124 research outputs found

    HicieronHistoria: Brenda Milner

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    Brenda Milner es considerada la fundadora de la neuropsicología. Ha dedicado70 años de su vida a esta disciplina que estudia la relación entre el cerebro y el comportamiento. En concreto, la neuropsicología estudia cómo un daño o enfermedad en el sistema nervioso central puede cambiar la manera en que aprendemos, pensamos, sentimos o nos comportamos y trata de reparar el daño

    “Cuanto más practiques, mejor lo harás”: evaluación multi-informante en el contexto de un curso e-learning

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    [EN] The objective of this work was to describe the process of multi-informant evaluation of an activity fot the resolution of clinical cases in an e-learning course with Edx platform. Possible differences in anxiety, self-efficacy and task performance were analyzed among the three informants: the students, their classmates and the professor. The students elaborated educational videos in which they solved a clinical case following the instructions of the professor. The evaluations were conducted independently with Google Forms. The results showed differences in the variables evaluated among the evaluations of the three informants. The peer and professor evaluations were more similar to each other, and differed from the students' self-assessments. Although the scores were acceptable, the students tended to self-evaluate more anxious and more negatively in their performance compared to the evaluations of the peers and the professor. Older students self-evaluated more negatively in terms of performance and self-efficacy than their younger peers. The multi-informant evaluation is applicable to other educational contexts to provide a more enriching vision of the learning process. We reflect on this pilot evaluation experience and propose some ideas for the future.[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el proceso de evaluación multi-informante de una actividad docente de resolución de casos clínicos en un curso e-learning con la plataforma Edx. Se analizan posibles diferencias en ansiedad, autoeficacia y desempeño de la tarea entre los tres informantes: los propios alumnos, sus compañeros y el profesor. Los alumnos elaboraron vídeos docentes en los que resolvían un caso clínico siguiendo las instrucciones del profesor. Las evaluaciones se realizaron independientemente con Google Forms. Los resultados arrojaron diferencias entre las evaluaciones de los tres informantes en las variables evaluadas. Las evaluaciones de los compañeros y de los profesores fueron más similares entre sí, y se diferenciaron de las autoevaluaciones de los alumnos. Aunque las calificaciones fueron notables, los alumnos tendieron a autoevaluarse más ansiosos y más negativamente en su ejecución respecto a las valoraciones de los compañeros y el profesor. Los alumnos de mayor edad se autoevaluaron más negativamente en términos de desempeño y autoeficacia que los compañeros de menor edad. La evaluación multi-informante es aplicable a otros contextos educativos para aportar un visión más enriquecedora del proceso de aprendizaje. Se reflexiona sobre esta experiencia piloto de evaluación y se proponen algunas ideas para el futuro.El Programa de Innovación Educativa Universitaria (PIEU-UMH 2017-18) de la Universidad Miguel Hernández, España (Ref. PIEU2017/24), ha apoyado económicamente este trabajo.Morales, A.; Orgilés, M. (2018). “Cuanto más practiques, mejor lo harás”: evaluación multi-informante en el contexto de un curso e-learning. En IN-RED 2018. IV Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1024-1033. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2018.2018.8856OCS1024103

    Procedimientos psicológicos para el afrontamiento del dolor en niños con cáncer

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    Pain is one of the most common symptoms and more disabling in childhood cancer. Some medical treatments and diagnostic procedures are very intrusive and children with cancer consider them even more painful than the disease. The aim of this paper is to carry out a review on the pain in pediatric patients with cancer, stating the most common assessment procedures and techniques of psychological intervention. The characteristics and implementation procedure of breathing control, relaxation training, distraction, visualization, contingency management and hypnosis are reviewed. Therefore, several studies about the efficacy of each psychological technique for reducing pain in children with cancer are considered.El dolor es uno de los síntomas más frecuentes y a la vez más incapacitantes del cáncer infantil. Algunos procedimientos diagnósticos y tratamientos médicos son muy intrusivos y los niños los consideran incluso más dolorosos que la propia enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo es llevar a cabo una revisión sobre el dolor en el niño oncológico, exponiendo los procedimientos de evaluación y las técnicas de intervención psicológica más habituales. Se exponen las características y el procedimiento de aplicación de la respiración y relajación, distracción, visualización, manejo de contingencias e hipnosis. Asimismo, se revisan diversos estudios llevados a cabo que muestran la eficacia de las técnicas psicológicas de intervención en el dolor en cáncer infantil

    Risco sexual em adolescentes de acordo com a idade de debute sexual

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    En España los jóvenes debutan sexualmente antes que en otros países; sin embargo, poco se sabe de la relación entre la edad de debut sexual y el comportamiento sexual en esta población. Se analizan las prácticas sexuales y el uso del preservativo según la edad de debut sexual en adolescentes españoles sexualmente experimentados (N = 351); la edad media fue 15.9 años (DT = .75, rango: 14-18). Se establecieron tres grupos a partir de la edad de debut sexual informada: debut sexual temprano (anterior a los 15 años), promedio (15 años) y tardío (posterior a los 15 años). El grupo con debut sexual temprano practicó en mayor medida masturbación mutua, coito vaginal y sexo oral, con un número de parejas sexuales superior al resto. El uso del preservativo en la primera relación sexual, el porcentaje de uso y el uso consistente del preservativo fue inferior en el grupo debut sexual temprano respecto a los otros dos. El debut sexual anterior a los 15 años se asoció con mayor riesgo de contraer infecciones sexuales por déficit en el uso del preservativo y mayor exposición sexual. Los hallazgos de este estudio sugieren que la edad de debut sexual tiene implicaciones en la salud sexual de los jóvenes.In Spain young people have their first sexual intercourse at an earlier age than in other countries; however, little is known about the relationship between age of sexual debut and sexual behavior in this population. Sexual practices and methods of protection are analyzed depending on the age of sexual debut among Spanish adolescents who are sexually experienced (N = 351). The mean age was 15.9 years (SD = .75, range: 14-18). Three groups were formed according to the age of sexual debut reported: early sexual debut (earlier than 15 years), average (15 years) and late (later than 15 years). The early sexual debut group reported further mutual masturbation, vaginal intercourse and oral sex with a higher number of sexual partners than the rest. Condom use at first intercourse, percentage of use and consistent condom use was significantly lower in the early sexual debut group compared to the others. Sexual debut before 15 years old was associated with increased risk of sexual infections, deficit in condom use and increased sexual exposure. The findings of this study suggest that the age of sexual debut has implications for the sexual health in young people.Na Espanha os jovens debutam sexualmente antes que em outros países; porém pouco se sabe com respeito à relação entre idade de debute sexual e o comportamento sexual nesta população. Analisam-se as práticas sexuais e o uso do preservativo segundo a idade de debute sexual em adolescentes espanhóis sexualmente experimentados (N = 351); a idade média foi 15.9 anos (DT = .75, faixa: 14-18). Estabeleceram-se três grupos a partir da idade de debute sexual informada: debute sexual precoce (anterior aos 15 anos), média (15 anos) e tardio (posterior aos 15 anos). O grupo com debute sexual precoce praticou em maior medida masturbação mútua, coito vaginal e sexo oral, com um número de parceiros sexuais superior ao resto. O uso do preservativo na primeira relação sexual, a porcentagem de uso e o uso consistente do preservativo foi inferior no grupo de debute sexual precoce com respeito aos outros dois. O debute sexual anterior aos 15 anos foi associado com maior risco de contrair infecções sexuais por déficit no uso do preservativo e maior exposição sexual. Os descobrimentos deste estudo sugerem que a idade de debute sexual tem implicações na saúde sexual dos jovens

    One-Year Effects of Project EX in Spain: A Classroom-Based Smoking Prevention and Cessation Intervention Program.

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    BackgroundTobacco use prevalence rates are high among Spanish adolescents. Programming to counteract tobacco use is needed.Methods and findingsThe current study provides a one-year follow-up outcome evaluation of Project EX, an eight-session classroom-based curriculum. The intervention was tested using a randomized controlled trial with 1,546 Spanish students, involving three program and three control schools. Compared to the control condition, the program condition revealed a greater reduction in nicotine dependence (p < .05) and CO ppm levels (p < .001), and lower consumption of cigarettes at last month (p = .03).ConclusionsLong-term outcomes of the Project EX classroom-based program are promising for adolescent prevention and possibly cessation in Spain

    Nicotine Dependence as a Mediator of Project EX's Effects to Reduce Tobacco Use in Scholars.

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    In Spain, 44% of 14-18-year-olds have smoked, and 12.5% have smoked cigarettes in the last 30 days. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances, and can lead to serious addiction in adulthood with adverse consequences to one's health. School plays a relevant role in health promotion and preventing risk behaviors such as tobacco consumption. Despite the fact that some school-based tobacco cessation and prevention interventions prove to be effective for their purposes, there is a lack of understanding as to why these programs succeed or fail. This longitudinal study aims to test the nicotine dependence (ND) as a mediator of Project EX's effect - a tobacco-use cessation program developed for high school youth to reduce tobacco consumption in scholars. Six high schools located in the Mediterranean coast were randomized for the participation of the program (Spanish version of Project EX) or a waiting-list group with baseline, immediate-posttest, and 12-month follow-up assessments. At baseline, 1,546 adolescents aged 14-21 years old (mean age: 15.28; SD = 1.20; 46% were women) were evaluated by self-administered tests on tobacco consumption and ND. A biomarker of smoke inhalation - a measurement of exhaled carbon monoxide (ECM) - was used. Participants who were smokers (N = 501; 32%) were selected for this study. Mediation analyses were conducted using the PROCESS v2.12 macro for Windows. The significant criterion was p ≤ 0.05, and 5,000 samples were used for bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals. Results indicated that Project EX indirectly decreased the number of cigarettes smoked in the last month, the number of cigarettes smoked within the last 7 days, the number of daily cigarettes, and ECM level at 12-month follow up through decreasing the level of ND in the short-term. This is the first Spanish study that explores ND as a mediator of the long-term efficacy of Project EX to reduce tobacco consumption in adolescents. Results suggest that interventions that reduce ND at short-term are more likely to be successful to decrease tobacco use at long-term

    Effectiveness of psychological interventions for child and adolescent specific anxiety disorders: A systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses

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    Eficacia de las intervenciones psicológicas para el tratamiento de los trastornos específicos de ansiedad en niños y adolescentes: una revisión de revisiones sistemáticas y meta-análisis. Los trastornos de ansiedad son muy comunes en la infancia y adolescencia y repercuten negativamente en la vida del niño y la familia. Pese al aumento en el número de investigaciones centradas en estudiar la eficacia de las intervenciones psicológicas, hasta la fecha no se ha llevado a cabo una síntesis que haya dado cuenta de la eficacia de estas intervenciones para cada uno de los trastornos de ansiedad de manera específica. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis. Se realizaron búsquedas en cuatro bases de datos: MEDLINE (PubMed), PsycINFO, Web of Science (colección principal) y The Cochrane Library. Dos autores examinaron de forma independiente los artículos por título, resumen y texto completo, según unos criterios de inclusión y exclusión previamente establecidos. Dos autores evaluaron de forma independiente la calidad metodológica de las revisiones incluidas mediante AMSTAR-2. Se incluyeron cinco estudios. Cuatro incluyeron participantes con fobias específicas, ansiedad generalizada y ansiedad por separación y uno se centró en miedos nocturnos. Las intervenciones basadas en la terapia cognitivo conductual demostraron ser efectivas para el tratamiento de estos trastornos a corto y a largo plazo. La calidad metodológica de los estudios incluidos se clasificó como críticamente baja. Las intervenciones basadas en la terapia cognitivo conductual son eficaces para los trastornos de ansiedad en niños y adolescentes. Se discute la necesidad de mejorar la calidad metodológica y de aumentar los estudios centrados en la eficacia de los tratamientos para trastornos específicosAnxiety disorders are highly prevalent in children and adolescents. The associated functional limitations and the negative psychological consequences have led to increased research into effective psychological interventions. What is missing, however, is a comprehensive review of the literature addressing the effectiveness of these treatments for specific disorders. A systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses evaluating the effectiveness of psychological treatments for specific anxiety disorders in children and adolescents was performed. The study followed PRISMA guidelines. Four bibliographic databases were searched: MEDLINE (PubMed), PsycINFO, Web of Science (Core Collection), and The Cochrane Library. Two authors independently screened the articles by title, abstract, and full-text, according to established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two independent authors evaluated the methodological quality of the included reviews using AMSTAR-2. Five records were included in this systematic review. Four studies included children and adolescents with specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, and separation anxiety disorder and one focused solely on nocturnal fears. Cognitive behavioral therapy-based interventions have been shown to be effective for the treatment of these diagnoses in both short and long term. The methodological quality of the included studies was classified as critically low. Cognitive behavioral interventions are effective in treating specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, and separation anxiety disorder and nighttime fears in children and adolescents. The improvement of the methodological quality and the need for further studies focusing on the effectiveness of treatments for specific disorders are discusse

    Examining academic self-concept as a mediator of the relationship between anxiety and depression: A longitudinal study

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    Background Self-concept plays a role as a mediator in the development and maintenance of internalizing symptoms but mechanisms through which the early presence of anxiety symptoms is associated with the subsequent development of depression is unknown. The aim of this longitudinal study was to analyze the mediating role of different areas of self-concept in the relationship between the early development of anxiety symptoms and the later appearance of depressive symptoms. Methods A longitudinal study with 3 time-points was conducted, including baseline, 2 months and 12 months from the baseline assessment. A total of 217 children aged 8–12 years participated. Mediation analyses were conducted using PROCESS Macro for SPSS. Results Academic self-concept (Time 2) mediated the relationship between Anxiety (Time 1) and Depression (Time 3) when controlling for children's sex and, age, baseline value of the mediator, anxiety (at Times 2 and 3), and depression (at Times 1 and 2). Children with self-reports of higher anxiety symptoms (Time 1) presented lower Academic self-concept (Time 2). Children who reported lower levels of Academic self-concept and Family self-concept (Time 2) were more likely to develop depressive symptoms (Time 3). Conclusions Feeling competent in the school environment may be considered a protective factor against the development of depression in childhood. The identification of risk factors facilitates the development and implementation of preventive programs

    How does a CBT-based transdiagnostic program for separation anxiety symptoms work in children?: Effects of Super Skills for Life

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    ¿Es eficaz un programa transdiagnóstico basado en TCC para los síntomas de ansiedad por separación infantil? Resultados del programa Super Skills. Super Skills for Life (SSL) es un programa transdiagnóstico de origen anglosajón basado en la terapia cognitiva conductual, dirigido a tratar problemas emocionales infantiles. Se ha traducido e implementado en población española, logrando reducciones significativas en síntomas de ansiedad y depresión. El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar la eficacia a corto y largo plazo de SSL en escolares con ansiedad por separación. Participaron 86 niños hispanohablantes de 8 a 12 años, que fueron evaluados antes de recibir la intervención, inmediatamente después y 12 meses después. Los resultados indicaron mejoras estadísticamente significativas tanto en el problema principal, la ansiedad por separación, como en otros síntomas o problemas comórbidos (depresión, problemas de comportamiento, problemas con los compañeros, interferencia de ansiedad en la vida diaria, etc.). En general, los resultados muestran que el programa fue más efectivo a largo plazo que a corto plazo. Los hallazgos del estudio sugieren que SSL puede ser útil para tratar problemas emocionales en niños con ansiedad por separación. Se discuten las implicaciones prácticas de estos hallazgos.Super Skills for Life (SSL) is a transdiagnostic program of Anglo-Saxon origin based on cognitive behavioural therapy, aimed at treating emotional problems in children. It has been translated and implemented in the Spanish population, achieving significant reductions in anxious and depressive symptoms. The objective of the current study was to examine the short- and long-term efficacy of SSL in schoolchildren with separation anxiety. The program was attended by 86 Spanish-speaking children aged 8-12 years, who were evaluated before receiving the intervention, immediately after and 12 months later. Results indicated statistically significant improvements both in the main problem, separation anxiety and other comorbid symptoms or problems (depression, behaviour problems, problems with peers, interference of anxiety in daily life, etc.). Overall, the results show that the program was more effective in the long-term than in the short-term. The findings of the study suggest that SSL can be useful for treating emotional problems in children with separation anxiety. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed