4,008 research outputs found

    Four keys to Chilean culture : authoritarianism, legalism, fatalism and compadrazgo

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    Chilean culture is said to be part of a wider Hispanic American culture that shares many traits (see Godoy et al. 1986; Subercaseaux 1999; Valdivieso and which could be identified as an identity with a Latin American sense (see Rodríguez et al. 2001). In this sense, though it may seem as if any attempt to describe or analyse particular operating elements, processes, systems and structures were a useless task, the nature of identity makes it a multiple and symbolically contradictory phenomenon, with relevant contextual 'consequences' and particularities that help identify a collective imaginary that can be associated with what means to be Chilean. As such, the importance of meaning lies not on its production but rather on its reception; therefore, we aim to address some elements of the reception that we have identified as 'critical' or 'diagnostic'. By 'critical', we mean those elements, which absence would substantively modify what is collectively associated with Chilean culture and by 'diagnostic', we suggest the possibility they offer of exploring meaningful contextual traits. In order to contextualise our analysis, we will focus on three discursive levels, namely organisational/structural, cultural/ideological and identity. At the organisational/structural level, we will make reference to structure and aesthetics in the broader sense of social context as well as in public and private organisations; at cultural/ideological level, we will make reference to practices, rituals, values and behaviours; and at the identity level we will make reference to strategies individuals use to manage their social identities

    Análisis del impacto y los resultados obtenidos en la comunidad con el desarrollo del proyecto de extensión "Cinema na curva do rio", abordaje al Cine comunitário regional

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    Trabajo de Conclusión de Curso presentado a el Instituto Latinoamericano de Arte, Cultura y Historia de la Universidad Federal de la Integración Latinoamericana, como requisito parcial de obtención del título de Bacharel en Cinema y Audiovisual. Orientador: Prof. Francieli RebelattoEste trabajo pretende problematizar los conceptos y aproximaciones del cine comunitario en América Latina, entendiéndolo como un campo nuevo que aún sigue siendo explorado, especialmente en lo que se refiera a su abordaje teórico. Para esto, se busca en la experiencia empírica del proyecto de extensión universitaria ‘‘Cinema na Curva do Rio’’- desenvuelto durante tres años por académicos de la Universidad Federal da integração Latino-americana-, los elementos para el análisis, por medio de entrevistas y cortometrajes realizados por los participantes durante los procesos de formación del proyecto. En este sentido, también es importante considerar el impacto que un proyecto de extensión y la universidad tienen en la sociedad y su entorno. Además del impacto del cine como herramienta para preservación del patrimonio cultural y representación imaginaria de la comunidad, la propuesta es traer experiencias aplicadas en otras regiones, incluyendo la reacción de la comunidad frente a un método de enseñanza experimental que trabaja durante algunos días dando bases intensivas, técnicas y teóricas de la preproducción, la producción y la postproducción de cin

    Distributional concerns in managers’ compensation schemes for heterogeneous workers: experimental evidence

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    We present results from three-player experiments aimed at studying distributional concerns in how ownermanagers compensate themselves and workers of different productivities and effort costs, as well as their relations to various equity principles. We are also interested in how owner-managers decisions’ are affected by pay secrecy. We use a game in which workers first exert effort and owner-managers then decide on bonuses for themselves and workers. Our design includes four treatments: 1) different productivities of workers with complete information; 2) different productivities of workers with pay secrecy among workers; 3) different effort cost of workers with complete information; and 4) different effort cost of workers with pay secrecy among workers. The equity principles we focus on are ‘production-equity’, higher production leads to higher wage, and ‘effort-cost equity’, higher effort-cost leads to higher wage. Our results show that, on average, managers do not pay relative wages in accordance to relative production levels, but also take effort-cost into account. Pay secrecy affects compensation differences among workers in a limited way. Across all treatments about 50% of all manager choices are compatible both with ‘production equity’ and with ‘effort- cost equity’, about 20% only with production equity and about 15% only with effort-cost equity

    Análisis por condición de servicio causado por vibración vertical inducida por peatones en estructuras

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    Civil engineering structures such as grandstands, slabs, footbridges and staircases have reported unacceptable vertical vibration when they are affected by human activities. Even when most of these structures are designed according to current guidelines and design codes, there are still misunderstandings in the human-structure interaction effects that, in some cases, may increase the vibration response compromising the structural serviceability performance. As a result, the serviceability load conditions due to pedestrian activities control, in most cases, the design for these structures. Therefore, a systematic overview regarding vertical pedestrian-structure interaction is carried out to demonstrate the need for a realistic analysis to properly incorporate these effects toward more rational structural designs. The discussion establishes a body of knowledge regarding pedestrian loads and structural responses, yielding the potential for more rational approaches to improving the analysis and design of pedestrian structures.Estructuras civiles tales como tribunas, losas, puentes peatonales y escaleras están presentando vibraciones verticales inaceptables cuando se ven afectadas por actividades humanas. Por lo tanto, todavía no se tiene claridad sobre los efectos producidos por la interacción entre el ser humano y la estructura que, en algunos casos, pueden llegar a aumentar la respuesta estructural comprometiendo el desempeño para condiciones de servicio. Un examen a las normas y códigos de diseño existentes, arroja una amplia gama de resultados, lo que demuestra que no son consistentes cuando las estructuras están expuestas a cargas inducidas por peatones. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los mecanismos de vibración, los modelos matemáticos y los métodos para abordar la vibración vertical excesiva en las estructuras peatonales. Este análisis establece un conjunto de recomendaciones sobre las cargas que producen los peatones y las respuestas estructurales que pueden producir, lo que genera el potencial para futuros enfoques más racionales que mejoren el análisis y el diseño de estructuras peatonales

    Aliskiren and the dual complement inhibition concept

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    In this issue of Clinical Kidney Journal, Plasse et al. report on the use of high-dose aliskiren as an adjunct therapy in a patient treated with eculizumab for haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS). This follows the recent description of the complement factor 3 (C3) activating activity of the enzyme renin and the successful therapeutic use of the direct renin inhibitor aliskiren in three cases of C3 glomerulopathy/dense deposit disease. We discuss the potential clinical and pathophysiological implications of these reports on nephropathies linked to complement, from HUS to C3 glomerulopathy to immunoglobulin A nephropathy as well as the concept of dual complement inhibition for kidney diseaseResearch by the authors was supported by FIS CP14/00133, PI16/ 02057, PI18/01366, PI19/00588, PI19/00815, DTS18/00032, ERAPerMed- JTC2018 (KIDNEY ATTACK AC18/00064 and PERSTIGAN AC18/00071, ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN RD016/0009), Fondos FEDER, FRIAT, Sociedad Española de Nefrología, Comunidad de Madrid B2017/BMD-3686 CIFRA2-CM

    Distributional concerns in managers’ compensation schemes for heterogeneous workers: experimental evidence

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    We present results from three-player experiments aimed at studying distributional concerns in how ownermanagers compensate themselves and workers of different productivities and effort costs, as well as their relations to various equity principles. We are also interested in how owner-managers decisions’ are affected by pay secrecy. We use a game in which workers first exert effort and owner-managers then decide on bonuses for themselves and workers. Our design includes four treatments: 1) different productivities of workers with complete information; 2) different productivities of workers with pay secrecy among workers; 3) different effort cost of workers with complete information; and 4) different effort cost of workers with pay secrecy among workers. The equity principles we focus on are ‘production-equity’, higher production leads to higher wage, and ‘effort-cost equity’, higher effort-cost leads to higher wage. Our results show that, on average, managers do not pay relative wages in accordance to relative production levels, but also take effort-cost into account. Pay secrecy affects compensation differences among workers in a limited way. Across all treatments about 50% of all manager choices are compatible both with ‘production equity’ and with ‘effort- cost equity’, about 20% only with production equity and about 15% only with effort-cost equity

    New design parameters for biparabolic beach profiles (SW Cadiz, Spain)

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    165 profiles of seventy-one beaches along the Gulf of Cadiz (SW, Spain) were studied to improve the formulation of the beach profile in tidal seas. Maritime climate, degree of energy exposure and size of the sand grains were taken into account to study the two sections of the biparabolic profile. The objective of the study was the determination of more accurate formulations of the design parameters for the equilibrium profile that involves tidal seas. These formulations were modelled and validated based on existing profiles to quantify the error existing between the real profile and the modelling. This comparative analysis was extended by considering the formulations proposed by other authors. The best results were obtained with the proposal presented herein

    A Design Parameter for Reef Beach Profiles—A Methodology Applied to Cadiz, Spain

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    The southwestern coast of Spain is in a tidal zone (mesotidal) which causes the equilibrium profile to be developed in two different sections: the breakage section and the swash section. These two sections give rise to the typical bi-parabolic profile existing in tidal seas. The existence of areas with reefs/rocks which interrupt the normal development of the typical bi-parabolic profile causes different types of beach profiles. The objective of this article is designing an easy methodology for determining new formulations for the design parameters of the equilibrium profile of beaches with reefs in tidal seas. These formulations are applied on 16 profiles to quantify the error between the real profile data and the modelling results. A comparative analysis is extended to the formulations proposed by other authors, from which it is found that better results are obtained with the new formulations