1,459 research outputs found
Resveratrol inhibits nicotine-induced conditioned place preference in mice
Nicotine addiction leads to in a huge burden on public health and the economy worldwide. Resveratrol (3,5,4’-tetrahydroxystilbene) is the most well-known polyphenolic stilbenoid. Resveratrol was shown to exhibit positive effects on numerous mechanisms that are important for drug and substance addiction. Thus, this study aimed to examine the effect of resveratrol on nicotine addiction. Intraperitoneal (i.p.) treatment with nicotine (0.5 mg/kg) significantly enhanced time spent in the nicotine-paired compartment. Resveratrol (50 and 75 mg/kg, i.p.) and varenicline (2 mg/kg, i.p.) co-administered with nicotine during the 3-day conditioning period effectively diminished the acquisition of nicotine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). On the other hand, the administration of resveratrol (50 and 75 mg/kg, i.p.) and varenicline (2 mg/kg, i.p.) decreased the low dose (0.1 mg/kg, i.p.) nicotine-induced reinstatement. The results suggest that resveratrol and varenicline inhibit the acquisition and reinstatement of nicotine’s reward properties. Resveratrol displayed similar results in the CPP phases as obtained with the reference drug varenicline. In conclusion, resveratrol could be beneficial as an adjuvant pharmacotherapy for nicotine addiction; however, more investigation is needed to completely explain this property
Forward foreign exchange contract : an instrument for hedging
Ankara : The Department of Management and Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ. , 1990.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1990.Includes bibliographical references leaves 57-59.Forward foreign exchange markets are continually improving
all around the world. In this work, a literature survey is
done both for the world and for Turkey. An overview of the
changes in the financial systems is given and one of the outcom.es of those changes; the forward markets are introduced in terms of its institutions.Oruç, PınarM.S
Investigation of some pollen grain features of blood oranges and determination of hybrids in Clementine × Blood orange crosses with SRAP markers
Kan portakalına (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) ait farklı genotipler ile `Clementine' mandarini (Citrus reticulata Blanco `Clementine') arasında 2010 ve 2011 yıllarında melezlemeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. `Clementine' ana ebeveyn, `Moro' (M), `Sanguinello'(S), `Tarocco'(T) İtalyan çeşitleri ve K1, K2, A1, A2, A3, H1, H2, H3 yerel çeşit genotipleri 11 baba ebeveyn olmak üzere melezlemeler yapılmıştır. Kan portakalının 11 genotipinin 2011 yılı çiçeklerinde başçık sayımı, çiçek tozu miktar, canlılık (TTC) ve çimlendirme testleri yapılmıştır. Üç genotipte (M, S, T) yapılan canlılık testinde %22.15 oranı ile S, sekiz genotipte yapılan teste göre P<0.05 önemlilik derecesinde %44.57 ile A3 ve %40.44 ile H3 diğer genotiplerden yüksek bulunmuştur. Çiçek tozu çimlendirme testine göre %1 agar+%25 sakkoroz ortamında en yüksek çimlenme H3 genotipinin daha sonra A3 genotipinin çiçek tozları, başçık sayısında her bir çiçekteki ortalamalarda 22.2 adet değeri ile `Tarocco' çeşidi, `hemasitometrik lamda' yapılan sayımda bir çiçekteki toplam çiçek tozu sayısında 139357 adet ile A1 genotipi en yüksektir. Melezlemelerde, 2010 yılında toplam 1397 adet çiçeği melezlemeyle 27 meyveden 86 tohum, 2011 yılı için 580 çiçek melezlemeyle 43 meyveden 348 tohum elde edilmiştir. 2011 yılında baba ebeveyni A3 olandan ise 142, H3 olandan 135 tohum eldesi ilerisi için melez tohum ve akabinde melez birey elde etmede ebeveyn olarak kullanılabilir. Bu 86 ve 348 tohum viyollere ekilerek elde edilen melez çöğürler serada yetiştirilip sırasıyla 42 ve 161 melez bitki elde edilmiştir. 2010 yılı 13 melezi ve 2 ebeveyni ile (C, K1) SRAP moleküler belirteçleri kullanılarak melez bireyler ve ana, baba birey arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıklar belirlenmiştir. Toplamda 24'si polimorfik, 66 bant elde edilmiştir. Polimorfizm oranı%36.4'tür.'Clementine' mandarin (Citrus reticulata 'clementine') between with different genotypes of blood oranges (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) has been realized hybridization in 2010 and 2011 years. `Clementine' was used as female parent and `Moro' (M), `Sanguinello' (S), `Tarocco' (T), A1, A2, A3, H1, H2, H3, K1, K2 cultivars and local genotypes as male parent was used in total 11 parents. Before hybridization, because of parent blood oranges species at 11 varieties for 2011 pollens applied anther count, pollen count, viability and germination test. Three varieties together (M, S, T) was done on viability test as P<0.05 significance 22.15% S variety, eight genotypes was done together on test A3 genotype with %44.15 was found high from others. As germination test, the highest germination was obtained at H3 genotype on %1 agar+ %25 sucrose media. Anther count for each flower average is 22.2 a number value was `Tarocco', on hemasitometric lam total pollen count of one flower was found Sanguinello variety as high. At hybridization results 1397 flower was crossed and was obtained 27 fruit, 86 seed for 2010. 580 flower was crossed and was obtained 43 fruit, 339 seed for 2011. With obtained 135 seed for H3 and 142 seed for A3 as male parent is promising for future about pollination feature. Seeds of 2010 and 2011 fruits was taken and planted into cotainers, was obtained and was growed hybrid seedlings in a greenhouse and was obtained respectively 42 and 161 hybrid plant. 13 hybrids and 2 parents (C, K1) genotypes of 2010 year was done the analysis and obtained similarity, diversity between male, female, hybrids by using SRAP moleculer markers. In total 15 genotipe was obtained 66 bands taht of which 24 bands were polymorphic. Polymorphism ratiowas 36.4%
Çemberlitaş turşucusu tarih oluyor
Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 112-Pastahaneler, Bozacılar, Gazozcular, Börekçiler, Turşucular, Sucularİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033
Edip'ten başka olmayan Edip
Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 20-Edip-Turgut-Hasan Ferit CanseverUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010
Elektronik Vasiyetname
When the existence of a personality ends with death, the assets of the deceased continue to exist. In such a case, what
should be the status of the assets of the deceased; whether the testator has a freedom in this regard? And if he or she
has such a freedom, how should it be used? These are the questions to be answered. Modern legal systems award a
partial or total freedom to individuals on how to distribute the assets after the death of the testator. These legal systems
differ in terms of how to use this freedom, i.e. in which form should the declaration of intention be expressed. However,
in the case of electronic wills, which are the main topic of our article, such differentiation disappears. This is because the
majority of legal systems do not contain any legal provisions for electronic wills and this absence makes all of them share
a common ground: despite not being regulated by law, the increase in electronic will related conflicts shows that this
subject needs to be examined thoroughly. For this reason, the electronic will has been selected as the topic of this article
and the regulations, draft law and judicial decisions regarding the e-Will will be analyzed in detail. Then, this topic will
be examined in the context of Turkish law and the question whether the electronic will is valid or not will be discussed.Ölümle kişilik sona erer fakat ölen kişinin malvarlığı mevcudiyetini sürdürür. Ölen kişinin malvarlığının akıbetinin ne olacağı,
bu konuda murisin bir özgürlüğe sahip olup olmadığı, böyle bir özgürlüğü var ise, bunu nasıl kullanacağı yanıtlanması
gereken sorulardır. Modern hukuk sistemleri, ölümünden sonra malvarlığının nasıl dağıtılacağı hususunda murise kısmen
ya da tamamen özgürlük tanımaktadır. Bu özgürlüğün nasıl kullanılacağı, yani irade beyanının hangi forma girmesi gerektiği
hususunda ise, hukuk sistemleri farklılaşmaktadır. İnceleme konumuz olan elektronik vasiyetnamede ise, bu farklılaşmanın
ortadan kalktığını söyleyebiliriz. Çünkü hukuk sistemlerinin neredeyse hiçbirisinde elektronik vasiyetnameye ilişkin yasal
bir düzenleme bulunmamaktadır ve bu durum hepsini ortak bir paydada buluşturmaktadır. Yasal bir düzenlemeye sahip
olmamasına rağmen, elektronik vasiyetnameye ilişkin hukuki ihtilaflardaki artış, konunun incelemeye muhtaç olduğunu
göstermektedir. İşte bu sebeple, elektronik vasiyetname inceleme konusu olarak tercih edilmiş ve böylelikle elektronik
vasiyetnamenin tanıtılması gayesi güdülmüştür. Bu amaçla öncelikle elektronik vasiyetnameye ilişkin düzenleme, tasarı ve
yargı kararları incelenmiştir. Bunun ardından, meseleye Türk hukuku açısından yaklaşılmış ve elektronik vasiyetnamenin
geçerli olup olmayacağı sorusuna yanıt aranmıştır
"Ear" And "Sound" Expressıons Representatıons in the Qur'an
The ear is one of our sensory organs that allow us to perceive our surroundings. We perceive with it the voices that the objects possess by means of the waves within the mass of air surrounding us. In this sense, the ear has an important value for being. In the Qur'an, besides being an ear or a sensory organ, it reveals a person who reflects his level of consciousness and perception, revealing his awareness. It is not just the voices heard; the ear is special importance in understanding what is being said and what is said. Other sense organs and mold are mentioned together because of the feature. Of course, the word "voice" is also on the agenda when the ear is concerned. The verses found at the base of the basic qualities that man should possess present important dynamics about sound. Beyond being a symptom of voice being an inherent symptom, the latest discovery is pointing to the dimension of telling the apocalypse. This study tries to show in what context the hearing aid ear is expressed in the verses and its distinctive features, and its associated value, as well as its inherent value
Growing up in the families where domestic violence exists, young girls after a while conceive violence as normal and accept it when they become the victims. If there is not much to save the mothers from abuse then there should be something to be done to save young girls from violence. Being aware of what domestic violence is and how they can protect themselves and even how they can react when they experience violence, can save the lives of many young girls. These girls’ empowerment against violence can be a sign for empowerment for their abused mothers and sisters as well. The main goal of this study is to train high school girls aged between 15-18 about domestic violence and to equip them with knowledge about their rights in the fields of law, health and social life. In this quasi-experimental study, the participants were given a pre-test before the 10 sessions of training and the same test was given as a post-test after the trainings. Apart from that, the study employs focus group interviews with a selected group of participants where the idea was to collect more insights from some of the participants about violence. Results show that these girls have significantly changed their attitudes or beliefs towards violence. According to the results of the focus group interviews, it is evident that there is a growing awareness of and decreasing tolerance towards domestic violence by the participants
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