52 research outputs found

    Attempt to define the complexes of bat ectoparasites in the boreal palaearctic region

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    Attempt to Defi ne the Complexes of Bat Ectoparasites in the Boreal Palaearctic Region. Orlova, M. V., Orlov, O. L. — Th e article presents the most complete data on the distribution of ectoparasites in the boreal Palaearctics (gamasid mites of the genera Spinturnix, Macronyssus, and Steatonyssus, bat fl ies of the family Nycteribiidae, fl eas of the family Ischnopsyllidae) and its preferences for the hosts. On the basis of these data as well as the data for the resettlement of bats in Eurasia 30 species of boreal bat ectoparasites combined into three faunal complexes (Transpalaearctic, European-Ural and Siberian-Far East) and two groups (European-Ural species, penetrating to the east and Siberian-Far East, penetrating to the west). Th e boundary between the European-Ural and Siberian-Far East faunal complexes is situated presumably along the Irtysh River. Th e resulting zoning provides a new look at the parasitocenosis of ectoparasites in the taiga zone of the Palaearctics

    Contribution to the ectoparasite fauna of bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae, Rhinolophidae) of Crimea

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    New data are presented on the ectoparasite fauna of several species of vesper and horseshoe bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae, Rhinolophidae) of the Crimean Peninsula. In the studied territory, 11 species of ectoparasites (mites and insects) have been collected from 6 bat species; 2 of the ectoparasite species were new to Crimea. Findings of gamasid mites Ichoronyssus scutatus on an unusual host are discussed. The gamasid mite Spinturnix emarginatus (Acari: Mesostigmata: Gamasina) is described for the territory of Russia for the first time

    Some factors behind density dynamics of bat flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) ectoparasites of the boreal chiropterans: omitted predictors and hurdle model identification

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    We investigated density dynamics of three bat flies species (Diptera, Nycteribiidae): Penicillidia monoceros Speiser, 1900, Nycteribia quasiocellata (Theodor, 1966), Basilia rybini (Hurka, 1969) parasitized on two host species: pond bat, Myotis dasycneme (Boie, 1825), and eastern water bat, Myotis petax Hollister, 1912. Females of M. dasycneme have 3.4 (95 % CI 1.4–8.3) times higher odds of being infested, and in 2.4 (1.5–3.7) times higher average number of P. monoceros than males. Similarly, females of M. petax have 1.7 (1.2–2.4) times higher density of N. quasiocellata and/or B. rybini. We hypothesized an existence of host-sex-recognition mechanism in bat flies, providing it fine “ecological profit” due to sex-biased dispersal among adult host during wintering and the chance to infested a host offspring later (in summer). The decrease (due to mortality or emigration) in density of bat flies can be described as simple harmonic or S-shaped curve, and its “step” apparently corresponds to time of host pairing

    Peculiarities of the seasonal biology of ectoparasites of the Genus Spinturnix von Heyden, 1826 (Mesostigmata: Gamasina: Spinturnicidae) in the boreal zone of the Palearctic region

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    The most complete data on the peculiarities of seasonal biology of gamasid mites of the genus Spinturnix, which are ectoparasites of bats of the boreal zone of the Old World, are presented. Data on the dynamics of the sex and age structure of superpopulations of parasites throughout the year are presented; the infestation of various bat species is analyzed, and the factors affecting it are discussed. The main differences between the life cycles of the boreal and subboreal Spinturnicidae mites were revealed

    Integrative analysis of the human cis-antisense gene pairs, miRNAs and their transcription regulation patterns

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    Cis-antisense gene pairs (CASGPs) can transcribe mRNAs from an opposite strand of a given locus. To classify and understand diverse CASGP phenomena in the human we compiled a genome-wide catalog of CASGPs and integrated these sequences with microarray, SAGE and miRNA data. Using the concept of overlapping regions and clustering of SA transcripts by chromosome coordinates, we identified up to 9000 overlapping antisense loci. Four thousand three hundred and seventy-four of these CASGPs form 1759 complex gene architectures. We found that ∼35% (6347/18160) of RefSeq genes are overlapped with the antisense transcripts. About 30% of Affymetrix U133 microarray initial sequences map transcripts of ∼35% CASGPs and reveal mostly concordant expression in CASGPs. We found strong significant overrepresentation of human miRNA genes in loci of CASGPs. We developed a data-driven model of cross-talk between co-expressed CASGPs and DICER1-mediated miRNA pathway in normal spermatogenesis and in severe teratozoospermia. Specifically, we revealed complex SA structural–functional gene module composing the protein-coding genes, WDR6, DALRD3, NDUFAF3 and ncRNA precursors, mir-425 and mir-191, which could provide downregulation of ncRNA pathway via direct targeting DICER1 and basonuclin 2 transcripts by mir-425 and mir-191 in normal spermatogenesis, but this mechanism is switched off in severe teratozoospermia. The database is available from http://globalisland.bii.a-star.edu.sg/∼jiangtao/sas/index3.php?link =abou

    Національна доповідь про стан і перспективи розвитку освіти в Україні: монографія (До 30-річчя незалежності України)

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    The publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the state and development of national education over the 30 years of Ukraine’s independence, identifies current problems in education, ascertains the causes of their emergence, offers scientifically reasoned ways to modernise domestic education in the context of globalisation, European integration, innovative development, and national self-identification. Designed for legislators, state officials, education institutions leaders, teaching and academic staff, the general public, all those who seek to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian education in the context of civilisation changes.У виданні здійснено всебічний аналіз стану і розвитку національної освіти за 30-річний період незалежності України, визначено актуальні проблеми освітньої сфери, виявлено причини їх виникнення, запропоновано науково обґрунтовані шляхи модернізації вітчизняної освіти в умовах глобалізації, європейської інтеграції, інноваційного розвитку та національної самоідентифікації. Розраховано на законодавців, державних управлінців, керівників закладів освіти, педагогічних і науково-педагогічних працівників, широку громадськість, усіх, хто прагне підвищення конкурентоспроможності української освіти в контексті цивілізаційних змін

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise. © 2015

    Contribution to the ectoparasite fauna of bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae, Rhinolophidae) of Crimea

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    New data are presented on the ectoparasite fauna of several species of vesper and horseshoe bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae, Rhinolophidae) of the Crimean Peninsula. In the studied territory, 11 species of ectoparasites (mites and insects) have been collected from 6 bat species; 2 of the ectoparasite species were new to Crimea. Findings of gamasid mites Ichoronyssus scutatus on an unusual host are discussed. The gamasid mite Spinturnix emarginatus (Acari: Mesostigmata: Gamasina) is described for the territory of Russia for the first time