4 research outputs found

    A kreativitás fejlesztése digitális eszközökkel támogatott tanulási környezetben: Mit üzennek a kutatások az osztályterem számára és mikor hallgatnak?

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    A range of theoretical work has explored the potential of digital technologies to encourage creativity in education. Teachers themselves believe that such tools can be useful in promoting students’ creative capacities across the curriculum. At the same time, research has demonstrated that technology alone will not improve learning. Fostering creativity through technology can only be effective if there is an understanding of what creativity is, how it can be nurtured and how digital tools may support this process. The present paper offers a state of the art overview of the relationships among creativity, learning, and technology to aid the implementation of technology-enhanced creativity in the classroom.Számos elméleti munka mutatott rá arra, hogy digitális technológiák tulajdonságaik révén a kreativitás támogatásának fontos eszközévé válhatnak. A pedagógusok maguk is úgy vélik, hogy digitális eszközök segítségével jól fejleszthető a tanulói kreativitás. Ugyanakkor kutatások bizonyítják, hogy a digitális eszközök használata önmagában nem fokozza a tanulás eredményességét. Az ezen eszközökkel támogatott kreativitásfejlesztés is csak abban az esetben lehet hatásos, ha a tanulási folyamat tervezői és résztvevői értik, mi a kreativitás, hogyan fejleszthető, és képesek kiválasztani a fejlesztésben alkalmazható megfelelő digitális eszközöket. Tanulmányunk ebben kíván segítséget nyújtani a kreativitás, tanulás és digitális technológia összefüggéseit vizsgáló legfontosabb kutatások eredményeinek áttekintésével

    Mindfulness in a digital math learning game:Insights from two randomized controlled trials

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    BackgroundMindfulness practices enhance executive function skills and academic achievement, spurring interest in integrating mindfulness interventions into education. Embedding mindfulness practice into a digital math game may provide a low-cost, scalable way to induce mindfulness and boost game-based learning, yet this approach remains unexplored.ObjectivesWe investigated the learning benefits of integrating mindfulness exercises in a digital math learning game and examined how students' trait mindfulness might moderate the outcomes.MethodsTwo classroom studies were conducted with 404 5th and 6th grade students from six public schools in the U.S. (nStudy 1 = 227, nStudy 2 = 177). The two randomized controlled experiments assigned students to one of the three conditions: passive control (playing the digital learning game Decimal Point), story-enriched active control, or mindfulness-enriched condition. Trait mindfulness, learning gains, and in-game problem-solving (including problem-solving duration, error count and correctness after reminder) were assessed. Study 2 included a manipulation check to better understand the effects of the mindfulness intervention.ResultsFindings showed no significant differences in learning gains, problem-solving duration or error count among the conditions. Students' trait mindfulness did not moderate these outcomes. Mindfulness reminders in the mindfulness-enriched game led to more correct answers after errors than jokes in the story-enriched game. Study 2 revealed that we failed to induce higher state mindfulness through the mindfulness inductions.ConclusionsMindfulness prompts could be especially beneficial for students experiencing frustration during gameplay, warranting more exploration for digital game-based instruction. We highlight barriers and future directions for fostering mindfulness through computer-based instruction in classrooms