113 research outputs found
El objetivo del presente trabajo es ahondar sobre el concepto de informalidad y sus implicaciones en la realidad nacional porque, aunque para el lector desprevenido pueda parecer un contrasentido, es más normal la informalidad que la formalidad. Por este importantísimo detalle se vuelve de suma trascendencia analizar cuáles son las características de un sector en el que, según las estadísticas, están la mayoría de los empleados de Colombia. Se evaluarán las definiciones y características del sector, para conocer tanto su comportamiento como sus determinantes, a fin de aplicar luego los conceptos al caso específico de Colombia.Informalidad
Diseño de guía de habilidades del pensamiento lógico
PDFEl vigente trabajo tiene como centro de atención la búsqueda de la respuesta a una gran incógnita: ¿Cómo mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje y desarrollar las habilidades del pensamiento lógico de los estudiantes que ingresan al Sistema Nacional de Nivelación y Admisión de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí? Su propósito es evaluar los procesos de aprendizaje que utilizan los docentes, como “Guía de habilidades de Pensamiento Lógico”, para el mejoramiento del proceso de aprendizaje y el desarrollo del razonamiento lógico. Estamos llamados a despertar, mantener, estimular y cuidar las aptitudes, habilidades y destrezas que tienen los jóvenes, debemos ser capaces de ser una contribución valiosa a este desarrollo sin generar fracasos en ellos. Los juegos didácticos recreativos constituyen una excelente forma de practicar operaciones inventando procesos y operaciones, con las cuales se pueden encontrar los resultados. Esta guía contiene en su interior, actividades de aprendizaje que contribuirá a mejorar y desarrollar el Pensamiento Lógico con criterios que permitan la Resolución de Problemas a través de estrategias debidamente diseñadas para alcanzar niveles óptimos de superación, en busca de cumplir con lo establecido en la normativa legal del país. Al mismo tiempo serán soporte de nuevos conocimientos, con la inclusión de esta guía en los procesos del Sistema de Nivelación y Admisión Universitaria se contribuirá con el crecimiento cognitivo y praxiológico de los estudiantes con lo se cumpliría para obtener en los años siguientes simplemente un mejor profesional deseoso de contribuir con el engrandecimiento de la comunidad universitariaThe current work takes the search of the answer as a center of attention to a big unknown: How to improve the learning processes and to develop the skills of the logical thought of the students who enter to the National System of Leveling out and Admission of the Laica University Eloy Alfaro of Manabi? Its
intention is to evaluate the learning processes that there use the teachers, like “Guide of skills of Logical Thought”, for the improvement of the learning process and the development of the logical reasoning. We are called to awaken, to maintain, to stimulate and to take care of the abilities, skills and workmanship that the young people has, we must be capable of being a valuable contribution to this development without generating defeats in them. The recreational didactic games constitute an excellent way to practice operations inventing processes and operations, which the results can meet. This guide contains in its interior, activities of learning that will help to improve and develop the Logical Thought with criteria that allow the Problem solving across strategies properly designed to reach ideal overcoming levels, in search of expiring with the established in the legal regulation of the country. At the same time there will be a support of new knowledge, with the inclusion of this guide in the processes of the System of Leveling out and University Admission it will be contributed by the cognitive growth and practicality of the students with there would be fulfilled to obtain in the following years simply a better professional anxious to contribute to the furthering of their university
Fault Injection on FPGA implementations of Trivium Stream Cipher using Clock Attacks
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2010-16870Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-45523-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CSIC 201550E03
Fault Attack on FPGA implementations of Trivium Stream Cipher
This article presents the development of an experimental
system to introduce faults in Trivium stream ciphers
implemented on FPGA. The developed system has made possible
to analyze the vulnerability of these implementations against
fault attacks. The developed system consists of a mechanism
that injects small pulses in the clock signal, and elements that
analyze if a fault has been introduced, the number of faults
introduced and its position in the inner state. The results obtained
demonstrate the vulnerability of these implementations against
fault attacks. As far as we know, this is the first time that
experimental results of fault attack over Trivium are presented.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2010-16870Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-45523- RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CSIC 201550E039
Electromiographic Signal Processing Using Embedded Artificial Intelligence: An Adaptive Filtering Approach
In recent times, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become ubiquitous in technological fields, mainly due to its ability to perform computations in distributed systems or the cloud. Nevertheless, for some applications -as the case of EMG signal processing- it may be highly advisable or even mandatory an on-the-edge processing, i.e., an embedded processing methodology. On the other hand, sEMG signals have been traditionally processed using LTI techniques for simplicity in computing. However, making this strong assumption leads to information loss and spurious results. Considering the current advances in silicon technology and increasing computer power, it is possible to process these biosignals with AI-based techniques correctly. This paper presents an embedded-processing-based adaptive filtering system (here termed edge AI) being an outstanding alternative in contrast to a sensor-computer- actuator system and a classical digital signal processor (DSP) device. Specifically, a PYNQ-Z1 embedded system is used. For experimental purposes, three methodologies on similar processing scenarios are compared. The results show that the edge AI methodology is superior to benchmark approaches by reducing the processing time compared to classical DSPs and general standards while maintaining the signal integrity and processing it, considering that the EMG system is not LTI. Likewise, due to the nature of the proposed architecture, handling information exhibits no leakages. Findings suggest that edge computing is suitable for EMG signal processing when an on-device analysis is required
Desarrollo de un programa de salud ocupacional en la Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones. Telecom Gerencia Departamental Valle del Cauca
Este trabajo contiene el Programa de Salud Ocupacional desarrollado
para la empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones “Telecom” incluido los
tres subprogramas de Medicina Preventiva, Higiene y Seguridad
Industrial, con sus respectivos planes de acción.
La elaboración del proyecto se fundamento en la necesidad presentada
por la empresa de cumplir con los requerimientos de ley establecidos en
cuanto a Seguridad social y a bienestar de los colaboradores, además de
su interés por optimizar su Recurso Humano para lograr una compañía mas
Para lograr el objetivo del proyecto se llevo a cabo una metodología de
observación en cada de los puestos de trabajo para determinar los riesgos
profesionales generados y elaborar el panorama de riesgos con una
evaluación Cuali-Cuantitativa.
Se evaluó el programa de salud ocupacional a nivel nacional para
determinar el desarrollo del mismo y lograr la elaboración de uno nuevo
ajustado a las necesidades reales de la empresa en el Valle del Cauca.
Posteriormente se elaboraron los tres subprogramas de medicina
preventiva, higiene y seguridad industrial.
Para asegurar que existiera un ente regulador y vigilador del programa de
salud ocupacional, se hizo todo el proceso de elección y conformación del
Comité Paritario de Salud Ocupacional dando total cumplimiento según las
normas de ley vigentes. Y por ultimo se organizaron las brigadas de
El proyecto se llevo a feliz termino gracias a la colaboración amplia y
amable de todo el personal, colaboradores y directivos, de la empresa
“Telecom” y gracias a la dirección y ejecución de los responsablesTrabajo de grado (Ingeniero Industrial)-- Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, 2001PregradoIngeniero(a) Industria
Case based reasoning applied to medical diagnosis using multi-class classifier: A preliminary study
Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a process used for computer processing that tries to mimic the behavior of a human expert in making decisions regarding a subject and learn from the experience of past cases. CBR has demonstrated to be appropriate for working with unstructured domains data or difficult knowledge acquisition situations, such as medical diagnosis, where it is possible to identify diseases such as: cancer diagnosis, epilepsy prediction and appendicitis diagnosis. Some of the trends that may be developed for CBR in the health science are oriented to reduce the number of features in highly dimensional data. An important contribution may be the estimation of probabilities of belonging to each class for new cases. In this paper, in order to adequately represent the database and to avoid the inconveniences caused by the high dimensionality, noise and redundancy, a number of algorithms are used in the preprocessing stage for performing both variable selection and dimension reduction procedures. Also, a comparison of the performance of some representative multi-class classifiers is carried out to identify the most effective one to include within a CBR scheme. Particularly, four classification techniques and two reduction techniques are employed to make a comparative study of multiclass classifiers on CB
Case based reasoning applied to medical diagnosis using multi-class classifier: A preliminary study
Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a process used for computer processing that tries to mimic the behavior of a human expert in making decisions regarding a subject and learn from the experience of past cases. CBR has demonstrated to be appropriate for working with unstructured domains data or difficult knowledge acquisition situations, such as medical diagnosis, where it is possible to identify diseases such as: cancer diagnosis, epilepsy prediction and appendicitis diagnosis. Some of the trends that may be developed for CBR in the health science are oriented to reduce the number of features in highly dimensional data. An important contribution may be the estimation of probabilities of belonging to each class for new cases. In this paper, in order to adequately represent the database and to avoid the inconveniences caused by the high dimensionality, noise and redundancy, a number of algorithms are used in the preprocessing stage for performing both variable selection and dimension reduction procedures. Also, a comparison of the performance of some representative multi-class classifiers is carried out to identify the most effective one to include within a CBR scheme. Particularly, four classification techniques and two reduction techniques are employed to make a comparative study of multiclass classifiers on CB
Design, construction and characterization of pneumatic system for measurement of roughness
Este artículo tiene como propósito presentar los resultados obtenidos a partir del diseño, construcción y caracterización de un amplificador neumático tobera-aleta, empleado en la medición de rugosidad de superficies planas. Para la construcción del sensor se utilizaron materiales de bajo costo y la mayoría de las piezas se obtuvieron mediante mecanizado. La adquisición de datos se realizó a través de PC utilizando como interfaz una tarjeta Arduino. El modelo matemático no-lineal del sensor está basado en las ecuaciones de flujo de gas perfecto a través de un orificio y la ley de continuidad para un volumen de control. La caracterización de parámetros físicos se obtuvo por medio de técnicas de laboratorio basadas en la respuesta transitoria que experimenta la presión de un gas en procesos de llenado y vaciado de cámaras de volumen constante, haciendo uso de herramientas computacionales para el ajuste de curvas experimentales. La validación del modelo se hizo con base en las especificaciones de respuesta transitoria que presenta un sistema dinámico frente a una entrada paso o escalón. Para la medición de la rugosidad, se empleó el modelo matemático de rugosidad promedio, Ra, y los datos medidos por el sensor fueron obtenidos en papeles de lija desde el tamaño P1000 hasta el tamaño P2000, tomando como referencia para su validación los valores de rugosidad promedio indicados por la norma FEPA.This article aims to present the results obtained from the design, construction and characterization of a pneumatic flapper-nozzle amplifier, employed in the measurement of average surface roughness. In the construction of the sensor, low cost materials were used and most pieces were obtained by machining. The data acquisition was performed through PC, using an Arduino interface board. The nonlinear mathematical model of the sensor is based on equations of perfect gas flow through an orifice and the continuity law for a control volume. The characterization of physical parameters obtained through laboratory techniques based on the transient response of the gas pressure in the pressurization and depressurization processes of constant volume chambers, using computational tools for adjusting experimental curves. The validation of the model was based on the specifications of transient response that presents a dynamic system for a step input. For the measurement of the roughness, the mathematical model of average roughness, Ra, was used, and the measured data by the sensor were obtained in sandpapers from P1000 to P2000 size, with reference for validation values of average roughness indicated by the FEPA standard
Floorplanning as a practical countermeasure against clock fault attack in Trivium stream cipher
The fault injection in ciphers operation is a very
successful mechanism to attack them. The inclusion of elements
of protection against this kind of attacks is more and more
necessary. These mechanisms are usually based on introducing
redundancy, which leads to a greater consumption of resources
or a longer processing time. This article presents how the
introduction of placement restrictions on ciphers can make it
difficult to inject faults by altering the clock signal. It is therefore
a countermeasure that neither increases the consumption of
resources nor the processing time. This mechanism has been
tested on FPGA implementations of the Trivium cipher. Several
tests have been performed on a Spartan 3E device from Xilinx
and the experimental measurements have been carried out with
ChipScope Pro. The tests showed that an adequate floorplanning
is a good countermeasure against these kind of attacks.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-45523-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-80549-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CSIC 201550E03
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