17 research outputs found
La falta de precisión del concepto de circunstancia de debilidad manifiesta frente a la contratación de los discapacitados, genera una segregación inversa
Con la presente monografía de grado se pretende realizar un análisis de la situación jurídica actual de los discapacitados en Colombia, frente a contratación laboral, identificando que la falta de claridad y precisión en la definición legal de ?debilidad manifiesta ?ha generado incertidumbre a la hora de vincular personal discapacitado, generando así una segregación inversa ya que se abre varias posibilidades de interpretación entre ellas que cualquier persona con limitación o disminución de su capacidad laboral puede ser sujeto del fuero laboral lo que trae como consecuencia que los empresarios Colombianos se abstengan de contratar personas con alguna discapacidad.With the present monograph grade is to perform an analysis of the current legal situation of disabled people in Colombia, compared to hiring, identifying the lack of clarity and precision in the legal definition of "manifest weakness" has created uncertainty for in linking disabled staff, thus generating an inverse segregation as several possibilities of interpretation between them is opened, anyone with limitation or reduction of their working capacity may be de subject of labor courts, which results in that the Colombian entrepreneurs refrain from hiring people disabilities.Abogado (a)Pregrad
Ovarian stroma secreting thyroid hormones in a 15-year-old female patient. Case Report
El Estroma ovárico es un tipo especializado de quiste dermoide ovárico en el que el tejido tiroideo constituye más del 50% de su composición y representa aproximadamente del 2% al 3% de todos los tumores dermoides. La mayoría son benignos, los cambios malignos ocurren sólo en el 0,5 al 10% de los casos. Los quistes benignos pueden presentarse como metástasis a distancia, lo que los hace biológicamente similares a los tumores malignos. Este fenómeno, también conocido como tumor del estroma peritoneal, se ha descrito sólo en unos pocos casos. Debido a que la cirugía para tumores benignos y malignos es muy diferente, la evaluación preoperatoria es muy importante. El tratamiento del bocio ovárico benigno es unilateral. Cirugía para extirpar tumores de ovario. Si se producen cambios malignos, se debe realizar una tiroidectomía total seguida de terapia con yodo radiactivo según el riesgo de recurrencia y la presencia de enfermedad metastásica.Se reporta paciente femenina de 15 años que acude por presentar dolor abdominal, localizado en región hipogástrica, se acompaña con náuseas y escalofríos motivo por el cual acude.Ovarian Stroma is a specialized type of ovarian dermoid cyst in which thyroid tissue makes up more than 50% of its composition and accounts for approximately 2% to 3% of all dermoid tumors. Most are benign, malignant changes occur only in 0.5 to 10% of cases. Benign cysts can present as distant metastases, making them biologically similar to malignant tumors. This phenomenon, also known as peritoneal stromal tumor, has been described in only a few cases. Because surgery for benign and malignant tumors is very different, preoperative evaluation is very important. The treatment of benign ovarian goiter is unilateral. Surgery to remove ovarian tumors. If malignant changes occur, a total thyroidectomy followed by radioactive iodine therapy should be performed depending on the risk of recurrence and the presence of metastatic disease. A 15-year-old female patient is reported to have presented with abdominal pain, located in the hypogastric region, accompanied by nausea and chills, which is why she came
El Tapir de montaña (Tapirus pinchaque), como especie bandera en los Andes del sur del Ecuador
La Carrera de Gestión Turística y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador Extensión Loja en conjunto con la Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco, desde agosto de 2015, vienen desarrollando actividades de monitoreo y conservación del tapir de montaña (Tapirus pinchaque) en los Andes del sur de Ecuador, específicamente en ambientes de bosque nublado y páramos de la Reserva Biológica Tapichalaca y zonas colindantes. Para ello se propuso la realización del presente proyecto que estableció un sistema de monitoreo de la especie mediante la utilización de cámaras trampa, así como un diagnóstico preliminar y mediante la observación directa de fecas y huellas, con el fin de generar datos poblacionales e imágenes únicas de esta especie en su hábitat natural e identificar los sitios más idóneos para observar estos animales en actividades de ecoturismo; además se creó un cuento didáctico en el que describe los principales aspectos ecológicos del tapir de montaña.
Palabras clave: Conservación biológica, especie bandera, tapir de montaña, Reserva Biológica Tapichalaca, Parque Nacional Podocarpu
Workflow for the generation of expert-derived training and validation data: a view to global scale habitat mapping
Our ability to completely and repeatedly map natural environments at a global scale have increased significantly over the past decade. These advances are from delivery of a range of on-line global satellite image archives and global-scale processing capabilities, along with improved spatial and temporal resolution satellite imagery. The ability to accurately train and validate these global scale-mapping programs from what we will call “reference data sets” is challenging due to a lack of coordinated financial and personnel resourcing, and standardized methods to collate reference datasets at global spatial extents. Here, we present an expert-driven approach for generating training and validation data on a global scale, with the view to mapping the world’s coral reefs. Global reefs were first stratified into approximate biogeographic regions, then per region reference data sets were compiled that include existing point data or maps at various levels of accuracy. These reference data sets were compiled from new field surveys, literature review of published surveys, and from individually sourced contributions from the coral reef monitoring and management agencies. Reference data were overlaid on high spatial resolution satellite image mosaics (3.7 m × 3.7 m pixels; Planet Dove) for each region. Additionally, thirty to forty satellite image tiles; 20 km × 20 km) were selected for which reference data and/or expert knowledge was available and which covered a representative range of habitats. The satellite image tiles were segmented into interpretable groups of pixels which were manually labeled with a mapping category via expert interpretation. The labeled segments were used to generate points to train the mapping models, and to validate or assess accuracy. The workflow for desktop reference data creation that we present expands and up-scales traditional approaches of expert-driven interpretation for both manual habitat mapping and map training/validation. We apply the reference data creation methods in the context of global coral reef mapping, though our approach is broadly applicable to any environment. Transparent processes for training and validation are critical for usability as big data provide more opportunities for managers and scientists to use global mapping products for science and conservation of vulnerable and rapidly changing ecosystems
Congenital leptin deficiency and leptin gene missense mutation found in two colombian sisters with severe obesity
Background: Congenital leptin deficiency is a recessive genetic disorder associated with severe early-onset obesity. It is caused by mutations in the leptin (LEP) gene, which encodes the protein product leptin. These mutations may cause nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, defective secretion or the phenomenon of biologically inactive leptin, but typically lead to an absence of circulating leptin, resulting in a rare type of monogenic extreme obesity with intense hyperphagia, and serious metabolic abnormalities. Methods: We present two severely obese sisters from Colombia, members of the same lineal consanguinity. Their serum leptin was measured by MicroELISA. DNA sequencing was performed on MiSeq equipment (Illumina) of a next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel involving genes related to severe obesity, including LEP. Results: Direct sequencing of the coding region of LEP gene in the sisters revealed a novel homozygous missense mutation in exon 3 [NM_002303.3], C350G>T [p.C117F]. Detailed information and clinical measurements of these sisters were also collected. Their serum leptin levels were undetectable despite their markedly elevated fat mass. Conclusions: The mutation of LEP, absence of detectable leptin, and the severe obesity found in these sisters provide the first evidence of monogenic leptin deficiency reported in the continents of North and South America. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
Proyecto de inversión para la producción y comercialización de productos derivados del banano (banano recubierto de chocolate con aderezos y dulce de banano) en el mercado ecuatoriano
This is an investment project that is based on the creation, production and commercialization of derived
products of the banana, having as main products the banana recovered by chocolate called “ChocoBanana”, and
a dessert call “Sweet of Banana”, which are not in the supermarkets, and they are not marketed internally in the
country, putting to the consumer's disposition a different alternative in flavor and presentation. The derived
products of the banana, they are those that can be elaborated with green or mature banana, in this case mature
banana it will be used, where a process will be continued for the elaboration of each product with a strict control
of quality. The “ChocoBanana” has a value added in front of those that elaborate other companies that are the
seasonings, since inside the Ecuadorian market there is not company that uses them in the “ChocoBanana”; for
that which is had the necessary and enough knowledge as for the production refers. The products are presented
like functional food by way of cold snack “ChocoBanana”, and of dessert “Sweet of Banana”, standing out the
benefits of the banana like matter prevails in whose description finds its high nutritious value, based on a healthy
diet for the consumer, in which will be potassium, glucose, vitamin A, B6, B12, iron among others
Nuevas Metodologías para el diagnóstico y la jerarquización de atractivos turísticos en el Ecuador
The Career of Gestión Turística y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad
Internacional del Ecuador – Extension of Loja, with the aiming to contribute significantly to
the tourism enlargement in the Province, the university is developing an integral research
project; thus, it has been considered as a general objective to propose alternatives for the
promotion of tourism opportunities in the sector under study. The work process has been
carried out in three phases: 1) Bibliographical compilation, 2) Survey of field information and
3) Hierarchy of attractions. The obtained results after this process are as follows: Catamayo
Tourist cadaster update, diagnosis of natural and cultural attractions of the area, and hierarchy
of attractions, using as a methodology the guide for the survey of tourist attractions of
Ecuador 2017, and Methodology guide for the Attractions Hierarchy, and generating tourist
spaces established by the Tourist Ministry of Ecuador.La Carrera de Gestión Turística y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador - Extensión Loja, con el afán de aportar significativamente al engrandecimiento turístico de la Provincia, está desarrollando un proyecto integral de investigación; por ello se ha considerado como objetivo general el proponer alternativas para la potenciación de las oportunidades turísticas del sector en estudio. El proceso de trabajo se ha llevado a cabo en tres fases: 1) Recopilación bibliográfica, 2) Levantamiento de información de campo y, 3) Jerarquización de atractivos.
Los resultados obtenidos después de este proceso son los siguientes: Actualización del Catastro Turístico del cantón Catamayo, diagnóstico de atractivos turísticos naturales y culturales del sector, y jerarquización de atractivos, empleándose como metodología la Guía para levantamiento de atractivos turísticos del Ecuador 2017, y Guía Metodológica para la Jerarquización de Atractivos y Generación de Espacios Turísticos del Ecuador establecida por el Ministerio de Turismo
El Tapir de montaña (Tapirus pinchaque), como especie bandera en los Andes del sur del Ecuador
La Carrera de Gestión Turística y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador Extensión Loja en conjunto con la Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco, desde agosto de 2015, vienen desarrollando actividades de monitoreo y conservación del tapir de montaña (Tapirus pinchaque) en los Andes del sur de Ecuador, específicamente en ambientes de bosque nublado y páramos de la Reserva Biológica Tapichalaca y zonas colindantes. Para ello se propuso la realización del presente proyecto que estableció un sistema de monitoreo de la especie mediante la utilización de cámaras trampa, así como un diagnóstico preliminar y mediante la observación directa de fecas y huellas, con el fin de generar datos poblacionales e imágenes únicas de esta especie en su hábitat natural e identificar los sitios más idóneos para observar estos animales en actividades de ecoturismo; además se creó un cuento didáctico en el que describe los principales aspectos ecológicos del tapir de montaña
Congenital leptin deficiency and leptin gene missense mutation found in two colombian sisters with severe obesity
Background: Congenital leptin deficiency is a recessive genetic disorder associated with severe early-onset obesity. It is caused by mutations in the leptin (LEP) gene, which encodes the protein product leptin. These mutations may cause nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, defective secretion or the phenomenon of biologically inactive leptin, but typically lead to an absence of circulating leptin, resulting in a rare type of monogenic extreme obesity with intense hyperphagia, and serious metabolic abnormalities. Methods: We present two severely obese sisters from Colombia, members of the same lineal consanguinity. Their serum leptin was measured by MicroELISA. DNA sequencing was performed on MiSeq equipment (Illumina) of a next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel involving genes related to severe obesity, including LEP. Results: Direct sequencing of the coding region of LEP gene in the sisters revealed a novel homozygous missense mutation in exon 3 [NM_002303.3], C350G>T [p.C117F]. Detailed information and clinical measurements of these sisters were also collected. Their serum leptin levels were undetectable despite their markedly elevated fat mass. Conclusions: The mutation of LEP, absence of detectable leptin, and the severe obesity found in these sisters provide the first evidence of monogenic leptin deficiency reported in the continents of North and South America. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
New global area estimates for coral reefs from high-resolution mapping
Summary: Coral reefs underpin the environmental, social, and economic fabrics of much of the world's tropical coast. Yet, the fine-scale distribution and composition of coral reefs have never been reported consistently across the planet. Here, we present new area estimates enabled by global geomorphic zone and benthic substrate maps at 5 m pixel resolution. We revise global coral reef estimates to 348,361 km2 of shallow coral reefs and 80,213 km2 (46,237–106,319 km2, 95% confidence interval) of coral habitat. The mapping used more than 1.5 million training samples supported by 480+ data contributions to deploy a coral reef classification of over 100 trillion pixels from the Sentinel-2 satellites and the Planet Dove CubeSat constellation. The publicly available maps are accessible via the Allen Coral Atlas and Google Earth Engine and are already being used by thousands of people to improve the conservation, management, and research of coral reef ecosystems. Science for society: Coral reefs possess a quarter of all marine life and contribute to the well-being and livelihoods of a billion people worldwide. Maps of ecosystems underpin many science and conservation activities, but until recently, there were no consistent high-resolution maps of the world’s coral reefs. In this paper, we describe new global coral reef maps from the Allen Coral Atlas, detailing the underlying methodology and our new understanding of the global distribution of coral reefs. The transparent and repeatable nature of our mapping framework allows the maps to be updated based on user feedback, and the ease of access has led to downstream applications such as coral bleaching monitoring and usage in scientific, management, and conservation activities. Hundreds of thousands of people have already accessed the maps, and they are already being used directly around the world for marine spatial planning, marine protected areas, environmental accounting and assessments, restoration, and education