10,856 research outputs found

    Asymptotically scale-invariant occupancy of phase space makes the entropy Sq extensive

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    Phase space can be constructed for NN equal and distinguishable subsystems that could be (probabilistically) either {\it weakly} (or {\it "locally"}) correlated (e.g., independent, i.e., uncorrelated), or {\it strongly} (or {\it globally}) correlated. If they are locally correlated, we expect the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy SBGkipilnpiS_{BG} \equiv -k \sum_i p_i \ln p_i to be {\it extensive}, i.e., SBG(N)NS_{BG}(N)\propto N for NN \to\infty. In particular, if they are independent, SBGS_{BG} is {\it strictly additive}, i.e., SBG(N)=NSBG(1),NS_{BG}(N)=N S_{BG}(1), \forall N. However, if the subsystems are globally correlated, we expect, for a vast class of systems, the entropy Sqk[1ipiq]/(q1)S_q\equiv k [1- \sum_i p_i^q]/(q-1) (with S1=SBGS_1=S_{BG}) for some special value of q1q\ne1 to be the one which extensive (i.e., Sq(N)NS_q(N)\propto N for NN \to\infty).Comment: 15 pages, including 9 figures and 8 Tables. The new version is considerably enlarged with regard to the previous ones. New examples and new references have been include

    Preclinical Toxicity Study of the Phytomedicine - Bee Honey and Musa paradisiaca Extract- in Rodents

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    This study was designed to evaluate the safety of the phytomedicine – bee honey and M. paradisiaca drug, through acute and subchronic toxicity studies in rodents. Acute toxicity of the phytomedicine was evaluated in Swiss albino mice using graded oral-doses of the drug in the range of 1.0 to 20.0 g/kg b.wt orally and observed continuously; first for 4hrs, hourly for the next 24hrs and then 6-hourly for 48hrs. Subchronic toxicity was investigated with different concentrations of the drug for 30 days and the effects on biochemical and hematological parameters evaluated. The median acute toxicity value (LD50) of the phytomedicine was 18.840g/kg b.wt. The drug significantly reduced (p<0.05) plasma glucose and low density lipoprotein levels, but increased high density lipoprotein in the treated groups compared to the control. Aspartate aminotransferases and creatinine levels were significantly increased especially in the group treated with highest dose of the drug while significant decrease in alanine aminotransferases level was observed. The high LD50 value of the drug implies the drug could be safe for use. The study revealed that the drug had good reducing effects on hypoglycemia and the cardiovascular risk factors but that long term use can cause kidney problems.Keywords: Acute toxicity, Sub-chronic toxicity, Musa paradisiaca, Bee honey____________________________________________________________________

    Constructive Relationships Between Algebraic Thickness and Normality

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    We study the relationship between two measures of Boolean functions; \emph{algebraic thickness} and \emph{normality}. For a function ff, the algebraic thickness is a variant of the \emph{sparsity}, the number of nonzero coefficients in the unique GF(2) polynomial representing ff, and the normality is the largest dimension of an affine subspace on which ff is constant. We show that for 0<ϵ<20 < \epsilon<2, any function with algebraic thickness n3ϵn^{3-\epsilon} is constant on some affine subspace of dimension Ω(nϵ2)\Omega\left(n^{\frac{\epsilon}{2}}\right). Furthermore, we give an algorithm for finding such a subspace. We show that this is at most a factor of Θ(n)\Theta(\sqrt{n}) from the best guaranteed, and when restricted to the technique used, is at most a factor of Θ(logn)\Theta(\sqrt{\log n}) from the best guaranteed. We also show that a concrete function, majority, has algebraic thickness Ω(2n1/6)\Omega\left(2^{n^{1/6}}\right).Comment: Final version published in FCT'201

    Until eradication, awareness

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    Propuesta Socio- Educativa para reducir la deserci?n escolar en el grado noveno de la instituci?n educativa Manuel Murillo Toro sede central del municipio de Chaparral Tolima "motivados a seguir : que en el aula de clase se sienta todo, menos tu vaci?"

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    174 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEst? claro que la expectativa Estatal frente a las diferentes pol?ticas educativas, aparte de garantizar calidad y cobertura, es que se logre en cierto modo, neutralizar problem?ticas sociales tan posicionadas actualmente como la Deserci?n Escolar. Sin embargo, esta tarea no es f?cil, considerando las actuales condiciones socio-culturales: la poca integraci?n familiar en el ciclo educativo de los estudiantes, el desconocimiento de la educaci?n como un proceso continuo, la crianza en familias mono-parentales, la d?bil proyecci?n de la educaci?n como una oportunidad futura, entre otras. La actual propuesta socio-educativa ?Motivados A Seguir: Que En El Aula De Clase Se Sienta Todo, Menos Tu Vacio?, tiene como prop?sito reducir el ?Efecto Aulas Vac?as? en la Instituci?n Educativa Manuel Murillo Toro del municipio de Chaparral Tolima. Para conseguirlo, se desarroll? durante cinco (5) a?os un proceso de investigaci?n inscrito dentro de los par?metros metodol?gicos, cr?ticos y sociales del modelo IA (Investigaci?n-Acci?n). Durante este tiempo, se estudi? la multi-causalidad como el primer aspecto presente en el abandono escolar y el impacto negativo de esta abrupta discontinuidad en el proceso formativo. Con base en esos resultados, se dise?aron estrategias pedag?gicas y did?cticas recopiladas en un Plan de Acercamiento Vocacional (En adelante PAV), que es un taller participativo en el cual los estudiantes son orientados hacia el autoconocimiento de sus cualidades, intereses, aptitudes y habilidades. En suma, este documento evidencia la transformaci?n reflexiva de la comunidad Murillista, desde la esperanza de una educaci?n motivacional.It is clear that the State expectative according to different educational politics, a part of guarantee the quality and coverage, it is that achieve in certain way, neutralize some social problems which are positions now a days such as school dropout. However, this ask is not easy to achieve, taking into account the socio-cultural current terms: The little familiar integration in the educational process of students, the ignorance of an education as a continuo process, the raising in single parents families, the longevity weak of the education as a future opportunity, among others. The previous proposal socio- educational "Motivating to Follow: than in the Classroom you feel everything, except your gap?, it has as an aim reduces the ?effect empty classrooms? in has the purpose of preventing and reducing "Effect Empty Classrooms " in the Educational Institution Manuel Murillo Toro from Chaparral Tolima . To carry out this proposal, it was necessary work on research project during five (5) years taking into account the different methodological parameters, critics and social ones considering the AI model (Action Research). During this time, the multi-causality was studied as the first aspect presents in the school leaver and in the negative impact of this discontinuity abrupt in the formative process, according to these results pedagogical strategies and didactics compiled in a Vocational Approach Plan (P.A.V), it is a participative workshop in which pupils are guided towards self knowledge of their qualities, interests, aptitudes and abilities. To summarize, this document evidence the reflective transformation of the Murillista community, taking into account the hope of a motivational education. Keywords: School Desertion, multi-causality, vocational identity, effect empty classrooms, reduction

    Emotional Strategies as Catalysts for Cooperation in Signed Networks

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    The evolution of unconditional cooperation is one of the fundamental problems in science. A new solution is proposed to solve this puzzle. We treat this issue with an evolutionary model in which agents play the Prisoner's Dilemma on signed networks. The topology is allowed to co-evolve with relational signs as well as with agent strategies. We introduce a strategy that is conditional on the emotional content embedded in network signs. We show that this strategy acts as a catalyst and creates favorable conditions for the spread of unconditional cooperation. In line with the literature, we found evidence that the evolution of cooperation most likely occurs in networks with relatively high chances of rewiring and with low likelihood of strategy adoption. While a low likelihood of rewiring enhances cooperation, a very high likelihood seems to limit its diffusion. Furthermore, unlike in non-signed networks, cooperation becomes more prevalent in denser topologies.Comment: 24 pages, Accepted for publication in Advances in Complex System

    Repeatability of quantitative18F-FLT uptake measurements in solid tumors: an individual patient data multi-center meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: 3'-deoxy-3'-[18F]fluorothymidine (18F-FLT) positron emission tomography (PET) provides a non-invasive method to assess cellular proliferation and response to antitumor therapy. Quantitative18F-FLT uptake metrics are being used for evaluation of proliferative response in investigational setting, however multi-center repeatability needs to be established. The aim of this study was to determine the repeatability of18F-FLT tumor uptake metrics by re-analyzing individual patient data from previously published reports using the same tumor segmentation method and repeatability metrics across cohorts. METHODS: A systematic search in PubMed, EMBASE.com and the Cochrane Library from inception-October 2016 yielded five18F-FLT repeatability cohorts in solid tumors.18F-FLT avid lesions were delineated using a 50% isocontour adapted for local background on test and retest scans. SUVmax, SUVmean, SUVpeak, proliferative volume and total lesion uptake (TLU) were calculated. Repeatability was assessed using the repeatability coefficient (RC = 1.96 × SD of test-retest differences), linear regression analysis, and the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The impact of different lesion selection criteria was also evaluated. RESULTS: Images from four cohorts containing 30 patients with 52 lesions were obtained and analyzed (ten in breast cancer, nine in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and 33 in non-small cell lung cancer patients). A good correlation was found between test-retest data for all18F-FLT uptake metrics (R2 ≥ 0.93; ICC ≥ 0.96). Best repeatability was found for SUVpeak(RC: 23.1%), without significant differences in RC between different SUV metrics. Repeatability of proliferative volume (RC: 36.0%) and TLU (RC: 36.4%) was worse than SUV. Lesion selection methods based on SUVmax ≥ 4.0 improved the repeatability of volumetric metrics (RC: 26-28%), but did not affect the repeatability of SUV metrics. CONCLUSIONS: In multi-center studies, differences ≥ 25% in18F-FLT SUV metrics likely represent a true change in tumor uptake. Larger differences are required for FLT metrics comprising volume estimates when no lesion selection criteria are applied

    Do cannabis and urbanicity co-participate in causing psychosis? Evidence from a 10-year follow-up cohort study

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    Background Cannabis use is considered a component cause of psychotic illness, interacting with genetic and other environmental risk factors. Little is known, however, about these putative interactions. The present study investigated whether an urban environment plays a role in moderating the effects of adolescent cannabis use on psychosis risk. Method Prospective data (n=1923, aged 14-24 years at baseline) from the longitudinal population-based German Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology cohort study were analysed. Urbanicity was assessed at baseline and defined as living in the city of Munich (1562 persons per km2; 4061 individuals per square mile) or in the rural surroundings (213 persons per km2; 553 individuals per square mile). Cannabis use and psychotic symptoms were assessed three times over a 10-year follow-up period using the Munich version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Results Analyses revealed a significant interaction between cannabis and urbanicity [10.9% adjusted difference in risk, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.2-18.6, p=0.005]. The effect of cannabis use on follow-up incident psychotic symptoms was much stronger in individuals who grew up in an urban environment (adjusted risk difference 6.8%, 95% CI 1.0-12.5, p=0.021) compared with individuals from rural surroundings (adjusted risk difference −4.1%, 95% CI −9.8 to 1.6, p=0.159). The statistical interaction was compatible with substantial underlying biological synergism. Conclusions Exposure to environmental influences associated with urban upbringing may increase vulnerability to the psychotomimetic effects of cannabis use later in lif

    A complete characterization of plateaued Boolean functions in terms of their Cayley graphs

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    In this paper we find a complete characterization of plateaued Boolean functions in terms of the associated Cayley graphs. Precisely, we show that a Boolean function ff is ss-plateaued (of weight =2(n+s2)/2=2^{(n+s-2)/2}) if and only if the associated Cayley graph is a complete bipartite graph between the support of ff and its complement (hence the graph is strongly regular of parameters e=0,d=2(n+s2)/2e=0,d=2^{(n+s-2)/2}). Moreover, a Boolean function ff is ss-plateaued (of weight 2(n+s2)/2\neq 2^{(n+s-2)/2}) if and only if the associated Cayley graph is strongly 33-walk-regular (and also strongly \ell-walk-regular, for all odd 3\ell\geq 3) with some explicitly given parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of Africacrypt 201

    Catch comparison of pulse trawls vessels and a tickler chain beam trawler

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    Comparative fishing trials were conducted in May 2011 (week 19) on commercial beam trawlers fishing with conventional tickler chain beam trawls (on MFV GO4), pulse wings made by HFK-Engineering of Baarn, the Netherlands (MFV TX36), and pulse trawls produced by the DELMECO-Group of Goes, the Netherlands (version used on MFV TX68). The three vessels fished side-by-side as much as possible. Landings and discards of these vessels were monitored. Special emphasis was given on cod and whiting, that were dissected to study possible spinal damage. Result for TX36 and TX68 are expressed in terms of percentages of GO4. The pulse characteristics were as follows: TX36: voltage 45 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 45 Hz, pulse duration 380 μs; electric power on single gear: 7.0 kW; TX68: voltage 50 V0 to peak, pulse frequency: 50 Hz, pulse duration 220 μs; electric power on single gear: 8.5 kW. The fuel consumption recorded over the whole week was considerably lower for the pulse trawls, i.e. on TX36 (40%) and on TX68 (54%), than for the tickler chain beam trawls used on the GO4. The net earnings (taken as gross earnings minus fuel costs) for the TX36 were almost twice as large at 186%, and for the TX68 also considerably higher at 155%. The vessels with pulse trawls caught fewer (65-69%) target species, but also less (30-50%) immature and non-target fish ('discards'), and benthic species (48-73%) than the vessel with tickler chains on these fishing grounds and in this period. The pulse gears caught fewer (19-42%) kg per hour cod than the tickler chain beam trawls, but the catches of cod on all three vessels were very small. For plaice and dab these differences were statistically proven, for brill, turbot and cod this was not the case. There was no marked difference between both pulse trawl vessels in total landings. The TX68 caught less marketable sole, but not significantly less undersized sole than the GO4. The TX36 caught less undersized sole, but here the difference in marketable fish was not significant. Catches of brill and turbot were so small that no statistically substantiated conclusion could be drawn. Only for undersized turbot the TX36 caught less. For whiting we found a demonstrable reduction in both marketable and undersized fish in both pulse fishing vessels. The TX36 caught less whiting in number per hour. The CPUEs found from the auction data and the sampled hauls correlated reasonably well for the most abundant species, such as plaice and sole. However, for less abundant species the results did not match very well, and care should be taken to increase the sampling rate in future comparative fishing studies. Spinal fracture in cod occurred under pulse stimulation but to a limited extent in both marketable and undersized fish. There is an indication that this happens slightly more on TX68 (11%) than on TX36 (7%). Whiting hardly seems to suffer any damage