785 research outputs found

    Göte Turesson’s research legacy to Hereditas: from the ecotype concept in plants to the analysis of landraces’ diversity in crops

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    Hereditas began with articles on plants since its first issue in May 1920 (six out of eight) and continued with more original articles (43% of the total of this journal) on plants (of which 72% of those in plants were on crops) until today. In December 1922, the 140-page article The Genotypical Response of the Plant Species to the Habitat by evolutionary botanist Göte Turesson (Institute of Genetics, Lund University, Åkarp, Sweden) became available. This publication shows that plant phenology has a genetic basis and may ensue from local adaptation. As a result of this research involving various plant species, Turesson elaborated further in this article his term ecotype “as an ecological sub-unit to cover the product arising as a result of the genotypical response of an ecospecies to a particular habitat.” Although plant articles included in Hereditas involved from its beginning, trait inheritance, mutants, linkage analysis, cytology or cytogenetics, and more recently gene mapping and analysis of quantitative trait loci with the aid of DNA markers, among others, since the mid-1980s several publications refer to the population biology of plant landraces, which are locally grown cultivars that evolved over time by adapting to their natural and cultural environment (i.e., agriculture), and that may become isolated from other populations of the same crop. This article provides a briefing about research on plant science in the journal with emphasis on crops, summarizes the legacy to genetics of Göte Turesson, and highlights some landrace diversity research results and their potential for plant breeding

    Towards a Political Philosophy on the Difference

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    Caracterizando como alternativa las reflexiones en torno a la noción de “diferencia” que hacen autores como Lazzarato, Virno, Agamben, ‘Bifo’, Rancière y Negri, entre otros, acerca de las posturas políticas que, o bien parten de la identidad sociológica, o bien de la igualdad o el acuerdo como axioma de lo político, el texto propone un llamado de atención respecto de la necesaria ampliación que, en la concepción de lo político, implican estas perspectivas, sobre todo entendiéndolas como prisma de análisis de los procesos de producción de subjetividades en nuestros tiempos.To characterize as alternative the reflections on the notion of "difference", that authors as Lazzarato, Virno, Agamben, 'Bifo', Rancière, and Negri, among others, do about the political positions that either start from the sociological identity either equality or the agreement as a politics' axiom, this paper is a call of attention on the necessary extension of the political conception field that imply these points of view, especially understanding them as a prism to analyze our times of the subjectivities processes' production.Fil: Rios Rozo, Camilo Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ortiz Palacios, Jimmy. Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas; Colombia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Advances in transgenic vegetable and fruit breeding

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    Vegetables and fruits are grown worldwide and play an important role in human diets because they provide vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and phytochemicals. Vegetables and fruits are also associated with improvement of gastrointestinal health, good vision, and reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, chronic diseases such as diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Vegetable and fruit production suffers from many biotic stresses caused by pathogens, pests, and weeds and requires high amounts of plant protection products per hectare. United States vegetables farmers are benefiting from growing transgenic squash cultivars resistant to Zucchini yellow mosaic virus , Watermelon mosaic virus , and Cucumber mosaic virus , which were deregulated and commercialized since 1996. Bt- sweet corn has also proven effective for control of some lepidopteran species and continues to be accepted in the fresh market in the USA, and Bt- fresh-market sweet corn hybrids are released almost every year. Likewise, transgenic Bt- eggplant bred to reduce pesticide use is now grown by farmers in Bangladesh. Transgenic papaya cultivars carrying the coat-protein gene provide effective protection against Papaya ring spot virus elsewhere. The transgenic “Honey Sweet” plum cultivar provides an interesting germplasm source for Plum pox virus control. Enhanced host plant resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum , which causes the devastating banana Xanthomonas wilt in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, was achieved by plant genetic engineering. There are other vegetable and fruit crops in the pipeline that have been genetically modified to enhance their host plant resistance to insects and plant pathogens, to show herbicide tolerance, and to improve features such as slow ripening that extends the shelf-life of the produce. Consumers could benefit further from eating more nutritious transgenic vegetables and fruits. Transgenic plant breeding therefore provides genetically enhanced seed embedded technology that contributes to integrated pest management in horticulture by reducing pesticide sprays as well as improving food safety by minimizing pesticide residues. Furthermore, herbicide-tolerant transgenic crops can help reducing plough in fields, thereby saving fuel because of less tractor use, which also protects the structure of the soil by reducing its erosion. Transgenic vegetable and fruit crops could make important contributions to sustainable vegetable production and for more nutritious and healthy food. Countries vary, however, in their market standards of acceptance of transgenic crops. Biotechnology products will be successful if clear advantages and safety are demonstrated to both growers and consumers

    Plant breeding for organic agriculture: something new?

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    The role of both organic (OF) and conventional (CF) farming remains open to debate particularly when related to food security and climate change. Targeting plant breeding for OF can contribute to reduce its yield gaps vis-à-vis CF. Currently, the cultivars produced for CF are also used in OF, however, it is unreasonable that all lines bred for CF will always perform well in OF. Nonetheless, plant breeding goals for OF and CF converge at aiming for high productivity, host plant resistance or tolerance to biotic and abiotic factors, and high resource-use efficiency. Likewise end-use quality and local adaptation may be more important for OF as the resource recycling and quality of the inputs that are used vary from region to region, even though OF practices are highly regulated. This article provides an overview on organic plant breeding (OPB) with a perspective from conventional plant breeding, highlights the main traits, their source of variation, and what methods and tools are available for their breeding. It concludes listing some organic crop breeding achievements and providing an outlook on what needs to be done for OPB

    Clinical and post-surgical features and outcomes in post-surgical patients with aortic arch interruption at a specialty hospital in Bogotá between 2006 and 2019. Retrospective multivariable analysis

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    Pacientes operados por interrupción del arco aórtico1.1. Introduction: Interruption of the aortic arch due to absence of tissue between the ascending and descending portions of the aorta is a pathology of low incidence, yet it has a mortality rate of nearly 90% within the first year of life. Surgical intervention is aimed at re-establishing continuity of the vessel, as well as correcting associated lesions through closure of IVC or performing a pulmonary artery cerclage correction. The mortality is 18% to 42%. The survival rate is close to 73% at one month, 65% at one year and 63% at 3 years after surgery. 1.2. Materials and Methods: Review of Cardiovascular Surgery database between 2006 and 2019, identifying patients who underwent surgery due to aortic arch interruption. 1.3. Results: In the last 4 years, an institutional technique was introduced, using pericardium tissue for reconstruction and partial junction of the descending aorta with the arch through advancement of the arterial cannulae towards the brachiocephalic trunk and has been positively associated to brain protection. Since, results have improved: lower tissue traction, greater amplitude of the neoarch and better neurological outcomes have been achieved. The objective of this paper is to identify the most important factors that ultimately determine prognosis and survival of patients with these pathologies, as well as to describe results of the implemented technique. 1.4. Discussion: Aortic arch surgery is considered to be highly complex. Results yielded in this research showed a high mortality within the first years, which decreased into a similar rate to that of medical literature. The main factors associated with complications identified were a late diagnosis and malnutrition. In addition, morbidity and mortality rates were similar to those reported worldwide.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2568-4667Revista Internacional - No indexadaS


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    One fundamental goal of the brain is to predict sensory events in the environment in order to spatially direct actions. In vision, the ability to identify and locate objects depends on two cortical pathways: a ventral “what” stream supporting object recognition and a dorsal “where” stream supporting object localization. While this hierarchical model received strong support in vision, in audition the analogues functional roles have remained rather elusive, particularly for the dorsal “where” stream. Thus, the objective of this thesis was to explore the functional roles of auditory ventral and dorsal stream pathways in the macaque brain. We first explored the representational structure of natural sounds in early regions of the ventral pathway utilizing single-unit electrophysiology. We then used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to map the representation of natural sounds along the ventral pathway including regions outside auditory cortex. Finally, using high-field fMRI we examined the functional representation of acoustic space in auditory cortical regions. Overall, our work confirms the role of the ventral stream in decoding sound identity and extends the evidence suggesting that vocalizations carry information that is represented outside auditory cortex. Moreover, our work in the dorsal stream also confirms the role of a posterior dorsal cortical region specialized in processing spatial information and reconciles competitive theories of spatial coding in auditory cortex. However, our space work also indicates a fundamental difference in the representation format for acoustic space in auditory cortex as compared to visual cortex. Taken together, our work confirms the functional roles of the ventral and dorsal streams and suggests incorporating subcortical level processes in the cortical model for a more integrated framework of acoustic processing in the primate brain

    La etnoedafología como herramienta conectiva entre agricultores ecológicos de Buga y la academia

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    Se caracterizó el conocimiento local sobre la calidad del suelo de un grupo de agricultores ecológicos, habitantes de la zona rural del municipio de Buga, veredas El Diamante, San Antonio y Miraflores, en donde se estableció que tienen referentes para diferenciar tipos de suelos, como color, textura, productividad y fertilidad, además los utilizan junto con las condiciones orográficas, para estimar la calidad de los mismos, y de lo cual surgen principalmente tres categorías, suelos de buena, regular y mala calidad; para establecer si las tres categorías de calidad de suelos tienen correspondencia con una caracterización de suelos, se evaluó, materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fósforo, bases intercambiables, azufre y microelementos, a las que se realizó un análisis multivariado de componentes principales y un análisis clúster, para identificar las relaciones entre variables, y la forma de agrupar los suelos con respecto a esas relaciones. De este análisis se obtuvo que la percepción de los agricultores se relaciona en un 72.73%, con la caracterización y posterior análisis estadístico; además se obtuvo que los agricultores acertadamente identifican suelos de mala calidad, y tienen un rango de impresión medio para identificar suelos de regular y buena calidad; sin embargo muchos de los referentes utilizados e importantes para los agricultores para catalogar un tipo de suelo, no fueron determinados en esta investigación, por lo que las limitaciones al momento de identificar suelos de buena y regular calidad, de acuerdo con el análisis estadístico, pueden ser replanteadas al evaluar variables como macrofauna, mesofauna, plagas, enfermedades y microorganismos asociados a las plantas.//Abstract: Local knowledge on soil quality, or Ethnopedology, of a group of ecological farmers was characterized, residents of the rural area of the municipality of Buga, villages of El Diamante, San Antonio and Miraflores, where it was established that have referents to differentiate types of features soils, such as color, texture, productivity and fertility also use them together with the mountainous terrain, to estimate the quality of them, and which arise mainly three categories, flooring good, fair and poor quality; to establish whether the three categories of soil quality have correspondence with soil characterization was evaluated, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable bases, sulfur and microelements, which multivariate principal component analysis was performed to identify relationships between variables, and how to group the soils with respect to these relations. This analysis was obtained that the perception of farmers is related in a 72.73%, with the characterization and subsequent statistical analysis; also it obtained that farmers correctly identify poor quality soils, and have a print range to identify regular and good soil quality; however many of the references used and important for farmers when cataloging a soil type, were not evaluated, so the limitations when identifying floors fair and poor quality, according to the statistical analysis, can be rethought in evaluating variables such as macro and mesofauna, pests and diseases and microorganisms associated with plants.Maestrí

    Segmentación de suelos de acuerdo con sus características fisicoquímicas a través modelos de aprendizaje automático

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    La segmentación de la calidad fisicoquímica del suelo permite establecer zonas que requieren manejos similares o zonas con vulnerabilidades en las que se deben enfocar estrategias para su conservación y/o recuperación; en este sentido, se tomaron 1139 muestras de suelos en predios en la zona rural de los municipios de Córdoba, Cuaspud, Iles, Ipiales y Potosí del departamento de Nariño a las que se les realizó análisis fisicoquímicos (contenidos de arenas, limos y arcillas, pH, conductividad eléctrica, contenido de materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fosforo intercambiable, azufre, calcio, magnesio, potasio, capacidad de intercambio catiónico efectiva, aluminio, hierro, manganeso, cobre, zinc, boro, saturación de aluminio, saturación de magnesio, saturación de potasio, saturación de calcio, relación calcio y magnesio, relación calcio y potasio, relación magnesio y potasio, relación calcio, magnesio y potasio); para establecer como se podrían segmentar estas muestras, inicialmente se realizó una correlación de Pearson para conocer relaciones lineales entre variables, para luego implementar un análisis de componentes principales (PCA); con esta información se aplicó varios modelos de aprendizaje no supervisado para determinar el número óptimo de clusters en los que segmentar la información; posteriormente, se decidió realizar un modelo supervisado, Random Forest (RF), teniendo en cuenta la información del PCA y de clusters, para determinar las variables originales con mayor importancia relativa en el agrupamiento de la información; finalmente se logró establecer las variables y los valores de estas que permitían el agrupamiento aplicando el modelo Decision Tree (DT); en este sentido, se logró establecer que la mejor forma de segmentar la información de las muestras de suelo es a través de tres clusters, y que las variables que mayor peso tienen en la generación de estos grupos son los contenidos de Arena y Limo, la relación Ca/Mg/K y la relación Ca/K, denotando diferencias principalmente entre suelos Franco arenosos y franco.The segmentation of the physicochemical quality of the soil makes it possible to establish areas that require similar management or areas with vulnerabilities in which strategies for their conservation and/or recovery should be focused; In this sense, 1139 soil samples were taken from properties in the rural area of ​​the municipalities of Córdoba, Cuaspud, Iles, Ipiales and Potosí in the department of Nariño, on which physicochemical analyzes were carried out (contents of sand, silt and clay, pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter content, nitrogen, exchangeable phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, potassium, effective cation exchange capacity, aluminum, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, aluminum saturation, magnesium saturation, saturation potassium, calcium saturation, calcium and magnesium ratio, calcium and potassium ratio, magnesium and potassium ratio, calcium, magnesium and potassium ratio); To establish how these samples could be segmented, a Pearson correlation was initially performed to determine linear relationships between variables, and then a principal component analysis (PCA) was implemented; With this information, several unsupervised learning models were applied to determine the optimal number of clusters in which to segment the information; subsequently, it was decided to carry out a supervised model, Random Forest (RF), taking into account the information from the PCA and clusters, to determine the original variables with greater relative importance in the grouping of information; finally, it was possible to establish the variables and their values ​​that allowed the grouping by applying the Decision Tree (DT) model; In this sense, it was possible to establish that the best way to segment the information of the soil samples is through three clusters, and that the variables that have the greatest weight in the generation of these groups are the contents of Sand and Silt, the Ca/Mg/K ratio and the Ca/K ratio, denoting differences mainly between sandy loam and loam soils

    La experiencia de una nueva modalidad de audiencia en la administración de justicia Lima Centro 2023

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    Esta investigación lleva como Tema La Experiencia de Una Nueva Modalidad de Audiencia en la Administración de Justicia de Lima Centro 2023, el objetivo general fue explicar los ventajes que surgieron conlas audiencias virtuales dentro de la administración de justicia de Lima centro 2023, es así que para llegar al objetivo trazado de la investigación se utilizó el enfoque cualitativo y el tipo de investigación descriptivo no experimental, utilizando la técnica de la entrevista, para ello se efectuó un cuestionario con preguntas semiestructurada abiertas, la conclusión principal fue que gracias a la tecnología se pudo atender la problemática del Poder Judicial, si bien la pandemia fue uno de los detonante para que el país se estanque y la mayor parte de la población paralice sus actividad, pero ello no fue impedimento para que continúen los actos delictivos y los conflictos entre las partes, ante ese contexto el gobierno de turno suscribió políticas públicas, como también medidas preventivas con el fin de que los entes de gobierno continúen con su trabajando en favor de la población, esto es, gracias a esa tecnología y el internet los ciudadanos desde distintos lugares del país lograron sus propósitos, esto es, una resolución favorable para el requirente

    Overview and breeding strategies of table potato production in Sweden and the Fennoscandian region

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    Recent reductions in the public commitment to potato breeding in Sweden, Norway and Finland call for an evaluation of the current situation regarding the commercial basis for, and structure of, potato breeding in these countries. We here review the extent of cultivation, processing and consumption of table potato in Sweden, as well as provide an overview of the potato breeding tools and programmes in the three countries. We then discuss various strategies to provide long-term stability and increase the impact of public potato breeding, based on the similar overall conditions for potato cultivation across the Fennoscandian region. The conclusions are twofold; first, an increased long-term funding of the public potato breeding programmes is necessary to maintain a minimum level of material, and second, a coordination of the breeding activities in the Fennoscandian region would be of great benefit to all involved stakeholders and allow an enhancement of the current national breeding programmes. In addition, we propose a minimum first field year population size for potato breeding