672 research outputs found

    Exploring the relationship between immigrant enclave theory and transnational diaspora entrepreneurial opportunity formation

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    Immigrant Enclave Theory (IET) investigates the concentration and localisation of immigrants in a specific geographic area. Some IET studies have highlighted the resilience of these communities and described such enclaves as sources of mutual support, collective political power and beneficial social relationships. Other studies have examined the influence of IET on immigrant entrepreneurial activity within these geographic areas, although some of these studies have highlighted IET as a contributor to low profit margin businesses due to over-representation of immigrant enterprises within the same sector and geographic locality. This article considers the potential for Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurship (TDE) as an alternative approach to business development within immigrant enclaves and proposes a new model for the relationship between IET and TDE opportunity formation. For the contextualisation of the relationship between IET and TDE, the article explores immigrant enclave related theories and transnational diaspora entrepreneurship frameworks to draw out the relationship between IET and TDE

    Julian of Norwich and her children today: Editions, translations and versions of her revelations

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    The viability of such concepts as "authorial intention," "the original text," "critical edition" and, above all, "scholarly editorial objectivity" is not what it was, and a study of the textual progeny of the revelations of Julian of Norwich--editions, versions, translations and selections--does little to rehabilitate them. Rather it tends to support the view that a history of reading is indeed a history of misreading or, more positively, that texts can have an organic life of their own that allows them to reproduce and evolve quite independently of their author. Julian's texts have had a more robustly continuous life than those of any other Middle English mystic. Their history--in manuscript and print, in editions more or less approximating Middle English and in translations more or less approaching Modern English--is virtually unbroken since the fifteenth century. But on this perilous journey, many and strange are the clutches into which she and her textual progeny have fallen

    Implementasi Supervisi Akademik di SMP

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    The purpose of this study are to describe about academic supervision program, the implementation of academic supervision, the evaluation through the process and result of academic supervision and the headmaster followed action in implementing the academic supervision in Junior High School 13 South Bengkulu. This study used a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. After the research we can conclude that the implementation of academic supervision had been done fit to common academic supervision principle. The continued action that is taken by the headmaster in implementing academic supervision were by re-observe the result of supervision, made some revision toward supervision program, and made some improvement to the teachers individually or group

    Pengelolaan Diklatpim Tingkat IV pada Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kota Lubuklinggau

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    The objective of this study is to describe the management of forth level leadership training at Education and Training Center of Lubuklinggau City. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitatif. The technique of collecting the data through interview, observations and documentation. The result of the research show that the the management of forth level leadership training at Education and Training Center of Lubuklinggau City implemented with the goal of building the civil servants' operational leadership competencies who will or who have occupied echelon IV. The capability is the ability to plan the agency's activities and lead the implementation of these activities. that the the management of forth level leadership training at Education and Training Center of Lubuklinggau City has managed by structural trainning sector and the division head of leadership training as a tecnical implementation of the activities

    Manajemen Perpustakaan Sekolah

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    The purpose of this research was to describe the management of libraries in SMAN 1 Curup, specific objectives are to describe: the procurement plan library collections and the library service, procurement activities of the library collection, processing library collection, library services to visitors, monitoring and evaluation as well as follow further to the monitoring and evaluation activities. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study is the head of the library, librarian, Teachers, students, and school principals. The techniques for collected data were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data gotten by observation, interviews, and documentation.and data analysis techniques in the form of reduction, data display, and verification. The results showed the library management has been implemented properly


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    Iklan adalah pesan yang menawarkan suatu produk yang ditujukan kepada masyarakat lewat suatu media. Tujuan iklan ialah sebagai alat komunikasi untuk menarik perhatian dan membujuk konsumen agar membeli produk yang di tawarkan . Account Executive adalah orang yang bertugas menjaga hubungan antara biro iklan dengan perusahaan klien. Sorang Account Executive harus memiliki pengetahuan tentang Leadership, harus dapat menunjukan sifat kepemimpinan dalam menentukan tujuan serta mengkoordinir tim. Peran Account Executive yaitu menciptakan strategi pemasaran yaitu, marketing, leadership, teknik negosiasi, dan teknik presentasi pada saat melakukan visit client dan di dalam agency. Penulis melakukan praktek kerja sebagai Account Executive dalam agency digital yaitu di Redcomm Indonesia sebagai tempat melaksanakan Kuliah Kerja Media (KKM) selama tiga bulan. Dalam pelaksanaan KKM penulis mengikuti regroup untuk project LINE INDONESIA. Penulis juga membuat MOM disetiap selesai regroup dengan tim internal . Penulis melakukan follow up kepada tim internal untuk project Bebelac. Penulis bersama tim magang lainnya membuat deck untuk project workshop dan award tentang advertising. Selama menjalani KKM penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa seorang Account Executive dituntut untuk bisa memiliki pengetahuan marketing, leadership, teknik presentasi dan negoisasi. Kata Kunci : Kuliah Kerja Media, Periklanan, Agency, Account Executiv

    Clinical characteristics of preschool children with oppositional defiant disorder and callous-unemotional traits

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    There is a need to know whether callous-unemotional (CU) traits identify a more severe group of oppositional defiant children (ODD). The aim of this study is to ascertain cross-sectionally and longitudinally the specific contribution of CU levels and the presence of ODD in the psychological state of preschool children from the general population. A total of 622 children were assessed longitudinally at ages 3 and 5 with a semi-structured diagnostic interview and questionnaires filled out by parents and teachers. In multivariate models simultaneously including ODD diagnosis and CU levels, controlling by socioeconomic status, ethnicity, sex, severity of conduct disorder symptoms and other comorbidity, high CU scores were related to higher levels of aggression, withdrawn, externalizing and global symptomatology, functional impairment and higher probability of comorbid disorders and use of services. The contribution of CU traits on children's psychological state was not moderated by the presence/absence of ODD. Stability for CU traits and number of ODD-symptoms between ages 3 and 5 was statistically significant but moderate-low (intra-class correlation under .40). Assessment and identification of CU traits from preschool might help to identify a subset of children who could have socialization problems, not only among those with ODD but also among those without a diagnosis of conduct problem

    Developmental trajectories of callous-unemotional traits, anxiety and oppositional defiant disorder in 3 - 7 year-old children in the general population

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    There is increasing interest in describing different variants and subtypes that characterize the heterogeneity of behavior problems with the aim of supporting early detection and prevention, as well as facilitating research into etiological differences. This work examines the course of co-occurrence of callous-unemotional traits (CU), anxiety (ANX) and oppositionality (ODD-s) levels in a longitudinal community sample. A sample of 622 3-year-old preschoolers, followed up until age 7, was assessed annually with dimensional measures of callous-unemotional traits, oppositional defiant disorder and anxiety and related psychological constructs answered by parents, teachers and performed by children. Growth-Mixture-Modeling yielded six trajectories (null 58.9%, ANXincreasing 4.9%, CU + ANX + ODD 2.4%, CU + ODD-decreasing 8.1%, ODD-increasing 16.4%, and ANX-decreasing 9.2%) that represent the variants previously described with older subjects. The specifier ODD "with limited prosocial emotion" (CU + ODD decreasing and increasing) showed deficits in executive functioning, attention, aggressive behavior and social cognition in comparison with null trajectory. The secondary variant showed a more severe clinical picture and presented more difficulties in executive functioning, worse environmental characteristics, and worse outcomes at age 7. It is possible to identify the heterogeneity of disruptive behavior problems from preschool age. The identification of homogeneous groups in this category of disorders may help to design more suitable treatments with specific components for specific difficulties, and to progress in the etiological research of each clas