17,151 research outputs found

    Reluctant Donors? The Europeanization of International Development Policies in the New Members

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    The EU played an instrumental role re-starting the international development policies in Central and Eastern European member states, but questions remain about how far this policy area has been Europeanized since accession. Focusing on the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, the paper investigates why the new donors have been reluctant to adopt the EU’s development acquis more fully. The paper traces the process of the EU’s development policy rulemaking and subsequent national rule implementation to understand the socialization opportunities these processes offer. The conclusions reveal thrre reasons why socialization has been weak: (1) perceptions among the new member states on the development acquis’ procedural legitimacy; (2) low domestic resonance with the development acquis; and (3) inconsistencies in the activities of norm entrepreneurs. The paper contributes to our understanding of development policy in the EU, in particular how decision making takes place within the Council and its Working Groups post enlargement

    Towards an Economy of Higher Education

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    This paper draws a distinction between ways thinking and acting, and hence of policy and practice in higher education, in terms of different kinds of economy: economies of exchange and economies of excess. Crucial features of economies of exchange are outlined and their presence in prevailing conceptions of teaching and learning is illustrated. These are contrasted with other possible forms of practice, which in turn bring to light the nature of an economy of excess. In more philosophical terms, and to expand on the picture, economies of excess are elaborated with reference, first, to the understanding of alterity in the work of Emmanuel Levinas and, second, to the idea of Dionysian intensity that is to be found in Nietzsche. In the light of critical comment on some current directions in policy and practice, the implications of these ways of thinking for the administrator, the teacher and the student in higher education are explored

    A systematic review of the association between nursing staff and nursing-sensitive outcomes in long-term institutional care

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    Aims To examine the association between type of nursing staff and nursing-sensitive outcomes in long-term institutional care. Design This systematic review included studies published in English, German, and Dutch between January 1997 and January 2020. Data sources The databases Medline (PubMed), CINAHL, PsycINFO, Embase, and the Cochrane Library were searched. Original quantitative studies were included. Review methods The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines were followed. The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist was used to critically appraise the reporting of the studies. Results Fifteen articles were included. Of 33 quality of care outcomes, 21 were identified as nursing-sensitive outcomes of which 13 showed a significant association with nursing staff, specifically: Activities of daily living, aggressive behavior, bladder/bowel incontinence, contractures, expressive language skills, falls, infection (including vaccination), range of motion, pain, pressure ulcers, and weight loss. However, studies reported inconsistent results regarding the association among RNs, LPNs, CNAs, and HCAs and these nursing-sensitive outcomes, evidence shows that more RNs have a positive impact on nursing-sensitive outcomes. As to the evidence regarding the other type of nursing staff, especially HCA, findings regularly showed a negative association. Conclusion Future research should be expanded with structure and process variables of which the mediating and moderating effect on nursing-sensitive outcomes is known. These may explain variances in quality of care and guide quality improvement initiatives. Researchers should consider fully applying Donabedian's structure-process-outcomes framework as it is a coherent entirety for quality assessment. Impact This review provides an overview of quality of care outcomes that are responsive to nursing interventions in long-term institutional care. As the effects can be monitored and documented, quality assessment should focus on these nursing-sensitive outcomes. The inconclusive results make it difficult to provide recommendations on who should best perform which care

    Editorial: work-life balance: a matter of choice?

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    Work–life balance has come to the forefront of policy discourse in developed countries in recent years, against a backdrop of globalization and rapid technological change, an ageing population and concerns over labour market participation rates, particularly those of mothers at a time when fertility rates are falling (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2004). Within the European Union the reconciliation of work and family has become a core concern for policy and encouraged debate and policy intervention at national levels

    The Exchange Rate and Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico

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    This paper analyzed the exchange rate and inward foreign direct investment (FDI) in Mexico from the 25 developed countries comprising the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Our empirical result does not support the significant relationship between exchange rate and exchange rate volatility to determine FDI in Mexico. The wages, export, and distance are found to be significant variables to determine FDI in Mexico which is supported by literatures.Exchange rate, Foreign direct investment, Mexico, OECD, International Relations/Trade,

    Assessing health efficiency across countries with a two-step and bootstrap analysis

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    Regressing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) output efficiency scores on nondiscretionary variables, with a two-stage DEA/Tobit and bootstrap procedures, we show that health inefficiency in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries is related to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per head, education level, obesity and smoking habits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mind the Gap: Mapping Skills in Higher Education Project Summary

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    The call for reform in higher education has been a focus of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for over a decade. This call for reform is driven by a stated “skills gap” between the skills of graduates and the needs of the labour market. Student groups have also voiced their concern about the skills gap and its impact on future employment

    Pengujian Toksisitas Akut Obat Herbal Pada Mencit Berdasarkan Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

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    Uji toksisitas perlu dilakukan pada suatu produk obat yang akan dipasarkan. Uji awal (screening test) ini sangat penting secara farmakologi dan toksikologi karena akan digunakan untuk pertimbangan penentuan dosis, rentang waktu pemberian dan aplikasinya. Superjamu yang diuji merupakan campuran herbal yang telah dibentuk menjadi sediaan cair dan diaplikasikan secara per oral. Metode pengujian toksisitas yang dipilih berdasarkan pedoman Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 423 (2002). Metode ini merupakan metode standar yang diakui oleh 33 negara Eropa yang merupakan anggota dari OECD. Kelebihan utama metode ini adalah sedikitnya penggunaan hewan model (mencit) serta waktu ujinya yangrelatif cepat. Sebanyak 9 ekor mencit betina umur 3 bulan dengan berat badan berkisar 25 g dibagi menjadi 3 perlakuan (n=3). Kelompok 1 diberi jamu dosis 300 mg/kb berat badan, kelompok 2 dosis 2000 mg/kg dan kelompok 3 (kontrol) diberi aquades 1 mL/ kg berat badan. Perberian jamu dilakukan per oral menggunakan spet bersonde setiap hari selama 14 hari. Tahap pertama masih terdapat kematian pada kelompok 2 dan gejala klinis berupa rambut berdiri, depresi dan gejala syarafi pada kelompok 1 sehingga dilanjutkan dengan uji kedua menggunakan dosis 50 mg/kg berat badan pada 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok perlakuan (KP) dan kelompok kontrol (KK) masing masing terdiri dari 3 ekor mencit, selama 14 hari. Hasil pengujian tahap kedua tidak ditemukan gejala klinis keracunan pada hewan coba. Kesimpulan dari pengujian ini adalah nilai dosis toksik jamu adalah > 50-300 mg/kg bb dan perkiraan dosis letal (LD50) adalah 200-300 mg/kg bb seperti disebutkan dalam Annex 2c: OECD/OCE

    Legal impact of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) in Colombia

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    El artículo diagnostica el impacto jurídico pro-veniente de la adhesión del Estado colombiano a la Organización para la Cooperación y el De-sarrollo Económico (OCDE). El denominado “Club de buenas prácticas” pondrá al Estado colombiano en la capacidad de dar cuenta de diferentes capítulos a través de cambios en la legislación con fines de política pública. La simbiosis entre el método descriptivo y expli-cativo materializan las implicaciones jurídi-cas planteadas en los 23 capítulos aprobados por la OCDE para Colombia y el componente metodológico depende de la capacidad de res-puesta del país frente a ellos. El desarrollo del artículo está enfocado a: i) diagnosticar el impacto jurídico de la OCDE sobre Colombia desde los 23 capítulos aprobados; ii) la capaci-dad de respuesta del Estado colombiano para incorporar las modificaciones jurídicas plan-teadas por la OCDE, y iii) el recibimiento que tendría la incorporación de la legislación re-querida en los sectores estratégicos del país. Palabras clave: buenas prácticas; comités OCDE; cooperación internacional; desarrollo económico; política pública; regulación inter-nacionalThis paper analyzes the legal impact drawn from the incorporation of Colombia as a mem-ber of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The so-called “Club of good practices” will grant the Colombian State the opportunity to ap-proach different chapters by making chang-es in the legislation towards public policy-making. A symbiosis between a descriptive and explanatory method materialize the le-gal implications set out in the 23 chapters approved by the OECD for Colombia and the methodological component depends on the re-sponse capacity of the country to them. The development of this paper is focused on: i) analyzing the legal impact of the OECD in Colombia in terms of the 23 chapters ap-proved; ii) determining the response capacity of the Colombian State to incorporate the le-gal changes raised by the OECD, and iii) the receipt that would be the incorporation of the legislation required in the strategic sectors of the country.Keywords: good practices; OECD committees; international cooperation; economic develop-ment; public policy; international regulatio