44 research outputs found


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    An optimal measure of performance is the one that lead to maximization of average error rate or probability of misclassification. This paper aimed to compare between the maximum likelihood rule and logistic discriminant analysis in the classification of mixture of discrete and continuous variables. The efficiency of the methods was tested using simulated and real dataset. The result obtained showed that the maximum likelihood rule performed better than the logistic discriminant analyses, in maximizing the average error rate in both experiment conducted. Keyword: Maximum likelihood rule, Logistic discriminants, error rate, Likelihood ratio, Discriminant analysis


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    The best classification rule is the one that leads to the smallest probability of misclassification which is called the error rate. This work focused on three classification rules for mixture of discrete and continuous variables with the aim to evaluate the performance of these rules to in classification of individuals into several categories. Applications were done using simulated data and real life data. The result obtained revealed that the location model achieved better result than the other two rules in minimizing the average error rate in both datasets. Keyword: Location Model, Linear Discriminant Models, Quadratic, Discriminant Model, Error Rate

    Effect of Photoperiod on the Germination and Seedling Development of Some (Acha) Digitaria Species

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    A glass house study was conducted at the Botanical garden, University of Jos, Jos Nigeria to study the effects of photoperiod on germination and seedling development of three Digitaria species (D. exilis, D. barbinodis, and D. iburua) using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD).The three species were subjected to photoperiods of 6, 8, 10, and 12hrs for 21 days. Results show that D. iburua had 30% germination while D. exilis and D. barbinodis had 80% germinatio

    Epidemiological profile of the Ebola virus disease outbreak in Nigeria, July-September 2014

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    Introduction: In July 2014, Nigeria experienced an outbreak of Ebola virus disease following the introduction of the disease by an ill Liberian Traveler. The Government of Nigeria with the support of Technical and Development Partners responded quickly and effectively to contain the outbreak. The epidemiological profile of the outbreak that majorly affected two States in the country in terms of person, place and time characteristics of the cases identified is hereby described. Methods: Using field  investigation technique, all confirmed and probable cases were identified, line-listed and analysed using Microsoft Excel 2007 by persons, time and place. Results: A total of 20 confirmed and probable cases; 16 in Lagos (including the index case from Liberia) and 4 in Port Harcourt were  identified. The mean age was 39.5 ± 12.4 years with over 40% within the age group 30-39 years. The most frequent exposure type was direct physical contact in 70% of all cases and 73% among health care workers. The total case-fatality was 40%; higher among healthcare workers (46%) compared with non-healthcare workers (22%). The epidemic curve initially shows a typical common source outbreak, followed by a propagated pattern. Conclusion: Investigation revealed the size and spread of the outbreak and provided information on the characteristics of persons, time and place. Enhanced surveillance measures, including contact tracing and follow-up proved very useful in early case detection and containment of the outbreak

    Amyloid angiopathy of the floor of the mouth: a case report and review of the literature

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    Amyloidosis is a rare disease characterised by the deposition of insoluble extracellular fibrillar proteins in various tissues of the body. The pattern of manifestation is organ dependent and also on whether the disease is localised or systemic, primary or secondary

    Elevated rates of horizontal gene transfer in the industrialized human microbiome

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    Industrialization has impacted the human gut ecosystem, resulting in altered microbiome composition and diversity. Whether bacterial genomes may also adapt to the industrialization of their host populations remains largely unexplored. Here, we investigate the extent to which the rates and targets of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) vary across thousands of bacterial strains from 15 human populations spanning a range of industrialization. We show that HGTs have accumulated in the microbiome over recent host generations and that HGT occurs at high frequency within individuals. Comparison across human populations reveals that industrialized lifestyles are associated with higher HGT rates and that the functions of HGTs are related to the level of host industrialization. Our results suggest that gut bacteria continuously acquire new functionality based on host lifestyle and that high rates of HGT may be a recent development in human history linked to industrialization.Peer reviewe