75 research outputs found

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    The Effects of a Performance-Based Training Program on Subsequent Teacher Effectiveness as Rated by School Principals

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    Introduction. The Performance-Based Teacher Education movement is attracting an increasing number of followers. Although there are many concerns yet to be revised, the potential advantages render this one of the most promising educational movements of recent times. Since the movement is somewhat in its beginning stages, the major impact of this type of program is yet to be determined. Problem. Many teacher education institutions, recognizing the problems that are in the traditional approaches to teacher education, have already begun to study and change their programs and courses toward a Performance-Based Teacher Education program. This being a relatively new approach to teacher education, data based knowledge is needed concerning this type of program. There is an immediate need for techniques which would allow skills the trainees possess to be evaluated, and also techniques which would provide training in those skills that are lacking in the trainees. Procedures. A questionnaire was sent out to principals of twenty-nine teachers in the Blackhawk and Buchanan counties in Iowa, who had completed either a tutorial practicum (one to one student-child relationship) or both a tutorial and group practicum at the University of Northern Iowa. The questionnaire consisted of fourteen questions. The principals were also asked to write statements with regard to what they perceived as a major part of evaluation concerning teachers, and were lacking in their respective teachers being surveyed. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed by comparing the two groups using the most appropriate statistic; the Mann-Whitney U test for significant differences, and a Chi-square test of goodness of fit. Results. A little over 82% of the questionnaires sent out were returned. Differences between the two groups which were significant beyond the .05 level were found, with higher ratings being given to the group of teachers who had taken both Phase I and Phase II. The chi-square test of goodness of fit yielded a significant 120.27, and was rejected at the .001 level with three degrees of freedom. Overall, the total population of subjects showed a higher rating than was expected of a normal population. Conclusions. The conclusions reached were that the majority of teachers who experienced either the tutorial practicum only or the tutorial and group practicum were perceived by their principals as above average teachers on the criteria rated. Teachers who successfully completed both the tutorial and group experiences were considered by their principals to be significantly better teachers (as defined by the questionnaire) than those who only received the tutorial experience

    A dynamical framework for the origin of the diagonal South Pacific and South Atlantic convergence zones

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    The South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) and South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) are diagonal bands of precipitation that extend from the equator southeastward into the Southern Hemisphere over the western Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, respectively. With mean precipitation rates over 5 mm day−1, they are a major component of the tropical and global climate in austral summer. However, their basic formation mechanism is not fully understood. Here, a conceptual framework for the diagonal convergence zones is developed, based on calculations of the vorticity budget from reanalysis and Rossby wave theory. Wave trains propagate eastward along the Southern Hemisphere subtropical jet, with initially quasi-circular vorticity centres. In the zonally sheared environment on the equatorward flank of the jet, these vorticity centres become elongated and develop a northwest-southeast tilt. Ray tracing diagnostics in a non-divergent, barotropic Rossby wave framework then explain the observed equatorward propagation of these diagonal vorticity structures toward the westerly ducts over the equatorial Pacific and Atlantic. The baroclinic component of these circulations leads to destabilisation and ascent ahead of the cyclonic vorticity anomaly in the wave, triggering deep convection because of the high sea surface temperatures in this region. Latent heat release then forces additional ascent and strong upper-tropospheric divergence, with an associated anticyclonic vorticity tendency. A vorticity budget shows that this cancels out the advective cyclonic vorticity tendency in the wave train over the SPCZ, and dissipates the wave within a day. The mean SPCZ is consequently comprised of the sum of these pulses of diagonal bands of precipitation. Similar mechanisms also operate in the SACZ. However, the vorticity anomalies in the wave trains are stronger, and the precipitation and negative feedback from the divergence and anticyclonic vorticity tendency are weaker, resulting in continued propagation of the wave and a more diffuse diagonal convergence zone

    Optical cavities for free electron lasers

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    HEV thermal management of high voltage battery with indirect air cooling and regarding customer performance

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    The automotive environment is quickly evolving due to increasingly stringent environmentalstandards and the gradual reduction of the volume of diesel motorized vehicles. The volumes of electrifiedvehicles are thus constantly growing and are brought to be more and more present in our streets. Thiselectrification of vehicles involves new specifics issues compared to conventional vehicles, depending on thedifferent levels of electrification, which includes notably Hybrid Electric Vehicles.Hybridization in cars is characterized by the addition of a electrical traction and/or electrical generation systemin addition to the conventional thermal engine. However, if the complexity of vehicles with thermal tractioncomes essentially from the internal combustion engine and its efficiency which are sometimes complex tooptimize, the complexity of electric traction is expressed on the other hand at the level of the battery whichsupplies high voltage electricity. Indeed, while an electric machine offers high efficiency and an easy control,the high voltage battery contains many issues linked to a complex chemistry which must be controlled, andcan be subject to overheating.This overheating phenomenon is particularly an issue on HEV, which have smaller batteries than BEV and PHEVapplications for a comparable power demand. The conception of an efficient high-voltage battery coolingsystem is therefore essential in order to avoid any danger of damaging the system or potential fires linked tothe overheating of the battery. The air cooling solution is the most common, but this could change with thenew standard of the Electric Vehicle Safety Global Technical Regulation (EVS-GTR) applicable in 2021prohibiting the rejection of the cooling air that was in contact with the battery cells inside the passengercompartment. Is this solution able to adapt in order to remain competitive with the water or air conditioningcooling solutions? This study's purpose is to bring an answer to this issue

    HEV thermal management of high voltage battery with indirect air cooling and regarding customer performance

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    The automotive environment is quickly evolving due to increasingly stringent environmentalstandards and the gradual reduction of the volume of diesel motorized vehicles. The volumes of electrifiedvehicles are thus constantly growing and are brought to be more and more present in our streets. Thiselectrification of vehicles involves new specifics issues compared to conventional vehicles, depending on thedifferent levels of electrification, which includes notably Hybrid Electric Vehicles.Hybridization in cars is characterized by the addition of a electrical traction and/or electrical generation systemin addition to the conventional thermal engine. However, if the complexity of vehicles with thermal tractioncomes essentially from the internal combustion engine and its efficiency which are sometimes complex tooptimize, the complexity of electric traction is expressed on the other hand at the level of the battery whichsupplies high voltage electricity. Indeed, while an electric machine offers high efficiency and an easy control,the high voltage battery contains many issues linked to a complex chemistry which must be controlled, andcan be subject to overheating.This overheating phenomenon is particularly an issue on HEV, which have smaller batteries than BEV and PHEVapplications for a comparable power demand. The conception of an efficient high-voltage battery coolingsystem is therefore essential in order to avoid any danger of damaging the system or potential fires linked tothe overheating of the battery. The air cooling solution is the most common, but this could change with thenew standard of the Electric Vehicle Safety Global Technical Regulation (EVS-GTR) applicable in 2021prohibiting the rejection of the cooling air that was in contact with the battery cells inside the passengercompartment. Is this solution able to adapt in order to remain competitive with the water or air conditioningcooling solutions? This study's purpose is to bring an answer to this issue

    The storage ring free electron laser

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    La Ta’ziyé ou une célébration iranienne de la passion de Husayn

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    Le 10 moharram 680 de notre ère, à Karbala en Irak, le petit-fils du Prophète Mohammad fut assassiné. Les chi’ites, particulièrement en Iran, célèbrent depuis le XVIe siècle cette tragédie en utilisant une forme devenue de plus en plus théâtrale. Au XIXe siècle, durant le règne des Qâdjâr, des lieux spécifiques furent construits pour présenter ce théâtre. On les appela tekkiyé. La scène y est centrale, de forme circulaire ou octogonale. La représentation visuelle de la tragédie originelle est encore aujourd’hui pour les spectateurs une manière de faire naître de sentiments de peine et de s’identifier avec l’imâm et martyre Hosayn.Nouri-Ortéga Manijeh. La Ta’ziyé ou une célébration iranienne de la passion de Husayn. In: Horizons Maghrébins - Le droit à la mémoire, N°58, 2008. Le théâtre arabe au miroir de lui-même - Œuvres de l’artiste marocain Hassan Bourkia et texte du romancier et critique d’art Edmond Amran El Maleh. pp. 159-165

    Étude du dichroïsme circulaire magnétique de la transition triplet-triplet à 685 nm du centre F2 dans KCl

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    The magnetic circular dichroism of the triplet-triplet transition of the F2 center in KCl at 685 nm has been investigated. The signal obtained shows a zero-order moment change corresponding to the 685 nm absorption band which can be well explained by a weak spin-orbit coupling between the fundamental 3Σ u and the excited 3Πu states arising via the mixing with surrounding ions. This result is in good agreement with the model of Silsbee, Farge and Ortéga describing the spin-orbit interaction between the 3Σ u and 1Πu states.Le dichroïsme circulaire magnétique de la bande d'absorption triplet-triplet à 685 nm du centre F2 dans KCl a été étudié. Le signal obtenu présente une composante de moment d'ordre zéro dont on peut rendre compte par un faible couplage spin-orbite entre l'état fondamental 3Σ u et l'état excité 3Πu, dû aux interactions avec des ions entourant les défauts. Ce résultat est tout à fait en accord avec le modèle de Silsbee, Farge et Ortéga, décrivant le couplage spin-orbite entre les états 3Σu et 1Πu
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