424 research outputs found

    “There is Power in a Woman’s Wit and Will” : Womanly, Wit, Will, and Wiles in Gothic Works of Louisa May Alcott

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    Central to the Female Gothic is a woman searching for her identity in the confinements of society. Utilizing Louisa May Alcott’s Gothic works, I will examine the extent to which the formation of an identity is subjected to internalized forces of normalcy. In “A Whisper in the Dark” (1863), “V.V.; Plots and Counterplots” (1865), and “Behind a Mask, or a Woman’s Power” (1866), Alcott explores themes of feminine identity, power, and sexuality. Alcott both subverts and adheres to gender roles to reveal their falsehood. Furthermore, Alcott exposes the effect of the patriarchal order on both men and women by destabilizing the feminine and masculine gender binary. Throughout the texts, the heroines wear a mask to adhere to nineteenthcentury feminine ideals because the oppressive patriarchal structures motivate their subterfuge; however, there is a split between the outer appearance of adherence to nineteenth-century expectations and the inner psychology of the heroine. The heroine’s use of manipulation through performance and language demonstrate a prevailing desire for agency. In the end, Alcott does not condemn her heroines for being manipulative; instead, she implicates the societal structures that cause the heroine to don a mask for survival. Due to the limited possibilities for women, Alcott’s gothic heroines appear more sympathetic as a result of their oppressive situations. By examining Alcott’s works with a feminist lens, specifically utilizing Judith Butler and Hélène Cixous, I will analyze how Alcott\u27s deconstruction of the gender binary through her gothic heroines reveals the paradox of performative aspects of gender, which must remain within the confines of the patriarchal structure in order for the woman to gain agency

    Quantitative analysis of the impact of archaeological tourism in Spain

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    Este trabajo se centra en el análisis cuantitativo de la realidad turística de los yacimientos arqueológicos atendiendo a la necesidad de conocer un recurso patrimonial en crecimiento. También se pretende evaluar el impacto de este fenómeno en el conjunto global y su situación particular en el mapa autonómico. Metodológicamente el estudio se basa en datos oficiales aportados por los agentes implicados en la gestión de los diversos enclaves vía telefónica y telemática. Con el conjunto de la información recopilada se han elaborado mapas que ilustran el volumen de visitas y, por ende, su aportación al turismo general. En definitiva, una radiografía del arqueoturismo, un recurso que deja de ser una alternativa minoritaria para ser protagonista de una importante parcela del turismo cultural.This study constitutes a quantitative analysis of the tourism situation of archaeological sites in response to the need to recognise a growing heritage resource. It also seeks to evaluate the impact of this phenomenon on tourism as a whole and its particular situation on a regional level. In terms of methodology, the study is based on official data provided by the agents involved in the management of the sites by telephone and online. With the set of collected information, maps have been produced that illustrate the volume of visits and, therefore, their contribution to overall tourism. In short, it provides an x-ray of archeotourism; a resource that is no longer a minority alternative and is starting to play a major role in a significant part of cultural tourism

    SWATH Differential Abundance Proteomics and Cellular Assays Show In Vitro Anticancer Activity of Arachidonic Acid- and Docosahexaenoic Acid-Based Monoacylglycerols in HT-29 Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common and mortal types of cancer. There is increasing evidence that some polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) exercise specific inhibitory actions on cancer cells through different mechanisms, as a previous study on CRC cells demonstrated for two very long-chain PUFA. These were docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n3) and arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n6) in the free fatty acid (FFA) form. In this work, similar design and technology have been used to investigate the actions of both DHA and ARA as monoacylglycerol (MAG) molecules, and results have been compared with those obtained using the corresponding FFA. Cell assays revealed that ARA- and DHA-MAG exercised dose- and time-dependent antiproliferative actions, with DHA-MAG acting on cancer cells more efficiently than ARA-MAG. Sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH)—mass spectrometry massive quantitative proteomics, validated by parallel reaction monitoring and followed by pathway analysis, revealed that DHA-MAG had a massive effect in the proteasome complex, while the ARA-MAG main effect was related to DNA replication. Prostaglandin synthesis also resulted as inhibited by DHA-MAG. Results clearly demonstrated the ability of both ARA- and DHA-MAG to induce cell death in colon cancer cells, which suggests a direct relationship between chemical structure and antitumoral actions

    Private management of the cultural heritage: the cases of the monastery of Monsalud and the roman city of Ercavica

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    Las exponenciales necesidades de un perfil de público que consume recursos culturales hoy día se ven limitadas por una Administración sobrepasada en sus recursos y funciones. La oportunidad que abre la introducción del sector privado en la gestión del patrimonio histórico supone un nuevo referente que revierte en la creación de riqueza, empleo, servicios, y la garantía de la conservación del legado heredado. En esta línea, se presentan los casos del monasterio de Monsalud (Córcoles, Guadalajara) y la ciudad romana de Ercávica (Cañaveruelas, Cuenca), experiencia pionera de espacios auto sostenibles sin soporte de dotación económica pública.Exponential needs a public profile cultural resources consumed today are limited by an Administration exceeded its resources and functions. The opportunity that opens the introduction of the private sector in the management of heritage is a new standard that reverses in creating wealth, jobs, services and ensuring the preservation of the legacy inherited. In this line of cases monastery Monsalud (Córcoles) and the Roman city of Ercávica pioneering experience of self sustainable spaces unsupported public financial contribution are presented

    The water supply of the roman city in el Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela (Driebes, Guadalajara)

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    Presentamos un acueducto romano localizado en el término municipal de Driebes, que abastecería a la ciudad romana del Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela, y que ha sido identificada como la antigua Caraca. Esta obra de ingeniería es prueba de la relevancia que esta ciudad tuvo en la época altoimperial.In this paper we describe a Roman aqueduct located in the valley of the Tajo river, in Driebes, which served for the water supply of the Roman city located in the Cerro de la Virgen de la Muela, probably the city of Caraca. This enginerial work is an evidence of the relevance of this city during the High Roman Empire

    Estrategias para la autosostenibilidad del patrimonio en el medio rural

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    El patrimonio histórico español se ubica predominantemente en áreas rurales, sin embargo, no ha sido objeto de la misma atención que su vecino urbano. Potenciar el legado arqueológico, histórico, gastronómico y etnológico es potenciar el ámbito rural. La nueva profesión del gestor cultural debe crear estrategias activas que conecten territorio, patrimonio y visitantes. A partir del Plan de Gestión se delinean políticas activas sobre nuestros recursos y sus destinatarios, conservando y haciendo sostenible la herencia recibida