274 research outputs found

    Evaluating Thread protocol in the framework of Matter

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    Internet of Things is a technology which produced one of the biggest, and with most impact on the society, change in connectivity and automation solutions. It has a lot of new features and advantages, but also has its constraints. For this purpose, many standard have been developed, and IoT solutions designed. A Home Automation system is an application of IoT. It consist of IP-enabled embedded devices connected to the Internet using IPv6.The technology improved when IETF designed 6LoWPAN as a interface to link IPv6 to IEEE 802.15.4, a low-power wireless network standard Untill now, the IoT market is very dispersed with many solutions based in different standards, which make them incompatible between themselves. Appart from that, Home Automation technologies and solutions do not meet the requirements of low power, IP-based, security and friendly use. In order to profit from, and accelerate it, the IoT technology emergence, a unification of the standards used and the requirements needed by the different IoT solutions must be designed. The goal of this thesis was to study a new Home Automation standard called Matter. Matter is an application layer standard which aims to simplify the development for manufacturers and increase compatibility for the consumers, enabling communication across smart home devices, mobile apps, and cloud services. As Matter was to be released in the summer of 2021 but was delayed, instead of that, the Thread architecture has been studied. Thread is, with Wi-Fi, the core of the operational communications supported by Matter. Thread is a simplified, IPv6-based mesh networking architecture developed for efficient communication between energy-constrained devices around the home. As Thread is a royalty-free but closed-documentation standard, Nest Labs developed an open source implementation Called OpenThread. This study is composed by an overview of the architecture, a detailed explanation of each layer of the stack, and a implementation of the network through OpenThread. Furthermore, some test will be evaluated to provide to the reader an introduction to some of the Thread functionalities, specially related with routing

    Background Modelling with Associated Confidence

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    Superposition rules and stochastic Lie-Scheffers systems

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    This paper proves a version for stochastic differential equations of the Lie-Scheffers Theorem. This result characterizes the existence of nonlinear superposition rules for the general solution of those equations in terms of the involution properties of the distribution generated by the vector fields that define it. When stated in the particular case of standard deterministic systems, our main theorem improves various aspects of the classical Lie-Scheffers result. We show that the stochastic analog of the classical Lie-Scheffers systems can be reduced to the study of Lie group valued stochastic Lie-Scheffers systems; those systems, as well as those taking values in homogeneous spaces are studied in detail. The developments of the paper are illustrated with several examples

    Observability analysis and optimal sensor placement in stereo radar odometry

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Localization is the key perceptual process closing the loop of autonomous navigation, allowing self-driving vehicles to operate in a deliberate way. To ensure robust localization, autonomous vehicles have to implement redundant estimation processes, ideally independent in terms of the underlying physics behind sensing principles. This paper presents a stereo radar odometry system, which can be used as such a redundant system, complementary to other odometry estimation processes, providing robustness for long-term operability. The presented work is novel with respect to previously published methods in that it contains: (i) a detailed formulation of the Doppler error and its associated uncertainty; (ii) an observability analysis that gives the minimal conditions to infer a 2D twist from radar readings; and (iii) a numerical analysis for optimal vehicle sensor placement. Experimental results are also detailed that validate the theoretical insights.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multi-sensor data analysis to support nursing home care management

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    This thesis focuses on incontinence nursing homes residents. As the society is aging as the population studies show, new problems are conceded: the older the population becomes, the more nursing homes are needed. One of the nursing home main care tasks is the management of the residents incontinence. Currently, the incontinence management is done manually by caregivers of the nursing home, with the delays and unnecessary checks that this process entails. So the focus of this thesis is to automatize this process with a monitoring system to support the incontinence management of the nursing homes. This project has previous stages: the sensor module that measures ambient parameters such as temperature, humidity or gas concentration, needed to evaluate that incontinence cases, is already developed. This thesis will focus on study the raw sensor data and convertit in a useful data for monitoring incontinence. As a first part, this raw data will be ordered, classified and plotted in graphs. Afterwards, a characterization of the sensors in the module will be applied in order to obtain the conversion rates that will be used to convert this data, that comes from the output of the microcontroller, into real ammounts of gas concentration. Also the measurements of the sensors need to be calibrated by programming to avoid the effects of extermal factors. Finally the results obtained in this thesis will be studied and compared with a smart incontinence application that is already on the market.Esta tesis se centra en la incontinencia de los residentes de hogares de ancianos. A medida que la sociedad envejece, como muestran los estudios de población, se necesitan más residencias de ancianos. Y una de las tareas principales de una residencia de ancianos es la gestión de la incontinencia de sus pacientes. Actualmente, el manejo de la incontinencia se realiza manualmente por los cuidadores de los residentes, con las demoras y las comprobaciones innecesarias que este proceso implica. Entonces, el enfoque de esta tesis es automatizar este proceso y hacer un sistema de monitoreo para apoyar el manejo de la incontinencia en las residencias de ancianos. Este proyecto tiene etapas previas: el módulo sensor que mide parámetros ambientales como la temperatura, la humedad o la concentración de gas, necesarios para evaluar los casos de incontinencia, ya está desarrollado. Esta tesis se centrará en estudiar los datos que provienen del módulo del sensor para convertirlos en datos útiles para la monitorización de la incontinencia. Como primera parte, estos datos sin procesar se ordenarán, clasificarán y representarán en gráficos. Posteriormente, se aplicará una caracterización de los sensores en el módulo para obtener las tasas de conversión que se utilizarán para convertir estos datos. que provienen de la salida del microcontrolador, en cantidades reales de concentración de gas. También es necesario calibrar las medidas los sensores mediante programación para evitar los efectos de hechos externos. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis serán estudiados y comparados con una aplicación de detección inteligente de incontinencia que ya está en el mercado.Aquest TFG es centra en la incontinència dels residents de llars d'avis. A mesura que la societat envelleix, com mostren els estudis de població, es necessiten més residències d'ancians. I una de les tasques principals d'una residència d'ancians és la gestió de la incontinència dels seus pacients. Actualment, el maneig de la incontinència es realitza manualment pels cuidadors dels residents, amb les demores i les comprovacions innecessàries que aquest procés implica. Llavors, l'enfocament d'aquesta tesi és automatitzar aquest procés i fer un sistema de monitorització per donar suport al maneig de la incontinència en les llars d'avis. Aquest projecte té etapes prèvies: el mòdul sensor que mesura paràmetres ambientals com la temperatura, la humitat o la concentració de gas, necessaris per avaluar els casos d'incontinència, ja està desenvolupat. Aquest TFG es centrarà en estudiar les dades que provenen del mòdul del sensor per convertir-los en dades útils per a la monitorització de la incontinència. Com a primera part, aquestes dades sense processar s'ordenaran, classificaran i representaran en gràfics. Posteriorment, s'aplicarà una caracterització dels sensors en el mòdul per obtenir les taxes de conversió que s'utilitzaran per convertir aquestes dades, que provenen de la sortida del microcontrolador, en quantitats reals de concentració de gas. També cal calibrar les mesures dels sensors mitjançant programació per evitar els efectes de fets externs. Finalment, els resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi seran estudiats i comparats amb una aplicació de detecció intel·ligent de la incontinència que ja està en el mercat

    La emigración española en tiempos de crisis y austeridad

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    Artículo realizado en el marco de la investigación financiada por el Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011 ¿De la complementariedad a la exclusión? Análisis sociodemográfico del impacto de la crisis económica en la población inmigrada (Ref. CSO2011/24501). Este texto además forma parte de la tesis doctoral de Enrique Ortega Rivera "La emigración española hacia Europa en el contexto de crisis económica: análisis sociodemográfico" dirigida por el Doctor Andreu Domingo e inscrita en el Departament de Geografia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Núm. monográfico: "Respuestas migratorias a la crisis económica: impactos sociodemográficos y territoriales"La crisis y las políticas de austeridad impulsadas por los gobiernos españoles han tenido un importante efecto sobre la dinámica de los procesos migratorios en España. Estos cambios marcan el comienzo de una nueva fase en que la salida de españoles, sin ser un fenómeno masivo, ocupa un lugar destacado en los medios y en la agenda política. Aunque la población española sólo representa un 13% de las salidas, su volumen se ha multiplicado por dos en cinco años, pasando de 34.000 bajas en 2008 a más de 56.000 en 2012. El ritmo de crecimiento y temporalidad con que está teniendo lugar confieren relevancia a este fenómeno en el actual contexto económico y social. Este trabajo examina la emigración española de 2008 a 2012 utilizando los datos de la Estadística de Variaciones Residenciales del INE, desagregados por país de nacimiento, edad, sexo, país de destino y provincia de origen. Spanish emigration in times of crisis and austerityThe crisis and the au sterity policies driven by Spanish governments have had a significant effect on the dynamics of international migration processes. These changes mark the beginning of a new migratory phase in which Spanish emigration - without being a massive phenomenon - oc cupy a prominent place in the media and political agenda. Even though Spanish population account for only 13% of departures, its volume has doubled in five years, from 34,000 in 2008 to 56,000 in 2012. The pace of change and the timing of departures give p rominence to this phenomenon in the current economic and social context. This paper examines the growth of Spanish emigration from 2008 to 2012, using disaggregated data by age, sex, country of birth and destination as well as geography detail at provincia l level from the Residential Variation Statistics

    The effects of hurricanes on the stochastic population growth of the endemic epiphytic orchid Broughtonia cubensis living in Cuba

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    We carried out a posthurricane evaluation of Broughtonia cubensis (Lindl.) Cogn., an endemic Cuban epiphytic orchid, after Hurricane Ivan (2004). We studied the transient responses in the stochastic dynamics of the species at three different sites over 13 successive years (2006–2019), monitored plot inventories (464 individuals in 10 transects) and built stochastic population models. The deterministic stochastic growth rate values (λ) did not significantly differ (F = 2.76; p>0.076) among the three sites over the 2006–2019 period. The long-term stochastic growth rate was λs ¼ 0.973 [0.932, 1.034]. The matrix elements that had the largest effect on λ were the transition to and stasis within the largest size class. Transient responses explained an average of 86% of the variation in the observed population growth rates R2 for rTD vs:robs ð Þ, compared to 4% of the variation in the vital rates R2 for rVR vs:robs ð Þ. Because transient dynamics are dependent on the population size composition, we ran extinction risk analyses under two scenarios: a population composed mainly of juveniles and another composed mainly of adults. There was little risk of falling below the quasi-extinction threshold before 25 year for both juveniles and adults. However, the risk of quasi-extinction was almost certain for both size classes by 80 year. We also simulated the effect of increasing the hurricane occurrence probability over 80 year on the population. There was little risk of extinction before 20 year in the baseline model, but there was a significant risk of extinction within 5 year when 90% of the individuals were affected by a new hurricane event

    Programa de intervención psicológica en futbolistas : evaluación de habilidades psicológicas mediante el CPRD

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    Psychological training is a form of sports training that is gradually inserting itself into the work methods of many athletes and sports teams. We present the implementation of a psychological training programme whose goal is for athletes to learn psychological techniques and strategies and apply them to improving their psychological skills, both during training and competition; we also sought to ascertain whether there were any differences between the CPRD scores taken at the start of the intervention and those taken at the end of it. The sample consisted of 22 footballers ages 14 to 18 from a professional football club who compete in the children's and junior categories. The psychological intervention was conducted for five months through individualised (voluntary) work and group (obligatory) work. The results indicate that there were no significant differences between the initial and final scores on the different factors of the CPRD

    Fem cançons a l'escola: procés de creació, interpretació i enregistrament de cançons per l'alumnat

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019Actualment, podem observar en molts dels centres escolars la utilització de cançons populars en lloc de la clàssica sirena per avisar de l’inici i del final de l’horari escolar. Però alguns centres no es volen arriscar a usar aquest tipus de cançons a causa de les lleis de protecció d’autoria, que societats com la SGAE posen en pràctica i poden sancionar de manera econòmica als qui utilitzen aquestes cançons. Després d’observar en el centre on hem realitzat les pràctiques que fan servir cançons de descàrrega i ús lliure i comprovar que no desperta cap motivació entre l’alumnat ni el personal docent, creem que utilitzar cançons creades per ells mateixos pot ser un recurs motivador i amb una finalitat molt útil per a l’escola, ja que evitaria problemes d’autoria i ajudaria a començar el dia amb més alegria. A part de tindre una finalitat útil per al col·legi, també ajudarà a poder treballar la música de manera pràctica abordant aspectes com: l’ús de les noves tecnologies aplicades a la música, ja que s’enregistraran les cançons en el mateix centre, emprant recursos com l’Audacity, microfonia...; impulsarà la creativitat i la improvisació en l’aula; i el treball cooperatiu, ja que serà el mateix alumnat qui farà les cançons. També es treballarà tant el cant com la pràctica musical amb distints instruments. Tenint en compte el poc valor que la societat atorga, en general, a aquesta assignatura, creem que és una forma d’inculcar a l’alumnat la importància i la utilitat de la música en el nostre dia a dia.Currently, we can observe in many of the school centers the usefulness of popular songs in the place of the classic bell to signal the changing of classes and the beginning and the end of the school day. However, some school centers do not want to risk using these types of songs, because there are copyright regulations that allow societies like SGAE to give out fees for using these songs. During our practice, after observing the lack of motivation in the students and teachers to use songs other than the free downloaded songs between the changing of classes, we believe that the school would benefit from using songs that the students created themselves. We believe that this will help to motivate the students and has a very useful purpose for the school. Through the songs that the students made, they have been able to eliminate the problem the school had, in terms of song authorization, and has helped them to begin the day happier. Apart from having a useful purpose for the school, the songs will help the students to practice music inside and outside the class. Recording the songs within the school will also teach the students about new technologies applying to music. Through the recording of the songs within the school and implementing resources, such as Audacity, Microphones…, it will prompt the creativity and improvisation in the class, and furthermore, encourage group work. We will also work on singing as much as musical practice with different instruments. Taking into account the small value that society places on the subject of music, we believe that it is a way to instill in the students the importance and utility of music in our day to day
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