322 research outputs found

    Hábitat inusual para Bathynellacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca): primer registro de este crustáceo de agua subterránea en el sustrato superficial mesovoide (MSS)

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    First world record of a crustacean (Malacostraca, Bathynellacea) that lives exclusively in groundwater in an unusual habitat, the mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS). The MSS is a terrestrial subterranean medium with high and constant relative humidity. Specimens of the family Parabathynellidae have been found in sampling devices set to collect terrestrial subterranean fauna in the MSS of Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (Madrid, Spain). Two species belonging to two different genera, Hexabathynella nicoleiana Camacho, 1986 and Hexaiberobathynella mateusi (Galhano, 1967), already known to occur in the province of Madrid, have been identified by morphological study, whereas their 18S gene sequences confirmed their generic ascription.En este trabajo se documenta por primera vez el hallazgo de ejemplares de un crustáceo (Malacostraca, Bathynellacea) que vive exclusivamente en las aguas subterráneas de todo el mundo, en un hábitat inusual: el medio subterráneo superficial (MSS), un medio terrestre sin luz y saturado de humedad. Especímenes de la familia Parabathynellidae han sido encontrados en dispositivos de muestreo dispuestos para la recogida de fauna subterránea terrestre en el MSS del Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid, España). Se han identificado dos especies, de dos géneros diferentes, Hexabathynella nicoleiana Camacho, 1986 y Hexaiberobathynella mateusi (Galhano, 1967), mediante estudio morfológico. Las secuencias del gen 18S de varios ejemplares confirman su adscripción genérica. Estas especies eran ya conocidas en la provincia de Madrid

    A New Species of Trechus from the Ethiopian Highlands (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) and Key to the Trechus Species of Ethiopia

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    The enormous genus Trechus Clairville is distributed mainly in the Holarctic regions, but 24 species from Ethiopia were described previously. A key to the species of Ethiopian Trechus is provided, including a new species, Trechus amharicus from the Choke Mountains (Ethiopian Highlands). The latter taxon is described. The species was found in the Afroalpine grassland, living under stones, sometimes located at the base of the giant Lobelia rhynchopetalum Hemsl. It is noteworthy that in spite of the small number of known species of Ethiopian Trechus, there are more morphological and chaetotaxic variations among them than in their Holarctic congeners. The taxonomic position of the new species is difficult to situate, because T. amharicus does not fit in any of the groups of species recognized to date in Ethiopia. T. amharicus n. sp. bears some resemblance to T. patrizii in that it has a pronotum with posterior angles without setae, and elytra with only a single anterior discal seta. However, the different configuration of the protarsus and aedeagus in the male clearly separates the two taxaThis work was supported by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). This research has also been partially financed by the I3 program of Incentivation of the Incorporation and IntensiÞcation on Research Activity of the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, of which V.M.O. is the beneÞciaryS

    Resistance to the SDHI fungicides boscalid and fluopyram in Podosphaera xanthii from commercial cucurbit fields in Spain

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    Powdery mildew elicited by Podosphaera xanthii is a devastating disease of cucurbits worldwide and one of the most important diseases affecting these crops in Spain. Application of fungicides is the main control practice for managing P. xanthii; however, isolates resistant to multiple classes of site-specific fungicides have been recently reported in the Spanish cucurbit powdery mildew population. Succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs) constitute a relatively novel class of fungicides registered for powdery mildew control representing new alternatives for cucurbit growers. In the present study, 30 P. xanthii isolates were used to determine the effective concentration that reduces mycelial growth by 50% (EC50) to boscalid and fluopyram. The present study was also conducted to obtain discriminatory doses to monitor SDHI fungicide resistance in 180 P. xanthii isolates collected from several commercial cucurbit fields in Spain during 2017-2018. Three SDHI resistance patterns were observed in our population, which include patterns I (resistance to boscalid), II (resistance to fluopyram), and III (resistance to boscalid and fluopyram). The amino acid changes associated with these resistance patterns in the Sdh protein were also examined. Based on our results, SDHI fungicides are good alternatives for cucurbit powdery mildew control, although they should be applied with caution.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Nuevos datos sobre Nomius pygmaeus (Dejean, 1831) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) en la península Ibérica

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    A new record of Nomius pygmaeus (Dejean, 1831) for the Iberian fauna is given, the third after a quarter of a century when the first two citations were provided. The collection conditions of these specimens are consistent with the pyrophilous habits described for this species. Some aspects that may be related to the wide distribution (Holarctic) and the rarity of N. pygmaeus, especially in the Palearctic area, are discussed.Se ofrece un nuevo registro de Nomius pygmaeus (Dejean, 1831) para la fauna ibérica, el tercero desde que hace un cuarto de siglo se aportaron las dos primeras citas para la península. Las condiciones de colecta de estos especímenes son acordes con los hábitos pirófilos descritos para esta especie. Se discuten algunos aspectos que pueden estar relacionados con la amplia distribución (holártica) y la rareza de N. pygmaeus, en especial en ámbito paleártico

    Efectividad del vendaje de kinesiotape y vendaje con tape en el retropié pronado

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    Introducción: El dolor en la planta del pie es una de lesiones más frecuentes en el miembro inferior cuando existe alguna alteración biomecánica en el pie. Una de estas alteraciones más características es la pronación del retropié. En el ámbito deportivo, los vendajes con kinesiotape o los funcionales con tape han sido las técnicas más usadas para prevenir o tratar este tipo de lesiones. Sin embargo, muy pocos estudios han comparado estos tipos de vendaje en la pronación del retropié. Por ello, los objetivos de este estudio son analizar la efectividad del vendaje de kinesiotape y del vendaje de tape en la corrección de la pronación del retropié, y comparar cuál de ellos produce mejores resultados. Metodología: se ha realizado el estudio con 19 sujetos que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Se les hizo una primera medición en la plataforma de presiones, tanto en estático como en dinámico, para conocer sus valores basales. A posteriori, se les aplicó el vendaje de kinesiotape y se les volvió a medir. Y, por último, el vendaje de tape. Resultados: se observan mejoras en casi todas las variables estudiadas para los dos tipos de vendaje. Sin embargo, tan solo se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en una de las variables con el vendaje de kinesiotape, y en tres de las variables con el vendaje de tape. Conclusiones: aunque los dos tipos de vendaje producen mejoras en las medias de las variables, no se puede concluir que sean una buena forma de corregir la pronación del retropié. Aun así, se puede concluir que el vendaje de tape es una mejor herramienta que el kinesiotape para este objetivo

    Description of the first larval instar of Broscus crassimargo Wollaston, 1865 (Carabidae: Broscini) and notes about the presence of the species in the mesovoid shallow substratum of La Gomera (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    The first larval instar of the ground beetle Broscus crassimargoWollaston, 1865 endemic to La Gomera (Canary Islands, Spain) is described. This is the first comprehensive study of the primary chaetotaxy of the three tagmata ever carried out in larvae of Broscini, being also accompanied by a detailed iconography. The implications of the results of this chaetotaxy analysis are discussed in relation to the possible origin of Broscini within Carabidae. Comments on the ecological determinants for its remarkable presence in the mesovoid shallow substratum are given, analysing the differences between La Gomera and other Canary islands where samplings in the same subterranean habitat have been carried out

    Resistance to SDHI fungicides in Botrytis cinerea from strawberry fields in Spain

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    Gray mold, caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers., is one of the most economically important diseases of strawberries and its control involves the application of fungicides throughout the strawberry growing season. Succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHIs) constitute a novel class of fungicides representing new alternatives for strawberry growers. In the present study, B. cinerea isolates were used to determine the effective concentration that reduces mycelial growth by 50% (EC50) and to obtain discriminatory doses to monitor SDHI fungicides over the course of three-year monitoring period. The overall frequencies of resistance to the SDHI fungicides boscalid, fluopyram, fluxapyroxad and penthiopyrad were 56.9, 6.9, 12.9, and 24.6%, respectively. Four SDHI resistance patterns were observed in our population. Patterns I (resistance to boscalid) and II (resistance to boscalid and penthiopyrad) were associated with the amino acid substitutions H272R/Y; pattern III (resistance to boscalid, fluxapyroxad, and penthiopyrad) was associated only with the H272Y mutation; and finally, pattern IV (resistance to boscalid, fluopyram, fluxapyroxad and penthiopyrad) was associated with the N230I allele in the SdhB subunit. For gray mold management, it is suggested that the simultaneous use of boscalid and penthiopyrad should be limited to one application per season. The use of fluxapyroxad and fluopyram could be used as valid SDHI alternatives for our strawberry growers, but they should be applied with caution.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Description of the larva and female genitalia of Trechus gamae with data on its ecology

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    The third instar larva and the female genitalia of Trechus gamae Reboleira et Serrano (Coleoptera Carabidae Trechini) are described, illustrated and commented. Larvae and imagos were collected in deep parts of caves from Estremenho karstic massif in the centre Portugal. The work provides the first study on hypogean beetle larvae from Portugal, increasing the knowledge about hypogean microendemic species from the Lusitanic district of the Iberian Peninsula. The morphological diagnostic characters of the female genitalia corroborate the inclusion of T. gamae in the “T. fulvus-group”. Some new data on the ecology of this species are also given.publishe

    Seguimiento del curriculum profesional médico, habilidades básicas y específicas para su docencia, basado en microteachen y diagnóstico por observación total

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense.Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu

    Seguimiento del curriculum profesional médico, habilidades básicas y específicas para su docencia, basado en microteachen y diagnóstico por observación total

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense.Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu