11 research outputs found

    Monitoring the structures of inorganic materials by ex situ/in situ\textit {ex situ/in situ} X-Ray powder diffraction and pair distribution function analysis

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    In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde die Charakterisierung verschiedener anorganischer Materialien mittels XRPD (X-ray Powder Diffraction) und/oder PDF (Pair Distribution Function) unter exsitu\it {ex-situ} und/oder insitu\it {in-situ} Bedingungen durchgeführt. Insbesondere mit der Entwicklung von hochenergetischen Strahlungsquellen, d. H. Synchrotron und Neutronenquellen, wurde es möglich, die Strukturen von Materialien nicht nur unter Umgebungs-, sondern auch unter Nicht-Umgebungsbedingungen zu studieren. Obwohl Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie nützliche Informationen über die durchschnittliche Kristallstruktur eines Materials liefert, ist die Technik begrenzt, wenn amorphe und/oder ungeordnete Strukturen sowie Materialien auf der Nanoskala in Frage kommen. Um dies zu erreichen, spielt die Paarverteilungsfunktion (PDF), die durch Fourier-Transformation von Gesamtstreuungsdaten erhalten wird, eine wichtige Rolle. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Kombination von XRPD und PDF umfassendere Informationen liefert

    Low Temperature Formation of Ruddlesden–Popper-Type Layered La<sub>2</sub>CoO<sub>4±δ</sub> Perovskite Monitored via In Situ X-ray Powder Diffraction

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    In this contribution low temperature formation of Ruddlesden–Popper (RP)-type layered La2CoO4±δ perovskite was optimized via in situ X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). Starting from LaCoO3 a stoichiometric transformation to La2CoO4±δ and CoO can be achieved by controlled reduction with H2. The challenge of this reaction is the use of appropriate amounts of H2 in a defined temperature region. If the amount of H2 is too high, complete reduction of the perovskite occurs. If temperatures are not appropriate, intermediate phases seem to hinder the transformation La2CoO4±δ or lead to a complete decomposition to simple oxides. Based on in situ XRPD experiments, the temperature window and required amount of H2 for the transformation of LaCoO3 to La2CoO4±δ were determined. Systematic experiments reveal that 650 °C is the optimal temperature for the complete transformation of LaCoO3 into La2CoO4±δ and CoO/Co0. The information was then transferred to realize bulk synthesis of La2CoO4±δ at 650 °C in a tube furnace without extended heat treatments at elevated temperatures

    Klorofom ve halotana daldıran güta-perka ile oluşan subkutanöz doku reaksiyonlarının karşılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Yassı Kanallar standart bir güta-perka konun kolay adaptasyonuna izin vermezler. Bu tip kanallara bir ana konun uyumu çözücüye daldırma tekniği ile hazırlanan şekillendirilmiş bir konla sağlanabilir. Bu in vivo çalışmanın amacı çözücüye daldırılarak sıkıştırılan güta-perka tekniğinde kullanılan chloroform ve halotanın biouyumluluğunu değerlendirmekti. Gereç ve Yöntem: 21 adet Spraque Dawley cinsi rat kullanıldı. Kloroform veya halotana daldırılan güta-perka içeren teflon tüpler ratların sırt bölgesindeki deri altı bağ dokusuna implante edildi. Güta-perka ve boş teflon tüp her rata kontrol amacıyla implante edildi. Her rata farklı gruplardan dört implantasyon yapıldı. Gözlem dönemlerinden sonra (1, 4 ve 8 hafta) rotlar histopatolojik analiz için sakrifiye edildiler. Bulgular: Çalışmanın sonuçları 1 hafta sonra tüm implant tipleri için inflamatuar reaksiyonların orta ve şiddetli derecede olduğunu gösterdi. Reaksiyonların derecesi, 4 ve 8. haftalardan sonra azaldı. 8 hafta sonunda tüm implant tipleri için minimal veya hafif inflamatuar reaksiyonlar vardı. Sonuç: Tüm implantlar için inflamatuar reaksiyonların şiddeti zamanla azaldı. Chloroform ve halotana daldırılan güta-perka, kontrol güta-perka ve teflonla oluşan histopatolojik doku reaksiyonları arasında belirgin bir farklılık olmadığı görüldü.Aim: The flat canals don't lend themselves to the easy adaptation of a standardized gutta-percha cone. The adaptation of a master cone to these canals may be achieved with a customized cone, prepared by a solvent dip technique. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of chloroform and halothane, which are used in "solvent dip fitted gutta-percha technique". Materials and Methods: Twenty one Spraque Dawley rats were used. Teflon tubes containing gutta-percha softened with chloroform or halothane were implanted into the dorsal subcutaneous connective tissue of rats. Gutta-percha and an empty teflon tube were implanted to each rat for control. Four implants from different groups were placed to each rat. After the observation periods (1, 4 and 8 weeks) rats were sacrificed for histopathological analysis. Results: The results of the study demonstrated that the inflammatory reactions for all implant types were moderate or severe after one week. The degree of reactions was subsided after 4 and 8 weeks. There were minimal or mild inflammatory reactions for all implant types after 8 weeks. Conclusions: The severity of inflammatory reactions for all implant types was decreased over time. It was concluded that there were no obvious microscopic differences among the histopathological tissue reactions caused by chloroform-dipped gutta-percha, halothane-dipped gutta-percha, control gutta-percha or teflon

    Monitoring the formation of PtNi nanoalloys supported on hollow graphitic spheres using in situ pair distribution function analysis

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    This article aims to address the formation and the structural disordering/ordering phenomena of PtNi nanoalloys supported on hollow graphitic spheres (HGSs) using pair distribution function (PDF) analysis under ex situ/in situ data collection conditions. Starting from small nanoparticles (10-15 Å in diameter) embedded in HGSs, structural changes were monitored during stepwise heating and cooling of the sample using in situ PDF analysis. In order to evaluate the conventional synthesis route for the production of PtNi nanoalloys supported on HGSs, ex situ PDF experiments were performed before and after heat treatment in a furnace. The studies demonstrate that the local structure of the in situ synthesised PtNi nanoalloy differs from its ex situ synthesised counterpart. A partially ordered PtNi nanoalloy was obtained during the stepwise in situ cooling of the precursor, whereas the conventional ex situ synthesis route did not lead to the formation of an ordered crystal structure. In this study we could show that rapid heating and cooling results in a disordered PtNi alloy whereas slow heating and cooling leads to disorder-order transitions in PtNi

    Radyasyon Maruziyetinde Postmortem İncelemeler

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    Radyoaktif maddelerin tanı ve tedavi amaçlı kullanımları dışında, yaralama ya da öldürme amacıyla da kullanılma ihtimali bu konunun adlî tıp açısından değerlendirilmesini zorunlu kılmaktadır . Türk Ceza Kanunu'na göre; yaralanmaya neden olan etkenin vücutta meydana getirdiği hasarın ağırlık derecesi, mahkeme tarafından suçluya verilecek cezanın belirlenmesinde önem taşımaktadır. Kimyasal, biyolojik ve nükleer silâhlarla adam öldürme suçu Türk Ceza Kanunu'na göre “nitelikli kasten adam öldürme” kapsamında değerlendirilmekte ve ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapis cezasını öngörmektedir. Bu kapsamda, radyoaktif madde kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen öldürme eylemlerinde, ölüm nedeninin belirlenebilmesi için otopsi ve postmortem incelemelerin yapılması yasal olarak hekimlerden talep edilebilmektedir. Bu tür olguların otopsi işlemleri sırasında alman genel güvenlik önlemlerinin yanı sıra ek güvenlik önlemlerinin alınması gerekmektedir. Bu önlemler morg ve defin işlemlerini de kapsamalıdır. Radyasyondan korunma yöntemleri, radyoaktif maddenin fiziksel ve biyolojik olarak radyasyon yayım özelliği ile yarılanma ömrüne bağlıdır. Bu nedenle, otopsi öncesinde, radyasyon miktarı ölçülerek potansiyel risk değerlendirilmesi yapılmalı, gerektiğinde radyasyon güvenliği ile ilgili uzmanlardan yardım istenilmelidir. Bu yazıda radyoaktif madde içeren cesetlerde yapılacak postmortem incelemeler sırasında dikkat edilmesi gereken konular ele alınmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Radyoaktif elementler, otopsi, güvenlik, iş sağlığ

    Nutritional cardiomyopathy in a young camel (C.dromedarius).

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    Yavuz, Orhan (Aksaray, Yazar)Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de ilk kez 1.5 aylık dişi bir köşekte (deve yavrusu) (C. dromedarius) nutrisyonel kardiyomiyopati olgusunun makroskobik ve mikroskobik bulguları tanımlandı. Konya ili, Karatay İlçe Belediyesi, Hayvanat Bahçesi’nde ölü olarak bulunan deve yavrusunun nekropsisinde, sol epikardda daha belirgin olmak üzere her iki ventrikül ile interventriküler septumda solgun, beyazımsı renkte alanlara rastlandı. Akciğerler oldukça hacimli ve koyu kırmızı renkte, trake ve bronşlarda köpüklü sıvı vardı. Mediastinal ve bronşiyal lenf düğümlerinde büyüme, karaciğerde konjesyon ve tiroid bezinde büyüme gözlendi. Mikroskobik incelemede kalp kasında, hiyalin dejenerasyonu, zenker nekrozu ve yaygın kalsifikasyon, akciğerde konjesyon ile alveollerde yaygın ödem vardı. Karaciğerde hafif hiperemi, bağırsaklarda lamina epitelyaliste dejenerasyon ve deskuamasyon, propriyada nötrofil ve eozinofil granülosit infiltrasyonu gözlendi. Tiroid folliküllerinin epitellerinde hiperplaziye bağlı papiller uzantılar dikkati çekti. Bu bulgular ışığında deve yavrusunda ve/ veya annesindeki beslenme yetersizliği sonucunda beyaz kas hastalığı ve buna bağlı akciğerde dolaşım bozukluğu şekillendiği kanaatine varılarak, özellikle hayvanat bahçeleri gibi kapalı ortamlarda bakılan hayvanlara ilave vitamin ve mineral takviyesi yapılmasının uygun olacağı önerilmiştir.In this report, macroscopical and microscopical findings of nutritional cardiomyopathy were firstly described in a 1.5 month old female calf-camel in Turkey. At the necropsy of the young camel, which was found as dead in Konya Karatay Municipality Zoo, pale, whitish colored areas were seen on the epicardium of heart ventricules and interventricular septum. The pale areas were more prominent in the left heart ventricle. Lung was fairly volumed and dark reddish colored, and there was foamy fluid in trachea and bronchi. Mediastinal and bronchial lymph nodes were enlarged, and cut surfaces were dark red colored. Congestion in the liver and enlargement in thyroid glands were also observed. In microscopical examination of the heart muscle, hyaline degeneration, Zenker’s necrosis and widespread calcification were determined. In lung, diffuse congestion and edema in alveoli were found. Mild hyperemia in sinusoids of the liver, degeneration and desquamation of lamina epithelialis, neutrophil and eosinophil granulocyte infiltration in lamina propria in small intestine were noticed too. Papillary extensions in epithelium of thyroid follicles due to epithelial hyperplasia were observed. It was concluded from these findings that inadequate nutrition probably caused white muscle disease, resulting in blood circulation disorder in lungs, in the young camel. So, it is advisable to have a vitamin and mineral supplement to animal especially within the enclosed areas like zoos

    The preventive effects of different doses of Glucomannan on experimental aflatoxicosis in Japanese quails

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    Yavuz, Orhan (Aksaray, Yazar)This experimental study was performed to investigate whether there is a protective effect of different doses of Glucomannan using against aflatoxicosis in Japanese quail, and pathological changes and relative organ weights were compared. In the experiment, 60 one-day old male Japanese quails were used as divided into six different groups. Experimental groups were designated as Control(C), aflatoxin(A), glucomannan(GM), 2-fold dose of glucomannan(2GM), aflatoxin+glucomannan(A+GM) and aflatoxin+2-fold dose of glucomannan(A+2GM). While control group quails fed the standard ration as ad libitum, other groups were fed with the administrations additionally to standard diet respectively; 2mg/kg of aflatoxin to group A, 1g/kg of glucomannan to group GM, 2g/kg of glucomannan to group 2GM, 2mg/kg of aflatoxin and 1g/kg glucomannan to group A+GM, 2mg/kg of aflatoxin and 2g/ kg glucomannan to group A+2GM. All quails were euthanized at day 21 of the study and organs, (liver, spleen, kidney, thymus and bursa of Fabricius) were removed, weighed and subjected to routine histopathological procedures. Although any important macroscopic changes were not observed in the C, GM and 2GM groups, significant pathological changes were found in the groups of A, A+GM and A+2GM. In the A+GM group, the partial reduction in the severity of microscopic lesions were seen in liver, bursa of Fabricius, thymus and spleen, however a significant reduction in severity of lesions was noticed in A+2GM group. As a result of the study, 2g/kg of glucomannan has been found pathologically to be more effective than 1g/kg glucomannan in terms of the protection against aflatoxicosis by giving orally. © 2017, Fundacao APINCO de Ciencia e Tecnologia Avicolas. All rights reserved