271 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma in the management of hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review

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    31 p.Contexto: La osteoartritis de cadera es una condición crónica cuyos desencadenantes suelen relacionarse con variantes anatómicas, aunque la evidencia acerca de otros factores de riesgo no es del todo clara. El plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) se populariza como intervención viable en el tratamiento de sus síntomas. Objetivo: Concluir un protocolo de revisión sistemática previamente publicado sobre la efectividad del tratamiento aislado con PRP frente a otros procedimientos en el manejo de la osteoartritis de cadera. Métodos: Se realizaron búsquedas en las bases de datos de Pubmed, ProQuest Health & Medical Complete, CINAHL, SPORT Discus y Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. El riesgo de sesgo fue evaluado con la Cochrane RIsk of Bias Tool. Resultados: Los estudios seleccionados (n=4) fueron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y calificados de “bajo riesgo de sesgo”. Dolor y funcionalidad fueron variables evaluadas mediante las escalas VAS, WOMAC y HHS, arrojando mejores resultados en fases tempranas menores de 3 meses en ambos grupos con la excepción de WOMAC en un estudio, aunque la superioridad del PRP fue únicamente confirmada en un estudio; los resultados entre 4 y 12 fueron diversos, con un solo estudio reportando cambios significativamente mejores para el PRP. Conclusiones: La seguridad y efectos a corto plazo del PRP mostraron mejoras en el dolor y la función, pero su preponderancia frente a los tratamientos comparativos, especialmente a más largo plazo, permanece en cuestión. Se necesitan más investigaciones con diseños de alta calidad y mayores muestras que respondan a estos interrogantes.Context: Hip osteoarthritis (HOA) is a chronic condition whose pathogenic agents usually rely on anatomical variability, but the evidence regarding other risk factors potentially influencing the disease is not totally clear. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) becomes popular as a viable intervention in confronting its symptoms. Objective: To conclude a previously published systematic review protocol focusing on the effectiveness of the isolated effect of PRP against other procedures in the management of HOA. Methods: A research in Pubmed, ProQuest Health & Medical Complete, CINAHL, SPORT Discus and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases was performed. Risk of bias was assessed with the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool. Results: The selected studies (n=4) were randomized controlled trials and marked as “low risk of bias”. Pain and function were assessed throughout the studies with VAS, WOMAC and HHS scores, obtaining better results at stages earlier than 3 months for both treatment groups with the exception of WOMAC score in one study, but the superiority of PRP against comparative treatments was only reported in one study; longer-term evaluations from 4 to 12 months showed diverse results, with only one study reporting significantly better results for PRP. Conclusions: The safety and early effects of PRP showed improvements in pain and function in HOA, but its dominance against other procedures, particularly in longer evaluations, remains unclear. Further researches with high-quality designs and larger samples become imperative.Máster Universitario en Investigación en Ciencias Sociosanitarias (M177

    The role of progressive, therapeutic exercise in the management of upper limb tendinopathies: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Among upper limb tendinopathies, rotator cuff-related shoulder pain and lateral elbow tendinopathy are the most representative disorders. Therapeutic exercise arises as an effective approach, but there is no consensus about the optimal progression criteria. Objective: To compare progression criteria and effectiveness of isolated, progressive exercises in the management of upper limb tendinopathies. Additionally, to perform a meta-analysis of pain/function for the selected programs. Design: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Method: Database search of randomized-controlled-trials including progressive exercise was conducted in PubMed and Scopus until October 2020. Meta-analysis’ inclusion criteria were: no data duplicity; 3-months follow-up; comparison between any type of progressive exercise program. Risk of bias was assessed with PEDro score, and level of evidence followed GRADE guidelines. Effect size was calculated with Cohen’s d. Results: Eleven studies were included. GRADE revealed low-quality evidence for meta-analysis of pain during activity (d = 0.29) and function (d = 0.33) at 3 months. Progression criteria were categorised into two divisions, being pain the central concept. Pain (rest/activity/night) and function improved significantly within-group, but between-group changes were heterogeneous. Meta-analysis regarding pain showed good homogeneity with significant, moderate effects (I2 = 20%; p = 0.005; mean d = 0.29); function yielded important heterogeneity with non-significant, moderate effects (I2 = 81%; p = 0.17; mean d = 0.33). Conclusions: Pain was the most frequent benchmark when modulating and progressing the exercises, although other criteria were found such as fatigue or self-perceived ability. Progressive exercise seems effective to manage upper limb tendinopathies, but the superiority of a progression criterion against others remains unclear. (...)This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Diferencias entre la cultura corporativa declarada y percibida y su impacto en el compromiso de los directivos

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    Corporate cultures show a suspicious uniformity since they bring together particular widely-held values that follow social trends (which in itself is not negative) but could be different from the deeply held beliefs which are the source of corporate culture. Previous works have demonstrated the link between corporate culture and organizational commitment. Equally, the relationship between human resource practices and culture has attracted the attention of scholars. Following this, and given the potential differences in espoused corporate culture and its perception by employees, the analysis of values and its effect on organizational commitment will be made on these perceptions and not on formulations. For these reasons, the purpose of this paper is to find an answer to the following overriding question: How does employees’ perception of company values affect their own commitment to that organization? In order to provide a better analysis, the question can be divided into the following issues: a) What values are most commonly reported by the major Spanish companies? b) What are the values profiles of Spanish companies, as perceived by their managers? c) What is the influence, or strength, of human resource practices in companies’ values? d) What impact do corporate values have on employees’ commitment to the company?Este trabajo ha obtenido el 2.º Premio Estudios Financieros 2012 en la modalidad de Recursos Humanos. Las culturas corporativas de las compañías muestran una sospechosa uniformidad, pues suelen mostrar un similar conjunto de valores, que siguen las tendencias sociales (lo que en sí mismo no es negativo), pero que puede ser diferente de aquellas creencias profundamente arraigadas que son la fuente de la cultura corporativa. Anteriores trabajos han demostrado la relación entre cultura corporativa y compromiso organizacional. Igualmente, la relación entre cultura y prácticas de recursos humanos ha merecido la atención de los investigadores. De acuerdo con ello, y dada las posibles diferencias entre la cultura corporativa publicada y la percibida por los empleados, el análisis de los valores y su efecto en el compromiso organizacional debe realizarse por los percibidos y no por los formulados. Por esa razón, el propósito de este artículo es encontrar una respuesta a la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cómo afecta la percepción que los empleados tienen de los valores de la compañía a su propio compromiso con la organización? En orden a facilitar un mejor análisis, la cuestión puede ser dividida en las siguientes fases: a) ¿Qué valores son los más frecuentemente publicados por las grandes compañías españolas? b) ¿Cuál es el perfil de los valores de esas compañías, según la percepción de sus directivos? c) ¿Cuál es la influencia de las prácticas de recursos humanos en los valores de las compañías? d) ¿Qué impacto tienen los valores corporativos en el compromiso de los empleados

    Experimental infection with a low virulence isolate of Neospora caninum at 70 days gestation in cattle did not result in foetopathy

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    The Nc-Spain 1H isolate of Neospora caninum, which was newly obtained from the brain of a congenitally asymptomatic infected calf, demonstrated a reduced in vitro tachyzoite yield and viability rate, as well as low virulence in mouse models. The objective of the present study was to determine the ability of this isolate to induce foetal death in a pregnant bovine model. For this purpose, 13 naïve pregnant heifers were divided into three groups and were experimentally challenged with either 107 tachyzoites of Nc-1 (group 1, n = 5), Nc-Spain 1H (group 2, n = 5) isolates or phosphate-buffered saline (group 3, n = 3) intravenously at 70 days of gestation. After inoculation, pregnancy was monitored and dams were sacrificed when foetal death was detected. The remaining animals were slaughtered at 45 days post-infection. Maternal and foetal samples were collected for examination by histology and parasite DNA detection. Parasitaemia, specific anti-N. caninum IgG and interferon γ responses were also studied. At 3–4 weeks after infection, foetal death was detected in 3 out of 5 Nc-1-infected dams. However, no evidence of foetal death was observed in either Nc-Spain 1H-infected or control groups during the period studied. The most severe histopathological lesions were observed in the placenta and foetal organs from Nc-1-infected cattle that exhibited foetal death. It was in these animals that N. caninum DNA was more frequently detected. Parasitaemia was observed in all Nc-1-infected dams and in only 3 out of 5 Nc-Spain 1H-infected animals. The magnitude of the immune response was significantly higher in the Nc-1-inoculated group than in the group inoculated with the Nc-Spain 1H isolate. These data reveal the reduced virulence of the Nc-Spain 1H isolate in cattle

    Winter diet of the long-eared owl Asio otus (Strigiformes: Strigidae) in the grasslands of Janos, Chihuahua, Mexico

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    Abstract Background: The long-eared owl (Asio otus) has a Holarctic distribution, including much of North America. This nocturnal species is considered to be extremely secretive, and poorly known in the Great Plains of the United States and Canada, as well as to México, where no previous studies on its diet have been conducted. Findings: We analyzed 120 pellets collected during January 2007 in roosts in a 2–3 m height mesquite scrub within a grassland area of Reserva Ecológica El Uno, located in the Natural Protected Area Janos. We registered and identified three orders, four families, eight genera and ten species of mammals and two orders and one family of insects. Winter diet is dominated by mammals, especially rodents in both frequency and biomass. Cricetidae and Perognathus flavus were the most frequent family and species, respectively. On the other hand, when analyzing biomass, Sigmodon species were dominant, achieving almost 70% of the consumed biomass. Levin's standardized niche breath based on frequency was calculated as 0.40, while based on biomass was 0.38. Also, two previously unrecorded rodent species were identified as long-eared owl prey. Conclusion: Although 18 different types of items were identified, the long-eared owl tends to be selective, with a single genera (Sigmodon) comprising almost 70% of its consumed biomass during winter. Perognathus flavus was also important in frequency (21%); however, it barely constitutes 2% of the consumed biomass. Keywords: Winter diet, Long-eared owl, Grasslands, Janos, México Resumen El búho orejas largas es una especie Holártica, que se distribuye en gran parte de Norteamérica y que ha sido poco estudiada, especialmente en las Grandes Planicies de Estados Unidos y en México, donde no existe un estudio previo sobre su dieta invernal. Se colectaron y analizaron 120 egagrópilas en la Reserva Ecológica El Uno, dentro del Área Natural Protegida Reserva de la Biósfera Janos. Se identificaron un total de 18 tipos de presa, pero la especie mostró selectividad por dos géneros/especies, ya que cerca del 70% de la biomasa consumida fueron especies del género Sigmodon, mientras que el 21% de las muestras contenían Perognathus flavus. Además, dos especies de roedores identificadas constituyen nuevos registros de presa para la especie


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    ResumenDesde la creación del mercado accionario, conocer las rentabilidades que ofrecen sus activos ha despertado interés tanto de inversionistas como investigadores. Actualmente, se encuentran múltiples aplicaciones documentadas que han intentado predecir acciones, índices u otros activos alrededor del mundo. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones en mercados emergentes y en particular el mexicano, es limitado y poco explorado. Este documento presenta una aplicación que predice las variaciones diarias de una de las empresas participantes en la BMV con un enfoque de análisis híbrido. Utiliza la capacidad de las redes Feed Forward y el algoritmo Backpropagation en problemas de predicción. La selección de variables de entrada a la red se realizó a través del ACP y el estadístico utilizado para medir la precisión de las predicciones es el MSE. Los resultados reflejan una importante contribución a la discusión de la posibilidad o no, de predecir estos activos en el corto plazo.Palabra(s) Clave: ACP, Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, Mercado de valores, Predicción de mercados, RNA. AbstractSince creation of stock market, to know the returns offered by these assets has attracted interest from both investors and researchers. There are multiple documented applications that have tried to predict stocks, indexes or other assets around the world, however, applications in emerging markets as Mexican market, are limited and little explored. This document presents forecast of daily variations of one of companies participating in BMV uses the capacity of Feed Forwards ANNs and Backpropagation algorithm in prediction problems. The selection of input variables to the network was made through the PCA and the MSE statistic was used to measure accuracy of predictions. Results reflect an important contribution to the discussion of the possibility or not of predicting these assets in the short term.Keywords: ACP, Market prediction, Mexican stock exchange, Stock market, RNA

    Formulation, Colloidal Characterization, and In Vitro Biological Effect of BMP-2 Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles for Bone Regeneration

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    The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4923/11/8/388/s1, Figure S1. Scheme of the formulation of NP-BMP2; Figure S2: Scheme of the protein adsorption process for NP-BSA-BMP2; Video S1. NTA experiments for NP-BMP2; Video S2. NTA experiments for empty NPs.Nanoparticles (NPs) based on the polymer poly (lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA) have been widely studied in developing delivery systems for drugs and therapeutic biomolecules, due to the biocompatible and biodegradable properties of the PLGA. In this work, a synthesis method for bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-2)-loaded PLGA NPs was developed and optimized, in order to carry out and control the release of BMP-2, based on the double-emulsion (water/oil/water, W/O/W) solvent evaporation technique. The polymeric surfactant Pluronic F68 was used in the synthesis procedure, as it is known to have an effect on the reduction of the size of the NPs, the enhancement of their stability, and the protection of the encapsulated biomolecule. Spherical solid polymeric NPs were synthesized, showing a reproducible multimodal size distribution, with diameters between 100 and 500 nm. This size range appears to allow the protein to act on the cell surface and at the cytoplasm level. The effect of carrying BMP-2 co-adsorbed with bovine serum albumin on the NP surface was analyzed. The colloidal properties of these systems (morphology by SEM, hydrodynamic size, electrophoretic mobility, temporal stability, protein encapsulation, and short-term release profile) were studied. The effect of both BMP2-loaded NPs on the proliferation, migration, and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells from human alveolar bone (ABSC) was also analyzed in vitro.This research was funded by the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía (Spain) through research groups FQM-115 and CTS-1028, by the following research project: MAT2013-43922-R—European FEDER support included—(MICINN, Spain) and by MIS Ibérica S.L

    Renal tubule Cpt1a overexpression protects from kidney fibrosis by restoring mitochondrial homeostasis

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) remains a major epidemiological, clinical, and biomedical challenge. During CKD, renal tubular epithelial cells (TECs) present a persistent inflammatory and profibrotic response. Fatty acid oxidation (FAO), the main source of energy for TECs, is reduced in kidney fibrosis and contributes to its pathogenesis. To determine whether gain of function in FAO (FAO-GOF) could protect from fibrosis, we generated a conditional transgenic mouse model with overexpression of the fatty acid shuttling enzyme carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1A (CPT1A) in TECs. Cpt1a-knockin (CPT1A-KI) mice subjected to 3 models of renal fibrosis (unilateral ureteral obstruction, folic acid nephropathy [FAN], and adenine-induced nephrotoxicity) exhibited decreased expression of fibrotic markers, a blunted proinflammatory response, and reduced epithelial cell damage and macrophage influx. Protection from fibrosis was also observed when Cpt1a overexpression was induced after FAN. FAO-GOF restored oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial number and enhanced bioenergetics, increasing palmitate oxidation and ATP levels, changes that were also recapitulated in TECs exposed to profibrotic stimuli. Studies in patients showed decreased CPT1 levels and increased accumulation of short- and middle-chain acylcarnitines, reflecting impaired FAO in human CKD. We propose that strategies based on FAO-GOF may constitute powerful alternatives to combat fibrosis inherent to CKD