52 research outputs found

    The Metabolic Inhibition Model Which Predicts the Intestinal Absorbability and Metabolizability of Drug: Theory and Experiment

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    The intestinal absorption of analgesic peptides (leucine enkephalin and kyotorphin) and modified peptides in rat were studied. Although these peptides were not absorbed, the absorbability (absorption clearance) of these peptides were increased in the presence of peptidase inhibitors. In order to kinetically analyze these phenomena, we proposed the metabolic inhibition model, which incorporated the metabolic clearance (metabolizability) with the absorption clearance. Metabolic activity was determined with intestinal homogenates. The higher the metabolic clearance was, the lower was the absorption clearance. The relationships between the absorption clearance and the metabolic clearance of the experimental data as well as of the theoretical values were hyperbolic. This model predicted the maximum absorption clearances of cellobiose-coupled leucine enkephalin (0.654 μl/min/cm) and kyotorphin (0.247 μl/min/cm). Details of the experimental methods are described

    Crystal structure of X-prolyl aminopeptidase from Caenorhabditis elegans: A cytosolic enzyme with a di-nuclear active site.

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    Eukaryotic aminopeptidase P1 (APP1), also known as X-prolyl aminopeptidase (XPNPEP1) in human tissues, is a cytosolic exopeptidase that preferentially removes amino acids from the N-terminus of peptides possessing a penultimate N-terminal proline residue. The enzyme has an important role in the catabolism of proline containing peptides since peptide bonds adjacent to the imino acid proline are resistant to cleavage by most peptidases. We show that recombinant and catalytically active Caenorhabditis elegans APP-1 is a dimer that uses dinuclear zinc at the active site and, for the first time, we provide structural information for a eukaryotic APP-1 in complex with the inhibitor, apstatin. Our analysis reveals that C. elegans APP-1 shares similar mode of substrate binding and a common catalytic mechanism with other known X-prolyl aminopeptidases

    A representation scheme for digital product service system definitions.

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    The growing trend for delivering physical products to customers as parts of product service systems (PSS) is creating a need for a new generation of Computer Aided Design (CAD) system to support the design of PSS: so-called "PSS-CAD". Key research issues in the development of such systems include building understanding of the kinds of applications that designers of PSS might need and the establishment of well-founded representation schemes to underpin and support communication between PSS-CAD systems. Recent literature includes numerous descriptions of integrated PSS development processes, PSS-CAD tools to support these processes and early meta-models to provide information support. This paper complements this work by proposing a representation scheme that is a key prerequisite to achieving the interoperability between PSS-CAD systems which would be necessary to support the deployment of integrated PSS development processes in industry. The representation scheme, a form of meta-model, draws on learning from the product definition community that emerged in the 1970s in response to a need for interoperability between the different shape-based CAD systems that were being developed at the time. The initial focus on shape representation has developed to digital product definitions that define the design of a product coupled with meta-data recording details of processes by which the design was created and, more recently, supported through-life. Similarly, PSS-related information includes both PSS definitions, to support the lifecycles of physical products and associated services, and meta-data needed to support the management of PSS development processes. This paper focuses on information requirements for the definition of service elements of PSS and relationships with product elements and service actors. These requirements are derived from earlier work on the use of service blueprinting for the visualisation and mapping of service activities to deliver different types of service contract. Key information requirements addressed include the need to represent service process flow and breakdown structures, relationships between service and product elements, substitution relationships, and service variants. A representation scheme is proposed and demonstrated through application to a PSS case study. The representation scheme is built on a generic information architecture that has already been applied to problems of product definition; as such there is an underlying compatibility that offers real promise in the future realisation of integrated PSS development processes

    Zpětné vlivy osvětlovacích soustav a drobných domácích spotřebičů na napájecí síť

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    Prezenční410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyNeuveden

    Analýza a návrh na zlepšení procesů a výkonnosti ve střediscích klientského servisu České pojišťovny a.s.

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    Import 19/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčk

    Struktur-Funktionsanalyse der QB_{B} -Bindenische im Photosystem II von Chlamydomonas rheinhardtii\textit {Chlamydomonas rheinhardtii}

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    Die Q B -Bindenische ist der spezifische Angriffsort vieler Hemmstoffe der Photosynthese, die das sekundäre Plastochinon Q B aus seiner Bindenische im D1-Protein verdrängen. Mit Hilfe der Oligonukleotid-gerichteten Mutagenese wurden Punktmutationen in das für das D1-Protein codierende psbA-Gen von Chlamydomonas reinhardtii eingeführt. Die Codons für Phe 206, Phe 211, Met 214, His 215 und Val 249 wurden mutagenisiert. Es wurden photoautotrophe Mutanten mit Aminosäuresubstitutionen an den Positionen Phe 206, Phe 211, Met 214, und Val 249 erzeugt. His 215 ist für das photoautotrophe Wachstum essentiell. Der Einfluß der Punktmutationen auf die Bindung von Hemmstoffen folgender Klassen wurde in den Mutanten untersucht: Cyanophenole, Nitrophenole, Triazine, Harnstoffe, Triazinone und Biscarbamate

    Analysis and suggestion for improvement of processes and efficiency in the Centers of Customer Service in Czech Insurance Company, inc.

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    Import 19/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčk

    Test unit creation for an experimental determination of static strains in composite materials

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    W artykule przedstawiono przebieg prac związanych z budową stanowiska do delaminacji materiałów kompozytowych. Stanowisko to wykonano w ramach projektu badawczo rozwojowego o numerze PBR-8/RMT-2/2009, realizowanego w Instytucie Automatyzacji Procesów Technologicznych i Zintegrowanych Systemów Wytwarzania Politechniki Śląskiej.In this article the course of work connected with test unit creation assigned to composite materials delamination was presented. This test unit has been conducted as a part of research project PBR-8/RMT-2/2009, which was realized in The Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems

    Conditions of strong gaseous-geodynamical phenomena occurred in "Pniówek" and "Zofiówka" mines

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    Zjawiska gazogeodynamiczne, charakteryzujące się wyrzutami węgla, skał i gazów, są jednymi z najbardziej skomplikowanych zagrożeń naturalnych w górnictwie, w tym również w kopalniach węgla kamiennego na Górnym Śląsku. Dotychczas, mimo intensywnych badań, nie zostały w pełni rozpoznane przyczyny ich powstawania i możliwości prognozowania. Na podstawie wyników badań pokłady węgla w kopalniach "Pniówek" i "Zofiówka", w których zaistniały dwa silne wyrzuty, zostały ocenione jako nieskłonne do występowania wyrzutów gazów i skał oraz niezagrożone wyrzutami. W artykule przedstawiono analizę zjawisk gazogeodynamicznych w aspekcie uwarunkowań strukturalnych, tektonicznych i temperaturowych. Silne zjawiska gazogeodynamiczne zaistniały w utworach karbonu na głębokości 720 m w zasięgu grzbietu Pawłowic w obszarach spękań i szczelin towarzyszących małym uskokom w strefach zakończenia ich biegu, w którym w przeszłości, po okresie karbonu, wystąpiły wysokie temperatury.Gaseous-geodynamical phenomena, characterising with coal, rocks and gases outbursts, are ones of most complicated natural hazards in mining, including also hard coal mines of Upper Silesia. Despite of intensive researches, the reasons of their occurrence and possibilities of their forecasting were not fully recognised so far. On the basis of results of investigations, the coal seams in mines "Pniówek" and "Zofiówka", in which there occurred two strong outbursts, were assessed as not liable to occurrence of gases and rocks outbursts, as well as not outburst-hazardous. In the paper, an analysis of gaseous-geodynamical phenomena was presented in an aspect of structural, tectonic and temperature conditions. Strong geodynamical phenomena appeared in carboniferous formations at the depth of 720 m in the range of Pawłowice ridge in areas of fractures and fissures accompanying little faults in zones of end of their course, in which high temperatures had occurred in the past after carboniferous period

    Life-Cycle Oriented Requirement Formalization and Traceability

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    Part 2: PLM EcosystemInternational audienceFast changing environment put huge pressure on companies, which have to develop products increasingly faster in order to stay competitive. Change propagation in requirements engineering and life-cycle-management is a key competency to increase the efficiency of product planning. We propose a method using structural complexity management methods to achieve consistency between these two domains. Requirements modules and life cycle planning have been connected by matrix subtraction in order to identify changes in both domains. The result is an increased level of transparency of the regarded system. Additionally, traceability of change for supporting product planning in the early phases of a design process is enhanced