84 research outputs found

    Computer program documentation for the patch subsampling processor

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    The programs presented are intended to provide a way to extract a sample from a full-frame scene and summarize it in a useful way. The sample in each case was chosen to fill a 512-by-512 pixel (sample-by-line) image since this is the largest image that can be displayed on the Integrated Multivariant Data Analysis and Classification System. This sample size provides one megabyte of data for manipulation and storage and contains about 3% of the full-frame data. A patch image processor computes means for 256 32-by-32 pixel squares which constitute the 512-by-512 pixel image. Thus, 256 measurements are available for 8 vegetation indexes over a 100-mile square

    Antidote-Controlled Platelet Inhibition Targeting von Willebrand Factor with Aptamers

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    Thrombus formation is initiated by platelets and leads to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and peripheral vascular disease, the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the Western world. A number of antiplatelet drugs have improved clinical outcomes for thrombosis patients. However, their expanded use, especially in surgery, is limited by hemorrhage. Here, we describe an antiplatelet agent that can have its activity controlled by a matched antidote. We demonstrate that an RNA aptamer targeting von Willebrand factor (VWF) can potently inhibit VWF-mediated platelet adhesion and aggregation. By targeting this important adhesion step, we show that the aptamer molecule can inhibit platelet aggregation in PFA-100 and ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation assays. Furthermore, we show that a rationally designed antidote molecule can reverse the effects of the aptamer molecule, restoring platelet function quickly and effectively over a clinically relevant period. This aptamer-antidote pair represents a reversible antiplatelet agent inhibiting a platelet specific pathway. Furthermore, it is an important step towards creating safer drugs in clinics through the utilization of an antidote molecule.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/63204/1/oli.2007.0089.pd

    Developing Antidote Controlled Antiplatelet Therapies By Targeting The Vwf ‐ Gp Ib‐Ix‐V Interaction

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106054/1/jth02400.pd

    Data analysis workflow for the detection of canine vector-borne pathogens using 16 S rRNA Next-Generation Sequencing

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    Background Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) impact both human and veterinary medicine and pose special public health challenges. The main bacterial vector-borne pathogens (VBPs) of importance in veterinary medicine include Anaplasma spp., Bartonella spp., Ehrlichia spp., and Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia. Taxon-targeted PCR assays are the current gold standard for VBP diagnostics but limitations on the detection of genetically diverse organisms support a novel approach for broader detection of VBPs. We present a methodology for genetic characterization of VBPs using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and computational approaches. A major advantage of NGS is the ability to detect multiple organisms present in the same clinical sample in an unsupervised (i.e. non-targeted) and semi-quantitative way. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) presented here combines industry-standard microbiome analysis tools with our ad-hoc bioinformatic scripts to form a complete analysis pipeline accessible to veterinary scientists and freely available for download and use at https://github.com/eltonjrv/microbiome.westernu/tree/SOP. Results We tested and validated our SOP by mimicking single, double, and triple infections in genomic canine DNA using serial dilutions of plasmids containing the entire 16 S rRNA gene sequence of (A) phagocytophilum, (B) v. berkhoffii, and E. canis. NGS with broad-range 16 S rRNA primers followed by our bioinformatics SOP was capable of detecting these pathogens in biological replicates of different dilutions. These results illustrate the ability of NGS to detect and genetically characterize multi-infections with different amounts of pathogens in a single sample. Conclusions Bloodborne microbiomics & metagenomics approaches may help expand the molecular diagnostic toolbox in veterinary and human medicine. In this paper, we present both in vitro and in silico detailed protocols that can be combined into a single workflow that may provide a significant improvement in VBP diagnostics and also facilitate future applications of microbiome research in veterinary medicine

    Validation of the Swiss methane emission inventory by atmospheric observations and inverse modelling

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    Atmospheric inverse modelling has the potential to provide observation-based estimates of greenhouse gas emissions at the country scale, thereby allowing for an independent validation of national emission inventories. Here, we present a regional-scale inverse modelling study to quantify the emissions of methane (CH4_{4}) from Switzerland, making use of the newly established CarboCount-CH measurement network and a high-resolution Lagrangian transport model. In our reference inversion, prior emissions were taken from the “bottom-up” Swiss Greenhouse Gas Inventory (SGHGI) as published by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment in 2014 for the year 2012. Overall we estimate national CH4_{4} emissions to be 196 ± 18 Ggyr1^{-1} for the year 2013 (1σ uncertainty). This result is in close agreement with the recently revised SGHGI estimate of 206 ± 33 Ggyr1^{-1} as reported in 2015 for the year 2012. Results from sensitivity inversions using alternative prior emissions, uncertainty covariance settings, large-scale background mole fractions, two different inverse algorithms (Bayesian and extended Kalman filter), and two different transport models confirm the robustness and independent character of our estimate. According to the latest SGHGI estimate the main CH4_{4} source categories in Switzerland are agriculture (78 %), waste handling (15 %) and natural gas distribution and combustion (6 %). The spatial distribution and seasonal variability of our posterior emissions suggest an overestimation of agricultural CH4_{4} emissions by 10 to 20% in the most recent SGHGI, which is likely due to an overestimation of emissions from manure handling. Urban areas do not appear as emission hotspots in our posterior results, suggesting that leakages from natural gas distribution are only a minor source of CH4_{4} in Switzerland. This is consistent with rather low emissions of 8.4 Ggyr1^{-1} reported by the SGHGI but inconsistent with the much higher value of 32 Ggyr1^{-1} implied by the EDGARv4.2 inventory for this sector. Increased CH4_{4} emissions (up to 30% compared to the prior) were deduced for the northeastern parts of Switzerland. This feature was common to most sensitivity inversions, which is a strong indicator that it is a real feature and not an artefact of the transport model and the inversion system. However, it was not possible to assign an unambiguous source process to the region. The observations of the CarboCount-CH network provided invaluable and independent information for the validation of the national bottom-up inventory. Similar systems need to be sustained to provide independent monitoring of future climate agreements

    Costs and benefits of orthographic inconsistency in reading:evidence from a cross-linguistic comparison

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    We compared reading acquisition in English and Italian children up to late primary school analyzing RTs and errors as a function of various psycholinguistic variables and changes due to experience. Our results show that reading becomes progressively more reliant on larger processing units with age, but that this is modulated by consistency of the language. In English, an inconsistent orthography, reliance on larger units occurs earlier on and it is demonstrated by faster RTs, a stronger effect of lexical variables and lack of length effect (by fifth grade). However, not all English children are able to master this mode of processing yielding larger inter-individual variability. In Italian, a consistent orthography, reliance on larger units occurs later and it is less pronounced. This is demonstrated by larger length effects which remain significant even in older children and by larger effects of a global factor (related to speed of orthographic decoding) explaining changes of performance across ages. Our results show the importance of considering not only overall performance, but inter-individual variability and variability between conditions when interpreting cross-linguistic differences

    Factores de riesgos psicosociales en operadores de bodega en el proceso de elaboraci?n y transformaci?n de pedidos en empresas log?sticas

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    Los factores de riesgos psicosociales han tomado cada vez mayor relevancia dentro del ?mbito laboral. Por ello, son m?s los investigadores que incursionan en el an?lisis de los mismos, y que aportan teor?as e ideas en relaci?n al tema. Esta investigaci?n tiene como finalidad, el crear conciencia sobre la importancia de dichos factores, adem?s de relacionarlos con diferentes aspectos laborales. En este caso veremos c?mo afecta a los operadores de bodega, cuyas tareas se desarrollan en el ?rea de elaboraci?n y transformaci?n de pedidos en empresas log?sticas. Esta poblaci?n se encuentra expuesta a diversos factores de riesgo en sus puestos de trabajo, entre los que podemos mencionar: ergon?micos, f?sicos y biol?gicos. Sin embargo, los psicosociales tienden a ser un tanto ignorados por los gerentes y due?os de empresas. Lo que ha provocado su aumento tanto a nivel individual, como a nivel de organizaci?n. Un ejemplo de ello es el estricto ritmo de trabajo establecido. Lo que resulta en aislamientos, poca comunicaci?n entre compa?eros y carga mental por las exigencias constantes de concentraci?n, por mencionar algunos. Para minimizar la presencia de estos factores, es fundamental que los due?os y gerentes tengan conciencia de ello y pongan todos sus esfuerzos en pro de erradicarlos. El objetivo primordial, debe ser el lograr que sus colaboradores se sientan satisfechos en su lugar de trabajo. Lo que generar? mejores resultados en sus asignaciones; permitiendo as? prever y evitar que ocurran accidentes de trabajos y el desarrollo de enfermedades profesionales, que al final resultan en consecuencias econ?micas, sociales y organizativas. La identificaci?n y evaluaci?n de estos factores de riesgo, permite crear actividades y estrategias de prevenci?n y protecci?n para los diferentes puestos de trabajo. As? se garantiza un trabajo ?ptimo y el bienestar de los colaboradores. Algunas medidas preventivas que pueden adoptarse en este sector de la poblaci?n son: reglamentar pausas, alternar las tareas a realizar y capacitar al personal. La importancia de adoptar medidas preventivas, radica en minimizar los factores de riesgo psicosociales. Esto reduce los inconvenientes entre el trabajador, la empresa (empleador) y terceros.Psychosocial risk factors have become increasingly important in the workplace. For this reason, there are more researchers who venture into their analysis, and who contribute theories and ideas in relation to the subject. The purpose of this research is to create awareness about the importance of these factors, in addition to relating them to different labor aspects. In this case we will see how it affects warehouse operators, whose tasks are carried out in the area of orders processing and transformation in logistics companies. This population is exposed to various risk factors in their jobs, among which we can mention: ergonomic, physical and biological. However, psychosocial tend to be somewhat ignored by managers and business owners. What has caused its increase both at the individual level and at the organizational level.An example of this is the strict work rhythm established. Resulting in isolation, little communication between colleagues and mental load due to the constantdemands of concentration, to name a few.To minimize the presence of these factors, it is essential that owners and managers are aware of it and put all their efforts towards eradicating them. The primary objective must be to make your employees feel satisfied in their workplace. Which will generate better results in your assignments; thus allowing to anticipate and prevent the occurrence of work accidents and the development of occupational diseases, which ultimately result in economic, social andorganizational consequences. The identification and evaluation of these risk factors allows the creation of prevention and protection activities and strategies for the different jobs. This guarantees optimal work and the well-being of the collaborators. Some preventive measures that can be adopted in this sector of the population are: regulate breaks, alternate the tasks to be performed and train staff. The importance of adopting preventive measures lies in minimizing psychosocial risk factors. This reduces inconveniences between the worker, the company (employer) and third parties.Especializaci?nEspecialidad en Salud Ocupacional y Seguridad Industria

    The quest for a universal antidote

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