250 research outputs found

    Il dosaggio del lattato in neonati con distensione addominale come fattore prognostico di sindrome da compartimento addominale

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    L'ipertensione intraaddominale (IAH) e la risultante sindrome da compartimento addominale (ACS), caratterizzata da incremento della pressione >20 mmHg e insufficienza d’organo o multiorgano, sono state descritte in neonati con patologie addominali chirurgiche. La gestione effettiva e preventiva dell'IAH è associata a minore morbidità. In uno studio retrospettivo abbiamo analizzato 20 neonati con distensione addominale persistente per individuare fattori predittivi di IAH ed ACS. Il Gold-Standard della misurazione dell'IAH è la misurazione pressoria intravescicale ancora non standardizzata c/o le UTIN. Per definire l'IAH abbiamo quindi utilizzato il monitoraggio della saturazione di ossigeno (SpO2) prossimale e distale rispetto all’addome e 2 segni di compromissione d’organo (oliguria, ipotensione, insufficienza respiratoria, acidosi metabolica). Abbiamo riscontrato un rischio tendenzialmente elevato di disfunzione multiorgano e decesso in neonati di età gestazionale maggiore (p=0,09) e con una causa congenita di ACS (p<0,05), e in neonati in correzione con bicarbonati (p=0,05). Alti valori di lattato già al ricovero correlano con un deficit di basi maggiore nelle fasi avanzate di ACS (p<0,05) e con una distensione tardiva (p<0,05) associata, a sua volta, a valori di lattato più elevati nelle fasi di distensione ed acidosi (p<0,05) rispetto alla distensione precoce. Il lattato alla distensione è tendenzialmente più alto in chi avrà eventi più gravi (p=0,06) pur non correlando con il decesso (p=0,2). Solo nella fase successiva di acidosi i valori di lattato sono predittivi di decesso (p<0,05). In nessuna fase sono state riscontrate correlazioni con l’insufficienza respiratoria. L’unico fattore predittivo per un decorso sfavorevole è l’insulto tissutale perfusionale precoce misurato tramite il lattato che tuttavia non correla con il decesso perché probabilmente neonati, soprattutto con difetti della parete addominale, possono sopportare pressioni intraaddominali più elevate senza andare incontro ad insufficienza multiorgano. Al contrario sembra che neonati con ACS secondaria o con età gestazionale maggiore tollerino meno l’IAH sviluppando ACS a pressioni più basse poichè gli spazi intraaddominali sono già definiti

    Predictive Factors of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in Neonatal Age

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    In the pediatric population, abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is a known complication of abdominal wall defect repair. However, there are only few reports on ACS in newborns and only a proposal of critical intra-abdominal pressure value (IAP) in term newborns, absent in preterm newborns. Although the prevalent clinical sign is tense abdominal distension, it may be difficult to distinguish ACS from pathologies that will not require decompression. The purpose of this study was to identify predictors for ACS and therefore morbidity or mortality indicators. We reviewed newborns presenting with tense abdominal distension and end organ failure. Anamnestic, clinical, laboratory, and instrumental investigations were analyzed to extrapolate predictors. Outcomes were compared with a control group. The incidence of ACS in our neonatal intensive care unit was 5% in the overall population of babies, 16% in tracheal-ventilated newborns, and 57% in infants with abdominal wall defects. We found that, with onset of acidosis or high gastric residuals, the lactate values will be predictive for mortality. We can also suggest paying particular attention to high lactate values just at the onset of distension, in infants with more advanced gestational age, with previously surgical repair, to determine early surgical intervention independently of a specific IAP measurement

    Nonconventional Quantized Hall Resistances Obtained with ν = 2 Equilibration in Epitaxial Graphene p-n Junctions

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    We have demonstrated the millimeter-scale fabrication of monolayer epitaxial graphene p−n junction devices using simple ultraviolet photolithography, thereby significantly reducing device processing time compared to that of electron beam lithography typically used for obtaining sharp junctions. This work presents measurements yielding nonconventional, fractional multiples of the typical quantized Hall resistance at ν=2 (RH≈12906Ω) that take the form: (a/b)RH. Here, a and b have been observed to take on values such 1, 2, 3, and 5 to form various coefficients of RH. Additionally, we provide a framework for exploring future device configurations using the LTspice circuit simulator as a guide to understand the abundance of available fractions one may be able to measure. These results support the potential for drastically simplifying device processing time and may be used for many other two-dimensional materials

    Rethinking neuroprotection in severe traumatic brain injury : toward bedside neuroprotection

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    Neuroprotection after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important goal pursued strenuously in the last 30 years. The acute cerebral injury triggers a cascade of biochemical events that may worsen the integrity, function, and connectivity of the brain cells and decrease the chance of functional recovery. A number of molecules acting against this deleterious cascade have been tested in the experimental setting, often with preliminary encouraging results. Unfortunately, clinical trials using those candidate neuroprotectants molecules have consistently produced disappointing results, highlighting the necessity of improving the research standards. Despite repeated failures in pharmacological neuroprotection, TBI treatment in neurointensive care units has achieved outcome improvement. It is likely that intensive treatment has contributed to this progress offering a different kind of neuroprotection, based on a careful prevention and limitations of intracranial and systemic threats. The natural course of acute brain damage, in fact, is often complicated by additional adverse events, like the development of intracranial hypertension, brain hypoxia, or hypoperfusion. All these events may lead to additional brain damage and worsen outcome. An approach designed for early identification and prompt correction of insults may, therefore, limit brain damage and improve results

    Growth Trajectory and Adult Height in Children with Nonclassical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    Background: Children with nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCCAH) often present increased growth velocity secondary to elevation of adrenal androgens that accelerates bone maturation and might compromise adult height (AH). Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze prognostic factors affecting growth trajectory (GT) and AH in children with NCCAH. Methods: The study was a retrospective, multicentric study. The study population consisted of 192 children with a confirmed molecular diagnosis of NCCAH, followed by pediatric endocrinology centers from diagnosis up to AH. Clinical records were collected and analyzed. AH (standard deviation score; SDS), pubertal growth (PG) (cm), GT from diagnosis to AH (SDS), and AH adjusted to target height (TH) (AH-TH SDS) were evaluated as outcome indicators using stepwise linear regression models. Results: The stepwise linear regression analysis showed that AH and AH-TH were significantly related to chronological age (CA) (p = 0.008 and 0.016), bone age (BA)/CA ratio (p = 0.004 and 0.001), height (H) (p &lt; 0.001 for both parameters) at NCCAH diagnosis, and TH (p = 0.013 and &lt;0.001). PG was higher in males than in females (22.59 ± 5.74 vs. 20.72 ± 17.4 cm, p = 0.002), as physiologically observed, and was positively related to height (p = 0.027), negatively to BMI (p = 0.001) and BA/CA ratio (p = 0.001) at NCCAH diagnosis. Gender, genotype, biochemical data, and hydrocortisone treatment did not significantly impair height outcomes of these NCCAH children. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that AH and GT of NCCAH patients are mainly affected by the severity of phenotype (CA, BA/CA ratio, and H) at the time of diagnosis. © 2020 S. Karger AG. All rights reserved

    Neuroprotection in traumatic brain injury : mesenchymal stromal cells can potentially overcome some limitations of previous clinical trials

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. In the last 30 years several neuroprotective agents, attenuating the downstream molecular and cellular damaging events triggered by TBI, have been extensively studied. Even though many drugs have shown promising results in the pre-clinical stage, all have failed in large clinical trials. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) may offer a promising new therapeutic intervention, with preclinical data showing protection of the injured brain. We selected three of the critical aspects identified as possible causes of clinical failure: the window of opportunity for drug administration, the double-edged contribution of mechanisms to damage and recovery, and the oft-neglected role of reparative mechanisms. For each aspect, we briefly summarized the limitations of previous trials and the potential advantages of a newer approach using MSCs

    Experimental based experiences with the introduction of a water safety plan for a multi-located university clinic and its efficacy according to WHO recommendations

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    BACKGROUND: Due to the high number of immunosuppressed and other predisposed patients hospitals have to control and ensure the microbiological water quality. The origin for the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms in water pipes is the formation of biofilm. METHODS: For the permanent control of water safety a water safety plan (WSP) was realized as recommended by the WHO following the principle "search and destroy". The WSP is based on an established HACCP concept due to the special focus. The most important measures include the concept for sample taking depending on patient risk. 3 different categories) are distinguished: risk area1 (high infection risk), risk 2 (moderate infection risk), and risk area 3 (not increased infection risk). Additionally to the threshold value of the German law for the quality of drinking water (TrinkwV) three more limiting values were defined (warning, alert, and worst case) for immediate risk adapted reaction. Additional attention has to be focussed on lavatory sinks, which are an open bacterial reservoir. Therefore continuous disinfecting siphons were installed as part of the WSP in high risk areas. If extended technical equipment is not available, especially for immunocompromised patients the following measures are easy to realize: boiled (or sun exposed) water for nursing procedures as well alimentary use, no showering. RESULTS: Comparing data over 3 years the microbial water quality was significantly improved resulting in no new case of nosocomial Legionella pneumoniae and decrease in neonatal sepsis. CONCLUSION: According to average situations with highly contaminated water system the management must be defined with implementation of water task force, immediate providing of special equipment, information of patients and staff and control of the water quality, an example for successful decontamination of the hospital within 24 hours is given

    International practice of corticosteroid replacement therapy in congenital adrenal hyperplasia - data from the I-CAH registry.

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    OBJECTIVE: Despite published guidelines no unified approach to hormone replacement in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) exists. We aimed to explore geographical and temporal variations in the treatment with glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids in CAH. DESIGN: This retrospective multi-center study, including 31 centers (16 countries), analyzed data from the International-CAH Registry. METHODS: Data was collected from 461 patients aged 0-18 years with classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency (54.9% females) under follow-up between 1982 - 2018. Type, dose and timing of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid replacement was analyzed from 4174 patient visits. RESULTS: The most frequently used glucocorticoid was hydrocortisone (87.6%). Overall, there were significant differences between age groups with regards to daily hydrocortisone-equivalent dose for body surface, with the lowest dose (median with interquartile range) of 12.0 (10.0 - 14.5) mg/ m2/ day at age 1 - 8 years and the highest dose of 14.0 (11.6 - 17.4) mg/ m2/ day at age 12-18 years. Glucocorticoid doses decreased after 2010 in patients 0-8 years (p<0.001) and remained unchanged in patients aged 8-18 years. Fludrocortisone was used in 92% of patients, with relative doses decreasing with age. A wide variation was observed among countries with regards to all aspects of steroid hormone replacement. CONCLUSIONS: Data from the I-CAH Registry suggests international variations in hormone replacement therapy, with a tendency to treatment with high doses in children
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