2,019 research outputs found

    Text-based Semantic Annotation Service for Multimedia Content in the Esperonto project

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    Within the Esperonto project, an integration of NLP, ontologies and other knowledge bases, is being performed with the goal to implement a semantic annotation service that upgrades the actual Web towards the emerging Semantic Web. Research is being currently conducted on how to apply the Esperonto semantic annotation service to text material associated with still images in web pages. In doing so, the project will allow for semantic querying of still images in the web, but also (automatically) create a large set of text-based semantic annotations of still images, which can be used by the Multimedia community in order to support the task of content indexing of image material, possibly combining the Esperonto type of annotations with the annotations resulting from image analysis

    Semantic Content Mediation and Acquisition: The Challenge for Semantic e-Business Solutions

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    A Top Quadrant report situates the Semantic Web within the current Innovation Wave of “Distributed Intelligence”. This is one of the main innovation waves of the last centuries including textile, railway, auto, computer, distributed intelligence (1997-2061) and nanotechnology (2007-2081). The Distributed Intelligence wave started in the late nineties and is expected to peak between 2010 and 2020. The report estimates first return on investments in 2006-7, growing to a market of $40-60 billion in 2010. Funds are coming primary from governments, venture capitalists and industry commercialization. Over the next few years, this is expected to change in favour of industry commercialization

    Efecto de la adición de extractos de cítricos como promotor de crecimiento sobre la integridad intestinal en gallinas ponedoras de la línea Hy Line Brown de 50 semanas de edad

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    El objetivo de esta tesis fue evaluar el efecto de los extractos de cítricos en sobre la integridad intestinal. Se utilizaron 448 en gallinas ponedoras de la línea Hy-line Brown de 50 semanas de edad. Las cuales fueron distribuidos a través de un diseño completamente al azar con dos tratamientos y ocho repeticiones: dieta base (DB) y dieta base más extracto cítricos (DBEC) siendo la unidad experimental de 28 gallinas ponedoras (cuatro jaulas de siete aves). Las dietas fueron formuladas para satisfacer los requerimientos nutricionales de gallinas ponedoras de la línea Hy-line Brown en postura comercial fase dos, las cuales tuvieron el mismo aporte nutricional y energético. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante el análisis de varianza (ANOVA) y los promedios comparados con la prueba de Tukey. Los resultados de la integridad intestinal, altura de vellosidades, profundidad de cripta y relación vellosidad/cripta en la porción Yeyuno en la porción de 25% e íleon 50% en gallinas ponedoras de 56 semanas de edad; tuvieron diferencia significativa (P>0.05), a favor de la dieta que uso extractos cítricos (DBEC), teniendo valores de 890.70 y 277.15 μm. y relación V/C de 3.21 para la porción del Yeyuno 25% y 773.16 y 173.45 μm. y la relación V/C de 4.46, para la porción de íleon 50%. Por lo tanto se concluye que el uso de extractos cítricos en dietas las dietas de gallinas ponedoras mejora la integridad intestinal.The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of citrus extracts on intestinal integrity, 448 were used in laying hens of 50 weeks old of the Hy line brown. The chickens were distributed through completely randomized designed with two treatments and eight repetitions: Base diet (DB) and base diet (DBEC) being the experimental unit of 28 laying hens’ four cages of seven birds. The diets formulated to meet the nutricional requirements of hens of the Hyline Brown line in phase two comercial stance, having the same nutricional and energy value. The results were analyzed through the analysis of varience (ANOVA) and avarage compared with the turkey”s test. The results on intestinal integrity, between the measure of villus height crypt dept and villus crypt ratio in the jejunal portion in the 25 and 50% portion in laying hens 56 weeks of age; it had a significant different (P> 0.05), in favor of the diet that used citrus extracts (DBEC),having values of 890.70 and 277.15um, and a V/C ratio of 3.21for the portion of the jejumum at 25%and 173.45um and V/C ratio of 4.46, for 50%jejunal portion,therefore it is concluded that the use of citrus extracts in diets of laying hens improves intestinal integrity.Tesi

    Crisis internacional. Impactos y respuestas de política económica en el Perú.

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    crisis económica internacional; política económica; Peru

    Signalling DNA Damage

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    During our lifetime, the genome is constantly being exposed to different types of damage caused either by exogenous sources (radiations and/or genotoxic compound) but also as byproducts of endogenous processes (reactive oxigen species during respiration, stalled forks during replication, eroded telomeres, etc). From a structural point of view, there are many types of DNA damage including single or double strand breaks, base modifications and losses or base-pair mismatches. The amount of lesions that we face is enormous with estimates suggesting that each of our 1013 cells has to deal with around 10.000 lesions per day [1]. While the majority of these events are properly resolved by specialized mechanisms, a deficient response to DNA damage, and particularly to DSB, harbors a serious threat to human health [2]. DSB can be formed [1] following an exposure to ionizing radiation (X- or γ-rays) or clastogenic drugs; [2] endogenously, during DNA replication, or [3], as a consequence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated during oxidative metabolism. In addition, programmed DSB are used as repair intermediates during V(D)J and Class-Switch recombination (CSR) in lymphocytes [3], or during meiotic recombination [4]. Because of this, immunodeficiency and/or sterility problems are frequently associated with DDR-related pathologies

    Generating Interpretable Fuzzy Systems for Classification Problems

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    En este artículo se presenta un nuevo método para generar sistemas difusos interpretables, a partir de datos experimentalesde entrada y salida, para resolver problemas de clasificación. En la partición antecedente se emplean conjuntos triangulares con interpolación de 0.5 lo cual evita la presencia de solapamientos complejos que suceden en otros métodos. Los consecuentes, tipo Singleton, son generados por la proyección de los valores modales de cada función de membresía triangular en el espacio de salida y se emplea el método de mínimos cuadrados para el ajuste de los consecuentes. El método propuesto consigue una mayor precisión que la alcanzada con los métodos actuales existentes, empleando un número reducido de reglas y parámetros y sin sacrificar la interpretabilidad del modelo difuso. El enfoque propuesto es aplicado a dos problemas clásicos de clasificación: el Wisconsin Breast Cancer (WBC) y el Iris Data Classification Problem, para mostrar las ventajas del método y comparar los resultados con los alcanzados por otros investigadores.This paper presents a new method to generate interpretable fuzzy systems from training data to deal with classification problems. The antecedent partition uses triangular sets with 0.5 interpolations avoiding the presence of complex overlapping that happens in another method. Singleton consequents are generated form the projection of the modal values of each triangular membership function into the output space. Least square method is used to adjust the consequents. The proposed method gets a higher average classification accuracy rate than the existing methods with a reduced number of rules andparameters and without sacrificing the fuzzy system interpretability. The proposed approach is applied to two classical classification problems: Iris data and the Wisconsin Breast Cancer classification problem


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    Competitiveness is a predominant factor in today supply companies of the manufacturing industry. In this paper, the analysis shows that it took place in the region of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico in SMEs. To that end, a search for competitive strategies proposed by different authors in the literature of the subject. Besides performing a critical analysis of quality requirements that the customer deems necessary in its suppliers through a questionnaire created through Kano model focused on customer satisfaction. As a result of research results in a business strategy focused on obtaining the certification in quality management systems in the ISO international standard for small and medium businesses in the city. Also the result of this work demonstrates the degree of importance of having a certification in quality management system in the selection of suppliers for manufacturing companies in the region

    Apicomplexa and Histone Variants: What’s New?

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    Plasmodium spp. and Toxoplasma gondii present a conserved nucleosome composition based on canonical H3 and variants, H4, canonical H2A and variants, and H2B. One-off, the phylum has also a variant H2B, named H2B.Z, which was shown to form a double variant nucleosome H2A.Z/H2B.Z. These histones also present conserved and unique post-translational modifications (PTMs). Histone variants have shown particular genomic localization and PTMs along euchromatin and heterochromatin, including telomere-associated sequences (TAS), suggesting fine-grained chromatin structure modulation. Several other nonhistone proteins present remarkable participation in controlling chromatin state, especially at TAS. Based on that, we discuss the role of epigenetics (PTMs and histone variants) in Plasmodium and Toxoplasma gene expression, replication, and DNA repair. We also discuss TAS structures and chromatin composition and its impact on antigenic variant expression in Plasmodium

    Volumen de Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) Krasser en renovales de la provincia de Cauquenes

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    62 p.En este trabajo se desarrolló una función de volumen para Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) Krasser, situado en la Precordillera de la Costa de la VII Región. La muestra consistió de 50 árboles, con un Dap mínimo de 10 cm y un Dap máximo de 29 cm. Para obtener las mejores funciones de volumen sin corteza se analizó las variables de manera visual y estadísticamente, las más relacionadas fueron propuestas como modelos; y se seleccionaron los que presentaron un mayor coeficiente de determinación ajustado (R2aj) y un menor error estándar de estimación (eee). Las variables explicativas DAT (R2aj= 93.85) para el modelo 1; DAT (R2aj= 95.99) para el modelo 1 corregido; Log DAP (R2aj= 92.93) para el modelo 2; y Log DAP (R2aj= 94.08) para el modelo 2 corregido, fueron las mejores ajustadas para estimar el volumen sin corteza. Tanto los modelos de volumen con y sin los residuos inusuales fueron validados usando el procedimiento desarrollado por Freese (1960) y modificado por Vallejos (1979). Los resultados indican que la totalidad de los modelos de volumen con y sin residuos inusuales eran insesgados e inexactos. La inexactitud se debe a un dato anómalo, que al ser eliminado se obtiene la exactitud requerida