preservation. The relative abundances of carbohydrates significantly decreased with age down core (i.e. they appeared to be selectively decomposed), while lignin and protein did not show any quantitative changes in relative abundance (non-selective preservation). These findings demonstrate the exceptional preservation of P. australis derived OC, which contributes to our understanding of the higher OC storage capacity of Posidonia compared to other seagrass species. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Soil carbon stocks vary across geomorphic settings in Australian temperate tidal marsh ecosystems

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    Tidal marshes rank among the ecosystems with the highest capacity to sequester and store organic carbon (Corg) on earth. To inform conservation of coastal vegetated ecosystems for climate change mitigation, this study investigated the factors driving variability in carbon storage. We estimated soil Corg stocks in tidal marshes across temperate Western Australia and assessed differences among geomorphic settings (marine and fluvial deltas, and mid-estuary) and vegetation type (Sarcocornia quinqueflora and Juncus kraussii) linked to soil biogeochemistry. Soil Corg stocks within fluvial and mid-estuary settings were significantly higher (209 ± 14 and 211 ± 20 Mg Corg ha−1, respectively; 1-m-thick soils) than in marine counterparts (156 ± 12 Mg Corg ha−1), which can be partially explained by higher preservation of soil Corg in fluvial and mid-estuary settings rich in fine-grained ( \u3c 0.063 mm) sediments (49 ± 3% and 47 ± 4%, respectively) compared to marine settings (23 ± 4%). Soil Corg stocks were not significantly different between S. quinqueflora and J. kraussii marshes (185 ± 13 and 202 ± 13 Mg Corg ha−1, respectively). The higher contribution of tidal marsh plus supratidal vegetation in fluvial (80%) and intermediate (76%) compared to marine (57%) settings further explains differences in soil Corg stocks. The estimated soil Corg stocks in temperate Western Australia’s tidal marshes (57 Tg Corg within ~ 3000 km2 extent) correspond to about 2% of worldwide tidal marsh soil Corg stocks. The results obtained identify global drivers of soil Corg storage in tidal marshes and can be used to target hot spots for climate change mitigation based on tidal marsh conservation

    Seagrass sedimentary deposits as security vaults and time capsules of the human past

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    Seagrass meadows form valuable ecosystems, but are considered to have low cultural value due to limited research efforts in this field. We provide evidence that seagrass deposits play a hitherto unrealized central role in preserving valuable submerged archaeological and historical heritage across the world, while also providing an historical archive of human cultural development over time. We highlight three case studies showing the significance of seagrass in protecting underwater cultural heritage in Denmark, the Mediterranean and Australia. Moreover, we present an overview of additional evidence compiled from the literature. We emphasize that this important role of seagrasses is linked to their capacity to form thick sedimentary deposits, accumulating over time, thereby covering and sealing submerged archaeological heritage. Seagrass conservation and restoration are key to protecting this buried heritage while also supporting the role of seagrass deposits as carbon sinks as well as the many other important ecosystem functions of seagrasses. © 2018, The Author(s)

    Chalcopyrite Leaching Kinetics in the Presence of Methanol

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    The dissolution of chalcopyrite under near ambient conditions represents one of the main challenges in the copper industry. Thus, various routes have been proposed for chalcopyrite treatment, such as the use of polar organic solvents, and this has shown promising results. In this paper, we present a study of copper leaching from a chalcopyrite concentrate in aqueous acidic medium with methanol and various H2O2 concentrations at 15, 30, and 40 °C. The results show that nearly complete copper extraction was attained within 5 h at 40 °C. The extraction percentages were plotted as functions of time at each temperature. The experimental data were modeled using the shrinking core model considering the cylindrical particle shape (shrinking cylinder model) within acceptable confidence levels, yielding an estimated activation energy of 24.3 kJ/mol. Furthermore, the process was dependent on the H2O2 concentration, and it acts as a reagent rather than an oxidant in the leaching reaction. It was found that sulfur is the only species present in the solid phase formed during the leaching of chalcopyrite, demonstrating the co-dissolution of both copper and iron

    Comment on \u27Geoengineering with seagrasses: Is credit due where credit is given?\u27

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    Over the past decade scientists around the world have sought to estimate the capacity of seagrass meadows to sequester carbon, and thereby understand their role in climate change mitigation. The number of studies reporting on seagrass carbon accumulation rates is still limited, but growing scientific evidence supports the hypothesis that seagrasses have been efficiently locking away CO2 for decades to millennia (e.g. Macreadie et al 2014, Mateo et al 1997, Serrano et al 2012). Johannessen and Macdonald (2016), however, challenge the role of seagrasses as carbon traps, claiming that gains in carbon storage by seagrasses may be \u27illusionary\u27 and that \u27their contribution to the global burial of carbon has not yet been established\u27. The authors warn that misunderstandings of how sediments receive, process and store carbon have led to an overestimation of carbon burial by seagrasses. Here we would like to clarify some of the questions raised by Johannessen and Macdonald (2016), with the aim to promote discussion within the scientific community about the evidence for carbon sequestration by seagrasses with a view to awarding carbon credits

    The renaissance of Odum\u27s outwelling hypothesis in \u27blue carbon\u27 science

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    The term ‘Blue Carbon’ was coined about a decade ago to highlight the important carbon sequestration capacity of coastal vegetated ecosystems. The term has paved the way for the development of programs and policies that preserve and restore these threatened coastal ecosystems for climate change mitigation. Blue carbon research has focused on quantifying carbon stocks and burial rates in sediments or accumulating as biomass. This focus on habitat-bound carbon led us to losing sight of the mobile blue carbon fraction. Oceans, the largest active reservoir of carbon, have become somewhat of a blind spot. Multiple recent investigations have revealed high outwelling (i.e., lateral fluxes or horizontal exports) of dissolved inorganic (DIC) and organic (DOC) carbon, as well as particulate organic carbon (POC) from blue carbon habitats. In this paper, we conceptualize outwelling in mangrove, saltmarsh, seagrass and macroalgae ecosystems, diagnose key challenges preventing robust quantification, and pave the way for future work integrating mobile carbon in the blue carbon framework. Outwelling in mangroves and saltmarshes is usually dominated by DIC (mostly as bicarbonate), while POC seems to be the major carbon species exported from seagrass meadows and macroalgae forests. Carbon outwelling science is still in its infancy, and estimates remain limited spatially and temporally. Nevertheless, the existing datasets imply that carbon outwelling followed by ocean storage is relevant and may exceed local sediment burial as a long-term ( \u3e centuries) blue carbon sequestration mechanism. If this proves correct as more data emerge, ignoring carbon outwelling may underestimate the perceived sequestration capacity of blue carbon ecosystems

    The renaissance of Odum's outwelling hypothesis in 'Blue Carbon' science

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    The term ‘Blue Carbon’ was coined about a decade ago to highlight the important carbon sequestration capacity of coastal vegetated ecosystems. The term has paved the way for the development of programs and policies that preserve and restore these threatened coastal ecosystems for climate change mitigation. Blue carbon research has focused on quantifying carbon stocks and burial rates in sediments or accumulating as biomass. This focus on habitat-bound carbon led us to losing sight of the mobile blue carbon fraction. Oceans, the largest active reservoir of carbon, have become somewhat of a blind spot. Multiple recent investigations have revealed high outwelling (i.e., lateral fluxes or horizontal exports) of dissolved inorganic (DIC) and organic (DOC) carbon, as well as particulate organic carbon (POC) from blue carbon habitats. In this paper, we conceptualize outwelling in mangrove, saltmarsh, seagrass and macroalgae ecosystems, diagnose key challenges preventing robust quantification, and pave the way for future work integrating mobile carbon in the blue carbon framework. Outwelling in mangroves and saltmarshes is usually dominated by DIC (mostly as bicarbonate), while POC seems to be the major carbon species exported from seagrass meadows and macroalgae forests. Carbon outwelling science is still in its infancy, and estimates remain limited spatially and temporally. Nevertheless, the existing datasets imply that carbon outwelling followed by ocean storage is relevant and may exceed local sediment burial as a long-term (>centuries) blue carbon sequestration mechanism. If this proves correct as more data emerge, ignoring carbon outwelling may underestimate the perceived sequestration capacity of blue carbon ecosystems.publishedVersio

    Nanostructured Thermoelectric Chalcogenides

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    Thermoelectric materials are outstanding to transform temperature differences directly and reversibly into electrical voltage. Exploiting waste heat recovery as a source of power generation could help towards energy sustainability. Recently, the SnSe semiconductor was identified, in single-crystal form, as a mid-temperature thermoelectric material with record high figure of merit, high power factor and surprisingly low thermal conductivity. We describe the preparation of polycrystals of alloys of SnSe obtained by arc-melting; a rapid synthesis that results in strongly nanostructured samples with low thermal conductivity, advantageous for thermoelectricity, approaching the amorphous limit, around 0.3–0.5 W/mK. An initial screening of novel samples Sn1−xMxSe, by alloying with 3d and 4d transition metals such as M = Mn, Y, Ag, Mo, Cd or Au, provides for a means to optimize the power factor. M=Mo, Ag, with excellent values, are described in detail with characterization by x-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electronic and thermal transport measurements. Rietveld analysis of XRD data demonstrates near-perfect stoichiometries of the above-mentioned alloys. SEM analysis shows stacking of nanosized sheets, with large surfaces parallel to layered slabs. An apparatus was developed for the simultaneous measurement of the Seebeck coefficient and electric conductivity at elevated temperatures

    Blue carbon as a natural climate solution

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    Blue carbon ecosystems (BCEs), including mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and tidal marshes, store carbon and provide co-benefits such as coastal protection and fisheries enhancement. Blue carbon sequestration has therefore been suggested as a natural climate solution. In this Review, we examine the potential for BCEs to act as carbon sinks and the opportunities to protect or restore ecosystems for this function. Globally, BCEs are calculated to store \u3e 30,000 Tg C across ~185 million ha, with their conservation potentially avoiding emissions of 304 (141–466) Tg carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per year. Potential BCE restoration has been estimated in the range of 0.2–3.2 million ha for tidal marshes, 8.3–25.4 million ha for seagrasses and 9–13 million ha for mangroves, which could draw down an additional 841 (621–1,064) Tg CO2e per year by 2030, collectively amounting to ~3% of global emissions (based on 2019 and 2020 global annual fossil fuel emissions). Mangrove protection and/or restoration could provide the greatest carbon-related benefits, but better understanding of other BCEs is needed. BCE destruction is unlikely to stop fully, and not all losses can be restored. However, engineering and planning for coastal protection offer opportunities for protection and restoration, especially through valuing co-benefits. BCE prioritization is potentially a cost-effective and scalable natural climate solution, but there are still barriers to overcome before blue carbon project adoption will become widespread

    Evaluating the influence of sleep quality and quantity on glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes

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    BackgroundSleep quality disturbances are frequent in adults with type 1 diabetes. However, the possible influence of sleep problems on glycemic variability has yet to be studied in depth. This study aims to assess the influence of sleep quality on glycemic control.Materials and methodsAn observational study of 25 adults with type 1 diabetes, with simultaneous recording, for 14 days, of continuous glucose monitoring (Abbott FreeStyle Libre system) and a sleep study by wrist actigraphy (Fitbit Ionic device). The study analyzes, using artificial intelligence techniques, the relationship between the quality and structure of sleep with time in normo-, hypo-, and hyperglycemia ranges and with glycemic variability. The patients were also studied as a group, comparing patients with good and poor sleep quality. ResultsA total of 243 days/nights were analyzed, of which 77% (n = 189) were categorized as poor quality and 33% (n = 54) as good quality. Linear regression methods were used to find a correlation (r =0.8) between the variability of sleep efficiency and the variability of mean blood glucose. With clustering techniques, patients were grouped according to their sleep structure (characterizing this structure by the number of transitions between the different sleep phases). These clusters showed a relationship between time in range and sleep structure. ConclusionsThis study suggests that poor sleep quality is associated with lower time in range and greater glycemic variability, so improving sleep quality in patients with type 1 diabetes could improve their glycemic control.2022-2
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