78 research outputs found

    The fossil crown wasp Electrostephanus petiolatus Brues in Baltic Amber (Hymenoptera, Stephanidae): designation of a neotype, revised classification,and a key to amber Stephanidae.

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    The fossil crown wasp Electrostephanus petiolatus Brues comb. rev.(Stephanidae, Electrostephaninae) is re-described from a single male preserved in middle Eocene Baltic Amber. The holotype was lost or destroyed around the time of World War II and subsequent interpretations of its identity have been based solely on the brief descriptive comments provided by Brues in his original account. The new specimen matches the original description and illustration provided by Brues in every detail and we hereby consider them to be conspecific, selecting the specimen as a neotype for the purpose of stabilizing the nomenclature for this fossil species. This neotype exhibits a free first metasomal tergum and sternum, contrary to the assertion of previous workers who indicated these to be fused. Accordingly, this species does indeed belong to the genus Electrostephanus Brues rather than to Denaeostephanus Engel & Grimaldi (Stephaninae). Electrostephanus petiolatus is transferred to a new subgenus, Electrostephanodes n. subgen. , based on its elongate pseudo- petiole and slender gaster, but may eventually warrant generic status as the phylogenetic placement of these fossil lineages continues to be clarifi ed. A revised key to the Baltic amber crown wasps is provided

    The earliest earwigs in amber (Dermaptera): A new genus and species from the Early Cretaceous of Lebanon

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/.Rhadinolabis phoenicica Engel, Ortega-Blanco & Azar gen. et sp.n. is described and figured from two female earwigs preserved in Early Cretaceous amber from Lebanon, representing the oldest Dermaptera in amber. In addition a partial nymph is recorded from the same deposits. The placement of the genus among Neodermaptera is briefly discussed

    A Remarkable Tiphiiform Wasp in Mid-Cretaceous Amber from Myanmar (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae)

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    The first tiphiid wasp (Aculeata: Euaculeata: Vespoidea: Tiphiiformes) in Cretaceous amber is described and figured. Thanatotiphia nyx, new genus and species, is represented by a male entombed in mid-Cretaceous (latest Albian) amber from Myanmar. Thanatotiphia possesses remarkable apomorphies in wing venation, lacks key traits of modern subfamilies, and is thus classified in a new subfamily, Thanatotiphiinae. The fossil is further shown to be nested well within the family, indicating that major lineages of Tiphiidae diverged by the mid-Cretaceous. The new taxon is compared with modern tiphiid subfamilies and the sparse fossil history of the family briefly overviewed

    Serphitid wasps in Cretaceous amber from New Jersey (Hymenoptera: Serphitidae)

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/.Species of the extinct, parasitoid wasp family Serphitidae (Proctotrupomorpha: Bipetiolarida: Serphitoidea), occurring in Cretaceous (Turonian) amber from New Jersey, are reviewed. Two species, both new, are described and figured as Serphites raritanensis Engel & Grimaldi sp.n. and S. navesinkae Engel & Grimaldi sp.n

    Zoropelecinus zigrasi, a pelecinid wasp in mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Hymenoptera: Pelecinidae)

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from https://journals.ku.edu/index.php/paleoent/indexThe proctotrupoid wasp family Pelecinidae (Proctotrupomorpha: Proctotrupoidea) is recorded in Early Cretaceous amber for the first time, previous amber inclusions being from the Late Cretaceous or Tertiary. Zoropelecinus zigrasi Engel & Grimaldi, new genus and species, is described and figured from an exquisitely preserved female in Albian-Cenomanian amber from Myanmar. The genus is similar to other fossil pelecinids of the genera Pelecinopteron Brues (Paleogene ambers of the Baltic and Siberia) and Henopelecinus Engel & Grimaldi (Turonian amber, New Jersey). Although two subfamilies have at times been recognized (or even as two families) the Iscopininae are clearly paraphyletic with respect to Pelecininae and therefore of no classificatory value and accordingly synonymized herein (new synonymy)

    Introducing Novitates Paleoentomologicae: An outlet for occasional fossil insect research at the University of Kansas

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from https://journals.ku.edu/index.php/paleoent/indexA new journal is introduced which disseminates the results of research conducted at or in association with the University of Kansas on fossil insects and their relatives. The journal spans all aspects of paleoentomological research, extending beyond systematic studies to include works on insect-bearing deposits, and their taphonomy and ecology

    A Primitive Aphidiine Wasp in Albian Amber from Spain and a Northern Hemisphere Origin for the Subfamily (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae)

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    A description of a new genus and species of braconid, Archephedrus stolamissus, from Early Cretaceous (Albian) amber from Moraza-Peñacerrada I (Spain) is here provided. This is the first fossil Aphidiinae described in Cretaceous amber. The fossil has some typical characters of the subfamily but possesses a unique assemblage of characters among aphidiines, such as a fairly robust abdomen, with a more pronounced articulation between the first and second, instead of the second and third, metasomal segments, as well as several wing venational traits. The distribution of this and other aphidiine fossils, as well as their putative phylogenetic placement as basal among Aphidiinae, is discussed, supporting a Northern rather than Southern Hemisphere origin for the lineage

    Elemental composition in soft tissues as a model for identifying batches of juvenile Atlantic blueïŹn tuna (Thunnus thynnus)

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    © 2023 The Authors.This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2023.105176Integral Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) aquaculture will become a reality in the coming years and so tuna batches will have to be clearly identifiable to avoid commercial fraud and ensure this species’ conservation. Consequently, the objective of this study was to analyse the components of juvenile bluefin tissue to be able to discriminate between three tuna batches: specimens born in captivity and raised in inland facilities (onshore tanks), fish born in captivity and raised in the sea (sea cages), and wild tuna. Ten macro and trace elements (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, S, Cu, Mn and Zn) were selected, and their concentrations were analysed in four soft tissues: liver, kidney, brain and muscle. Only one of the elements (Cu) showed statistically significant differences for fish batch in all tissues, so multivariate tests (Principal Component Analysis, PCA and Canonical Discriminant Analysis, DCA) were performed. In the PCA, there were partial batches separation in kidney and muscle. In DCA, the percentage of cases correctly classified using this validation were 60.8 % (liver), 88.6 % (kidney), 79.5 % (muscle) and 82.2 % (brain). Globally, muscle appear to be the best tissue for discriminating the batch of tunas, and wild specimens are the most readily identifiable

    New and revised maimetshid wasps from cretaceous ambers (Hymenoptera, Maimetshidae)

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    New material of the wasp family Maimetshidae (Apocrita) is presented from four Cretaceous amber de- posits- the Neocomian of Lebanon, the Early Albian of Spain, the latest Albian/earliest Cenomanian of France, and the Campanian of Canada. The new record from Canadian Cretaceous amber extends the temporal and paleogeographical range of the family. New material from France is assignable to Guyote- maimetsha enigmatica Perrichot et al. including the first females for the species, while a series of males and females from Spain are described and figured as Iberomaimetsha Ortega-Blanco, Perrichot & Engel, gen. n., with the two new species Iberomaimetsha rasnitsyni Ortega-Blanco, Perrichot & Engel, sp. n. and I. nihtmara Ortega-Blanco, DelclĂČs & Engel, sp. n.; a single female from Lebanon is described and figured as Ahiromaimetsha najlae Perrichot, Azar, Nel & Engel, gen. et sp. n., and a single male from Canada is described and figured as Ahstemiam cellula McKellar & Engel, gen. et sp. n. The taxa are compared with other maimetshids, a key to genera and species is given, and brief comments made on the family


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    En cada una de las esferas de la estructura social en Colombia se encuentran particularmente ciertos grupos con poder, lo cuales son capaces de coordinar, establecer y modificar polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas segĂșn su interĂ©s. La influencia que tienen, ya sea en el Gobierno o en alguna otra ĂĄrea, es gracias al poder polĂ­tico, econĂłmico o social que han tenido por dĂ©cadas (tradiciĂłn familiar) o que han logrado construir al ingresar en cierto grupo social. SegĂșn Puello (2010), â€œĂ©lite” se puede definir como una minorĂ­a selecta dominante con la capacidad de influir sobre una mayorĂ­a dominada; esta minorĂ­a selecta se manifiesta en muchos campos mĂĄs allĂĄ del polĂ­tico, como el cultural o el intelectual
