262 research outputs found

    Equity-Efficiency Optimizing Resource Allocation: The Role of Time Preferences in a Repeated Irrigation Game

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    We study repeated water allocation decisions among small scale irrigation users in Tanzania. In a treatment replicating water scarcity conditions, convexities in production make that substantial efficiency gains can be obtained by deviating from equal sharing, leading to an equity–efficiency trade-off. In a repeated game setting, it becomes possible to reconcile efficiency with equity by rotating the person who receives the largest share, but such a strategy requires a longer run perspective. Correlating experimental data from an irrigation game with individual time preference data, we find that less patient irrigators are less likely to use a rotation strategy

    Tackling the Challenges of Antimalarial Drug Resistance in Nigeria

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    This Community Based Master’s Project for the Degree of Master of Public Health is a comprehensive work aimed to outline the relationship with antimalarial drug resistance and policies in Nigeria. The purpose of this research is to develop and evaluate the impact of antimalarial drug policies on the social welfare and public health needs of the Nigerian people.M.P.H., Public Health -- Drexel University, 200

    Research Collaboration among Library and Information science (LIS) Professionals in Nigeria.

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    The paper investigated research collaboration as a tool for professional development among Library and Information science Professionals in Nigeria. Survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprises of all the professional librarians of the Nigerian Library Association (NLA) members in Rivers and Delta states. The findings of the survey showed that the professional librarians as members of NLA Delta and Rivers States are highly involved in research collaboration. The study also revealed the relevance of research collaboration and it was observed that research collaboration brings about higher quality of result in the LIS profession and not for fun and pleasure. The study identified challenges such as lack of time, low cooperation among collaborators, technological issues, geographical distances and cultural difference along with other challenges that can affect research collaboration among LIS professionals. Finally, it was revealed that familiarity with digital technologies, openness among collaborators, and mutual respect amongst others can help to improve research collaboration in the LIS profession. The researchers made some strong recommendations that will foster research collaboration among LIS professional

    Awareness and Use of Electronic Information Resources Among Academic Staff of Port Harcourt Polytechnic, Rumuola, Port Harcourt

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    The growing awareness, acceptability and usage of Electronic Information Resources (EIRs) among academic staff of Nigerian Universities, have been well documented in a lot of recent studies but there seems to be very little or no study available to help ascertain the current state  of EIRs usage among academic staff  of Nigerian Polytechnics. This was the primary reason for embarking upon this study. The academic staff of Port Harcourt Polytechnic, Rumuola, Rivers state was selected for the study. The study employed a descriptive survey research at arriving with its findings.The study revealed that the academic staff are fully aware of EIRs and seems to use them regularly. Other findings from the study showed that the academic staff was motivated to use EIRs for research purposes, increased access to a wide range of books, current information among other motivations. Some constraints identified in the use of the EIRs were poor internet connection, inability to access the EIRs from the Institution Library, poor power supply etc. Recommendations were made for the managements of Nigerian Polytechnics to fully integrate EIRs into their institutions in order to help their academic staff fulfill their functions of teaching, learning and researching. Keywords: Electronic Information Resources (EIRs), Academic staff, Nigerian Polytechnics, Research

    An Evaluation of Library and Information Science Education in Some Selected Nigerian Universities

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    This paper intended to investigate the perspective of final year students of Nigerian Library and Information Science (LIS) schools in ascertaining the current status of LIS education and training in Nigeria. This has been necessitated by the fact that prospective fresh graduates of LIS schools are expected to be fully formed and equipped in providing timely and relevant information services to their immediate environment and the society at large especially in this era where the continued advances of ICTs upon the profession even places greater expectations on the prospective LIS professionals to be agents of transformation and development in Nigeria. The studies revealed that the current sets of students are predominantly between the age bracket of 20-24, with a large enrollment of female students. Cyber Security and Digital Archiving were ranked the least courses included in the departmental curricula. Most of the respondents agreed that Library and Information Science Education is very educative. There is low satisfaction among the respondents in the quality of faculty available in the Library Schools. Facsimiles and Scanners are least accessed and utilized ICTs in the Library Schools. There is a general low rate of ICTs access and utilization in the Library School by the students especially on a daily basis. Power Outage, inadequate computers and limited access and utilization of ICT in the computer Laboratories and departmental Libraries are the major challenges confronting the students in the Library Schools. Recommendations were made for all stakeholders of Library and Information Science Education in Nigeria

    Ethical and Spiritual Values of the Church Library in Nigeria: A Study of Three Selected Church Libraries

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    This study was aimed at investigating the current state of church libraries in Nigeria considering the fact that not much attention has been given to the place and relevance of the church Library in promoting ethical values and spiritual growth among Christians in Nigeria. A survey was undertaken in three selected church libraries within Nigeria. Findings from the study showed that the teenage category of the library users was the largest and that there were a sizeable number of people who are not members of the churches that uses the library. The major problems identified included inadequacies in the availability of computers, internet connection and furniture and poor awareness of the church library. It is hoped that Church Administrators and Leaders will find this report useful and inspiring in considering the establishment of libraries within their churches. Keywords: church libraries, ethical and spiritual values, library resource

    Rapid construction of mycobacterial mutagenesis vectors using ligation-independent cloning

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    Targeted mutagenesis is one of the major tools for determining the function of a given gene and its involvement in bacterial pathogenesis. In mycobacteria, gene deletion is often accomplished by using allelic exchange techniques that commonly utilise a suicide delivery vector. We have adapted a widely-used suicide delivery vector (p1NIL) for cloning two flanking regions of a gene using ligation independent cloning (LIC). The pNILRB plasmid series produced allow a faster, more efficient and less laborious cloning procedure. In this paper we describe the making of pNILRB5, a modified version of p1NIL that contains two pairs of LIC sites flanking either a sacB or a lacZ gene. We demonstrate the success of this technique by generating 3 mycobacterial mutant strains. These vectors will contribute to more high-throughput methods of mutagenesis

    Ethical and Spiritual Values of the Church Library in Nigeria: A Study of Three Selected Church Libraries

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    This study was aimed at investigating the current state of church libraries in Nigeria considering the fact that not much attention has been given to the place and relevance of the church Library in promoting ethical values and spiritual growth among Christians in Nigeria. A survey was undertaken in three selected church libraries within Nigeria. Findings from the study showed that the teenage category of the library users was the largest and that there were a sizeable number of people who are not members of the churches that uses the library. The major problems identified included inadequacies in the availability of computers, internet connection and furniture and poor awareness of the church library. It is hoped that Church Administrators and Leaders will find this report useful and inspiring in considering the establishment of libraries within their churches