24 research outputs found

    Does jumping conducted before the swimming start elicit underwater enhancement?

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    The effects of pre-activation exercises on undulatory underwater swimming (UUS) have not been studied. This research aimed to: 1) assess the effects of a jumping-exercise strategy upon UUS performance and kinematics variables; 2) test the different effects on males and females, and; 3) to explore if stronger participants exhibit greater post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE). Ninety-two age-group national level swimmers randomly assigned into control (17 males and 18 females) and experimental groups (27 males and 30 females) took part in a cross-sectional study designed to test two maximal 15-m UUS performance efforts. The experimental group performed four maximal tuck jumps before the first or the second UUS effort. Performance and kinematics variables were analyzed using instantaneous velocity data via speedometer. Maximal lower-limbs force was obtained during a countermovement jump through a linear-encoder. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA test and linear regression analysis were used to explore variable interactions between baseline and PAPE, and the association between the PAPE response and strength of the swimmers, respectively. Despite trends toward improvements in push-off velocity (Δ = 1.33%; d = 0.12), the results did not show enhancements nor deterioration in UUS performance and kinematics after the tuck jumps. No specific PAPE responses modulated by sex or by the strength level of the swimmers were observed for this age-group (p < 0.05). Four tuck jump repetitions executed prior to diving could be insufficient to acutely enhance UUS performance. The fact that the exercise performed during warm-up was a body-weight based exercise, was possibly not enough to evoke PAPE

    Percepción del alumnado universitario acerca del uso e integración de las TIC en el proceso educativo de la Facultad de Educación de Granada

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    The best way to settle in the current society of knowledge and information, is to conform to the demands and assume the profits of ICT, fostering the possibilities to innovate and transform educational spaces, the same as teaching strategies and resources, in order to make competent graduates who can gain access to the labour market.  According to this, the following research tries to discover the perception of students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Granada (Spain) about the use of ICT in educational processes depending on the way that teachers introduce these tools. We used enquiries and interviews to conclude that, next to the introduction use of ICT, their attitude was quite positive, demanding a better teacher training with respect to virtual tool.La manera de poder adaptarse a la sociedad actual del conocimiento y la información, es adaptarse a las exigencias y adoptar los beneficios que las TIC presentan, estableciendo la posibilidad de innovar y transformar los espacios académicos, así como las estrategias y materiales pedagógicos para hacer universitarios competentes frente a la sociedad actual y al mercado laboral.En base a esto, el presente estudio, pretende conocer la percepción de alumnos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Granada acerca del uso de las TIC en los procesos educativos en relación a la integración de dichas herramientas por parte del profesorado. Se empleó como instrumentos de recogida de datos el cuestionario y la entrevista, concluyéndose que la actitud ante la integración y uso de las TIC es bastante positiva demandándose una mayor formación por parte del profesorado en herramientas virtuales

    Momento Económico (33)

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    En este número Temas de hoy, 2/ La apertura comercial en 1987, hacia una evaluación preliminar Arturo Ortiz Wadgyrnar, 3/ El presupuesto para 1988: ¿Hasta cuando el peso de la Deuda? Constantino Pérez Morales, 6/ Los bonos cupón cero: una opción fuera de tiempo, Jesús Rivera de la Rosa, 10/ El transporte de la ciudad: retos actuales y futuros Bernardo Navarro Benítez, 12/ La economía mexicana en el final de un sexenio de crisis Raúl González Soriano, 13/ Canasta alimenticia del trabajador universitario Magdalena Alba, Ana Luisa González, María Eugenia Santillan y otras, 15

    Adherence to recommended intake of pulses and related factors in university students in the UniHcos project

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    [EN] Pulses such as peas, beans or lentils are one of the most complete foods at the nutritional level; however, they are one of the most often neglected foods in the diets of university students. Entrance to university translates into a major lifestyle change for many young people, and the habits acquired or cemented at this time will remain into adulthood. The objective of this study is to analyse the association between personal/sociodemographic factors, dietary intake of other food groups and the consumption of pulses in first-year university students. This cross-sectional study is part of the UniHcos project, a multicentre study of multipurpose prospective cohorts in eleven Spanish universities. Data from 9862 university students were collected through an online self-questionnaire completed by all students who met the selection criteria and agreed to participate in the project during the 2011–2018 academic years. Of students, 75·8 % presented an inadequate (≤2 times/week) consumption of pulses. Living outside the family home in either a student residence (OR 0·76; 95 % CI 0·69, 0·84) or rental (OR 0·81; 95 % CI 0·70, 0·95) decreased the compliance with recommendations on the consumption of pulses. Low consumption of pulses is seemingly not restricted to a specific profile or dietary pattern among university students, and no specific focus group for intervention can be identified. Policies promoting the consumption of pulses among the university population as a whole are necessary to increase compliance rates with the dietary recommendations.S

    Changes in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 among First-Year University Students in Spain, considering the risk of problematic use – UniHcos Project

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    Journal Pre-proof[EN] The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on prevalence rates and self-reported changes in patterns of alcohol use among first-year university students in Spain, considering the risk of problematic alcohol use. A serial cross-sectional study based on the uniHcos project was carried out. Data from 10,518 first-year university students (73.3% female, mean age 19 (SD=1.6)) collected between 2012 and 2022 were analysed. The evolution of the pooled prevalence rates during the time series was analysed and the risk of problematic alcohol consumption was assessed using the AUDIT. Also, self-reported changes in alcohol use patterns during the pandemic were assessed. According to the results, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the prevalence of alcohol use in the past 30-days was reduced (76.3% in 2019 vs. 63.7% in COVID-19) and increased again in the New Normal period. Thus, a similar pattern in the practice of binge drinking was observed. Regarding the AUDIT score, 21.7% (95%CI 20.9, 22.6) of the students had harmful alcohol consumption, with a higher proportion among males. In the multivariable logistic models, a higher AUDIT score was significantly associated (p-value<0.001) with being male and living with roommates. According to self- reported changes in consumption patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic, a higher proportion of participants with harmful use reported an increase in alcohol consumption compared to those at low-risk (43% vs 19%). Finally, despite the overall reduction in drinking prevalence during COVID-19, changes were not equal for all students and depended on their previous level of problematic drinking, highlighting that this should be considered in the development of strategies against alcohol use in this population.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Declared experiences of risky sexual behaviors in relation to alcohol consumption in the first year of college

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    Fundamentos: En universitarios, el consumo de alcohol de mayor riesgo (borracheras y binge drinking (BD), tiene consecuencias negativas sobre su desarrollo y probablemente facilita conductas sexuales de riesgo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar si las conductas sexuales de riesgo al consumir alcohol (CSRA) se asocian a los consumos de mayor riesgo. Métodos: Estudio multicéntrico transversal con datos del Proyecto uniHcos, de universitarios de 1er año de 11 universidades españolas, entre los cursos 2011-2012 y 2017- 2018. Datos recogidos mediante cuestionario autoadministrado. Se realizó un análisis uni y bivariable, evaluando la significación estadística de las diferencias de prevalencia con chi-cuadrado. Se utilizó media y desviación típica para variables cuantitativas y como estadístico de contraste t de Student. Resultados: 9.862 participantes (72,2% mujeres). El 90,3% consumió alcohol y el 60,9% tuvo borracheras en último año; el 49% tuvo BD en el último mes. El consumo en el último mes y las borracheras fueron mayores en hombres y < 21 años. Las CSRA fueron superiores entre los que se emborracharon (15,7% sexo sin protección, 1,9% abuso sexual y 0,7% aprovecharse sexualmente) y consumieron en BD (17,1%, 1,9% y 0,7%). Las mujeres con ambos consumos de riesgo presentaron más abusos sexuales (2,2%), y los hombres fueron quienes más se aprovecharon sexualmente de otros (borracheras:1,2%; BD: 1,3%). Conclusiones: El consumo de alcohol está por encima de grupos similares. El BD tiene un patrón similar por género y edad. Las CSRA se asocian a los consumos de mayor riesgo, no detectándose en este grupo diferencias por género en sexo sin protección, sí en otras CSRA.Objective: In college students, higher risk alcohol consumption (drunkenness and binge drinking-BD) has negative consequences on their development and and probably facilitates risk sexual behaviors. The objective was to study if risky sexual behaviors when consuming alcohol (RSBA) are associated with higher risk consumption. Methods: Cross-sectional multicenter study with UniHcos Project, 1st year university students from 11 universities in Spain, academic years 2011-2012 to 2017-2018 data. This data were collected by self-administered questionnaire. A uni and bivariate analysis was performed, evaluated the statistical significance of the differences in prevalence with chi-square. Mean and standard deviation were used for quantitative variables and Student's t test statistic was used. Results: 9,862 subjects (72.2% women). 90.3% reported having consumed alcohol and 60.9% had drunk the last year, 49% BD in last month. It was deteded in men, significantly higher consumption in the last month and drunkenness. Last month consumption and drunkenness were significantly higher in men and in <21 years. The RSBA were significantly higher among who were drunk (15.7% unprotected sex, 1.9% sexual abuse and 0.7% taking sexual advantage) and had BD (17.1%, 1.9% and 0.7 %). Women with both risk consumptions had more sexual abuse (2.2%), and men had greater behaviors of taking sexual advantage of someone (drunk: 1.2%; BD: 1.3%). Conclusions: Alcohol consumption was above similar groups. BD consumption was similar by gender and age. Risk sexual behaviors appear mainly in problematic consumption. Gender differences are not detected in alcohol consumers in unprotected sex but deteded in the rest.Financiación: El estudio ha sido financiado por el Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas del Ministerio de Salud, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Convocatoria de 2010 y de 2013. (Códigos: 2010/145 and 2013/034) y por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III a través de la convocatoria del FIS (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria) de 2016 (PI16/01947)

    Menstrual Problems and Lifestyle among Spanish University Women

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    [EN] Menstrual problems affect many young women worldwide, conditioning both their academic performance and quality of life. This study sought to analyse the prevalence of menstrual problems and their possible relationship with lifestyle among Spanish university women, as part of a research project (UniHcos Project) involving a cohort of 11 Spanish universities with 7208 university students. A descriptive analysis was performed using the bivariate chi-square test and the Student’s t-test together with a binary logistic regression, in which the dependent variable was ‘suffering from menstrual problems’. Menstrual problems were identified in 23.8% of the students, representing women who paid more visits to the doctor and to emergency rooms, and who consumed more painkillers and contraceptives. In relation to dietary preferences, menstrual problems were 1.39 (CI 95% 1.22–1.61; p = 0.000) times more likely among women classified as high-risk alcohol users according to the AUDIT questionnaire, and 1.187 (CI 95% 1.029–1.370; p = 0.019) times greater among those who consumed sweets daily, 1.592 (CI 95% 1.113–2.276; p = 0.011) times more frequent among those who eat fish daily, and 1.199 (CI 95% 1.004–1.432; p = 0.045) times greater among those who were dieting. Menstrual problems affect many college students and potentially modifiable lifestyle variables exist which may influence their prevalence. It would be interesting to develop programmes to promote women’s health in the university context.S

    Discriminación y su relación con las conductas de riesgo y la salud percibida en estudiantes universitarios españoles: un estudio transversal

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    [ES] Fundamentos: La discriminación durante los momentos vitales, como el periodo universitario, puede generar un alto impacto en la conducta y en el estado de salud de las personas. El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la posible asociación de la discriminación con la salud percibida y con distintas conductas de riesgo, así como describir las diferencias de género en estudiantes universitarios españoles. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con datos de estudiantes universitarios de primera matrícula de primer curso de 11 universidades españolas (n=9.862). Se valoró la discriminación, la salud percibida, el consumo de alcohol, el hábito tabáquico, el consumo de sustancias ilegales, el tiempo de ocio conectado a internet, la práctica de relaciones sexuales de riesgo, la función familiar, el riesgo de problemas de salud mental y el riesgo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Se obtuvieron las prevalencias con sus intervalos de confianza al 95% y para las variables cuantitativas la media y desviación estándar. Se calcularon las Odds Ratio con los intervalos de confianza al 95% para conocer la relación entre la discriminación y las otras variables. Resultados: Se encontró asociación entre la discriminación y una regular o mala salud percibida (OR: 1,7; p=0,0001), el consumo de sustancias ilegales (OR: 1,3; p=0,002), el uso problemático de internet (OR: 1,3; p=0,004), la disfunción familiar (OR: 1,8; p=0,0001), el riesgo de problemas de salud mental (OR: 1,9; p=0,0001) y de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (OR: 1,5; p=0,0001). En cuanto a las diferencias de género, se apreciaron mayores prevalencias de discriminación en hombres con estado de salud percibida como regular o peor (OR: 2,2; p=0,0001), disfunción familiar (OR: 1,8; p=0,0001), riesgo de problemas de salud mental (OR: 2,2; p=0,0001) y de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (OR: 1,9; p=0,002). Las mujeres, además de las variables anteriores, mostraron asociación de la discriminación con el consumo de sustancias ilegales (OR: 1,3; p=0,005) y el uso problemático de internet (OR: 1,4; p=0,002). Conclusiones: Los hallazgos del estudio subrayan que existe asociación entre la discriminación y las conductas de riesgo de los estudiantes universitarios españoles. A su vez, la discriminación se asoció con una mala o regular salud percibida, siendo esta relación similar tanto en hombres como en mujeres. | Background: Discrimination during vital moments, such as the university period, can generate a high impact on people’s behavior and health. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible association of discrimination with perceived health and with different risk behaviors, as well as to describe gender differences in Spanish university students. Discrimination during vital moments, such as college, can have a high impact on people’s behavior and health. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with data from first-year university students from 11 Spanish universities (n=9,862). Discrimination, perceived health, alcohol consumption, smoking, consumption of illegal substances, leisure time connected to the Internet, risky sexual relations, family function, risk of mental health problems and risk of eating disorders were assessed. Prevalences with their 95% confidence intervals were obtained and for quantitative variables the mean and standard deviation were calculated. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated to determine the relationship between discrimination and the other variables. Results: An association was found between discrimination and fair or poor perceived health (OR: 1.7; p=0.0001), consumption of illegal substances (OR: 1.3; p=0.002), problematic internet use (OR: 1.3; p=0.004), family dysfunction (OR: 1.8; p=0.0001), risk of mental health problems (OR: 1.9; p=0.0001) and eating disorders (OR: 1.5; p=0.0001). Regarding gender differences, higher prevalence of discrimination was observed in men with health status perceived as fair or worse (OR: 2.2; p=0.0001), family dysfunction (OR: 1.8; p=0.0001), risk of mental health problems (OR: 2.2; p=0.0001) and eating disorders (OR: 1.9; p=0.002). Women, apart from the previous variables, presented association of discrimination with consumption of illegal substances (OR: 1.3; p=0.005) and problematic internet use (OR: 1.4; p=0.002). Conclusions: The study findings underline that there is an association between discrimination and risk behaviors among Spanish university students. In turn, discrimination was associated with poor or fair perceived health, this relationship being similar in both men and women.SIPlan Nacional sobre DrogasInstituto de Salud Carlos II

    Consumo de drogas ilegales, apoyo familiar y factores relacionadosen estudiantes universitarios. Un estudio transversal basado en datosdel Proyecto uniHcos

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    Objective: To assess the prevalence of illegal drug use in college students on any previous occasion, duringthe previous year and the previous month, and to analyze the relationship between illegal drug use andfamily support and other factors.Methods: A cross-sectional study using data from students participating in the uniHcos project (n = 3767)was conducted. The prevalence and age of onset of consumption of cannabis, non-prescription sedatives,stimulants and depressants was evaluated. Polyconsumption was also assessed. The independent vari-ables were: family support, age, residence, and employment status. To determine the factors related todrug use multivariate logistic regression models stratified by gender were fitted.Results: Differences between men and women in prevalence of illegal drug use except non-prescriptionsedatives were observed. In both genders, less family support was associated with higher consumptionof all drugs, except depressants, and with polyconsumption. To be studying and looking for work wasrelated to cannabis and stimulant use and to polyconsumption among women, but only to cannabis useamong men.Conclusions: These results support the notion that the start of university studies is a particularly relevantstage in the onset of illegal drug use and its prevention, and that consumption may be especially associatedwith family support.Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia del consumo de drogas ilegales en estudiantes universitarios y analizarla relación entre dicho consumo, el apoyo familiar y otros factores.Método: Se realizó un dise?no transversal basado en datos de participantes en el proyecto uniHcos (n =3767). Se evaluaron la prevalencia y la edad de inicio del consumo de cannabis, tranquilizantes sin receta,estimulantes y depresores, y el policonsumo. Como variables independientes se consideraron el apoyofamiliar, la edad, la residencia y la situación laboral. Para la determinación de los factores asociados alconsumo de drogas se ajustaron modelos de regresión logística estratificados por sexo.Resultados: Se observaron diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en la prevalencia del consumo de todaslas drogas ilegales, excepto tranquilizantes sin receta. En ambos sexos, cuanto peor apoyo familiar, mayorconsumo de todas las drogas, excepto depresores y policonsumo. Encontrarse estudiando y buscandotrabajo se relacionó con el consumo de cannabis, estimulantes y policonsumo en las mujeres, y solo concannabis en los hombres.Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio aportan nueva evidencia a favor de que el inicio de la etapauniversitaria es un momento de especial relevancia en el inicio del consumo de drogas ilegales y suprevención, pudiendo este consumo estar especialmente relacionado con el apoyo familiar