94 research outputs found

    Economics of bio-fortified cassava varieties (BCVs) adoption and its gender implication among farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Cassava bio-fortification is presented as a cost-effective approach, and it is predicted to provide some economic benefits to its adopter. On the other hand, gender-blind agricultural innovation delivery strategies impede short- and long-term impact among adopters. Due to a disregard for gender differences, many agricultural programs fall short of their objective. Recent studies in Nigeria are yet to adequately capture the gender differentials in the economic implication of BCVs adoption. This study, therefore, investigates the gender differentials in the economic implication of BCVs’ adoption among farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select a total of 180 respondents for the study. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and budgetary techniques. Descriptive statistics revealed a significant difference between the socio-economic characteristics of male and female cassava farmers. The results suggested that BCVs’ production is profitable and can serve as a panacea for the economic improvement of households. Study findings thus concluded that the adoption of BCVs is economically beneficial to cassava farmers and thus recommended that concerted efforts are made to ensure all farmers adopt BCVs for planting. The study proposes an integration of gender-responsive strategies to further enhance the delivery of BCVs in Nigeria

    Carcass traits of broiler chickens as influenced by stocking density, calorie: protein ratio and season

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    This study was carried out to assess the effect of stocking density, protein and energy levels, and season on the carcass traits of broiler chickens. In a 6x3x2 factorial arrangement using completely randomized design, six diets with three metabolisable energy(ME kcal;/kg) and two crude  protein(%) levels combination: 3106.00 and 23.00(control, diet 1); 3112.00 and 21.70(Diet 2); 2928.00 and 23.40(Diet 3); 2933.00 and 21.90(Diet 4); 3227.00 and 23.10(Diet 5); 3230.00 and 21.80(Diet6),were formulated. Three stocking densities(birds per m2):10,Low SD(LSD);12,Recommended SD(RSD); and 14,High SD(HSD),were used in Late Wet Season(LWS),August-November) and Late Dry Season(LDS,February-April). In a seven-week feeding trial, 576 one-week old broilers were assigned to the respective diets and stocking densities. The percentage prima cuts(Dressed  weight(DW),Breast(BR), Drum Stick(DS), Thigh(TH),Wing(WG), Back(BK), and abdominal fat(AF) was determined.Season significantly affects  percentage BR, DS, WG, and BK with LDS having higher values for BR, WG and BK. Stocking density had significant effect on % DW, WG and BK with HSD and RSD having higher and similar DW and BK. Diets 1-5 had higher and similar %DS while diets 5 and 6 had higher and similar %AF. Late dry season, stocking 14birds/m2 and diet with 3045ME/kg and 20.24% crude protein optimised the prima cuts and abdominal fat. Key Words: Broiler chickens, Stocking density, Season, Protein: Energy, Carcass traits

    The Nigeria Leadership Initiative White Papers: Volume 1

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    These White Papers attempt to address many of these challenges, showing the need for urgent action, deconstructing where possible root causes, and making practical suggestions on actions to be taken

    Religions and Social Progress:Critical Assessments and Creative Partnerships

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    This chapter engages with three important themes of the larger report: the meaning of progress, its uneven nature, and obstacles to future progress. It also considers a number of political and economic alternatives aimed to overcome these obstacles, emphasizing the need for diverse strategies, open-minded experimentation, and scientific assessment. While it may be impossible to ever reach agreement, the effort to calibrate different interpretations of progress remains an important exercise for political deliberation about how to make the world a better place. The very hope of moving forward implies some agreement on a destination. All of us must take responsibility for the future. Our discussion emphasizes the complexity and multidimensionality of the interpretive debate, but also calls attention to its ideological character. Social actors-individuals, groups, and even academic disciplines-tend to define progress in ways that serve their own interests. In a way, distributional conflict undermines our very efforts to better understand and mediate such conflict. The uneven character of progress is manifest in many different domains. Increases in the global reach of formally democratic institutions have been accompanied by growing concerns about their stability, efficacy, and consistency with democratic ideals

    Repensando tradições religiosas africanas no contexto local e global

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    Opening Speech of the International Interdisciplinary Conference Global African Indigenous and Derived Religions, delivered at the Federal University of Juiz de For a, Brazil, in October 22nd 2018.Palestra da abertura da Conferência Internacional e Interdisciplinar Religiões Africanas e Afrodiaspóricas Globais, proferida em 22 de outubro de 2018 na Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brasil

    Regional economic integration: A case study of the New Economic Partnership For Africa's Development (Nepad)

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    There are significant processes in Africa quest for regional integration although it is proceeding very slowly. On the whole it is imperative for Africans to be clear and have consensus on what they understand by regional integration and also to define or redefine it in a way that best serve them. Regional integration anywhere in the world cannot be achieved by mere setting up frame works and signing protocols and treaties as the process of integration can never be without challenges but the benefit of it is fundamental to Africa growth and development as it is accruable to long term while its cost will be met short by member countries. These challenges of consolidating regional integration have shaped the responses and commitments of Africa leaders having recognized the changing world requires greater collective actions and have therefore embraced deeper regional integration. There were 70 respondents who were consulted for the research using the questionnaire method through the internet. The questions raised were structured and closed questions which allowed for choosing any of the options provided as responses. The research was carried out to examine the impact of regional economic integration in Africa using the NEPAD initiative.BSc/BABusiness Administration and ManagementK

    Research study on: "Challenges of Regional economic integration and potential solutions: A case study of ASEAN"

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    Economic integration among the countries are an agreed and planned economic cooperation that contributes to the overall development and growth of the countries within the region. This provides benefits to the member nations by boosting their trade and productivity. the study is based on the case study of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nation). The research is based on secondary data and qualitative analysis with a descriptive framework. From the data derived from sources, it is seen that ASEAN has recorded prominent levels of growth and development.BSc/BABusiness Administration And ManagementK

    The Study of Yoruba Religious Tradition in Historical Perspective

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    The Impact of Education on Income Inequality

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