137 research outputs found

    Identification of Cost-Optimal Measures for Energy Renovation of Thermal Envelopes in Different Types of Public School Buildings in the City of Valencia

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    [EN] In order to achieve the EU emission reduction goals, it is essential to renovate the building stock, by improving energy efficiency and promoting total decarbonisation. According to the 2018/844/EU Directive, 3% of Public Administration buildings should be renovated every year. So as to identify the measures to be applied in those buildings and obtain the greatest reduction in energy consumption at the lowest cost, the Directive 2010/31/EU proposed a cost-optimisation-based methodology. The implementation of this allowed to carry out studies in detail in actual scenarios for the energy renovation of thermal envelopes of public schools in the city of Valencia. First, primary school buildings were analysed and classified into three representative types. For each type, 21 sets of measures for improving building thermal envelopes were proposed, considering the global cost, in order to learn about the savings obtained, the repayment term for the investment made, the percentage reduction in energy consumption and the level of compliance with regulatory requirements. The result and conclusions will help Public Administration in Valencia to draw up an energy renovation plan for public building schools in the city.Liébana-Durán, ME.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Ortega-Madrigal, L. (2021). Identification of Cost-Optimal Measures for Energy Renovation of Thermal Envelopes in Different Types of Public School Buildings in the City of Valencia. Applied Sciences. 11(11):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11115108116111

    Study of available bone for interforaminal implant treatment using cone-beam computed tomography

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    Objectives: To analyze the availability of bone in the interforaminal region and to demonstrate the variation in diagnosis between panoramic x-ray and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Material and methods: In 50 patients and in 5 areas of each, a series of parameters concerning available bone were measured on both the panoramic and the CT images. Results: Panoramic images underestimate the vertical and horizontal measurements when compared with CBCT. Regarding implant treatment, the interforaminal region presents the same remaining bone height throughout its full extent, the correlation between one side of the midline and the other was highly significant for all the parameters studied, and 20% of the sample showed some buccal and/or lingual concavity. Conclusion: Cone-beam CT is an advantageous system for interforaminal implant treatment planning, especially since the reported radiation dose is minimal and geometric accuracy is very high

    Análisis tipológico de centros escolares para caracterizar los consumos energéticos. El caso de la ciudad de Valencia.

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    This paper presents the work developed like continuation of the European project TABULA-EIE (2010-2013), faced to characterize the types of the residential park of housings, to develope strategies of energy rehabilitation. The work now presented studies the centres of education, attending on the potential of saving that this type of buildings presents, many of them, constructed without regulation on energy efficiency. One of the main detected barriers has been the scarcity of energy information on the service industries. Other one has been the multiplicity of variables (uses, schedules…) that make difficult to establish systematical classifications. The challenge of the present investigation has been to propose a classification of types of constructions of educational centres in the city of Valencia, to help to establish possible progress strategies for groups and favor the energy saving. There are analysed the classification systems used in multiple energy studies on educational centres in Europe and, taking as a base the model of classification prepared in the project TABULA, the “matrix of buildings types”, a new matrix has been proposed for the centres of pre-school and primary education of Valencia. Finally, there appear the results of the theoretical energy study developed on one of the types of schools included in the proposed matrix. The used methodology can be replicable to other cities of Spain and can constitute the base to estimate the possible energy savings in school centres, in order to raise future stages of energy rehabilitation of an efficient way.Esta comunicación presenta el trabajo desarrollado como continuación del proyecto europeo EIE TABULA (2010-2013), orientado a caracterizar los tipos del parque residencial de viviendas, para plantear estrategias de rehabilitación energética. El trabajo ahora presentado estudia los centros de educación, atendiendo al potencial de ahorro que presentan este tipo de edificios, muchos de ellos, construidos sin normativa sobre eficiencia energética. Una de las principales barreras detectadas ha sido la escasez de datos energéticos sobre el sector terciario. Otra ha sido la multiplicidad de variables (usos, horarios, ...), que dificultan establecer clasificaciones sistemáticas. El reto de la presente investigación ha sido proponer una clasificación de tipos de construcciones de centros educativos en la ciudad de Valencia, para ayudar a establecer posibles estrategias futuras de mejora, por grupos, y favorecer el ahorro energético. Se analizan los sistemas de clasificación utilizados en múltiples estudios energéticos sobre centros educativos en Europa y, tomando como base el modelo de clasificación elaborado en el proyecto TABULA, la “Matriz de tipos de edificios”, se ha propuesto una nueva matriz para los centros de educación infantil y primaria de Valencia. Por último, se presentan los resultados del estudio energético teórico desarrollado sobre uno de los tipos de colegios incluido en la matriz propuesta. La metodología utilizada puede ser replicable a otras ciudades de España y puede constituir la base para estimar los posibles ahorros energéticos en centros escolares, de cara a plantear futuros escenarios de rehabilitación energética de manera eficiente

    Strategy for the energy renovation of the housing stock in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain)

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    [EN] The Spanish residential building stock built between 1940 and 1980 period presents a high energy saving potential as it represents a significant percentage of the total housing stock and it was built without any regulation regarding energy efficiency. Accordingly, the first aim of this paper was to quantify the energy saving potential and the related reduction in CO2 emissions of the housing stock in those years. The work focuses on the Mediterranean climate of the Comunitat Valenciana Region, therefore the energy efficiency strategies proposed are passive and deal with the envelope of buildings. On the basis of the results obtained, several scenarios with intervention periods of 10, 20 and 30 years were calculated. The conclusion was that with the current rate of annual building renovation, it will be nearly impossible to reach the goals established by the EPBD. Only a deep transformation of the building fabric within this sector could help in achieving them. Finally, it should be noted that the proposed methodology can be applied to other areas with different climates, particularly in Spain. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This research has been supported by the Valencia Government - Conselleria of Housing, Public Works And Territorial Structure, by the research institute Valencia Institute of Building (IVE) and by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union through EPISCOPE project.Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Ortega Madrigal, L.; Garcia-Prieto Ruiz, A.; Soto-Francés, L.; Soto Francés, VM. (2016). Strategy for the energy renovation of the housing stock in Comunitat Valenciana (Spain). Energy and Buildings. 132:117-129. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.06.087S11712913

    Propuesta metodológica para estimación de la vida útil de la envolvente de los edificios

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    The estimation of the service life of the construction elements of a building and its materials is an essential part of drawing up a realistic and economically viable maintenance program. In this regard, this paper presents a methodology to estimate the service life of the construction systems of outer walls and roofs frequently used in modern buildings. The reference document used was the ISO-15686 standard, which proposes an efficient method of estimating service life based on durability factors. However this method was designed for general application and is difficult to apply. Due to the scarce amount of reliable information available on material durability values, it was found necessary to generate a service-life database of the construction elements considered, as well as of their component materials, based on their common degradation mechanisms. Factors that affect durability were also identified and a clear procedure for evaluation was set up. The proposed method, rather than giving accurate information on service life, allows different construction systems to be compared and is thus of assistance in the project design phase. The methodology can also be used as a model for other construction elements and is transferable to other countries.La estimación de la vida útil de los elementos constructivos de un edificio y de sus materiales, es fundamental para elaborar programas de mantenimiento realistas y viables económicamente. En este sentido, el presente trabajo presenta una propuesta metodológica para estimar la vida útil de fachadas y cubiertas más frecuentes en edificación. El documento referencia utilizado ha sido la norma ISO-15686, que propone un método eficiente para estimar la vida útil, basándose en los factores que afectan a la durabilidad, pero que sin embargo está planteado de forma muy generalista de difícil aplicación. Constatada la escasa información fiable sobre durabilidades de los materiales, ha sido necesario generar una base de datos de vida útil de los elementos constructivos considerados, así como de sus materiales componentes, a partir de los mecanismos de degradación que con más frecuencia pueden afectarles. Asimismo se han identificado factores que afectan a la durabilidad y se ha propuesto un procedimiento claro para su evaluación. El método planteado, más que dar una información precisa sobre la vida útil, permite comparar diferentes sistemas constructivos y facilita al técnico su diseño en fase de proyecto. La metodología puede servir de modelo para otros elementos constructivos o para otros países.Ortega Madrigal, L.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB.; Fran Bretones, JM. (2015). Proposed method of estimating the service life of building envelopes. Revista de la Construcción. 14(1):60-68. doi:10.4067/S0718-915X2015000100008S606814

    Smart solutions for low-income buildings rehabilitation: international researches and experiences

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    [EN] Smart City concept briefly refers to a sustainable city where innovative Smart strategies will be adopted to an efficient management of resources flows and social interoperability. Aligned with the most relevant European research experiences, the paper describes the relations between an on-going research from the PDTA Dept., centered on a knowledge platform tool for energy-efficient interactive buildings design, and the contribution of the ELIH-MED project on the use of industrialized solutions and smart devices during the rehabilitation process in Mediterranean low-income housings. A pilot project in the Spanish climate context reveals the important role of Smart Monitoring Devices to encourage energy savings and tackle recognized needs through a participative process where stakeholders and beneficiaries are actively involved.[IT] Il termine Smart City può essere sinteticamente associato al concetto di città sostenibile dove strategie innovative intelligenti favoriscono la gestione efficiente del flusso di risorse e l' interoperabilità sociale. Con riferimento alle più significative esperienze di ricerca europee, il contributo approfondisce i legami tra una ricerca, attualmente in corso presso il Dipartimento PDTA, rivolta allo sviluppo di una piattaforma per la progettazione di edifici interattivi ed energeticamente efficienti, e il progetto ELIH-MED incentrato sull'uso di soluzioni industrializzate e dispositivi Smart nell¿ambito di interventi di riqualificazione di edifici sociali nel bacino del Mediterraneo. Un progetto pilota situato nel contesto climatico spagnolo mostra l'impatto derivante dall¿uso di soluzioni Smart nel favorire il risparmio energetico e rispondere alle esigenze degli utenti attraverso un processo partecipativo che coinvolge attivamente stakeholder e beneficiari.The ELIH-Med project represents a significant pilot experience that has allowed to identify and demonstrate, through pilot-scale actions, the feasibil-ity of efficient and innovative solutions and innovative financial mechanisms, backed by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) funds.Arbizzani. E.; Civiero, P.; Ortega Madrigal, L.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB. (2015). Soluzioni Smart per la riqualificazione degli edifici residenziali sociali: ricerche ed esperienze internazionali. Techne: journal of technology for architecture and environment. 10:222-231. https://doi.org/10.13128/Techne-17519S2222311

    Una herramienta para la edición y manipulaciòn de corpus

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    La anotación de corpus es una tarea muy laboriosa aunque esencial a la hora de desarrollar algoritmos estadísticos para el procesamiento del lenguaje. Presentamos la primera versión de una herramienta, encargada de aliviar esta tarea. La herramienta incluye una serie de características que facilitan la edición de textos anotados mediante distintos formatos y la anotación de textos planos de forma manual o mediante la ejecución de etiquetadores externos.Corpus annotation is a very laborious task which is essential to guide the development of statistical language-processing algorithms. To help this task we have designed the first version of a system which provides a number of features which make it an easy tool to use for editing annotated text with several formats and for tagging plain text manually or by triggering external tools.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN 2004-07246-C03-0

    Procesos innovadores de cooperación: análisis y potencial de las redes de Living Labs

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    International cooperation is an intrinsic component of the processes of innovation and development. Besides a model of cooperation, networks are an organizational model for institutional strengthening, for the articulation of national innovation systems and for the internationalization of them. Likewise, during the last 10 years there has been an increase of Living Labs linked to innovation in Europe. They are forming a growing community channeled through the European Network of Living Labs. The existing networks have been analyzed with the aim of knowing the state of the art and the future needs of the networks of Living Labs. The main objective is the exchange of best practices and lessons learned. The harmonization and integration of tools and methods among the partners is other cooperation objective. Finally, a third objective is to develop a larger scale research among the partners of the different laboratories. It is required a greater organizational structure to achieve collaborative and research results at a higher scale, the networks are still young.La cooperación internacional es un componente intrínseco de los procesos de innovación y desarrollo. Además de un modelo de cooperación, las redes constituyen un modelo organizativo para el fortalecimiento institucional, para la articulación de los sistemas nacionales de innovación y para la internacionalización de los mismos. Asimismo, durante los 10 últimos años ha habido un incremento de Living Labs en Europa, vinculados a la innovación, que están formando una creciente comunidad canalizada a través de La Red Europea de Living Labs. Con el objetivo de conocer el estado del arte y las necesidades futuras de las redes de Living Labs se han analizado las redes existentes, siendo el objetivo principal el intercambio de mejores prácticas y lecciones aprendidas. La armonización y la integración de herramientas y métodos entre los socios es otro de los objetivos de cooperación. Finalmente, un tercer objetivo es que entre los socios de los diferentes laboratorios se desarrolle una investigación a mayor escala. Se requiere una mayor estructura organizativa para resultados colaborativos y de investigación a mayor escala, las redes son aún jóvenes

    Dietary Intake, Nutritional Adequacy and Food Sources of Total Fat and Fatty Acids, and Relationships with Personal and Family Factors in Spanish Children Aged One to <10 Years: Results of the EsNuPI Study

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    We aimed to determine the usual intake of total fat, fatty acids (FAs), and their main food sources in a representative cohort of the Spanish pediatric population aged 1 to <10 years (n = 707) who consumed all types of milk and an age-matched cohort who consumed adapted milk over the last year (including follow-on formula, toddler’s milk, growing-up milk, and fortified and enriched milks) (n = 741) who were participants in the EsNuPI study (in English, Nutritional Study in the Spanish Pediatric Population). Dietary intake, measured through two 24 h dietary recalls, was compared to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN-FAO) recommendations. Both cohorts showed a high intake of saturated fatty acids (SFAs), according to FAO recommendations, as there are no numerical recommendations for SFAs at EFSA. Also, low intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs; linoleic acid (LA) and -linolenic acid (ALA)) and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) of the n-3 series, mainly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were observed according to EFSA and FAO recommendations. The three main sources of total fat and di erent FAs were milk and dairy products, oils and fats, and meat and meat products. The consumption of adapted milk was one of the main factors associated with better adherence to the nutritional recommendations of total fat, SFAs, EFAs, PUFAs; and resulted as the main factor associated with better adherence to n-3 fatty acids intake recommendations. Knowledge of the dietary intake and food sources of total fat and FAs in children could help in designing and promoting e ective and practical age-targeted guidelines to promote the consumption of EFA- and n-3 PUFA-rich foods in this stage of life.Instituto Puleva de Nutricion (IPN) - dairy company Lactali

    Opinión de los educadores sobre la tecnología y las plataformas web durante la pandemia Covid-19

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    Today, educators seek to meet the needs of students during the Covid-19 pandemic through the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the teaching-learning process. The aim of this quantitative research is to analyze the perception of educators about the impact of technology and web platforms in the educational field through machine learning (linear regression). The sample is made up of 58 educators from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The results of machine learning indicate that web platforms positively influence the performance of school activities through the use of mobile devices and flipped classroom. Likewise, web platforms positively influence the teaching process. Finally, educators use technological advances in the educational context to transform the school activities under the distance mode and update the courses in the times of Covid-19.Hoy en día, los educadores buscan satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes durante la pandemia Covid-19 por medio de la incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs) en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo de esta investigación cuantitativa es analizar la percepción de los educadores sobre el impacto de la tecnología y las plataformas web en el campo educativo por medio del aprendizaje automático (regresión lineal). La muestra está compuesta por 58 educadores de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Los resultados del aprendizaje automático indican que las plataformas web influyen positivamente la realización de actividades escolares por medio del uso de los dispositivos móviles y el aula invertida. Asimismo, las plataformas web influyen positivamente la labor docente. Por último, los educadores utilizan los avances tecnológicos en el contexto educativo para transformar las actividades escolares bajo la modalidad a distancia y actualizar los cursos en los tiempos de Covid-19