455 research outputs found

    El cuerpo en el arte como noción social y de fragmento

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    El cuerpo es una construcción social. Esa noción se manifiesta como un fragmento. Fragmentos como signos que eluden la memoria como identidad y que se pseudojustifican en los instantes “sublimes” del consumo. Es el yo centrífugo descompuesto. Como consecuencia, es el fin del arte como una propuesta unitaria y totalizadora, “católica” en el sentido griego de universal.. En la sociedad de consumo, el cuerpo funciona en un espacio, pero en él que no se vive sino como roles troceados. Esta podría ser una de las claves del arte contemporáneo, que le parece a algunos ininteligible, sin valor, precisamente por mostrar una realidad de la que no se guardia distancia para tratar de entenderla críticamente, para poder imaginar otras posibles.The concept of body is a social construction. This notion is manifested as a fragment. Fragments as signs eluding identity and memory. They selfexplain in the sublime instant of consumption. It is the decomposed centrifugal self. Consequently, it is the end of art as a unitary and totalizing proposal, “Catholic” in the Greek sense of universal. In the consumer society, the body functions in a space, but it is not lived but as fragmentary roles. This could be one of the keys to contemporary art, which seems to some unintelligible, worthless, just to show a reality where one keeps no distance in order to try to understand it critically, to imagine other ones posible

    El Signo en la pintura, cuando ya no necesita ser una obra de arte

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    Definition of art as game, form, aesthetic and transformation. Intercultural approaches. Art as a reading proposal. Painting as a demand of a concentrated reading. Painting as a proposal of sign maker, counting on the characteristics of the technique of image maker that painting is now and the programmatic and conceptual liberation that it carries on.Definición de arte como juego, forma, estética y transformación. Aproximaciones interculturales. El arte como una propuesta de lectura. La pintura como exigencia de lectura en recogimiento. Como una propuesta que configura signos, teniendo en cuenta las características de la técnica de hacer imágenes que es ahora la pintura y la liberación programática y conceptual que ello conlleva

    Application of a Natural Language Interface to the Teleoperation of a Mobile Robot

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    IFAC Intelligent Components for Vehicles, Seville, Spain, 1998This paper describes the application of a natural language interface to the teleoperation of a mobile robot. Natural language communication with robots is a major goal, since it allows for non expert people to communicate with robots in his or her own language. This communication has to be flexible enough to allow the user to control the robot with a minimum knowledge about its details. In order to do this, the user must be able to perform simple operations as well as high level tasks which involve multiple elements of the system. For this ones, an adequate representation of the knowledge about the robot and its environment will allow the creation of a plan of simple actions whose execution will result in the accomplishment of the requested tas

    RoMa at HAHA-2021: Deep Reinforcement Learning to Improve a Transformed-based Model for Humor Detection

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    [EN] In this paper, we describe our system we participated in the shared task ¿Humor Analysis based on Human Annotation (HAHA) at IberLEF-2021 with. Our system relies on data representations learned through fine-tuned neural language models. The representations are used to train a Siamese Neural Network (SNN) which learns to verify whether or not a pair of tweets belong to the same or distinct classes. A key point in our model is the heuristic used to create the pair of messages in the training and test phases. For that, we used a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) strategy that aims at identifying a set of optimal prototypes in each class. In general, the results achieved are encouraging and give us a starting point for further improvements.The work of the second and third authors was in the framework of the research project MISMIS-FAKEnHATE on MISinformation and MIScommunication in social media: FAKE news and HATE speech (PGC2018-096212-B-C31), funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and DeepPattern (PROMETEO/2019/121), funded by the Generalitat Valenciana.Rodriguez, M.; Ortega-Bueno, R.; Rosso, P. (2021). RoMa at HAHA-2021: Deep Reinforcement Learning to Improve a Transformed-based Model for Humor Detection. CEUR Workshop. 1-8. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1905551

    Xarura: saudação Mbya Guarani

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Intercultural Indígena do Sul da Mata AtlânticaEste memorial mostrará sobre o processo de realização do curta “XARURA: Saudação Mbya Guarani” e a importância de nossas práticas tradicionais. Tais práticas passamos para as nossas crianças e jovens. Eles são parte de nossa luta do presente, do passado e do futuro. Por isso, esse trabalho é dedicado para meus ancestrais e para os anciões. Através do audiovisual trago um pouco do nosso cotidiano na aldeia: de como é a nossa saudação ao levantar. Para nós essa prática é muito importante e está relacionada com o modo de mostrarmos o respeito e o amor ao próximo. Também através do despertar fortalecemos o trabalho que fazemos em conjunto, como a limpeza da aldeia e a construção de nosso maior bem, a nossa Opy’i.Kova’e mba’eapo ma ajapo pave’in mbya kuery oexa xe va’e oexa haguã, mbya he’y tein oexa haguã. Aexauka heta vaipa he’yn tein mba’eixa pa tuja kueve ymãverã ovya re há’e opytu’ua’i re oxarura’i raka’e, há’egui amongue joexa ramo ju vy há’erami aevi oxarura’i. Ymave ovya re há’gui joexa ramo vy oxarura’i meme ae raka’e, há’vy py oexauka nhomboaxya há’gui nhamandu ombojeroaviaa rupi avi, Kova’e mba’eapo ma jaikuaa pota ve’i haguã nhandereko re, mba’eixa pa nhandereko nanhamokanhyin haguã, mba’eixa vy pa nhandeayua nanhamokanhyin haguã, Opamba’e ma jepe ayngui haxy pa, pave’in tataypy rupa rupi tein. Roexauka avi opy’i re pave’i rinha’ã’i rokuaoya, opy’i romopu’ã’ihguaã

    Modelado y simulación de una horquilla semi-activa para bicicleta btt

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    En este trabajo de fin de grado se tratará el modelado matemático y se realizará la simulación del funcionamiento de una suspensión delantera de bicicleta. Se estudiará la posición correcta del ciclista y cómo se comportan las diferentes suspensiones que hoy en día se encuentran en el mercado. Se pretende descubrir cuál es la mejor suspensión en cuanto a prestaciones y si sus virtudes son rasgos tan destacables en comparación a otras horquillas consideradas como peores. Se utilizaran los programas MATLAB –para las simulaciones- y SOLIDWORKS –para la biomecánica del ciclista, que nos aporta información con coordenadasThe Final Degree Project is the mathematical modelating and simualting with mathematical program MATLAB of the mecanical functionatly of a fork of a bike. It will be studied the correct of the biker in bike and how the actual comercial forks function in diferents terrain profiles.In this FDP, it is know which is the best fork in prestation and if the best forks (major price) is better than others. MATLAB will calculate the simulation and SOLIDWORKS calculate the biomechanic of biker because it has information with coordinatesIngeniería en Electrónica y Automática Industria

    Coeducation and citizenship: A study on initial teacher training in sexual equality and diversity

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    Producción CientíficaThe present study makes an exhaustive review of the conditions and challenges faced by society to transform the school into a truly inclusive, coeducational, and democratic space. It proposes a theoretical model, of a bottom-up nature, to achieve gender equality in the school environment, giving special importance to teacher training. This study evaluates the training in gender equality and coeducation that students with degrees related to teaching are receiving. An analysis is conducted of the presence of attitudes that support the gender/sex system and the identification of relevant female references in a sample of 452 students in the Degree in Primary Education or the University Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching (MUPES). For the collection of information, an ad hoc questionnaire was used that contemplates formative and cultural aspects, together with the Inventory of Ambivalent Sexism (ASI), the Attitudes of Heterosexuals toward Homosexuals (HATH), and the Women in History (WH) scales. Among the main results, the important lack of training in aspects related to gender equality and coeducation, as well as a general lack of knowledge of historical female references, stands out. It can be concluded that, at present, teacher training is still in the early stages of the proposed model

    Using Portable EEG Devices to Evaluate Emotional Regulation Strategies during Virtual Reality Exposure

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    [EN] As Virtual Reality (VR) is starting to be used to train emotional regulation strategies, it would be interesting to propose objective techniques to monitor the emotional reactions of participants during the virtual experience. In this work, the main goal is to analyze if portable EEG systems are adequate to monitor brain activity changes caused by the emotional regulation strategies applied by the participants. The EEG signals captured from subjects that navigate through a virtual environment designed to induce a negative mood will be compared between three experimental groups that will receive different instructions about the emotional regulation strategies to apply. The study will allow us to validate the possibilities of portable EEG devices to monitor emotional regulation strategies during VR exposure.This study was funded by Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, PAID-06-2011, R.N. 1984; by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, Project Game Teen (TIN2010-20187) and partially by projects Consolider-C (SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), “CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII” and Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Generalitat Valenciana. Consellería de Educación, 2008-157). The work of A. Rodríguez was supported by the Spanish MEC under an FPI Grant BES-2011-043316.Rey, B.; Rodríguez Ortega, A.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2012). Using Portable EEG Devices to Evaluate Emotional Regulation Strategies during Virtual Reality Exposure. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 181:223-227. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-121-2-223S22322718

    El espacio vacío en la pintura oriental

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    Reseña de Estudio comparativo del espacio vacío en la pintura Oriental con relación a la Occidenta

    Contemporary Art as An Imaginating Reflection of Realities

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    Las manifestaciones del arte contemporáneo son un reflejo y una consecuencia de la cultura del presente caracterizada por lo virtual y ficticio. Se desarrolla en los argumentos de: A. una ontología del arte: el engaño en una crisis acerca de cómo y qué se dice; la imaginación en el arte como un proyecto posible frente al no-proyecto imposible de la fantasía; arte como imaginador de realidades convertido en agente de la intranquilidad. B. una epistemología: el desplazamiento del arte como cosa de valor a valor de idea; del significante con significado a los significados pródigos en significantes; deontología de la investigación en el arte basada en la intencionabilidad de posibilitar nuevas realidades.Manifestations of contemporary art are a reflection and consequence of the culture of the present characterised by what is virtual and fictitious. A. arguments develop the ontology of art: deceit in crisis regarding what is said and how it is said; imagination in art as a project of what is possible as opposed to fantasy’s impossible non-project; art as it imagines delivering realities converted into an agent of anxiety. B. an epistemology: the displacement of art as an object of value to the value of the idea; of the significant with meaning to the prodigal meanings in significance; code of ethics in art investigation based on the intention to enable new realities