305 research outputs found

    Nitrogen addition alters composition, diversity, and functioning of microbial communities in mangrove soils : an incubation experiment

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    Mangrove ecosystems are important for carbon storage due to their high productivity and low decomposition rates. Waterways have experienced increased nutrient loads as a result of anthropogenic activities and it is unclear how this may affect carbon and nutrient cycles in downstream mangroves that receive these nutrient-rich waters. Using a laboratory-based incubation experiment, this study aimed to assess the effects of nutrient addition on the diversity and structure of mangrove soil bacterial communities, as well as biomass and activity of the soil microbial community, under different oxygen conditions. Bacterial community diversity and composition was characterised using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and microbial activity was examined through the measurement of microbial respiration and the activities of enzymes associated with organic matter decomposition. Nitrogen addition caused clear shifts in bacterial community composition, with decreases in bacterial diversity and the abundance of sulfate-reducing bacteria. Microbial biomass also decreased with nitrogen addition under reduced oxygen incubations. Changes in bacterial community structure were accompanied by changes in the activity of some enzymes involved in carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling. Under reduced oxygen conditions, nitrogen addition resulted in a significant increase in the microbial metabolic quotient but no accompanying change in microbial respiration, which was explained by a decrease in microbial biomass. The findings of this study indicate that nitrogen loading has potential implications for microbial communities and carbon and nutrient cycling in mangrove environments that warrant further investigation under field conditions

    Transcriptomic and metabolite analyses of Cabernet Sauvignon grape berry development

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    BACKGROUND: Grape berry development is a dynamic process that involves a complex series of molecular genetic and biochemical changes divided into three major phases. During initial berry growth (Phase I), berry size increases along a sigmoidal growth curve due to cell division and subsequent cell expansion, and organic acids (mainly malate and tartrate), tannins, and hydroxycinnamates accumulate to peak levels. The second major phase (Phase II) is defined as a lag phase in which cell expansion ceases and sugars begin to accumulate. Véraison (the onset of ripening) marks the beginning of the third major phase (Phase III) in which berries undergo a second period of sigmoidal growth due to additional mesocarp cell expansion, accumulation of anthocyanin pigments for berry color, accumulation of volatile compounds for aroma, softening, peak accumulation of sugars (mainly glucose and fructose), and a decline in organic acid accumulation. In order to understand the transcriptional network responsible for controlling berry development, mRNA expression profiling was conducted on berries of V. vinifera Cabernet Sauvignon using the Affymetrix GeneChip® Vitis oligonucleotide microarray ver. 1.0 spanning seven stages of berry development from small pea size berries (E-L stages 31 to 33 as defined by the modified E-L system), through véraison (E-L stages 34 and 35), to mature berries (E-L stages 36 and 38). Selected metabolites were profiled in parallel with mRNA expression profiling to understand the effect of transcriptional regulatory processes on specific metabolite production that ultimately influence the organoleptic properties of wine. RESULTS: Over the course of berry development whole fruit tissues were found to express an average of 74.5% of probes represented on the Vitis microarray, which has 14,470 Unigenes. Approximately 60% of the expressed transcripts were differentially expressed between at least two out of the seven stages of berry development (28% of transcripts, 4,151 Unigenes, had pronounced (≥2 fold) differences in mRNA expression) illustrating the dynamic nature of the developmental process. The subset of 4,151 Unigenes was split into twenty well-correlated expression profiles. Expression profile patterns included those with declining or increasing mRNA expression over the course of berry development as well as transient peak or trough patterns across various developmental stages as defined by the modified E-L system. These detailed surveys revealed the expression patterns for genes that play key functional roles in phytohormone biosynthesis and response, calcium sequestration, transport and signaling, cell wall metabolism mediating expansion, ripening, and softening, flavonoid metabolism and transport, organic and amino acid metabolism, hexose sugar and triose phosphate metabolism and transport, starch metabolism, photosynthesis, circadian cycles and pathogen resistance. In particular, mRNA expression patterns of transcription factors, abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis, and calcium signaling genes identified candidate factors likely to participate in the progression of key developmental events such as véraison and potential candidate genes associated with such processes as auxin partitioning within berry cells, aroma compound production, and pathway regulation and sequestration of flavonoid compounds. Finally, analysis of sugar metabolism gene expression patterns indicated the existence of an alternative pathway for glucose and triose phosphate production that is invoked from véraison to mature berries. CONCLUSION: These results reveal the first high-resolution picture of the transcriptome dynamics that occur during seven stages of grape berry development. This work also establishes an extensive catalog of gene expression patterns for future investigations aimed at the dissection of the transcriptional regulatory hierarchies that govern berry development in a widely grown cultivar of wine grape. More importantly, this analysis identified a set of previously unknown genes potentially involved in critical steps associated with fruit development that can now be subjected to functional testing.National Science Foundation Plant Genome Project (DBI-0217653); Bioinformatics program (DBI-0136561); National Institute of Health Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (NIH-NCRR P20 RR16464; National Institute of Health IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE, RR-03-008); Nevada Agricultural Experimental Statio

    The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence and related phenomena for 1D shallow-water waves in a finite basin

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    In this work, different regimes of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) recurrence are simulated numerically for fully nonlinear "one-dimensional" potential water waves in a finite-depth flume between two vertical walls. In such systems, the FPU recurrence is closely related to the dynamics of coherent structures approximately corresponding to solitons of the integrable Boussinesq system. A simplest periodic solution of the Boussinesq model, describing a single soliton between the walls, is presented in an analytical form in terms of the elliptic Jacobi functions. In the numerical experiments, it is observed that depending on a number of solitons in the flume and their parameters, the FPU recurrence can occur in a simple or complicated manner, or be practically absent. For comparison, the nonlinear dynamics of potential water waves over nonuniform beds is simulated, with initial states taken in the form of several pairs of colliding solitons. With a mild-slope bed profile, a typical phenomenon in the course of evolution is appearance of relatively high (rogue) waves, while for random, relatively short-correlated bed profiles it is either appearance of tall waves, or formation of sharp crests at moderate-height waves.Comment: revtex4, 10 pages, 33 figure

    The origins of estrogen receptor alpha-positive and estrogen receptor alpha-negative human breast cancer

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    Current hormonal therapies have benefited millions of patients with breast cancer. Their success, however, is often temporary and limited to a subset of patients whose tumors express estrogen receptor alpha (ER). The therapies are entirely ineffective in ER-negative disease. Recent studies suggest that there are many biological pathways and alterations involved in determining whether ER is expressed and how it is regulated during breast cancer evolution. Improving hormonal therapies, in addition to perfecting current strategies, will also target these newly discovered pathways and alterations, and others yet to be found. The present commentary will briefly highlight a few important observations and unanswered questions regarding ER status and growth regulation during breast cancer evolution, which hopefully will help to stimulate new thinking and progress in this important area of medial research

    Dizajn, razvoj i vrednovanje novih nanoemulzija za transdermalnu primjenu celekoksiba

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential of nanoemulsion formulations for transdermal delivery of celecoxib (CXB). The in vitro skin permeation profile of optimized formulations was compared with CXB gel and nanoemulsion gel. Significant increase in the steady state flux (Jss), permeability coefficient (Kp) and enhancement ratio (Er) was observed in nanoemulsion formulations T1 and T2 (p < 0.05). The highest value of these permeability parameters was obtained in formulation T2, which consisted of 2% m/m of CXB, 10% m/m of oil phase (Sefsol 218 and Triacetin), 50% m/m of surfactant mixture (Tween-80 and Transcutol-P) and 40% m/m of water. The anti-inflammatory effects of formulation T2 showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) in inhibition after 24 h compared to CXB gel and nanoemulsion gel on carrageenean-induced paw edema in rats. These results suggested that nanoemulsions are potential vehicles for improved transdermal delivery of CXB.U radu su opisana ispitivanja nanoemulzija za transdermalnu primjenu celekoksiba (CXB). Profil permeacije kroz kožu ispitivan je in vitro i uspoređivan sa CXB gelom i nanoemulzijskim gelom. U formulacijama T1 i T2 postignuto je značajno povećanje ustaljenog fluksa (Jss), koeficijenta permeabilnosti (Kp) i povećanje omjera (Er) (p < 0.05). Najveće vrijednosti parametara permeabilnosti dobivene su u formulaciji T2 koja je sadržala 2% m/m CXB, 10% m/m uljne faze (Sefsol 218 i Triacetin), 50% m/m površinski-aktivnih tvari (Tween-80 i Transcutol-P) i 40% m/m vode. Protuupalno djelovanje formulacije T2 na edem šape štakora uzrokovan karageninom značajno je povećano (p < 0.05) poslije 24 h u usporedbi sa CXB gelom i nanoemulzijskim gelom. Rezultati ukazuju na poboljšanu isporuku celekoksiba putem nanoemulzija

    The Multiplexed Chemical Kinetic Photoionization Mass Spectrometer: A New Approach To Isomer-resolved Chemical Kinetics

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    We have developed a multiplexed time- and photon-energy?resolved photoionizationmass spectrometer for the study of the kinetics and isomeric product branching of gasphase, neutral chemical reactions. The instrument utilizes a side-sampled flow tubereactor, continuously tunable synchrotron radiation for photoionization, a multi-massdouble-focusing mass spectrometer with 100percent duty cycle, and a time- and positionsensitive detector for single ion counting. This approach enables multiplexed, universal detection of molecules with high sensitivity and selectivity. In addition to measurement of rate coefficients as a function of temperature and pressure, different structural isomers can be distinguished based on their photoionization efficiency curves, providing a more detailed probe of reaction mechanisms. The multiplexed 3-dimensional data structure (intensity as a function of molecular mass, reaction time, and photoionization energy) provides insights that might not be available in serial acquisition, as well as additional constraints on data interpretation

    Pity for economically disadvantaged groups motivates donation and ally collective action intentions

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    We argue that pity can motivate collective action intentions toward groups that are both politically and economically deprived. We tested this connection in four online surveys and an experiment. In Study 1 (N = 1,007), pity for the Roma in Hungary predicted collective action intentions, which was replicated in Study 2 in connection with refugees in Germany (N = 191) and in Hungary (N = 563). Study 3 (N = 475) demonstrated that for not economically but politically disadvantaged groups (e.g., sexual minorities), pity was not a predictor of ally action. In an experiment (Study 4, N = 447), pity was just as strong a predictor of collective action intentions as outrage on behalf of an economically and politically disadvantaged outgroup. Pity can be a mobilizing emotion when it comes to groups that are both economically and politically disadvantaged; however, outrage remains more important in the absence of economic hardship

    The Concept of Governance in the Spirit of Capitalism

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    Through combining insights from political economy and sociology, this article explains the early genesis of the policy notion of governance in relation to ideological changes in capitalism. Such an approach has tended to be neglected in existing conceptual histories, in the process, undermining a sharper politicization of the term and how it became normalized. The argument dissects how the emergence of governance can be understood in light of a relationship between political crises, social critique and justificatory arguments (centered around security and justice claims) that form part of an ideological ‘spirit of capitalism’. Through a distinctive comparison between the creation of ‘corporate governance’ in the 1970s and the formulation of a ‘governance agenda’ by the World Bank from the 1980s, the article elucidates how the concept, within certain policy uses, but by no means all, can reflect and help constitute a neoliberal spirit of capitalism